Planets in signs and houses Nakshtras and the 12 Houses

                                              I WISH EVERY ONE HAPPY DEEPAWALI

Moon is a very important planet.It reflects the rays of other planets too.So position of the moon is given important next to lagna.
While analysing the Gochara positions position of the moon in the birth horoscope to be taken not the position of the lagna
Constellation in which the moon travels also very important.For example if moon travels through the constellation of saturn and saturn is maraka for your lagna then on those days bad results will happen
If suppose moon travels through the constellation of the venus and venus is yogakaraka for for your lagna then auspicious results will happen on those days
An astrologer should read the position of the moon daily.It is very important in horary astrology.
Below is chart which is showing the nakshatras related to each house.Thanks to my brother who actually prepared this.

If somebody is born in scorpio rasi, then he will belong to the nakshatra of visakam-4,anusham or kettai
Hope it helps


    Life partner from a foreign land is indicated if certain conditions are found while analysing a horoscope.Certains combinations which indicate life partner from foreign land are :

    ASTROLOGY FOR LIFE PARTNER FROM FOREIGN LAND,astrological combinations for life partner from foreign land, astrology for wife or husband from foreign land.

    • 7th lord in 12th house.
    • Placement of Rahu in 7th house.
    • 7th lord in moving rashi.
    • 7th lord from Venus in moving rashi.
    • Lord of Upapada lagna( UL) aspecting or present in 12th house.
    • Exchange between 7th and 12th lord.
    • Exchange between 11th and 7th lord and 12th lord sitting in 3rd house.
    • 7th lord in3rd, 3rd lord in 12th, 12th lord in 11th and 11th lord in 7th or directly 12th lord in 7th (after 3rd in 12th)
    • 9th lord in 12th, 12th lord in 9th and 7th lord is sitting in 9th house.
    • 7th lord, 12th lord and 11th lord in 3rd house (all three).

    Planets in signs and houses ASTROLOGY : SOME UN-NOTICED POINTS

    Some concepts of astrology which are interesting and  not noticed much

    ASTROLOGY : SOME UN-NOTICED POINTS, Rare concepts of astrology,astrological combination for money loss ,astrological combination to learn many languages,problems in sexual organs.,

    • If the native have a strong influence of Saturn in 2nd and 8th house, money loss will be there till 36th yr, his health would suffer at the age of 19.
    • Placement of Mars in 5th house and Saturn in 11th house makes the native verse in languages.
    • If Sun is in 12th house, native will have a black mark on the upper part of the body mainly above or on neck.
    • If placement of Rahu is in 2nd house native gets hurt by a stone, if maleficence increases, he can even get hurt from a bullet.
    • Placement  of Saturn and Rahu in 11th House gives the native huge amount of wealth during its dasha ; if placement is good in navamsa also, will contribute more.
    • Effect of Mercury on 6th house makes native comfortable in the old age.
    • If Placement of Rahu in 6th and if maleficence increases can even cause kidney transplant to occur in mild conditions kidney infections.
    • Placement of Saturn in 8th house contributes in problem of legs , veins etc and If maleficence  increases, will lead to an accident
    • Presence of Rahu, Saturn, Mars in 2nd and 8th house with Venus, give rise to problems in sexual organs.
    • Presence of Saturn, Mars in 8th house and if no Beneficence is there ,death of a life partner is in the chart and if any dasha of Saturn, Mars is around the period of marriage, death will occur soon after marriage.
    • If Venus is getting debiliated in 11th house and Mercury is sitting in 12th and there are maleficence on 7th house,many marriages are indicated in the chart say more than 3.
    • Combination of Sun and Moon generally in 3rd, 6th, 11th and 10th house makes the person to prosper in business of metals, minerals.
    • Aspect of Sun on 7th house makes wife of the native face problems in the 22nd and 23rd years and aspect of the Sun on 4th house give rise in the career in 22nd and 23rd years.
    • Placement of Moon in 3rd and 4th house gives rise in fortune after 24th year.
    • Presence of Venus or Mercury in 4th house without any maleficence gives a big house to the native.
    • Mercury in 4th house makes the native very learned.
    • Presence of Ketu in 10th house makes the person very religious. If proper support of planets like Saturn, Jupiter is there along with support of 9th, 12th, 8th houses is there, these can make the native to become Sanyasi.
    • Presence of Rahu in 4th and 1st house makes the person very selfish until planets like Jupiter and Moon are powerful in the chart and there are beneficence on Rahu.
    • Combination of Jupiter and Rahu in 5th house can easily make the native crime investigation officer for this 10th lord should be powerful and no maleficence on Rahu should be there.
    • Placement of very powerful planets in 3rd house decreases the number of younger ones and friends that native has.
    • Saturn and Venus behave very auspiciously in 12th house irrespective of their placement but if they are placed in enemy rashi or having maleficence on them, then results will definitely change.
    • Benefic planets generally behave auspiciously in Kendra and trikona even when they are lords of malefic houses. 
    • Placement of Sun and Moon in 8th house is considered auspicious only when they are exalted or  in own house.
    • Moon in 10th and Sun in 4th house makes the native work very hard.
    • Presence of Sun in 2nd, 5th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 7th and 12th makes the native with government, in the order 10th>>5th,2nd and 11th>>9th and 7th>>12th houses.

    Planets in signs and houses

    Palm Reading, or Palmistry, Chiromancy, as it is also known is the practice of telling fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the hands, particularly the palms. Although many people believe that only trained people can read palms, it is something that can be learned. Palmistry usually begins by reading the person`s dominant hand. (the hand he or she writes with or uses the most.) There are three main lines: The life line, the head line, and the heart line.

    Below is a terrific introductory article where you can learn the basics and how to get started. You can help grow our learning community by contributing your knowledge to the article. Just click on the edit tab in the wiki article below.

    Use the white subtabs above to navigate the other Palm Reading resources. We have a Palm Reading forum where you can get your questions & doubts answered, a page with Palm Reading how-to videos, a page with the best handpicked links to other sites, and a page with the best Palm Reading books and products.

    Good Luck and Have Fun!
    Duncan Davis

    Palm Reading




    If you’ve always been intuitive and sensitive about people, palm reading or chiromancy could be a satisfying hobby for you. Actually to learn palm reading, you don’t necessarily have to be psychic, since palm reading is not about predicting the future based on the lines on someone’s palm. Palm reading is mainly about understanding about a person and interpreting the various lines, fingerprints, the mounts that are on the hand. So if you happen to be interested in palm reading, you’ll be pleased to know that you can learn how to do it, and with practice, can probably convert your hobby into a remunerative activity or take it up as a full-time career. You can become a successful palm reader and also start a center where you offer palm reading and hand analysis.

    While many people tend to think that palm readers are fakes, not all of them are. With any profession that seems mystical and has to do with fortune telling, a lot of people cash in with a little knowledge. You can certainly become a palm reader with credibility by learning the right basics.

    Getting Started With Palm Reading

    Palm reading is an ancient art that has been practiced all over the world. Several references exist in various religious books like the Vedas and the Bible. If you go back in history, you will find even eminent personalities like Julius Caesar, Aristotle, etc. were connected with palmistry. Kings had palm readers in their courts and believed in them.

    There are several guides, books, and online courses that will help you with the basics of this ‘art’. These teach you about what intuition is all about and how you can use it in palm reading. Usually, both hands must be studied during palm reading. When you learn about palm reading, you will learn about different hand textures, types of hands, color of palm and how to interpret it and the characteristics of the lines on the palm. You will also get to know about the specific hand marks to look for and understand, about the fingers, the thumbs and the nails. The palm of the hand has various ‘mounts’ that mean different things about a person and you will learn how to interpret these as well. You will know what the rings worn by a person can mean and how the signs on a person’s fingers can even be used in criminology, revealing the person’s individuality.

    The Different Facets Of Palmistry

    We usually hear of palm reading – but palmistry comprises of chiromancy, chirognomy and dermatoglyphics. The three are together called chirology. Chiromancy has to do with palm reading in terms of interpreting what the lines mean. Chirognomy, which has its origins in France around the 18th century, classifies hands according to their shape and size. People that had the same shape/size of hands were found to have similar characteristics. So today, over time, palm reading does not just mean looking at and understanding the lines on the palm; it also has to do with length of fingers, nails, texture of skin, flexibility of fingers and other characteristics. Dermatoglyphics deals with the lines and pattern of the skin on the hands and feet in connection to our genetics. In fact, it is believed that skin ridges are useful in detecting chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems schizophrenia, Down’s syndrome etc.

    Why Palm Reading?

    Apart from the fun part when you can be the palm reader holding people spellbound in a party by your intuitiveness, you will find that different people go to a palm reader for different purposes. It could be that they want to understand themselves, and know about health problems based on the reading. Since there are so many aspects of palm reading, there is a pretty good possibility that people will find what they seek. Through palm reading, you can make an assessment of a person’s emotional tendencies, attitudes, fears and strengths through the lines and marks on the hand.

    There are palm readers who have converted their hobby into an income-earner. Professional palm readers can earn anything from 20 to 100 US$ an hour, based on how well known they are and the number of referrals they get. As they become more and more popular, and start catering to film stars, politicians and other famous people, the sky is the limit.

    Palmistry has caught on all over the world. In real-life applications, criminal investigations use fingerprinting for identifying individuals. By studying skin patterns medical researchers say that there is a link between genetic abnormalities and certain marks on the hand. Also some fingerprint patterns are related to heart disease. So it is not hard to see why palmistry is a subject worth studying – both for recreation and for those who are serious about it.

    Color, Shape, Texture & Flexibility

    In palm reading, it is not just the lines that are read – due importance is also given to the color, shape, texture and flexibility of the hand. Let’s take a look at each of these in turn.


    Ever notice how a doctor checks your palms? White hands mean a lack of blood circulation. Pink hands generally indicate good health. People with red hands could probably be suffering from high blood pressure. Some people have bluish hands, which shows inadequate blood circulation. Ideally, the hand must be pinkish.


    How is the shape and formation of the hands? Let’s look at the most common shapes:
    • A square hand – practical, focused on success

    • Tapering hand – artistic, enthusiastic, sensitive

    • Spade hand – energetic, positively inclined

    • Pointed hand – idealistic, impractical

    • Long hand – with knotty joints, thinker, philosopher

    We often come across mixed hands, so you’ll be able to see the characteristics of those features.


    How does the hand feel to the touch? Is it hard, rough or soft? Usually, those with soft hands are said to be sensitive and refined. Rough hands could mean tough people who enjoy being active with rugged activities.


    Flexible hands mean a reasonable nature. Very pliable hands mean unconventional and broadminded. People with inflexible hands are usually stubborn. Also look at the thumbs and fingers. Sometimes the thumb is set low forming a wide angle with the hand – these people tend to be careless. If the thumb is set high, it means a careful determined type.

    Which Hand?

    You have probably wondered about what the difference is between reading the right hand and the left hand. People who are right handed are more logical and left-handed people are more creative. Palm readers consider the fact that the left hand is connected to the right side of the brain and the right hand is connected to the left side of the brain. The left brain/right hand features logic, attention to detail, facts and realism. The right brain/left hand person shows intuitiveness and risk taking ability. Therefore, the palmist looks at both hands since they reveal two different aspects.

    Length Of Fingers – How Is It Interpreted?

    For a palm reader, the length of the fingers indicates information about the individual’s character. Here’s a synopsis:

    • Long fingers - analytical, academic, likes attention to detail

    • Short fingers - practical, intuitive, and instinctive

    • Proportionate hands - balanced personality

    Now lets look at each finger of the hand and what it shows:

    • Forefinger – ambition, self-confidence, self-esteem

    • Middle finger – discipline, balance

    • Ring finger - originality, imagination

    • Little finger – communication

    Let us interpret different situations taking these fingers in relation to each other.

    - Forefinger is in line with the bottom of the middle fingers nail means a balanced ego.
    - Ring finger is in line with the bottom of the middle finger’s nail, means emotional balance.
    - Forefinger is higher than the bottom part of the middle finger’s nail shows self-assurance. Ring finger above the bottom part of the middle finger’s nail shows highly emotional and impulsive person.
    - Middle finger standing out noticeably from the rest shows a serious nature. Little finger standing apart from the rest of the hand, means a bold, outspoken and self-sufficient person.

    Apart from the above, in palm reading, the thumb, the nails and the fingerprints are significant. So you would need to know how to make a palm print.

    How To Take A Palm Print

    You will need the following:

    • Black water-soluble printing ink
    • A rubber roller
    • Good quality paper
    • A tile on which to spread the ink
    • A towel

    Spread some ink evenly on the tile with the rubber roller. Now, spread the inky rubber roller on the hand to cover the palm the fingers and part of your wrist. Place the paper on the towel and gently press our hand down in its most natural position without shaking. The towel will cushion your hand on the paper. Very carefully, directly lift your hand off the paper without smudging any line. Your palm print is ready.

    Lines On The Palm And Their Meaning

    Interestingly, the number of lines varies from hand to hand. While some people have lots of lines, some people have just a few. Men have fewer lines than women. The four prominent lines you will see on a hand are:

    • Life line
    • Head line
    • Heart line
    • Fate line
    The life line is the line around the thumb and indicates physical health. A strong line means good health. A faint life line would mean the opposite. However, just the head line in isolation will not give a true picture. So please note that each line must be read in conjunction with the others to make a complete palm reading. The life line also shows major events in the person’s life. If there is a line branching off from the top of the life line towards the forefinger, it shows ambition. If there’s a line branching off from the bottom of the life line towards the wrist, it indicates travel.

    The Head line begins from a point similar to the lifeline near the thumb, and goes across the palm. It indicates thought process. Let’s see what different types of head lines:

    • Clear – mental focus, strength
    • Straight – logic and pragmatism
    • Curved – flexible, balance between creativity and logic
    • Steeply curved – high imagination
    • Short and stops short of the middle finger - focus, but closed-minded
    • Fork at the end of the headline under the ring finger - flexible
    • Fork is under the little finger - aptitude for business or science

    The Heart line indicates emotions and relationships, begins from the edge of the hand under the little finger, and extends toward the top of the palm. If it:
    • •Ends between the forefinger and middle finger - emotion and passion

    • •Ends under the middle finger - selfish

    • •Goes right across the top of the hand - interest in more of a mental relationship rather than emotion.

    • •Is short and up to the middle finger –cool, interested in physical side

    • •Ends in a fork - mentally and physically balanced

    The Fate line runs up from the base of the palm and ends usually below the middle finger. It is also called the Saturn Line, or the Line of Destiny. It can be fragmented, overlapping, or broken. It shows your direction in life.

    Palm readers also look at other lines and marks on the palm like the ring of Solomon around the forefinger, the girdle of Venus above the heart line, bracelet lines on the wrist, relationship lines under the little finger the fate line from the wrist to the middle finger, the sun line from the wrist to the ring finger and so on. As we said earlier, all the lines are read to produce a complete reading.

    In summary…

    You can get proficient at palm reading by taking a look at the books, instructional videos and links at the following website to give you an even more in-depth and intricate knowledge of the art of palm reading. The more palms you read, the more experience you get when you compare and learn. You develop the aptitude to know at a glance, what is unusual about the hand. Combine a good number of strangers’ hands to improve your palm reading skills. Palm reading is a captivating hobby that lets you read the character and destiny by observing the hand. The palm is practically a blueprint of our life and by knowing how to read it you can actually influence the destiny of the person whose palm you read.

    Planets in signs and houses Satya Saibaba's Horoscope from Nadi Granthas

    Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba's 500-year old horoscope

    Bhagavan Sathya Sai Baba's 500-year old horoscope
    Astrological predictions of Baba's advent

    There is an institution in New Delhi known as Indian Astro-Occult Research Association. Dr. E.V. Sastry, a famous and prominent member of the association happened to read the book Sathyam Sivam Sundaram. He then began a search to find out from Nadi Grandham available in Tamil Nadu, about the indications in Baba's horoscope. It was very strange, wonderful and startling. In these collections of grandhas which are more than five hundred years old and are considered as one of the wonders of the world, were found some parts describing Baba, all of which were not in a single instance, different from what is published about Baba's life in the book Sathyam Sivam Sundaram. This truth made him wonderstruck. Thereafter, he had great faith in Baba's greatness and marvelled at the advancement of the science of astrology developed by great sage like Agasthya, Budha and Sukra. Dr. Sastry (it may be mentioned here incidentally that his pen name is 'Leo') happened to come to Puttaparthi in November 1960 on the birthday of Baba. On that occasion Dr. Sastry had with him an old palm leaf taken out from the Nadi Grandham, which contained details about Baba written by some incognito, but an old, famous and well learned pandit.

    On that auspicious day he placed it at the Lotus Feet of Baba and felt gratified.

    That piece of palm leaf was only 36 centimeters long and 1/2 cms. broad. But within the breadth of 1/2 cms. on either side were 26 lines each containing 250 letters. Several facts were detailed therein. Only with the aid of a most powerful microscope could these letters be read clearly. These descriptions written in old Tamil poetic stanzas, in the form of an essay, were very beautiful, fully apt and highly illuminative. In that, not a single letter or word was redundant of uninformative. Palm leaves of this kind written in Sanskrit, are also found. Dr. K.M. Munshi had said that there are such grandhas written in the Tibetan language also.

    In Tamil Nadu, there are kept in custody as sole private property, their divisions of the aforementioned palm leaf grandhas, under the names of Agasthya Nadi, Budha and Sukra nadi. Dr. Sastry contacted these three divisions and collected facts about Baba from these different grandhas, detailed according to the planetary position of Baba's horoscope. What is most astonishing to us in this is that the planetary position indicated in all the three grandhas at the time of Baba's birth into this world is identically the same without any difference whatsoever. In each of these, facts are enumerated in the form of poetry and past and present incidents in Baba's life are so truly described that we are awe-stricken at the accuracy and information. After reading all this we are struck with wonder at our ancestor's predictions of events that was done accurately without any mistake, and at the perfection of the science of astrology which has enabled them to predict so.

    In one Nadi Grandhas the following is said: "The person to whom this horoscope relates, in his previous birth was Sai Baba, who was a famous Maharishi. He was also a world famous Sad Guru!" Another Nadi says, "I am an avatar of Sai". This fact cannot be contradicted also. In all three Nadis, the names of his father and mother are mentioned, clearly, truly and accurately. In addition, another fact clearly mentioned in these is, "the person to whom this horoscope relates, whose name is Sathyanarayana Raju, will renounce the world in his boyhood, will start schools and hospitals, will publish books for the upliftment of the world, will spend every day of his whole lifetime for the establishment of dharma, which is his ideal and objective." Another fact written in Budha Nadi is, "the person to whom this horoscope relates will spend the whole of his lifetime always enjoying the bliss derived from uniting jivatma with paramatma." In Agastheya Nadi it is mentioned that Baba will be an all merciful avatar of God. Not only that, but is it also mentioned the He will be, Akkilathara pitha i.e. authority on manava vamsam, preceptor, protector, and father of the world.

    In Sukra Nadi it is written, "Baba will have all the siddhis possessed by Sai Baba; by love, kidness and knowledge he will establish eternal bliss in this world. He will establish a mandir which will be conducive for practising tapas etc." On top of all this is another important passage in Sukra Nadi, i.e. "the person to whom this horoscope relates will be an avatar amongst the avatars". Another sentence is, "He will derive immense pleasure in the service of mankind."

    Those who are fortunate enough to have darshan of Baba and enjoyed the bliss of hearing His nectar-like words, and seen every action of His filled with mercy and sweetness and those who are able to understand at least one tenth of a millionth part of that great truth, even without the necessity of knowing what is mentioned in these Nadis, have understood the greatness of Baba. But, even for them, the fact about His coming into being, written separately, several centuries before His incarnation by three special expert astrologers, detailing his horoscope aspects, describing His character which is in no way different from what we see now in Him, is an agreeable surprise.
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