Planets in signs and houses मंगळ दोष , पत्रिका मिलन ( Manglik Dosha , Patrika matching )

मंगळ दोष , पत्रिका मिलन :

अनेक केसेस मध्ये मंगळ दोषाविषयी  लोकांना चुकीचे मार्गदर्शन मिळालेले दिसते . म्हणूनच याविषयी वधू - वरांच्या पालकांसाठी उपयुक्त अशी माहिती देण्याचा प्रयत्न करीत आहे. मी स्वतः ज्योतिषाची अभ्यासक असून ज्योतिष विषयात ४० वर्षांचा गाढा अभ्यास असलेल्या पुण्यातील जेष्ठ , नावाजलेल्या ज्योतिषी - ज्योतिर्भास्कर सौ. मृणालिनी ठकार यांचे मार्गदर्शन मला मिळत आहे , हे माझे भाग्यच !

अनेक केसेस मध्ये मंगळ आहे सांगून लोकांना चुकीचे सल्ले दिले जातात. चांगली स्थळे हातातून जातात. ज्योतिर्भास्कर सौ. मृणालिनी ठकार या स्वतः अशा गोष्टींमध्ये लक्ष घालून असे सांगणाऱ्या ज्योतिषांशी चर्चा / वेळप्रसंगी कानउघडणी ही करतात. आदिनाथ साळवी यांच्या ब्रह्मलिखित या मासिकच्या त्या सह संपादिका आहेत. त्यांना न ओळखणारा ज्योतिषी विरळाच !

असो, तरी केवळ लोकांच्या हितासाठी काही माहिती देत आहे.

१. मंगळाच्या स्थानी गुरु , शनि , केतू यांसारखे ग्रह असता मंगळ दोष नाहीसा होतो.
२. काही स्थानातील मंगळ  हा पतीच्या सुखासाठी , उत्कर्षासाठी , जातकाच्या धडाडीने काम करण्यासाठी कारणीभूत होतो. या कलियुगात जगताना असा मंगळ हवाच !!
३. केवळ मुलाला / मुलीला मंगळ आहे म्हणून स्थळे नाकारताना आधी स्वतःच्या अपत्याची पत्रिका नीट बघावी . हा मंगळ आणि अपत्याच्या पत्रिकेतील टेक्निकल / सर्जन लाइफ पार्टनर किवा अशा काही गोष्टींचा द्योतक असू शकतो.
४. प्रत्येक पालकाने  : दाते पंचांग २०१३ , पान ११ यावरील मंगळ दोषावरील उतारा अवश्य वाचवा.
५. आताच ३१ गुण जमून देखील ६ महिन्यात घटस्फोट झाल्याची केस आली. कृपा करून केवळ गुण मिलन हा निकष लाऊन २ आयुष्यांशी खेळू नये. मूळ पत्रिकेत वैवाहिक सौख्य कसे आहे , विवाहाचे सप्तम स्थान पाप कार्त्रीत आहे का , वैवाहिक सौख्याचे कारक ग्रह कसे आहेत , आपल्या अपत्याच्या मूळ पत्रिकेत या गोष्टी कशा आहेत , काही दोष जरी असले तरी कोणताच माणूस परिपूर्ण नसतो हे ध्यानी घ्यावे. आपल्या अपेक्षा आणि मूळ पत्रिकेतील तसे ग्रह आहेत का , याचा सारासार विचार करावा. ( उदा. डॉक्टर बायकोसाठी ३५ वर्षे थांबूनही उपयोग होणार नाही , जर पत्रिकेत डॉक्टर बायकोचे योगच नसतील  ! )
६. वाईट योग, दुषित स्थाने शुभ ग्रहांच्या दृष्टीने / नवपंचम वगरे योगांनी दोषमुक्त होत आहेत का ; याचा अभ्यासू ज्योतिषांकडून सल्ला घ्यावा.

७. केवळ १ गोत्र / १ नाड म्हणून नकार देऊ नये . एकनाड दोषासाठी  " नाडीपाद कोष्टक : दाते पंचांग २०१३ : पान क्र. १४ " बघावे. एकाच ओळीत येणारी २ नक्षत्र असतील , तरच दोष मानावा. नाहीतर नाडी चे ८ गुण मिळतात.

केतकी इतराज


First House

Sun is the ruler of 10th house when posited in Ascendant indicates honour through merits, success and high ambitions. One will be troublesome for the parents, he will be cruel, of rash temperament and quarrelsome. Danger from fire and weapon is indicated. In youth, one will be blessed with power and authority in Govt;, or in military. Well respected, preferment and dignities and gain through mother.

The Moon, lord of ninth house in Ascendant is in good position. One is learned, wise, prudent, fortunate with strangers, foreigners, wife’s relatives and voyage. Long journeys in life are indicated. Such persons have interest in science, invention, law, philosophy or political economy.

Lord of Lagna and 6th house in Lagna indicates powers, dignity and victory over enemies, long fortunate life, good health, harmony, triumph over difficulties. An intelligent, strong willed person, rash temperament and energetic. Comforts from children and wife. Can be a military officer or renown. Danger from poison, fire or weapon.

Lords of 8th and 11th in Lagna denotes gain from legacies and money through deceased. Accumulation of money and will overcome his enemies and obstacles through friends and acquaintances. Successful ambitions and hopes. Will meet real friends and supporters. Fortunate actions.

Blessed with long life wealthy, respected, learned and a man of power and authority. Many love affairs. Generous, sweet speech and propensity to pleasure through gaming and children. Many face some troubles in last part of the life.

Secret sorrows, troubles, limitation, fond of occults and new methods of study, disablement requiring hospitalization. Danger of imprisonment. Many love affairs, partnership and gain from opposite sex, public enemies, unions, connection with the process of law. In middle of his life may face troubles due to a woman. Licentious, disrespected and extravagant.

It is posited in enemy’s house. Wheatish complexion, rash temperament, cruel, not good health, strained relations with brothers, loss of money, danger from poison and enemies. Journeys and removals, fortunate inheritance, gain through land, property and interest in domestic science.

Blessed with long life, houses, wealth and favours through religion, education and scientific affairs. Adds power to personality and gives opportunity for self expression.

A short life, troubles and tribulations, loss and scandals, endangers the face and eyes.

Second House
Gain in money by industry, trade, profession or Govt; office. One will be wealthy, respected, honourable, gain by ancestral property and gain of other’s property. Full comforts from children is not indicated. Loss through vile habits. Of rash temperament and true to his words.

Gain of money through foreigners, sea, science, learnings, publications, travel, invention or banking. Little gain from ancestral property. Gain through efforts. A glutton, talkative. Diseases of watery nature, eyes, cough or gout are indicated.

Gain through ancestral property but will remain worried. Brave and clever. Losses and limitations and financially strained through sickness, servants and animais. Gain through hard work. Benefits through industrious activity.

Gain of money by means of friends, acquaintances partners and others. Fortunate in collecting debts. Gain through deceased, legislators, interests or through own creations. Knowledge of many languages. Learned and intelligent. Gain through

Lord of Second and 5th in 2nd house and in own sign indicates wealthy and renowned person. Gain form ancestral property. Many subordinates. Victory over enemies. Prosperous children and comforts from them. Gain from profession. Good power and authority. If afflicted reverse results are indicated than above.

Gain by marriage and inlaws, also secret and occult ways. Popular and generous. Many friends, ambitions to lead a pleasurable life. Relations with opposite sex and will do unwanted expenditure, possibility to come under debt. When afflicted, loss through women and death of

Loss of wealth, cheat and liar, gloomy, poor, remains under debt., not well respected, will liquidate his assets. Gain through deals in land and property and by the estate. Short journeys, also gain through educational affairs, writings, music and art.

Gain through ancestral property, legacies and gifts. Inflow of money through science and learning. Increase in possession.

Misfortunes in finance, under debt, loss and damage to property, sorrows, fear and worries.

Third House

Much worried for his brothers and may remain upset and worried on this account. Many journeys. Danger from ruler and Govt., respected amongst kindred and neighbours, gain in honour and advancement through wife’s relatives. Honour through short journeys, writings,business trips, Govt; commission and fulfilment or hopes.

Blessed with more siters. Many professions, accomplishments and progress through research, travel, investigations, explorations, travel or writings, journeys and removals on account of beliefs and convictions. A good pointer, musician and other arts. Early and young are comfortable ages but in old age may face some financial troubles and losses.

Sickness of some relatives and brothers and journeys on this account. Interest in studies and methods of healing and in industrial economy. Devoid from comforts of brothers. Gain through legacies. Comforts in middle age. Mental development, when afflicted break or afflicted education, troublesome relations, journeys and writings.

Friendship amongst relations and neighbours, friends through writings and journeys. Strained relations with brother, unfortunate brothers and death of same. Psychic and mysterious experiences. Many brothers. Devoid from comforts of children. Well versed with arts and trained  in hard work.

There will be many brothers and gain through them also from learning, writings and short journeys. Gain through dear ones. Loss of ancestral property. The native will have average wealth.

Many daughters. Respected and learned. Wealthy, inflow of money without efforts. Marriage with some one of kin or neighbour, legal or religious disputes, troubles through short journeys. Disappointments, sorrows through relations or neighbours. Occult learnings.

 Believer in many religions, strained relations with brothers, residence in foreign land, unhappy, promotion and good income during middle age. Successful efforts and hopes. Gain From learning, writings and short journeys. If afflicted the father is put to sorrows or difficulty by one of the brothers.

Adds quality to the mentality and conduces to the interest in spiritual or educational matters, gain from brother, journeys and neighbours, writings or publishing.

Mental anxiety, troubles with brothers and neighbours. Unprofitable journeys. Downfall in business or service. Worried through enemies.
Fourth House
Gain and honour through parents, land and property. Success at the close of life. May be devoid from parents in early age. Many enemies. Not to the interest of relations. Will have interest in reclamations, colonizations, co-operative movements, mining, architecture and archaeology.

Intelligent. Scientific mind. Gain from relatives of wife. May enter into business. Devoid from comforts of the parents in the early age. Blessed with property. A good trader and businessman. Respect and gain through learnings.

Gain through lands, mines, inheritance and possessions. Success late in life. Occult investigations, sickness of father through changes and worries, death of mother in early age, troublesome home or domestic affairs. Trouble through servants.

Learned, intelligent and respected. Fond of yoga and spiritual life. Voyages, journeys in mountains, gain of property through deceased, probable by the death of parents. Inheritance through friends. Blessed with property.

Gain of money and property through father. Gain from children and love for home. Wealthy and learned. Comforts from conveyance, gain from mother’s relatives.

Property by marriage, a chaste partner and happy ending to wedded life. Litigations and loss of property. May come under debt. More journeys, and may be voyage. Grief from untimely death of wife. Trouble through wife’s mother. Secret sufferings, restrictions or limitations at the end of life.

Gain from agricultural land, earnings through unfair means, not submissive to parents, not well educated and intelligent. Blessed with immovable property and conveyance. Gain through old people and antiquities, assistance of father. Loss through storms and floods.

Gain through property and in an unexpected manner. Fortunate in discovery or findings. Long lived and trustworthy.

Loss or confusion with land and buildings, waste of patrimony, not so much respected, turmoils in the lives of ancestors and family discord.
Fifth House
Respected and a man of authority but even then there will be troubles and worries. Grief through death of children. Gain through speculations, pleasures, young people, sports of stage, drama etc. Devoid from the comforts of parents in early age, loss of ancestral property. Litigations, and eye disease.

Intelligent, learned, creative and of liberal and unconventional ideas and believe in free living. Journeys, take interest in science, philosophy, voyages, air flights, sports, foreign travels, speculations or investments. Many daughters. Success in service.

Licentious, destroyer of ancestral property and fond of occult science. Gain through children, speculations, sickly children and illness through pursuits of sex or over indulgence in pleasure or sports. Accumulations of wealth through unfair means. Pleasure and gain in young age.

Intelligent and learned. Will have children but relations with children will not be cordial. Over sexed and secret sorrows and difficulty through love, children, speculation and gambling. Respect and gain in old age.

 Knowledge of law, learned and intelligent. Generous and God fearing. One will be respected, wealthy and will lead a pious life. Gain by speculations, investment, entertainment and through young people and children. Love affairs and prosperous children and pleasure through them. In author’s view Jupiter in own house posited in 5th house denies children.

The native will be intelligent and well respected. His wife will be beautiful and gain from her is indicated. Blessed with long life, voyages and residence on river or sea side. Relations with other women, death or wife in young age is indicated. Secret sorrows through love, children and gambling.

Devoid of children’s comforts, non-educated, anti to parents, irreligious, dishonest, earns by unfair means, happy in licentious deeds. In middle age may get disrepute. Travels in life, gain and pleasure through father’s good fortune and mental pleasures through children, brothers, reading and study.

Saves the native from troubles, natural calamities and dangers. Long lived and fortunate children. Fond of recreations, pleasure and sports.

This position either denies children or there are sudden or violent abortions. Children will be disobedient and source of adversity. Excessive or irregular pleasures.
Sixth House
Gain through law suits and legacies. Death of parents in early age. Law suits for ancestral property. Modest worldly position, gain and honours through service, employment and practice of healing. Employed in Navy or Army.

Many enemies, sickness through travelling and quarrels due to women. Study of hygiene, medicine etc. Difficulty through work in foreign lands or in export business. Wife will be sickly and may there be death of mother in early age.

The native is not lucky for maternal relations, some severe illness, gain through humanitarianism, food and employees. Surgical operation, fond of animals, pets and work. May be a source of trouble for relatives. Ill repute in middle age. Victory over enemies. If Mars is well aspected then the native will have usually a good health, success in service and with employees, poultry, medicines, healing or social work.

Dangerous sickness, little gain from education and art. Popular in public. Wound through fall from high place, learning, scar on the body. Loss of money and also through those in whose custody it may be. Friends among army, navy or air force persons. Faithful servants and interest in social welfare.

Sickness among children. Short life, many enemies and may remain under debt. Chest disease is indicated. Money through careful speculations or by children’s earnings. Gain through inferiors, poultry and small animals.

Marriage below status, sickly wife and evily disposed employees. Difficulty, trouble and loss through small animals and employees. Limitations on account of sickness. Sex relations with other women. Syphlis disease is denoted. Fond of travel, changeable residence and worried from opponents.

Rheumatic pains, devoid of comforts from children, good wealth and owns property, and victory over enemies.

Muscular body and good health, faithful and honest employees. Gain through service and fortunate through father. Residence in foreign land.

Sickness due to various diseases, deceived and loss through servants. Danger of illness through bites by insects, reptiles or animals. A worried life.
Seventh House
Gain through lawsuits and dealing with public generally. Honours and reputation assisted by honourable marriage and partnership in responsible concerns. Authority and power as age advances. Gain from respected and persons in position. Troubles through enemies. Wife of wicked nature. Early life will be in law suits. Law suits for ancestral property.

Marriage to a stranger of education or refinement taste whose relations will oppose the native. Power and authority as age advances, possibility of two wives, first wife may die due to illness. Gain from business. Old age will be comfortable. Beautiful but with a scar on the face. Public enemies through religious, scientific or sea fearing persons. Respected and wealthy.

Marital unhappiness, two marriages if afflicted. Partnership and close association with others, quarrels of lawsuits with servants, difficulties with disreputed women and sickness. fond of opposite sex.Loss of wealth due to enemies.

A loving partner with desirable friendships and social connections, success in law suits. A rich partner or one to whom money comes unexpectedly. Coward and relations with other women. If afflicted, then death of partner and public enemies. Danger of death by violence, suicide or accident. Indigestion and kidney troubles. May get
short life.

Long life, obedient to parents, wife will be faithful and of adjustable temperament. Help from brothers, old age will be comfortable. Gain by marriage, contracts, business and dealing with others especially with women. Pleasure, close association or understanding with partner but discord with children. Loss by theft. Early age will be in poverty, middle age in worries, no gain from business but will become under debt. Worried through enemies.

Success in lawsuits. A beautiful but licentious wife. Intelligent and learned, fond of poetry and debates. Journey in foreign lands. Old age will be troublesome. Troubles through deceit and treachery concerning unions, partnerships, contracts and law suits. Sickness, discord and opposition with partner. Troubles generally through women.

Disturbed married life, worried and unrest in nature, more than one wife, no comforts from first wife, abortions, a good orator. Average life, rash temperament and loss of money. Marriage as a result of journeys, writings or to one of kin. Property by marriage, delayed marriage, gain by land and through women.

 It lessens the number of enemies, increases profit through dealings with others. Gain through women. It is a testimony for a wise and wealthy partner. Travel to foreign countries.

Many enemies or competitors, contention and difficulty with partner. Sickly wife. Worries and troubles. Loss through business.
Eighth House
Gain and honours in handling the estate and money of others, also through law suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased persons. Death of parents in early age. Unhappy and diseased. Loss of ancestral property. Law suit loss worried through enemies. In middle age one will be troubled due to opponents.

Death of parents in early age, short life if afflicted, loss of money, unhappy and worried in middle age. Loss and troubles through wife. Prosecution regarding religion, scientific or educational conviction also through publications. Gain by long journeys concerning legacies or goods of deceased persons, psychic experiences and death of partners, relative.

 Financial rewards for faithful service. Death through irregularity, occult experiences and dangerous illness and of muscular built. Strained relations with relatives. Loss through enemies. A difficult death.

An intelligent and wise doctor dealing with herbs. In early age danger of fall from high place and may lead to loss of one body part. Death of friends. Gifts and legacies from parents. Gain by the dead. A natural and easy demise. A comfortably fixed partner. Interest in matters relating to future life. Spiritual experiences.

 Long life span, anti to religion and change of that. Worried and loss through children. They may die before the native. In middle age the native will have some good rank, gain of ancestral property. Loss through speculation, gain by legacies or goods of the deceased.

Money or property by marriage, death of partner, some inheritance but difficulty over it. An unsatisfactory end, many misfortunates, death of secret enemies. Faithful and chaste wife but trouble and grief due to her death. Danger of fall or drowning. Loss of money. Old age will be happy due to gain of ancestral property.

Long life, many enemies and danger from them. Early life full of difficulties, unhappy, under debt, sickly and danger from reptiles. A happy end. Old age will be happy and full of enjoyment. Sickness and death of brother. Journeys due to troubles and false accusations. Danger to mother and loss of inherited property.

 Long life and good health. Gifts. Gain of the dead. Journeys and travels. Danger from thieves.

Sudden or violent death, loss of goods through deception and enemies. Disrespected and ill famed. Troubles due to women.
Ninth House
Learned, intelligent and well respected. Knowledge of many languages. A man of authority and power. Honourable voyages, professional journeys and religions. Honour through learning, writing, publishing, research or philosophy. A religious person or intellectual and builder of many temples and sacred places. No permanent residence and many journeys. Devoid from comforts of parents in early age. A part of ancestral property in wasted in early age.

Wealthy and prosperous. Gain from other’s property. Religious and learned. Successful hopes and more happy in old age. Honour, credit and esteem through science, literature or travel, success in foreign affairs. Voyages and pilgrimage. A good company in life.

Long journeys, religious, or Psychic experiences, liking for surgery, science, invention, law, philosophy and all matters connected with higher mind. Prophetic dreams and visions, gain through partner’s relations danger through overstudy. Sickness abroad at sea or while travelling, work with foreign affairs or universities. Devoid from comforts of brothers and parents. A native of doubtful nature.

Learned and intelligent. Gain and success through long journeys. Friendship through travel and learning. Friends among educators, ministers, writers, explorers and inventors. A religious preceptor, interest in poetry. Death in a distant land, danger of death by drowning or while on voyage.

Pleasure in foreign land, dutiful children who travel and give pleasure and learning to the native. Children may become scientists or explorers. A religious preceptor, founder of educational institutions. Many professions, gain by books, trading at sea, long journey, philosophy, religion and science. A native of good conduct. Less comforts from wealth. Well versed in many trades and jobs.

Marriage with a stranger from a far and gain through that, also gain through partner’s relatives. Learned and intelligent. Partner’s journey to foreign lands. Wealthy and blessed with all comforts of life. Early life will be troubled and worried. Gain of respect and rank in foreign land. Secret mission, investigation, exploration, secluded research, Sacrifice for science or religions.

Wealthy, gain of ancestral property, gain of other’s wealth and property and long journeys, clear, intelligent, religious but shrewd. Gain by occupation, profession, science, religion, and merchandising, Govt; and wife’s relation.

Improves mental tendencies and gives success in education, legal or religious studies, favourable for voyages and foreign affairs, true dreams and prophetic intuition.

Curious dreams, afflict the faculty of faith and portends miserable or unfortunate voyages, unreliable premonitions, trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign lands.

Tenth House
Gain and honours through profession, office or Govt; employees, success aided by mother’s care training and efforts. The native will be wealthy, respected and famous. Comforts of conveyance and property. Brave and courageous. Fond of religious ceremonies. Journeys to mountains and association with persons in authority.

Honour, credit and esteems through science, literature and travel. Success in foreign affairs. A native of good conduct, gain through other’s property. Changeable professions.

Merit; honour, preferment and success, rise to high social and professional position. Honour through service, municipal or national activities. Strained relations with relatives. Worried and waste of property.

Broad minded, learned and intelligent. An author, poet and associations with learned persons. Gain through inheritance. Danger of violent death. Gain through persons in authority and high position.

Learned, well respected, religious and of good deeds. Comforts to parents through native. Gain by occupation, profession and merchandising, government or wife’s parent. Gain from speculation, business or theatrical work. The children will be honourable.

An honourable partner beneficial to the professional career. Blessed with property. A man of authority and power. Jolly nature and will lead a pleasurable life. Liability to disgrace and discredit through superiors. Govt or persons in authority, retirement or seclusion. Sorrows through parents.

Journey by sea, disreputed, harsh temperament, low profession. Inclined to adulterous and licentious deeds. Mental anguish through brothers, professionals and honourable journeys and gain through them. Honours and renown, through writings. Gain through trade, public or Govt; work or by fruits of the earth.

The native achieves honour, credit and high position by merit of industrious work and ability.

Loss of position through deception, treachery and adverse public conditions such as sudden depressions, changes of failures.
Eleventh House
Birth is a respected family, respected and friends of legislature and persons in authority. Comforts from conveyance and property. Intelligent and blessed with power and authority. Elder brothers will enjoy a good status. An honourable fortune, ambitious ideals. The native is helpful to his associates.

A good mathematician, sufferings on account of religious or other convictions. Fortunate friendship on voyages and foreigners and gain through them and in foreign lands. Acquaintances among travellers, scientists and legislators. Elder sisters.

Comforts from brothers, over sexed, fond of opposite sex, many enemies, disrespected due to some accusation, sickness among friends and family. Fulfilment of hopes through friends. Interest in municipal or national activities. Large circle of friends, much pleasure in life. Gain by success of employer.

Gain in legacies through friends. Well defined hopes and wishes. Respected and popular among friends. Interest in mathematics, astrology and medicines. Wealthy and will like truth. Last part of life will be troublesome.

Accidental fortune. Fond of children and pain through them. Gain through friends, speculations, or pleasure and among legislators, ambassadors and sportsman. A wealthy and lucky native. Generous and religious, founder of religious places. Comforts from property and conveyance. Wife will be from rich family. A respected and pleasurable life and owner of palatial buildings.

Unfortunate undertakings, peculiar hopes, great disappointment and obstacles. Deceitful friends and losses through the advice of friends. Friends will become public opponents or enemies. Troubled married life. No comforts from relations. Litigations, many enemies, death of brothers and sisters.

Suspicious, stomach indigestion, death of child, wealthy but latter part of life unhappy. Insincere friends and loss through them. Loss of money. Gain through brothers. Hopes and wishes accomplished through progressive studies. Many hopes and wishes attained in middle part of life.

Meritorious, friendships acquaintances, assist in realisations of hopes and wishes.

Undesirable associations, loss of opportunities and frustration of hopes. Wrong advice and false friends.
Twelfth House
Trouble in eyes, litigations, journeys, a worried and troubled life. Loss of office or honour, dignity etc. through profession associates who become secret enemies. Unfortunate environments and conditions.
Difficulty in employment. Limitations relieved through the study of
recondite, science or metaphysics.

 Voyages, eye troubles, loss from ancestral property, death of parents in early age, loss of wealth due to being extravagant. Difficulty and sorrows through religion, science and journeys. The writer or inventor, will not be able to get the the same published without a hard time. In middle or latter part of his life, the native may seek seclusion for development, occult learnings etc.

Service in Army. Loss through enemies, litigations, worried and unhappy. Cautious for his respect. Fear of imprisonment, secret unhappiness, enmities, gain through occult, secret missions. Success in middle life. Diseases during middle life. Possibility of two wives. Work of secret or mysterious nature like espionage, C.I.D., C.I.B or detector etc.

Effective speech, many opponents and enemies. More unwanted expenditure. Difficulty over inheritance, death of secret or private enemies. Great sorrows, imprisonment or death through fear or

Intelligent and balanced talks, wealthy, many professions. Gain by secret affairs occult. Secret sorrows through children, speculations cause ruin. Pleasure through investigations and research of mysterious nature. Danger of imprisonment through gaming if afflicted.

Generous, expenditure for good causes, wealthy and relations will be strained. Secret sorrows, jealously, sickness, loss through opponents, occult abilities, powerless enemies, secret investigations. Limitations, afflictions and adversities prove to be blessings in disguise due to inner growth of occult power.

Miser, low tactics through profession for livelihood. Wealthy. Devoid from comforts of elders, disrespected and worried and unhappy. Loss through treachery. End of life in seclusion or devoted to occult science. Great sorrows through brother. Danger of enmities and imprisonment while travelling.

Gain by secret methods or in seclusion, success in occultism. Earnings through unfair means. Long journeys.

Loss and troubles through secret enemies. Imprisonment or restrain and restrictions and unfavourable for health. Worried and unhappy.


First house


Sun is in debilitated sign in Lagna. Sun gives love of justice, peace and harmony. The native is courteous, pleasant and agreeable. They are even tempered, affectionate and generous. There will be many ups and downs in life. Disrespect in old age. Worried and of doubtful nature. Loss through Govt.; victory over enemies, successful hopes and fortunate actions.


Preferment and dignities, honours through merits, success through industrious efforts. High ambitions, gain through mother and Government; relations with opposite sex. Comforts from conveyance. Respectful to elder. Medium age, may be afflicted with rheumatic pains.


Handsome, wealthy, love of women and benefit through them. Connections with the law. Public enemies, also in unions and partnership. Money comes readily. When afflicted obstacles through money which may be hard to accumulate. Loss through enemies. Bad stomach and afflicted eyes.


Lords of 9th and 12th houses when posited in Lagna or Ascendant, indicates long journeys, learning, fortunate with strangers, foreigners, wife’s relatives and voyages. Animosity, heavy troubles, sorrow, loss through enemies. Danger of imprisonment or disablement, requiring hospitalisation. Loss through woman, wealthy and licentious. Eyes will be afflicted.


Comforts and gains from children, blessed with long life, religious, wealthy and respected, pilgrimage, comfortable life. Concern with affairs of brethren and neighbours, writings, learning and accomplishments. Loss through servants and sickness through irregularity.


Fond of music, dance, poetry and perfumes. Relations with opposite sex. Gain through women. Bestows power over enemies. Wealthy, respected and comforts from children. Self made man. Good health, harmony in married life if not afflicted. Legacies and money. Death by irregularity.


Saturn is a Yogakarka for Libra ascendant and it is exalted in Lagna. It will bestow fortunate inheritance, gain through land, property or parentage. Makes the native, wealthy, respected, of good habits and nature. In middle age adulterous, unhappy. Loss through enemies. Average life span. Pleasure seeking, healthy and cordial relations with people.

Rahu or Ketu.

 Long life, many enemies, changeable residence and of bad thoughts. Journeys in life, two marriages or women. Danger from reptiles. Good luck in old age.

Second House


Money through personal efforts, gain through friends and acquaintances and hard work. Devoid of comforts from brothers.


Gain through trade, industry and Govt.; or parents. Gain of ancestral property. Wealthy and respected, knowledge of many languages. Less progeny.
Mars. Gain by marriage and own hard work, heavy losses in early life, losses through unions, partnerships, contracts, law-suits, public enemies. Loss through women and death of partner.


Gain of money through foreign merchants or the sea. Learning, science publications, inventions and banking. Gain through secrets and the occult and large animals. Worries and loss through enemies and
generally fortunate conditions.


Gain through educational affairs, short journeys, writings, music etc. Losses through sickness; servants and animals. Well aspected gain through service, employees and small animals, pleasure or young people. Command over foreign language, a few brothers. Respected and comfortable old age.


Gain through women and hard work, benefit through industrious activity. Gain by partnership, collecting debts, and gain through the deceased. If afflicted losses and wants. Loss through partnerships etc. One will be licentious and sweet spoken.


 Disrespected, dishonest, devoid of progeny and if blessed gain through them. Gain through investments, pleasure and children. Gain through deals in land, property and estates. Interest in domestic science. If afflicted poor education, low type profession, diseased mother, long life, strained relations with elder brothers, weak eyesight and bad teeth, subject to throat disease.

Rahu or Ketu. 

Gain of money through unauthorised sources. A cruel and quarrelsome native Swelling in eyes. In latter part of life, there will be comforts and wealth. The native will feel happy but will not be respected.

Third House


Friendship among kindred and neighbors. Friends through writings and journeys. Wealthy, respected and fond of music, dance, drama etc. Number of brothers. Gain from maternal relations.


Respected, gain in honours and advancement through partner’s relatives. A native of brave and sanguine temperament, many enemies. Honours through short journeys, writings and accomplishment. An average financial condition, no gain from brothers. Gain through business trips and Governmental commission.


Lords of second and seventh houses is posited in third house. It denotes gain through education, writings brother, neighbours and short journeys, but enmity with some of the brothers or neighbours, brave and or rash temperament. Annoyed over triples, many enemies, difficulty through writings or contracts. Religious or legal disputes, troubles or short journeys. An average financial condition.
Learned, intelligent, soft and sweet spoken. Accomplishments and progress through research, travel, investigations, explorations, travels or writings. Successful in hopes and plans. Faith in religion, many brothers. When Mercury is weak or combust reverse results. Disappointments, sorrows, and troubles through some of the kindred, friends or neighbours. Troublesome short journeys and writings. Interested in knowledge of occult science.
Benefits through learnings, writings, short journeys. Learned and intelligent. Many brothers and gain through them. Knowledge of many languages. Pilgrimage. Interest in studies and methods of healing and industrial economy. There may be some strained relations with brothers or kindred and sickness also.
 Beautiful or handsome native, respected, sweet and soft spoken, comforts from wife, mental development, short journeys. Less gain from brothers and relations. When Venus is afflicted, there will be break in educations, restricted developments, troublesome relations. Since 8th house lord is in third house it may indicate danger of death on short journeys, death of brothers, psychic and mysterious experiences
Poor, gloomy, strained relations and loss through brothers. Last part of life happy. General life full of ups and downs and turmoils, powerless enemies and under debt when Saturn is ill placed and badly aspected.When strong being a yogakarka for Libra ascendant, it will confer pleasure through kindred, liking for travel, drama, sports and adventure. Journeys with or through children or young people. Gain through brothers.

Rahu or Ketu. 
Quarrelsome and obstinate. Many brothers and gain through them. Litigations and disputes in life. Fickle minded and of bad temperament.
Fourth House
 Inheritance and gain. Fortunate in property. Respected and famous. Wealthy. Love for father. Success and accomplishment of hopes. The parents may be separated in early age. Worried and Owner of house etc.
Wealth, respect and comforts from conveyance, land and property. Gain and honour through parentage land and property. Success at close of life. Troubles and worries from internal relations. Interest in reclamation, colonization, cooperative movements, horticulture, mining, architecture and archaeology.
Estate or benefit through parents, land or mines. Property by marriage, a chaste wife and happy married life. When Mars is afflicted, indicates litigations over property, robbery in house, loss by investment in property and mines. Afflicted health of mother and may be disrespected or ill famed.
Ecclesiastical or scientific, inheritance, possessions through wife’s relations. Travel on account of family affairs or wife’s mother. May there be loss or great difficulty through property, father, wife’s secret sufferings, restrictions or limitation at the end of life. A worried or troubled life.
 In debilitated sign. Generous and well respected. Intelligent and learned impressionable and sweet speech. Lucky and wealthy, builder of temples, inns, and charitable places. Since it is 6th lord it will give sickness of father through worry and changes. Sickness of native through anxiety and troublesome home or domestic affairs. Troubles through servants in the home. Travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. If afflicted reverse are the results. May deny birth of male child
Respected and wealthy. Fond of music, knowledge of law and other languages. Comforts from conveyance. Limited progeny. Gain through lands, mines, inheritance and possessions, home connection and affairs with the father. Success late if life, occult investigations. Gain in property through the deceased, probably by the death of parents (being 8th Lord) When Venus is afflicted, it will give death of parents, danger through falls and falling buildings, floods and storms.Troubles over inheritance, Lord and property. Few children and difficulty through them.
Yoga karka planet in fourth house is in his own sign and denotes gain from immovable property, acquisition of property and conveyance. Gain from superiors and Govt.; loss of money, good health, ill health to mother. Kidney trouble. Assistance of father, benefits and profit in the place of birth. The native’s children profit through gifts from their grandfather. Love of home.
Rahu or Ketu. 
A worried and troublesome life. Residence or travel to foreign land. Devoid from the comforts of parents. Under debt and poor. Enmity with relations. Unwanted expenditures in life.
Fifth House
A propensity to pleasure through gambling and children. Many love affairs. Respected and famous. Grief of children may result in untimely death of a progney. More troubles and turmoils in middle part of life.

Children may suffer from sickness but rise to honours. Gain and honour through speculations, pleasure, young people, sports or the stage, Wealthy, respected and owner of land and property. Gain from children in life. Lucky and happy in last part of life.
Gain by speculations, investment, pleasure, entertainment, young people and children. Abortions. The native marries and enjoys much pleasures thereby. Loss of earned and accumulated money. A native of rash temperament
Liberal or of unconventional ideas. Free living. Learned. Fond of opposite sex, takes pleasure in science, voyages, philosophy, airflights, foreign investments and speculations. Secret sorrows and difficulty through love. There can be loss through speculations also.


Respected, famous and wealthy, Pleasure journeys, mental pleasure through children but they will remain sick. Pleasure through brothers, reading, study accomplishments and travel to pleasure places. Illness due to over indulgence in pleasure and sports resulting in loss of accumulated wealth. Death of some nearest relative.


Wealthy and learned. Unfortunate children or death of some one, danger through excessive pleasures, speculations, sports and recreations.

Saturn. Middle part of life troublesome, not well educated, death of child, worried life, defamed due to some accusation and eye trouble. But when aspected benefically reverse results.

Rahu or Ketu. 
Rahu frees the native from many troubles calamities and dangers. Favourable for children with land, life and are fortunate. The native gains some public employment or office and fond of pleasures.

 In 5th house is not good. It may deny the native from any issue or may portend their destruction suddenly or violently and may become disobedient. Excessive or irregular pleasures produce much harm.

Sixth House

Brave and victory over enemies. Faithful servants and beneficial circumstances. Friends among working and army, navy or service people. Grief from parents, loss of ancestral property and through law suits.

Modest wordly position, gain and honour through service, employment, army or navy affairs. Many enemies, may be disreputed. May face worries and troubles upto middle of life and face debts.

Gain through inferiors, hygience and services. Marriage below status, has sickly wife and evily disposed employees. Strained relations with relatives. Loss of ancestral property. Weak stomach.

Many enemies, troubles through employees, difficulty through work in foreign lands or in connection with exporting limitations on account of sickness.

Some servere illness, command over foreign languages. Difficulty through brothers, interest in study of social economy. Financial condition not sound, grief and worries from wife and children. Many enemies and losses through relatives and friends. If well aspected, reverse results are indicated.

Dangerous sickness, loss of money earned by employment and through those who may keep it. Licentious and adulterous. Many enemies and loss through women. Disease of wind etc. are indicated.

Stomach trouble, diseased, disputes with relations, under debt, loss of agricultural land, disrespected. Loss of professions through sickness, servants and animals. When well aspected reverse results.

Rahu or Ketu. 
Worried or troubled through enemies but victory over enemies, loss of property and respect through the Govt.; change of residence. A worried and troubled native.

Seventh House

Sun. A loving partner with desirable friendship and social connections, success in law suits. Respected, famous and wealthy. Blessed with land and property. Gain through brothers.

Gain through law suits and dealing with the public generally. Honours and reputation assisted by an honourable marriage and partnerships in responsible concerns. Connections with many women. Respect and gain through mother’s relations. Intelligent and learned. Travel in foreign country. Gain from Govt.; and business.

Marriage in a good family, gain by marriage, contract business and dealing with others, specially with women. Brave and courageous. Victory over enemies, success in law suits, a progressing partner, but likely one who grows cold or proves untrue or hostile. Brothers will be prosperous and gain of wealth and respect through them is also indicated.

Learned and intelligent. Knowledge of many languages. Public enemies through religious, scientific or sea faring people. Marriage to a stranger be opposed to the native. Grief from wife in middle age. Troubles through deceit and treachery through unions, contracts, partnerships and law suits. Sickness, discord and opposition of partner, trouble through women generally.

Marriage as a result of journey, writing or with one of kin. Long life, generous and truthful. Average life up to middle age, under debt, worried, quarrels through servants difficulties with disreputed women and sickness. Troubles with employees. Last part of life will be comfortable. If afflicted reverse results.

A rich partner or one to whom money comes unexpectedly. Association with other women and fond of opposite sex. Generous, gain and comforts from conveyance. Favoured, respected. A jolly and submissive nature. A man of rank and powers. If afflicted loss and trouble through law, union and open enemies. Marital happiness, May there be death of partner, danger of death by violence, suicide, accident or war.

Saturn is in enemy’s camp. Ugly women, difficulties in childhood, rash temperament greedy, slow workers, many enemies, influence of opposite sex, mainly remain in foreign country, diseased wife, disturbed family life. No gain from journey and business. Comforts in old age.

Rahu or Ketu. 
Rahu in 7th house lessens the number of enemies, increased profit dealing with others and portends delight and gain through opposite sex whose influence may benefit the native. It is testimony for a wise and wealthy partner.

Denotes many enemies, calumines raised by enemies or competitors, contentions and difficulties with partner but is also portends the death or destruction of enemies.

Eighth House

Death of friends, gifts or legacies from friends. An easy demise. Loss of ancestral property, law suits, danger to respect and may face punishment. Many enemies and opponents. Devoid from the comforts of parents.

Gain and honours in handling the estate or money of others, also through law suits, legacies, inheritance, insurance etc. of deceased person. Many enemies, difficulties in early part of life. Short life (subject to afflicted or weak Moon and other checks). Troubles through relations. Last part of life will be very lucky.

Death of wife of partner, some inheritance but difficulty over it, loss of money through marriage and partnerships if afflicted. Gain by legacy and goods of the dead or through money of the partner. If afflicted loss of legacy, money through the financial loss of others, as bank failures etc.

An unsatisfactory end and medium life. Many misfortunes, secret enemies die, trouble over inheritance. Persecution regarding religious, scientific or educational convictions also through publications. Gain by long journeys concerning legacies or good of deceased persons. Death of partner’s kindred. Psychic experiences. Strained relation with learned persons.

Long life, grief of brother and friends. Honest and respected man. Troubled early life, dangerous illness, death of servants, animals, poultry etc. Financial rewards for faithful work and service. False accusations, or trouble on account of death or bequests. Death at the hand of a cruel enemy

Birth of sons, respected, concern over affairs of dead and with money of partner and finances of others. Death through irregularity, occult experiences, mediumistics, a comfortable fixed partner.Spiritualistic experiences.

 Short life, more sons than daughters, diseases in early life, respected, and reputed. Comfortable middle life. Foreign journey, diseased and comforts from conveyance. Suffers through children who may die before the native. Loss through speculation and gambling. Gain by legacy or estate.

In 8th house promotes health and conduces to longevity, testimony for gifts and legacies and gain by those deceased.

Denotes loss of goods through deception, sudden or violent death. Danger from poison, worried and troubled.

Ninth House

Gain and success through long journeys, respected and famous, gain from parents property, friendship through travel or learning. Friends among educators, ministers, writers, explores and inventors.

Honourable voyages, professional journeys, honours through learning, writings, publishing, research or philosophy. A religious or intellectual, mother’s care, training and efforts. Wealth and honest.

Marriage through stranger, from a far. Gain by partner’s relatives, partner’s journey to foreign lands. Gain by books, trading at sea, long journeys, philosophy, religion, science and wife’s kindred. If afflicted reverse the results.

Pilgrimage, travelling for education, scientific or religious purposes, prophetic dreams, many fine qualities. Splendid possibility through culture and development. Long journeys, secret missions, investigations, exploration, secluded, research. Learned, intelligent and generous.

Long life, journey to foreign land, gain through philosophy, publishing and science, danger through overstudy. Generous, wealthy, intelligent, gain through relations, sickness abroad at sea while travelling. Work in connection with foreign affairs or universities. Expenditure on religious and charitable institution.

Ancestral property, respect, favour and gain from Govt.; Wealthy, long journeys, religious or psychic experience. A beautiful and well versed wife, respect and gain through her. Prophetic dreams. Interest in science, invention, law, philosophy and matters of higher mind. Old age will be comfortable and lucky.

Acquisition of money, happy, respected, high status, comfortable during young life, good and harmonious relations and gain from father and mother’s brothers. Dutiful children and gain from them. Pleasure in foreign land.

Rahu indicates the improvement in the mental qualities and gives success in educational, legal or studies. Favourable for voyages and foreign affairs. True dreams and prophetic intuition.

Afflicts the faculty of faith and portends miserable or unfortunate voyages, curious dreams, unreliable promotions. Trouble or danger of imprisonment in foreign lands.

Tenth House

Friendship among those of good position. Gain and honours through those of high standing in social, business or Govt.; circles. Respected, wealthy and famous. A native of power and authority. Profit from ancestral property. Happiness and gain from brothers, respect from officers and rulers.

Gain and honour through profession, honorary office or Govt.; employee. Success aided by mother’s care, training and efforts. Comforts after troubles and worries. Reverse results when afflicted or weak.

Gain by occupation, profession, merchandising. Govt.; wife’s parents. A honourable partner beneficial to the professional carrier.

Honour, credit, influence of opposite sex, adulterous and esteem through science, literature or travel. Success in foreign affairs. Sorrows through mother or inlaws. Liability to disgrace. Discredit and preservation from superiors and authorities.

Wealthy, intelligent and famous. Professional and honourable journeys and gain through them, renown also through writings or other accomplishments. Intelligent and gain through brothers. Respect and authority from Govt.; comforts from conveyance.

Gain and comforts from conveyance. Successful in hope, merit, honour, perfermental success, rise to high social or professional position. Other person will lose money by him, according to the planet’s aspect. If afflicted reverse the results.

Honourable children, renown in speculations. Gain in possession by trade, profession, public or Govt., work or by fruits of earth. Gain from in laws. When afflicted it makes the native anti-religious, cheat, liar, irritable temperament, disrespect and litigations.

confers on the native honours, credit and high position by merit of industry and ability.

Denotes loss of position through deception, treachery and adverse public conditions such as sudden depressions, changes or failures.

Eleventh House

Respect, regards and wealth well defined hopes and successful wishes. Wealthy and a native of rank and power. Gain of parental property, brave and courageous. Many friends and beneficial acquaintances. Friend among unique, ingenious, original or radical people. Gain through brothers.

An honourable fortune, a comfortable and happy life after middle age. Eminent friends among legislators and those in high or professional position. A law suits but recovery from worries. The native is helpful to his associates and others. Ambitious and ideal.

Gain or loss by friends and accidental fortune. Fond of company of religious persons. A native will lead an independent life. Grief from the death of brother in the middle age. Friends become public opponents or enemies. Journeys to lands in the company of religious persons. Marriage to a widow or widower with children but liable to trouble through them.

Fortune friendships on voyages and friends among foreigners and foreign lands. Acquaintances among travellers, scientists and legislators. Adulterous and fond of opposite sex, waste and loss of money through women. Under debt. Sufferings on account of religious or other convictions.

Fortunate through brothers. Intelligent, learned and generous. Comforts from conveyance. A wealthy and respected native. Hopes and wishes accomplished through progressive studies.Correspondences with friends, through journeys and gain through them. Respect, good rank and favour from Govt.;Sickness amongst friends and family. Hopes depend too much on acquaintances. Interest in legislative activities, political and social welfare. In middle of life, one becomes under debt.

No dearth of enemies, rheumatic pain, danger of defamation, loss of wealth, reversal in business and profession, strained relations with brother, litigation when afflicted. But when well aspected then great attachment with children and friends. Happy conclusions to the hopes and wishes, friends through speculation or pleasure among legislators, ambassadors and sportsman, Many hopes and wishes attained in old age.

will be learned, dear to people, be an author of treatises, be very skilful, and be endowed with many sons and wealth.fear of secret diseases, he will be liberal, virtuous, charitable, and helpful to others.

Rahu in eleventh house indicates meritorious friendships, acquaintances which assist in the realisation of hopes and wishes.

denotes undesirable associations, loss of opportunities, and of hopes. Wrong advice and false friends. When well aspected reverse result are denoted.

Twelfth House

 Intelligent, respected and will hold a power and authority. Gain from Govt. generous and of sanguine thinking. Deceitful friends who may cause much sufferings. Sorrowful friends. One may become worried due to unwanted expenditure but will soon control them. Kind to everybody. Good friendship amongst occult people. Pleasure in peaceful, quiet, harmonious or secluded places.

Position of 10th lord in 12th house is derogatory. It indicates loss of office or honour, dignity etc. through business associates who become secret enemies. Unfortunate environments and conditions. Professional secrets. Difficulty in employment. Limitations relieved by the studies of recondite science or metaphysics. If well aspected and strong then favourable results.

A native of independent view and living. Many enemies. Unhappy marriage, secret sorrows, jealous, vexation and sickness. Law suits after middle age. Partner or opponents may cause imprisonment or fear of it. Danger of death at the hands of enemies if 8th house lord is afflicted. Gain by affairs of secret nature through hospitals, occult investigations and by large animals.

Difficulty and loss in business. Sorrows through religion, science, journeys. If a writer or inventor has a hard time to complete his work and put it to the public. In middle or latter part of his life seeks seclusion for development, occult learning etc., and makes long journeys for the same. Powerless enemies, secret investigation, fondness of animals. Limitations, afflictions and adversities prove to be blessing in disguise by developing inner growth of understanding. Early life full of difficulties.

A teacher or professor. Great sorrows through brothers. Secret sufferings. Occult learning. Seclusion or estrangements from brothers or kindred. Many enemies who will be source of worries. Danger of enemity and imprisonment while travelling. Respected. Unwanted and uncalled for expenses. Sickness or work in large institutions. Work of secret or mysterious nature. Interest in archaeology and submarine life. Grief from children.

Loss through opposite sex. Difficulty over inheritance, death of secret or private enemies. Great sorrows, fear or anxiety due to death or imprisonment. Less respect. A happy man inspite of many adversities. Gain and benefit through understanding of the occult and secret missions. Success in middle life.

Gentle, difficulties in early life, loss through enemies, loss of money and expenditure more than income. Unhappy life. Afflicted health. End of life in seclusion or devoted to the study of occult subjects. Children may cause secret sorrows. Ruin through speculations. Pleasure through the investigation of things of mysterious and research nature.

Rahu denotes gain by secret methods or in seclusion, and success in occultism.
Ketu. Indicates frequent harassment by the mechanisations of the secret enemies. Liability to imprisonment or restraint and restrictions. Unfavourable to health, inclines to self undoing.

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