Planets in signs and houses

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Astrology is a system of divination founded on the notion that the relative positions of celestial bodies are signs of or—more controversially among astrologers—causes of destiny, personality, human affairs, and natural events.The primary astrological bodies are the sun, moon, and planets; although astrology is commonly characterized as "reading the stars", the stars actually play a minor role. The main focus is on the placement of the seven planets relative to each other and to the signs of the zodiac, though the system does allow reference to fixed stars, asteroids, comets, and various mathematical points of interest as well. As a craft, astrology is a combination of basic astronomy, numerology, and mysticism. In its modern form, it is a classic example of pseudoscience.

Planets in signs and houses

A horoscope is a detailed layout of the zodiac and planets at the time of birth. It would be equivalent to a picture taken at a particular time capturing the state of heavenly bodies in the sky. It represents the zodiacal sign rising at the place of birth and the location of planets in various signs. The 12 zodiacal signs are related to so many houses in the horoscope relative to different aspects of life. A detailed horoscope relates the planets, houses, and minute divisions of the signs in order to show the strength and potential of the planets. It correlates the signs of the zodiac as they are crossed by the sun, moon and planets and the position of planets in the twelve astrological houses.

The 12 house divisions generally signify the following aspects of an individual's life:

1st House: (Ascendant) General personality, face, temperament, strength, and vitality (life-force contained in the incarnating soul).

2nd House: (Dhana Bhava) Wealth and affluence, family relations, speech, right eye, neck, creative potential, and death.

3rd House: (Sahaja Bhava) Siblings, individual prowess, collateral, short journeys, chest and right ear, longevity.

4th House: (Sukha sthana) Immediate environment, home life, mother, emotion, landed property, dwelling place, personal conveyance, conditions at the fag end of life. It also refers to chest as well as peace of mind.

5th House: (Suta Bhava) Children, creativity, learning, psychological disposition, speculation, intelligence, and physically it relate to stomach and back.

6th House: (Ripu Sthana) Enemies, impediments, wounds on body, disappointments, debts, illnesses, servants, employment conditions. It also represents intestines and navel.

7th House: (Kalatra or Jaya Bhava) Marriage and legally wedded wife, business partnerships, foreign travel recognition of merit overseas, dissipation of energy, sexual relationships; it represents the loin region and the urinary tract.

8th House: (Mrityu sthana) Death, generative organs, hidden aspects of an individual, occultism, legacy, unearned income, secret maneuverings, life of the spouse, place and surroundings of death.

9th House: (Dharma sthana; Bhagya sthana) Religious philosophy and one's beliefs, luck, past righteous merits natural proclivities, unmerited rewards, rituals, long travels, father, and thigh.

10th House: (Karma sthana) Profession, relationship with state and administration, primary activities for sustaining oneself, status in life, honor from the public, and knees.

11th House: (Labha sthana) Gains, income, friendship, social life and permissive sexual relationships, elder brother, and ankles.

12th House: (Vyaya sthana) Expenditure, all kinds of outflows, e.g. expenditure, dissipation of energy, useless efforts, tiresome travels. It is also concerned with pleasures of bed and with the obstacles in life. It is concerned with life after death and with psychic experiences. It is related with feet.

Relations between planets

A planet is said to be a friend of the other whose rays it does not counteract. The following table will show you the permanent friendship between planets:

Planet Friend Neutral Enemy
The Sun Moon, Mars, Jupiter Mercury Saturn, Venus
The Moon Sun, Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus None
Mars Jupiter, Moon, Sun Saturn, Venus Mercury
Mercury Sun, Venus Saturn, Mars, Jupiter Moon
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
Venus Mercury, Saturn Mars, Jupiter Moon, Sun
Saturn Venus, Mercury Jupiter Mars, Moon, Sun


Also known as "Neecha" It represents the weakest position of a planet. At this position the positive effects of the planet are eliminated unless cancelled by "Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga". The planets are debilitated as follows:

1. Sun in Libra
2. Moon in Scorpio
3. Mars in Cancer
4. Mercury in Pisces
5. Jupiter in Capricorn
6. Venus in Virgo
7. Saturn in Aries
8. Rahu in Scorpio
9. Ketu in Taurus


The term used to describe a planet that is placed in its sign of exaltation, the sign, other than its one of dignity, in which it functions most smoothly, greater than normal in degree or intensity, because of the harmonious relationship between planet and sign. The planets are exalted as follows:

1. Sun in Aries
2. Moon in Taurus
3. Mars in Capricorn
4. Mercury in Virgo
5. Jupiter in Cancer
6. Venus in Pisces
7. Saturn in Libra
8. Rahu in Taurus
9. Ketu in Scorpio

The integrated analytical technique will focus on a stepwise approach:
Step 1

Check the correctness or birth data twice. If any doubt subsists, rectification should be done before anything else.

Step 2

Identify the functional nature of planets, the most benefic planet and most malefic planet. Underline the most malefic planets.

Step 3

Find out the strength of planets; see if the planets are weak or strong, and closely afflicted etc.

Step 4

Find out the current operating dasas. Identify the house where mooltrikona sign of sub-period lord is placed and the natal house is occupied by the sub-period lord.

Step 5

Find out the natal and transit strength of the sub-period lord and determine the triple transit triggering influence i.e. from Transit to Natal, Transit to Transit, and Natal to Transit. Don't forget special aspects of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.

Step 6

Assess longevity: If a mooltrikona sign rises in the ascendant, pay special attention to the longevity by seeing the strength of planets and functional nature of operating planets.

Step 7

By using the dasas and transits, combine these to see the current and future trends.

Step 8

Prescribe the astral remedies. Until and unless astral advice is sought, better not to give it.

Planets in signs and houses

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Although numerology has been around for millenium, its true origins remain a mystery. Thousands of years ago, early civilizations in Egypt and Babylon both recognized the power of numbers. Its quite possible that numerology has been in existence since the human race learned to count.
Numerology is the study of numbers as it relates to aptitudes and character tendencies. Each letter of the alphabet has a numeric value or frequency that relates to it's vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and sum of the value derived from the letters in your name, provide a road map of vibrations.
Numerology expresses a great deal about a person's character, purpose in life, motivations, career, romantic characteristics, luck and talents. Numerology experts use the numbers to determine the best time for major activities in one's life. Numerology has been used for investment forecasting, marriage counselling, travel advice, carrer consulting, and even relocation advice.

Planets in signs and houses

Jyotisha or Vedic Astrology is unique in many ways when compared with any other astrology; many concepts are unique to Jyotisha alone. There is a big difference when we say “Graha” and Planet, Graha is an energy field, a space entity which has the capacity to hinder or facilitate certain energy to the native, but when we call it as Planet it becomes a physical space entity. So I would prefer to call Graha as Graha and not translate it in to English where it looses its significance, particularly in case of Rahu and Ketu and other Upa-grahas, Upa-grahas (Can call them sub planets just for understanding and not for reference) are yet to be found by Modern Astronomy.

Graha as described in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra is a heavenly body that passes through the Nakshatras (Constellations) Graha’s are listed in Table 1, those listed in Table 2 are Upa-Graha’s and those listed in Table 3 are Kalavelas.

Now we have Graha’s, Upa-Graha’s and Kalavelas, let us complete the picture before we deal with them in detail.

Earth is a globe and it is suspended in the space, it is tilted on its axis at an angle of 23.5° and it rotates on this axis, completing one circle every 24 hours, and at the same time it also circles around Sun, and completes one circle in 365 days and 6 hours, as it travels around the Sun, it crosses 27 Nakshatra’s (Lunar asterism) and 12 Rashi’s (Zodiac signs), before it reaches its starting point.

The precession of Earth’s axis:

As the Earth rotates on its axis, it maintains certain speed but the northern point of the axis does not remain directed to the same star field, in fact it sways like a top, this is called precession and the gravitational pull of the two luminaries, Sun and Moon are responsible for this. In addition, Earth takes 26,000 years to complete one precession cycle that means it takes that many years to reach the exact same point where the north point of the axis points to the same star field.

This will be explained in detail when I will take up Ayanamsa.

An imaginary circle (360°) around Earth if divided into 12 equal segments and each 30° segment is given a name and called as Rashi, or the zodiac signs. Table 4 lists all the Rashi’s.

Further, another Imaginary circle (360 degrees) is again divided in 27 segments of 13° 20 minutes each; each segment is occupied by one Nakshatra (lunar asterism) Table 5 lists all the Nakshatra’s.

* Further explanation in future posts.
Now we have Graha’s, Upa graha’s, Kalavelas, Rasi’s, Nakshatras and Earth, we will discuss each one of them in detail, but to correlate all these we need a chart, In India we have three types of Charts, North Indian Chart, South Indian Chart and East Indian Chart and the western astrology uses a circle.


The South Indian chart is shown as Chart no 1, Mesha(Aries) is always fixed in the top row, 2nd house and the remaining signs follow in a clockwise direction as shown in the chart no 1, Nakshatra position is also fixed with Ashwini taking the 1st 13° 20 minutes of the Mesha bhava( Aries House), as we already know that each house is equal to 30°. The lords of the houses are also fixed as shown in the chart no 1, except Sun and Moon all other Graha’s have lordship of two houses each, Rahu and Ketu have shared lordship with Sa in Khumba (Aquarius) and Ma in Vrishchika (Scorpio) resp.
In the North Indian Chart, the
house positions are fixed (1st house top middle, with the rest following in counterclockwise order) and the signs of the zodiac are indicated by numbers in the chart (1 for Aries, and so on). The lagna occupies the first house.

Lagna/Ascendant& Special Lagnas: This is the sign that rises in the eastern horizon at the time of the birth of a native, and it determines the physical appearance, general health, longevity and other functional and dysfunctional traits in a native, depending on the Rasi and position of the lord of that Rasi.

In Jyotisha, normal lagna is used to draw inference about the native’s life in general, but to get information in specific areas like wealth, business, prosperity, power, marriage etc, the Rasi/House with the special lagna is taken as the first house.

Arudhas/Padas: As the normal Lagna(As) denotes the true self of a native, Arudhas or Padas denote the illusion attached with the native in the material world, or we can say the image of the native as the world perceives it can be found from position of Arudhas.Table no 7 lists all the arudhas and their significance.

Arudhas: Arudhas or Padas are arudhpadas of various bhavas or houses as listed in the table no 7, normal lagna denotes the real image or personality or character or true self of the native and the Arudhas denote the perceived image /character/personality/position/illusion created by the material world/people/or a hype created by the people around native, it could be bad and good based on the positions of the arudhapadas, a simple example is a very genuine person by nature/character/personality might be perceived by the material world as a bad character or bad person and vice versa, a very intelligent person as very stupid and very stupid as a genius, all this depends on hype created in the material world, many times we see people flying very high with hype but the actual picture could be that everything in that persons life is dubious, this is maya which is represented by Arudhas, so each pada signifies some aspect of the life as listed in the table no 7, this helps in differentiating between the actual reality and the cream coated image of the native, sometimes both can match also.

Each Bhava/house has some significance/properties in addition to the characteristics of the Rasi/Sign, these are listed in the table no 8
Bhava/houses, the chart is divided in to 12 Bhavas/houses, based on the 12 Rasi/Signs of the zodiac, Graha’s posited in the bhavas will influence the native in those areas of his/her life, e.g. Dhana bhava gives “x” properties to the native, but the level of phala/result will depend on the Graha’s, Arudhas, lagna etc.

Above list is not exhaustive, each bhava will be dealt in detail.

Varga - the divisional charts: Varga simply means division i.e. when each Bhava is divided into Vargas or amsa; we have various Varga/divisions, as it will be very difficult to show them in one chart, each Varga is presented as a separate chart.

The bhava is divided in to divisions from two to 60 and even 144 and the Graha’s positions are determined based on the registered longitude of the Graha at the time of birth. Out of all the Vargas, Rasi, Hora, Navamsa, Dashamsa, Shodashamsa, Vimshamsa, Siddhamsa, AkshaVedamsa and Shashtiamsa are very important to get a complete picture of the native.

In fact the Rasi/Radix gives the complete information about the native’s life but the divisional charts are like tools to confirm the prediction, if all the divisional charts are placed one above another like a stack of mirrors, and if all the Graha’s are posited in same positions in all the divisional charts (very remote) the native will have theoretical phala i.e. 100% in a way.

Other terms I will deal with are, Lagnamsha, Vargottama, Parivartana, Uttamans etc. names of all the Vargas/divisional charts described by Maharishi Parasara and Jaimini are listed in the table no 9.

Planets in signs and houses (Source:keralaastrology)

Dasa/Dasha/Planetary periods: Every planet has a time period and time frame in a native's life and it depends on the rising sign of the native, dasha can be deduced in anyone of the systems listed in the table no 10, but the most common one is the Vimsottari Dasha/Dasa.

* Important

Out of all the dasha systems, Vimsottari dasha is the most common and widely used by all astrologers and as per Rishi Parasara, Vimsottari dasha is most appropriate for the general populace and as in kaliyuga the maximum life span of any human is 120 years and hence the total sum of all the Graha’s is 120 years, Vimsottari itself means 120.

Beginning from Kritika, the Lords of Dashas are Sūrya, Candr(Moon), Mangal(Mars), Rahu, Guru(Jupiter), Śani(Saturn), Budh(Mercury), Ketu and Śukr(Venus) in that order. Thus, if the Nakshatras from Kritika to the Janma Nakshatr (Birth Star) are divided by nine, the remainder will signify the Lord of the commencing Dasha. The remaining Dashas will be of the Grahas in the order, given above.

Structure of Dasha, Basically in the life span of 120 years, the periods of Maha Dashas of Sūrya, Candr(Moon), Mangal(Mars), Rahu, Guru( Jupiter), Śani( Saturn), Budh( Mercury), Ketu and Śukr(Venus) are 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 years in that order, and under each Maha dasha there will be following further classification:

Antar Dasha’s of each Graha in years, under each Antar dasha there will be Pratyantara Dasha’s of each Graha in months, under each Pratyantara dasha there will be Sookshma Antar Dasha of each Graha in weeks or days, under each Sookshma-Antar dasha there will be Praana Antar Dasha of each Graha in days or hours, and under each Praana-Antar dasha there will be Deha Antar Dasha of each Graha in hours.

So for e.g. On Feb 21, 2007, 5.00 Pm in Montreal the structure of Dasha will be.

Mahadasha—------------------------Ketu---------From 2003-03-22 to 2010-03-22
Antar dasha------------------------- Rahu--------From 2006-02-20 to 2007-03-10
Pratyantara dasha—----------------Mars-------- From 2007-02-16 to 2007-03-10
Sookshma- Antar Dasha----------- Jupiter-------From 2007-02-20 to 2007-02-23
Praana Antar dasha----------------Saturn-------From 2007-02-21(7:26:30 am) to
2007-02-21(6:31:41 pm)
Deha Antar dasha------------------ Rahu ------- From 3:23:12 pm to 5:02:59 pm

Like this, for any event or time point the Dasha can be deduced and the native can see if the time is favorable for him to, do any thing or carry out transactions, for this the Nakshatra at that time is also considered, like Rahu kalam is generally considered inauspicious for travel or to initiate any good work, e.g. the time period of 3:23:12 pm to 5:02:59 pm on 21 of Feb. 2007 from the above e.g. could be considered inauspicious, so better avoid initaiting good transactions or travel etc during that period. I will explain this later in one of my following posts.

The meaning of AshtakaVarg is literally the group of eight things. In other words, it is the combination of the good and bad positions of a Graha with reference to the seven Grahas and Lagna. So it is the combination of the benefic and malefic marks (the Rekhas (lines) and the Bindus (dots)) in a planet’s chart with reference to the position of the eight Grahas (here Lagna is to be treated, as a Graha).

AshtakaVarg is a simple system or tool by which a direct conclusion can be drawn for inauspiciousness and auspiciousness of each Rashi/House and for each Graha/Planet. Longevity can be calculated using AshtakaVarg; I will take this in detail in one of my following posts.

Yoga –
Means prospect for wealth, children, spouse, royal association, kingdom, riches, etc. and for poverty or penury and death, due to certain combinations and positions of Graha’s/Planets, and the Graha responsible for such a prospect is called the Karaka.
BPHS (Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra) and Kalyan Varma Saravali, list out hundreds of these yoga’s, the main combinations are classified as:
Nabhash Yogas, Chandra Yogas, Surya Yogas, Raj Yogas, and miscellaneous yogas, I will present the complete list with details under Yoga and Yoga karakas.

Lost Horoscopy: if the time of birth is not known or the horoscopy got lost, using Prasna Lagna (Query chart), a new chart can be created and there are other ways to correct your time of birth also.

Female Horoscopy:
All the effects as described in the classics for males will also apply for the females. Matters, relating to her physical appearance, should be determined from Lagna, those, relating to children, from the 5th Bhava, fortune for the husband from the 7th and death of the husband (widowhood) should be deduced from the 8th. Those effects, which are impossible to ascribe to the female, should be declared applicable to her husband.

Jyotisha deals with remedies in detail and I will list them in a separate post.

Lunar Year, months and days:
Even before Christ, people in India were following various calendars, Vikram samvat, and the oldest is Yudhisthir Shaka, as per Yudhisthir shaka the current Gregorian year would be 7507 and as per Vikram samvat it is 2064 and as per Salivahana Shaka the current year is 1928.

The names of lunar year, months and days are listed in Table no 11, 12 and 13 resp.

* It is a 60-year cycle the names will keep repeating.

The day starts with sun rise and ends with sun set, a day is given panch-angas, five properties, Tithi, Vaasara( weekdays), Nakshatra, Karanam and Yogam.

Tithi: This is already listed in the table no 13, so a day can be either Shukla paksha (Waxing moon) or Krishna paksha (Waning moon).

Vaasara: Ravi (Sunday) Soma, Mangala, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani (Saturday).

Nakshatra: Already listed in the table no 5.

Karanam: A Karanam is half of a Tithi, to be precise, a Karanam is the time required for the angular distance between the sun and the moon to increase in steps of 6° starting from 0°.
There are only eleven karanam's and out of 11, four are fixed Karanam's and seven are "repeating" type .

First Tithi of Krishna Paksha Pratipat is always Kimstughna Karanam followed by Shakuni Karanam, Chatuspad and Nagava for Krishna Paksha Dwitya, then the repeating seven karanam’s repeat for 8 times till full moon day with Vishti Karanam, The Karanam active during sunrise of a day is the Karanam for the day.

Yogam: the angular distance along the ecliptic of any object on the sky, measured from Meshadi (Start of Aries) is called the longitude of that object. When the longitude of the sun and the longitude of the moon are added, they produce a value ranging from 0° to 360, the 27 parts (each equal to 800')hence obtained are called Yogam. The Yogam that is active during the sunrise is the Yogam of that day.
What one should look for in a Horoscope: The purpose of getting a horoscope is to understand the cosmic implications in our lives, so the parameters one should be asking for predictions are:

General Appearance( Appearance of a person changes with Dasha Lord)
2 Wealth from Inheritance
3 Relations with youngsters, friends etc.
4 Property
5 Children, past puNya
6 Health and Enemies, Job
7 Marriage, Spouse and Defense against enemies
8 Longevity
9 Blessings, curses and favorable deities.
10 Career, Income.
11 Wealth, Gains, friends, relation with elders.
12 Loss and litigation
13 Past lives, karma level etc.
14 Purpose of life
15 Life direction
16 Travel, Favorable times and periods etc.
17 Unexpected future happenings etc.

Horoscope/Kundali: This is a document which details out all the Graha, and astrological combinations etc, there is no hard and fast rule for constructing a Horoscope/Kundali, if all information is included it could go to 40 to 50 pages, but if only basic info is covered a two page Horoscope is sufficient. The basic information required to construct a horoscope are following.

1 Name of the Native
2 Date of birth, year, month and day
3 Time of birth of the native ( reliable source are Birth certificate or Mother, most of the times it needs correction)
4 Place of birth and time zone
5 Longitude and Latitude correction(if any)
6 Day light saving time( if any)
7 Ayanamsa followed by the family( If any)

Basic Information: The first page of Horoscope, it is a tradition that the basic info contain the raw data.
Charts Rasi Navamsa ( D-9) Match Making: Once Horoscope is prepared, it can be matched with horoscope of a person from the opposite sex for marriage purposes and it is in fact a very good tool to know the strengths and weaknesses in the marriage and also if the marriage is good enough or not. To get an idea we have to see what Ashta kootas are, Ashta Kootas are eight parameters with maximum and minimum points for a match to qualify.

Any match with 18 and above is considered good and less than 18 is not recommended, above 28 is rare combination. If the first seven Ashta Koota are same for the couple, the points earned are maximum, but for Nadi it should never be the same, Bhakut and Nadi are the most important, for a marriage to survive and go a long way.

Learning, practicing and teaching Jyotisha:

Maharishi Parasara said. O Brahmin! I have described to you the Jyotish Shastra, as narrated by Lord Brahma to the Sage Narada and by Narada to Shaunaka and other Sages, from whom I received the knowledge of this Shastra. I have narrated the same Jyotish Shastra, which I learnt from them. Do not impart the knowledge of this Shastra to one, who is insignificative, slanders, or calumniates others, nor to one, who is not intelligent, is wicked and unknown to you. Teach this supreme Vedanga Jyotish Shastra only to one, who is gentle and amiable, devoted, truthful, brilliant and well known to you.

Only that person, who possesses adequate knowledge of time and the positions of Grahas and Nakshatras, can understand this Hora Shastra. Only that
person, who has complete knowledge of the Hora Shastra and who is truthful, can make correct favorable or unfavorable predictions.
One, who reads, or listens with attention and devotion to this excellent Hora Shastra, becomes long-lived and is blessed with increase in his strength, wealth and good reputation.

Planets in signs and houses GRAHA/PLANETS characteristics and description

GRAHA/PLANETS characteristics and description

Graha, (Planets as they are normally called) are cosmic entities and represent Lord Vishnu’s incarnations, which have the capacity to influence any living thing through other living things on this earth plane, Table 17 lists all the Lord Vishnu’s Avataras (Incarnations).

The moment a living thing takes birth, The hour, minutes, seconds and the Graha situation of that moment is drawn as a equation and deposited in the account of that native, the native’s physical and mental faculties develop based on this equation, the Rising sign has the maximum influence on the native and based on that equation native gets his/her shape, size, abilities or deficiencies, but the Graha as they are in continuous motion, influence the native almost every moment based on their position generally called as Gochara/Transits,
Therefore, the basic point one has to understand is that there are two levels.
First the basic Graha Equation at the time of birth, the natal chart.
Second the Gochara/Transits (The current position of Graha using the native’s configuration)
We will deal with this when I will take up analysis of the Chart in one of my future posts.

Graha/Planet: Parameters pertaining to the Graha and their characteristics.

Lagna is the most important point in the horoscope; it is the Rasi/zodiac sign that rises in the East, on the latitude of birth. The apparent rising of a Rasi is due to the rotation of the earth on its own axis, causing every degree of the zodiac seemingly ascends on the eastern horizon, approximately, every two hours one Rasi passes via the horizon, i.e. every degree taking 4 minutes to ascend and this duration is based on the concerned latitude.

Shubha Graha/Benefics/Krura Graha/malefics: Each Graha can be classified as Benefic if it gives beneficial phala/result or, as a malefic if it gives negative or malefic effect, Table no 18 lists the Graha’s as Benefics or Malefics.

Note: A natural Benefic Graha is supposed to be always delivering beneficial phala or result to the Native and the Krura (Malefic) Graha’s always the malefic effect, but this is not actually true, many factors influence this property of the Graha’s,

Like position of the Graha, the number of the House it is posited in, the mutual relationship with other Graha posited with it, mutual Drishti, Avastha and strength of the Graha etc.

Table no 19 lists some of the important characteristics of Graha’s starting from the Surya (Sun) to Sani (Saturn), the list shows the main governance of each Graha, in the human body, time scale, taste, trees, fabric, seasons, and the main abode.

The governances listed in the Table no 19 suggest the characters of the Native also, meaning the Native ruled by particular Graha/Planet will have the same characteristics in his way of living, his/her choice of color, place, taste, materials, and physical and mental attributes etc.

Further the table no 20 lists remaining characteristics of the Graha like status, complexion, ruling deity, sex of the Graha, element, social status, nature, eyes, shape of the body, habits, quality of brain, and other features.

The characteristics listed in the Table no 19 and 20 are for reference purpose whenever a native needs to be described for his/her characteristics, physical and mental attributes, the above given characteristics come very handy.

Graha/Planets and their Strengths: Basically, strength here means the ability to bring an effect it could be positive or negative, the natural order of planets based on there natural strengths is: Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Shukra (Venus), Guru (Jupiter), Budh ( Mercury), Mangal (Mars)and Sani (Saturn) in decreasing order.

Further to the natural strength of the Graha’s, the Avasthas of the Graha’s is most important, Avastha is to see the situation of the Graha/Planet, is it a infant?, young or is it too old, is it ashamed or proud etc. It tells us the State and condition of the Graha/Planet and based on the condition of the Graha/Planet the Phala/Result can be explained.

There are two sets of Avasthas, the second set of Avasthas i.e. Shayan Adi Avasthas is most important and should be considered to make predictions regarding strength etc. Table no 22, 23 and 24 lists all the types of Avasthas and their level of Phala/Result.

Rule 1: In case of odd Rasi’s the order starts with Baal to Mrit (Dead) and in case of even Rasi’s the order is from Vriddh (Old) to Baal.
Rule 2: Estimate the effects due to a Bhava, after ascertaining the strength and weakness, weak Grahas cause reduction in good effects, while stronger ones give greater effects. If a Graha, posited in Karm Bhava, is in Lajjit, Kshudhit Avastha, or Kshobhit Avastha, the person will always be subjected to miseries. If a Graha in Putra bhava is in Lajjit Avastha, the progeny will be destroyed or only one child will survive. The spouse of the native will pass away if there is a Graha in Yuvati bhava and is in Kshobhit, or in Trushit Avastha.

Rule 3: A Garvit Graha will cause happiness through new houses and gardens, regal hood, skill in arts, financial gains at all times and improvement in business.

A Mudit Graha will give residences, clothes, ornaments, happiness from lands and wife, happiness from relatives, living in royal places, destruction of enemies and acquisition of wisdom and learning.

A Lajjit Graha will give aversion to God, loss of intelligence, loss of child, interest in evil speeches and listlessness in good things.
A Kshobhit Graha will give acute penury, evil disposition, miseries, financial debacles, distress to feet and obstruction to income, due to royal wrath.
Kshudhit Graha will cause downfall, due to grief and passion, grief because of relatives, physical decline, troubles from enemies, financial distress, loss of physical strength and an eclipsed mind, due to miseries.
A Trushit Graha will cause diseases through association with females, leading over wicked deeds, loss of wealth, due to one’s own men, physical weakness, miseries, caused by evil people and decline of honor.

Shayan Adi Avasthas:

Calculation of Shayan Adi Avasthas: Multiply the number of the Star occupied by the Graha being calculated by the number denoted by the Graha (Surya 1 to Sani 7). Multiply the obtained figure with the number of the Navamsa of the Graha. Add to this the number of the birth asterism (Ruling star, the one, occupied by Chandra), the number of Ghatis of birth and the number of Rasi’s, The Lagna gained from Mesh (Mesh 1, Vrishabha 2 and so forth). This figure should be divided by 12 and the remainder will indicate the corresponding Avastha of the Graha.

The sub-states ( Drishti, Chesht and Vichesht) in the said Avastha can be found out in the following way. Multiply the figure (Shayan 1 to Nidr 12), denoted by the Avastha concerned, by the same figure and increase it by the figure, denoted by the Anka value for the first syllable of the native’s personal name. Divide the product so obtained by 12. The remainder there of should be further increased by constant additives of the Grahas in the following way: Surya 5, Chandra 2, Mangal 2, Budh 3, Guru 5, Shukra 3, Sani 3, Rahu (Ketu) 4. The product so arrived at should be divided by 3. In the process of calculation, if it happens, that the remainder is one, it is Drishti, if two, it is Chesht and, if zero, it is Vichesht.

All the Shayan Adi Avasthas are discussed in detail from Table no 25 to 36, each Graha and its effects in each situation is listed in the said tables. If Surya is in Upavesan Avastha the native will be an artisan, dark in complexion, devoid of learning and miserable. One will serve others.

Should Mangal be in Upavesan in Lagna, the native will be extremely sinful and he will incur several diseases, will be indigent and not peaceful. If Upavesan occurs for Mangal in Dharma, the native will lose his whole wealth apart from his wife and progeny, If in Netrapani there will be all kinds of happiness.

If Surya is in Putra, Dharma, Karma, or Yuvati. In other bhavas Netrapani of Surya will give eye diseases and enmity with all. Mangal in Netrapani in Lagn will give poverty and will destroy the native’s wife and progeny; if Mangal is in Netrapani in other bhavas, this confers on the native all kinds of wealth and happiness from wife and children. The Dhana or Yuvati position of Mangal in Netrapani will cause fear from lions and snakes apart from giving earnings from lands. Furthermore, the native’s wife will predecease him.

Table no 26 and 27 list all the Graha’s and their effects if in Upavesan and Netrapani Avastha respectively.

If Surya is in Prakash Avastha, the native will be meritorious, religious and liberal, will enjoy pleasures, be equal to a prince and will enjoy the status of Kubera, the God of wealth. However, the Prakash Avastha of Surya, placed in Yuvati bhava, or Putra bhava will cause loss of the first child and will produce many litigations. Should Mangal be in Prakash in Putra, or in Yuvati, the native would lose his wife and all children. If Mangal is placed in Putra in Prakash and is yuti with Sani, the native will kill cows.

If Surya is in Gaman Avastha, the native will incur diseases of the feet and will be very mean. Should Mangal be in Gaman in Lagna, the native will be active in his assignments, will incur diseases of the joints, burning pains in the eyes and will obtain dental afflictions and the like, he will have fear from dogs and will adore the guise of a female. In other Bhavas Mangal in Gaman will bring royal favors, leadership and luxuries of life.

If in Agaman Avastha, Surya in Vyaya bhava or in Yuvati bhava will destroy progeny and will give very limited wealth. Mangal in Agaman will cause piles and diseases of the rectum.

If in Agam Avastha, Surya will give many miseries, an ugly appearance and foolishness. However, he will give wealth. Surya in Bhojan Avastha in Dharma bhava will cause many hindrances to spiritual and religious undertakings. In other bhava’s Surya in Bhojan Avastha will cause head and ear diseases, apart from joint pains. If Mangal is in Bhojan, or in Shayan in Putra or in Randhra, there will be premature death for the native. In other bhava’s Bhojan Avastha of Mangal will confer wealth.

Surya in Kautuk Avastha will have fear from enemies, Surya in Kautuk in other Bhavas will number of daughters, two wives, itch, excellence, liberality etc.
Should Mangal be in Nritya Lips and happens to be in Lagna, Dhana, Yuvati, or Karma, the native will receive all kinds of happiness; there will be miseries in abundance, if Mangal is in Nritya Lips and placed in Randhra or Dharma apart from incurring untimely death. In other Bhavas Nritya Lips of Mangal will make the native akin to Kubera. Mangal in Yuvati or in Dharma in Kautuk will give several diseases and death of the first child and wife. In other bhavas Kautuk will confer scholarship, various kinds of wealth, two wives and more female children.

If Surya is in Nidr Avastha, the native will be predisposed to incur piles and elephantiasis, will experience a lack of peace and he is liable to lose his first child. In Nidr Mangal in Lagn, Dhana, Sahaj, Dharma, Karm, or Labh will give scholarship, foolishness and poverty. Putra or Yuvati placement of Mangal in Nidr will give many miseries and many male children. Should Rahu join Mangal in Nidr in any bhava, the native will have many wives, be miserable and will.

Rule 4. If a benefic Graha is in Shayan, there will be benefic effects at all times.
If a malefic is in Bhojan, everything will be destroyed.
Should a malefic in Yuvati be in Nidr Avastha, auspicious effects will follow, provided, that there is no Drishti from another malefic.
Premature death, due to royal wrath, will happen, if there is a malefic in Randhra bhava in Nidr, or in Shayan Avastha.
If in the case of a malefic in Randhra Bhava in Nidr, or Shayan there happens to be a benefic Drishti, or the Yuti (conjoined) of a benefic, (untimely) death will be in the river Ganges, i.e. Gangetic belt, shrines etc.
If there is a malefic in Karma bhava in Shayan, or Bhojan, the native will face many miseries because of his own deeds.
O excellent of the Brahmins, doubtlessly a Raj Yoga will come to pass, if Chandra is in Karma bhava in Kautuk, or Prakash Avastha.
Thus, the good and bad effects should be guessed, assessing the strength and weakness of the Grahas, concerning all the Bhavas.

Graha/Planets and mutual relationships and behavior

Planets like human beings have friendship, enmity and neutral relationships with each other. The relationship is of two types, Permanent and Temporary. By friendship and enmity we mean that the rays of one Graha will be intensified or countered by the other Graha.
Natural Relationships. Note the Rasi’s, which are the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 12th from the Moolatrikona of a Graha. The Grahas ruling such Rasi’s are its friends, apart from the Lord of its exaltation Rasi. Lords other than these are its enemies. If a Graha becomes its friend as well, as its enemy (because of the said two computations), then it is neutral, or equal.
Temporary Relationships. The Graha, posited in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th, 11th, or the 12th from another, becomes a mutual friend. There is enmity otherwise. (This applies to a given Horoscope/Janm Kundali).

The final compound relation ship should be deduced based on the following table no 38.

Ratio of Effects: A Graha in exaltation gives fully good effects, while in Moolatrikona it is bereft of its auspicious effects by one fourth. It is half-beneficial in its own Bhava. Its beneficence is one fourth in a friendly Rasi. In an equal’s Rasi, one eighth of auspicious disposition is useful. The good effects are nil in debilitation, or enemy’s camp. Inauspicious effects are quite reverse with reference to what is stated.

Non-luminous Upa-Grahas (Sub-Grahas/ Sub-Planets).

To calculate the position of Sub-Graha’s:

Add 4 Rasis 13 degrees and 20 minutes of arc to Surya’s longitude at a given moment to get the exact position of the all-inauspicious Dhoomketu.
Reduce Dhooma Ketu from 12 Rasis to arrive at Vyatipat, Vyatipat is also inauspicious.
Add six Rasis to Vyatipata to know the position of Parivesh. He is extremely inauspicious.
Deduct Parivesh from 12 Rasis to arrive at the position of Chap (Indra Dhanus), who is also inauspicious.
Add 16 degrees 40 minutes to Chap, which will give Ketu (Upa Ketu), who is a malefic.
By adding a Rasi to Upa Ketu, you get the original longitude of Surya. These are the Grahas, devoid of splendor, which are malefics by nature and cause affliction.

Rule 5: Effects of Sub-Grahas. If one of these afflicts Surya, the native’s dynasty will decline, while Chandra and Lagna, respectively, associated with one of these, will destroy the longevity and wisdom. So declared Lord Brahma, the Lotus-Born.

Calculations of Gulik and other Kalavelas.

The portions of Surya etc. up to Sani denote the periods of Gulik and others. Divide the day duration (of any weekday) into eight equal parts. The eighth portion is Lord-less. The seven portions are distributed to the seven Grahas commencing from the Lord of the weekday. Whichever portion is ruled by Sani, will be the portion of Gulik. Similarly make the night duration into eight equal parts and distribute these, commencing from the Lord of the 5th (by) week. Here again, the eighth portion is Lord-less, while Sani’s portion is Gulik. Surya’s portion is Kaala, Mangal’s portion is MR^ityu, Guru’s portion is Yamaghantak and Budh’s portion is Ardhaprahar. These durations differently apply to different places (commensurate with variable day and night durations).

Gulik’s Position. The degree, ascending at the time of start of Gulik’s portion (as above), will be the longitude of Gulik at a given place. Based on this longitude only, Gulik’s effects for a particular nativity be estimated.

Calculation of Pranapad.

Convert the given time into Vighatis and divide the same by 15. The resultant Rasi, degrees etc. be added to Surya, if he is in a Movable Rasi, which will yield Pranapad. If Surya is in a Fixed Rasi, add 240 degrees additionally and, if in a Dual Rasi, add 120 degrees in addition to get Pranapad. The birth will be auspicious, if Pranapad falls in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 4th, 10th, or 11th from the natal Lagna. In other, Bhavas Pranapad indicates an inauspicious birth.

Ardhaprahar, Yamaghantak, MR^ityu, Kaala and Gulik are the 5 Kalavelas, suggested by Maharishi Parasara. The day duration, according to altitude, is divided into eight equal parts. The eighth portion is without any lord. The first portion is allotted to the weekday Lord. Other portions follow in the order of weekday Lords. We consider five portions of Grahas, ignoring that of Chandra and Shukra. The portions of Surya, Mangal, Budh, Guru and Sani are, respectively, called Kaala, MR^ityu, Ardhaprahar, Yamaghantak and Gulik.
In case of night, the durations or 1/8th parts are allotted in a different order. The first portion goes to the Graha, ruling the 5th weekday Lord, counted from the day in question. The others follow in the usual order. Here again, the 8th part is without any lord. The portions of Grahas from Kaala to Gulik are the same in nomenclature in the night also.
Out of the 5 Kalavelas, viz. Gulik etc., four except Kaala (related to Surya) have their own Rasi system in the respective Rasis, ruled by their fathers. Gulik, son of Sani, has Kumbha, as his own Bhava. Guru’s son, Yamaghantak, has it in Dhanus. Ardhaprahar, Budh’s son, is in own Rasi, if in Mithuna. MR^ityu, son of Mangal, has Vrishchika, as own Bhava. It is not known, why Kaala, a son of Surya shifted to Makara, a Rasi of his brother (Sani), leaving his father’s Simha. Obviously, Sani has given his Moolatrikona to his son Gulik, while he gave Makara (a secondary Rasi) to his ‘brother’ Kaala.

Planets in signs and houses

Houses And Planets

The zodiac is divided into 12 signs and each sign has one house. So the whole life has been divided and contained in 12 houses which is explained as follows:

Signification of Houses

1st House: This is called Ascendant or Lagna, its lord is called Lagnesh. This house signifies life, longevity, self, health, nature and appearance of native. Complexion, vitality, sorrows, gains and profits to younger brothers and his friends. It governs head and face.

2nd House: This house indicates inflow of finances, bank position, right eye, family, early age or boyhood, speech, sanyas, servants and friends. Self earned wealth, loss or damage, worldly possessions, jewellery, grandfather and mother. It also denotes family, eyesight, understanding with family members, inheritance, law suits, throat, right eye, domestic comforts in general.

3rd House: It denotes younger brothers and sisters and their relations. It signifies courage, intelligence, education up to Higher Secondary level, taste for writing, ornaments, clothes, short journeys. Signing contracts and documents etc. Body parts are arms, right ear, shoulders, sports etc.

4rh House: This house signifies mother, property, conveyance, domestic surroundings and happiness. Old age environments, private affairs, public, inheritance, false allegations, agriculture land and its produce. It represents breasts, chest, lung, stomach, elbow joints etc.

5th House: Children, speculation, intellectual status and luck are gauged from this house. Pleasure, love affairs, lady love, legal or illegal amusements, kidnap, rape etc. are also checked. Belly, heart, liver, spleen are the body covered by this house.

6th House: This house is responsible for enemies,, health, service, servants, uncle, aunts and relations on father’s side. Food, subordinates, debts, obstacles in life, mental worries, theft and calamity etc. The body parts denoted are kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus.

7th House: Matters regarding wife, husband, partnership, external sex organs, conjugal happiness are checked from 7th house. This house also denotes marriage, married life, love, contracts, litigations, divorce, honour and reputation in foreign country. Body parts are private parts, uterus, glands etc.

8th House: Diseases, death finances through unfair means, internal sex organs, longevity, mental pain, obstacles, dowry of wife, gain from in-laws, mode of death, imprisonment, worries and privations are checked from 8th house. It indicates body parts as scrotum, pelvis, seminal vesicles, external genetalia, etc.

9th House: This house indicates religion,luck,father , foreign travel, publicity, preceptor, higher education, learnings, writing books, also faith, wisdom, prosperity, powers of foresight, religious institutions, providential help, etc. Hips, thighs are body parts.

10th House: This important house indicates father, profession, status in life, activities outside house, pleasures, honour, power and authority, Government favour, trade, business, command, honour, occupation, adopted son. All questions regarding worldly activities and moral responsibilities. Body parts are knees, joints, bones, hairs and back.

11th House: It accounts for accumulated wealth, elder brothers and sisters and relations with them. Friends, fluctuating money gains, club or social activities, emotional attachments, love affairs and friends, honour, social success etc. Body parts are legs, left ear, ankle etc.

12th House: It signifies private enemies, pleasures of beds, law suits, imprisonments, secret works, moksha, hospitalisation, conjugal relations with opposite sex other than legitimate. Sorrows, debts, lost goods etc. are judged. Body parts are feet, left eye, teeth etc.

Planet Lord of house

Sun Leo

Moon Cancer

Mars Aries& Sagitarus

Mercury Virgo &Gemini

Jupiter Sagittarius&Pises

Venus Libra& taurus

Saturn Aquarius&capricon

Rahu or kethu havenot own any house but behave like the which planet that own his house and planet which joined with Rahu or Kethu

Planet Moolatrikona Own house high power house low power house

Sun Upto 20 deg in Leo Last 10 deg in Leo Aries( 0-10dec) Libra

Moon From 3 to 30 deg in Taurus Cancer Tarurs(0-3) Sagitarus

Mars Upto 12 deg in Aries Rest of Aries& Sagitarus Capricon(0-28) Cancer

Mercury From 15 to 20 deg in Virgo Virgo &Gemini Virgo(0-15) Pises

Jupiter First 10 deg in Sagittarius Rest of Sagittarius&Pises Cancer Capricon

Venus First 5 deg in Libra Rest of Libra& taurus Pises Virgo

Saturn Upto 20 deg in Aquarius Last 10 deg in Aquarius&capricon Libra Aries

Planets and its Significations


(1)The soul (2)power (3)Father (4)fortress (5) good strength (6) heat (7)splendour (8)fire (9)worship of Siva (10)courage (11)thorned trees (12)being in royal favour (13)bitterness (14)old age (15)cattle (16)wickedness (17)land (18)father (19)taste (20)self-realisation (21)skyward look (22)one born of a timid woman (23)world of mortals (24)square (25)bone (26)valour (27)grass (28)the belly (29)strenuous effort (30)forest (31)half a year (32)eye (33)wandering over the mountains (34)quadruped (35)king (36)travelling (37)dealing (38)bite (39)scorch (40)circular shape


(1)Mother (2)flower (3)good perfune (40going to a fortress (5)disease (6)Brahmin (7)idleness (8)Phlegmatic humour (9)epilepsy (10)enlargement of the spleen (11)mental disposition (12)heart (13)woman (14)virtue or vice (15)sourness (16)sleep (17)happiness (18)any thing like water (19)silver (20)thick sugarcane (21)typhoid (22)travel (23)well (24)tank (25)mother (26)impartiality (27)mid-day (28)pearls (29) consumption (30)whiteness (31)waistband (32)bell-metal (33)salt (34)short stature (35)mind (36)ability (37)pond (38)diamond (39)winter season (40) a break of 48 minutes


(1) SPORTS (2)land (3)strength (4)carrying arms for the battle (5)Kingship (6)loss of verility (7)thief (8)battle (9)hostility (10)enemy(11)generosity (12)love for deep red colour things ((13)owning a garden(14)sound of a trumpet (15) affection(16)quadruped (17)king (18)fool (19)anger (20)going to a foreign country (21)firmness (22)supporter (23)fire (24)controversy (25)bile (26)heat (27)wound (28)service under a ruler (29)day (30)sky (31)seeing (32)shortness (33)disease (34)fame (35)tin (36)sword (37)lance or spear (38)minister (39)fracture of a limb (40)jewel


(1)education (2)‘horses (3)treasury (4)mathematics (5)wisdom (6)speech(7)Brahmin (8)infantry (9)writing (10)new garment(11)palatial building (12)green colour (13)sculprure (14)astrology (15)pilgrimage to holy places(16)wise lectures (17)temple (18)trading (19)best ornaments (20)courteous speech(21)Vedanta philosophy (22)maternal-grand-father (23)bad dreams (24eunuch (25)facing North (26)skin (27)wet (28)bell-metal (29)renunciation (30)Ritu (31)a beautiful house (32)doctor (33)neck (34)influencing through recitation of mantras (35)child (36)crooked look(37)heaven (38)modesty (39)paternal relation (40)fear


(1)SON OR DAUGHTER (2)Guru (3)one’s duty(4)Chariot (5)cow (6)infantry (7)savings(8)Meemamsa (9)treasure (10)horse (11)curd, etc. (12)large body (13)Valour (14)reputation (15)logic (16)astrology (17)son (18)grandson (19)dropsy(20)wealth of elephants (21)philosophy (22)great grand-fathers (23)palacial house (24)gems (25)eldest brother (26)grand father (27)Lord Indra (28)cold season(29)wrath (30)jewel (31)merchant (32)physical health (33)a beautiful mansion (34)royal honour (35)thigh (36)Gods (37)penance (38)charity(39)religious duty (40)helping others


(1)WIFE OR LOVER (2)a good chowrie (3)garment (4)marriage (5)income (6) a biped (7)woman (8)Brahmin (9)Subha (10)Whiteness (11)wife (12)sexual happiness (13)short (14)sour (15)flower (16)command (17)fame (18)Youthful vigour (19)Vehicle(20)silver(21)South-East quarter (22)saltish(23)ogling (24)scratching (25)half a month (26)the quality of passion (27)strong (28)pearl (29)Yajur Veda (30) Vaisya (31)beauty (32)buying and selling (33)love-making (34)watery resort (35)elephant (36)horse (37)variegated colour (38)poetry (39)dancing (40)middle age


(1)laziness, etc.(2)obstruction(3)OLDER PEOPLE(4)elephant(5)skin(6)gain7)proof or tness(8)distress(9)sickness(10)misunderstanding(11)misery(12)death(13)happiness through a woman(14)maid servant(15)asses and mules(16)outcaste (17)one with disfigured limbs(18)haunting woods(19)handsome look(20)gift(21)a lord(22)a portion of life(23)eunuch(24)one born of the lowest caste(25)birds(26)the three sacred fires(27)a servile duty(28)unrighteous conduct(29)one without manliness(30)telling lies(31)long lasting(32)wind (33)old age(34)tendons and muscles(35)strong at the end of the day(36) Sisira Ritu or winter(37)great-anger(38)exertion(39)born of a very low mother (40)bastard


(1) Umbrella (2)Chowrie (3)kingdom (4)gathering (5)fellacious argument (6)hurting byspeech(7)downcast(8)wicked woman(9)decorated vehicle(10)an irreligious man(11)gambling(12)strong at twilight(13)intriguing with a wicked woman(14)going abroad (15)impurity(16)bone(17)enlargement of spleen(18)falsehood(19)downward look(20)perplexity(21)emerald(22)facing the Southern quarter(23)shelter of outcaste or low people(24painfulswelling(25)a big forest(26)wandering in rugged places(27)mountain(28)pain(29)staying outside(30)tending towards South-West(31)wind(32)phlegm(33)sorrow(34)serpent(35)night breeze(36)sharp(37)long(38)reptile(39)reading of dreams(40)travel


(1)Worship of God Chandeesa, God Ganesha and many other gods(2)doctor(3)dog(4)a cook(5)vulture(6)salvation(7)all kinds of wealth(8)consumption (9)pain(10)fever(11)bathing in the Holy Ganges(12)great penance(13)wind(14)a Hunter(15)friendship(16)conferring of prosperity(17)stone(18)wound(19)witchcraft(20)inconstancy(21)knowledge of Brahma(22)belly(23)eye-sore(24)stupidity(25)thorn(26)deer(27)knowledge(28)observingsilence as a fast (29)philosophy(30)all sorts of luxuries(31)luck(32)trouble from enemies(33)loss of appetite(34)indifference to the world (35)paternal grandfather(36)hunger(37)severe stomachache(38)boil sand the like skin troubles(39)revoking the orders of arrest and (40)the association of Sudra.

Malefics and benefics: Planets are termed natural benefics and natural malefics. These are: Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and increasing Moon-natural benefics; Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu-Natural malefics. If Mercury joins a natural malefic, he does not remain auspicious. As regards the Moon, she is auspicious from 10th day of dark fortnight through the 5th day of bright fortnight.

Apart from the above, planets are classified as favourable and adverse based on births under the 12 different ascendants. These are narrated below:

Aries: Pure benefics are Jupiter and the Sun. Malefics are Saturn, Mercury and Venus. Venus is the prime killer. Jupiter will give inauspicious results if he is conjunct an adverse planet. However when with Saturn he is not wholly adverse.

Taurus: Saturn and the Sun are benefics and can cause Rajayoga. Jupiter, Venus and Moon are not auspicious and may prove death inflicting palnets. Mercury can cause some Yoga.

Gemini: Venus is the only benefic. Mars, Sun and Jupiter are inauspicious. Saturn and Jupiter together behave in the same manner as for Aries birth. The Moon is the prime killer. (Some replace the Moon with Saturn).

Cancer: Mercury and Venus are malefics. Mars, Jupiter and Moon are auspicious. Mars is a supreme Rajayoga karaka. Saturn is capable of inflicting death and is Maraka lord.

Leo: Inauspicious planets are Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are benefics. Jupiter with Venus cannot give fully benefic results. Saturn is Maraka and the Moon’s effects depend on her association.

Virgo: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are adverse. Venus is the only favourable planet. Mars is a Maraka lord.

Libra: Saturn and Mercury prove auspicious. The moon and Mercury and capable of conferring great benefits and position. Jupiter, the Sun and Mars are inauspicious. Mars is a Maraka lord. Venus gives balanced results for this ascendant, if unafflicted by others.

Scorpio: Jupiter, as well as the Moon are benefics, the Moon and the Sun are Rajayoga planets. Mercury and Venus give inauspicious effects. Saturn gives mixed results . Jupiter if illrelated will become a Maraka. Mars is of mixed nature.

Sagittarius: Venus is adverse. Mercury, Mars and the Sun are yogakaraakas. If the Sun joins Mercury he will also become a Rajayoga Karaka. Saturn is a killer apart from Venus.

Capricorn: Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are inauspicious. Venus and Mercury are benefical. Saturn is not a Maraka lord, while Mars etc. may prove as killers.

Aquarius: Jupiter, Moon and Mars produce adverse results. Venus and Saturn are exclusively benefics. Mars and Jupiter are killers. If others are related to one of these two, they will also become adverse.

Pisces: Saturn, Venus, Mercurry and the Sun are classified as unfavourable. Mars and Moon are auspicious. Mars and Jupiter are Yogakarakas. Saturn and Mercury are Maraka
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