VARAHA Mihira in Brihat Jataka, says that the horoscope is an indicator of our past good and bad deeds at our credit and as to how we are going to work out the interplay thereof. The seers of astrology who composed treatises on the science thousands of years ago when life was free from fashionable fever of hectic nights and haggard days, had not evidently thought of medley of jobs in the modern civilized world. Excessive materialistic activity of scientific ingenuity and advanced technology and a hundred and odd economic social and political superstructures of life have exposed myriad openings for employment. Complexity of professions is assuming a more and more bewildering nature. To indicate exact means of livelihood, through a horoscope depends upon blending of the influences of planets, signs and houses and there too it would be very difficult to predict with exactitude. We may say, a man would be an engineer, but whether a civil, mechanical, electrical, mining or textile engineer will depend upon the planet who has the greatest influence in livelihood. Another question that poses itself is whether a person would have the same source of livelihood throughout his life. Many persons start their career in service and later do well in their own business. Further, in finding means of livelihood, can we make a distinction between salary and pension? Many retired servants enter business but most of them either enter private service or live on pension and savings or rent on buildings they own or have built. It is very difficult to analyse all factors carefully and predict the tendencies
governing one's livelihood. Like any other science, astrology too has its own limitations. We have to realise it and it is the duty of those deeply interested in the science to increase its utility to society by earnest research and selfless efforts. Let us study and analyse the principles of deduction of the means of livelihood of a native from his horoscope as enunciated by great Acharyas of yore. In the mater of astrologically judging and determining different mundane houses are allotted to the different needs of Kalapurusha or the individual. There is one house, Karma viz. the 10th (mid-heaven). Karma is very broad term. Karma means the sum total of the good and bad deeds at our credit when we are born on this planet. Livelihood or avocation is only one facet of the term Karma. Karma is not merely avocation but is a comprehensive term. The twelve houses indicate different activities in the world. A profession or means of earning a livelihood may be determined by the houses and planets which are prominent in a horoscope. If the 1st is strong the native will earn by his personal efforts. If the 2nd is strong, articles of food or speech would play a prominent part. The 3rd determines courage, brothers, heroic valour, communication, writing, short travel, etc. If the 3rd is strong and has connection with the 10th, the person may earn through writing and short travels. He may run a big business, may serve in army. If the 10th lord is connected with the 4th house and indications are strong, the person may get income from house or motor vehicles. The 5th has reference to learning, counsel, speculation and games of chance. The harmonious dispositions of the 10th and the 5th indicate earning through above means. The 6th represents sickness or diseases. If the 6th house is connected to the 10th and the horoscope indicates medical studies the person may be a doctor by profession The 7th indicates partner, husband or wife, travel, etc. If the 7th and the 10th are harmoniously disposed – blending their effects together – the person may be benefited from a partnership. The 8th indicates legacy, imports, exports, etc. When the 8th and 10th lords are connected, the person may earn through foreign business or from property or insurance. The 9th indications would be connected with the foreigners, foreign lands, law, religion etc. The connection between the 9th and the 10th may bring earnings through practice of law or the person may become religious head or may earn through teaching or preaching. The 10th house is the house of profession and the nature of profession is indicated by the 10th lord and by the nature of planet or planets occupying or aspecting it. The 11th is the house of gain or income and planets occupying or aspecting the house would bring money according as the planets occupying or aspecting it. The 12th is connected with places of confinement and distant lands. If Saturnine qualities predominate the 10th and of the 12th is connected thereto, the person may be a jailor. When the planets connected with giving income to person i.e. deciding his livelihood occupy the houses (from the 1st to the 12th bhava) the results get modified according to the actual house occupation. The callings of men are as various, as interesting and as diversified, as the individual peculiarities they exhibit. Take the Lagna or the Moon at birth and see who occupies the 10th house from it. If the Sun is in the 10th house the person inherits paternal property from the father; if the Moon is there, he inherits money from the mother; if Mars occupies it, he procures wealth through his enemy; if Mercury joins the 10th he gets money through friends; if Jupiter is found there, the person has wealth through brothers; if Venus is in the 10th, the money comes through wife or women; and if Saturn occupies it, he gets wealth from inferiors, such as servants etc.
Planets in mid-heaven or aspiring to be mid-heaven are be treated accordingly. Secondly, when there is no planet in the 10th from the Moon or the birth sign, then find out the rulers of the 10th house counted from the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon. Take the strongest of them. Find out in what Navamsa he is. The ruler of that Navamsa will influence the profession. According to Bhattotpala, it is not correct to predict the profession by considering the strongest among the planets (1) posited in the 10th house reckoned from the Lagna and the Moon or (2) owning the 10th house counted from the Lagna, the Sun and the Moon. Every one of these should be taken into consideration while determining the source of income of the native, as a man gets money from various ways both at one time as well as at different periods in his life. The view taken by Bhattotpala and his quotations from Gargi seem to be the best. For instance, a man may be lawyer and may have lands yielding crops, may carry on ready money transactions, may be a paid trustee or manager in some charitable institution or temple and may hold shares in banks and be at the same time a Government pleader paid so much per month. His father and mother may give him money, his wife may bring down dowry and his brothers and friends may also help him. The profession or occupation of a native is generally judged from the planet or planets occupying the 10th house and if there should be none there, from those in the 1st and also from those aspecting the Sun and the Moon. Further, the planet which is posited very near the Sun or the 10th Bhava whether before or after in the radix of a native and its condition—whether strong or weak, due to its position and aspect exert much influence in this respect. Brihat Jataka, Adh.X Sl.4 states the gain of money for livelihood should be ascertained from the strong benefic planets occupying the Ascendant, the 2nd and the 10th. The Ascendant is to be studied as the earnings accrue through prowess and efforts of the native. The 2nd being the seat of the wealth and the 11th being the 2nd to the 10th too are to be scrutinised. The 10th indicates the nature of profession and the 2nd shows the kind of earnings which the 11th confers. Means of livelihood means gain of money. Therefore study of the 2nd, the 4th, the 9th and the 11th become highly necessary. The Ascendant, the 5th and the 7th too are to be examined in addition to the 10th. These bhavas also point out ways through which the native comes by the wealth. It will be helpful to remember that in fixing the means of livelihood ancient Acharyas have not made the 10th bhava the sole source of information. Parasara says, success in endeavours and gain of money (wealth) depends entirely on luck. A careful study of the 9th from the Ascendant and the Moon and of their lords in respect of gain of money will throw a flood of light on the profession. Looking from another angle, the 10th house is 9th from the 2nd; the 6th from the 5th and son. Such relationships deserve careful consideration. The 2nd is the house of inborn potential energy—speech and sight are symbolic expressions of the same. Inherited wealth indicates the result of past deeds which have to be enjoyed in a particular birth. This house is the 5th from the 10th signifying that prarabdha of a man is the result of one's karma's activity in this phenomenal world. But as the 10th is the 9th from the 2nd it is suggestive of the fact that the man's status in life depends both on one's past deeds as well as on the potential energy bestowed in a certain incarnation. Similarly, it has to be remembered that the 10th being the house of creation, action and the 5th that of creativity, the potential for action, the 6th-8th relationship between the
two is meaningful. One cannot smoothly act unless the conditions necessary for the same are present. The 10th is an impediment for the 5th because it is located 6th from it; obviously the urge cannot have an easy go if the 10th house is not strong enough to meet the challenge of the 5th. Mr S Kannan says, in the matter of determining profession, the Ascendant showing the aptitude of the native, the 10th showing the actual type of work done (Karma) and the 8th house revealing the career which will be taken up by the native. In other words, these three houses are inter-dependent in finding out the exact type of avocation one is likely to have. This does not mean that the 10th house is to be ignored altogether. Besides these houses, the 2nd and the 11th showing sources of income also give a clue and they too have to be studied. The 8th house is the 11th from the 10th indicating the source of income for the 10th. Again the 8th indicates legacy (a source of income and livelihood). The 8th house and the lord of the 8th house and planets in or aspecting it give the clue to what profession the native will take up. Uttarakalamrita attributes livelihood as one of the factors governed by the 1st house. This is understandable as the 1st house denotes the natural and personal traits. The nature of profession, a person follows is determined by the nature of the planets influencing the lagna factor, i.e. the lagna and chandra-lagna and their lords. Saravali says: "When the Sun is located in any sign of Venus (Taurus or Libra) and is aspected by the Moon the man is fond of prostitutes. He supports many women and lives by watery vocation". (Note: It would be observed that there is not the remotest reference to the 10th house in the Sloka and yet it is very clearly stated the profession is one of by watery vocation— salilajeevi). Jataka Parijata says: "The house in which the lords of the Lagna and the 2nd house are located indicate the source of one's livelihood". Brihat Parasara Hora deals with the livelihood result of various planets in Karakamsa. Since Karakamsa is in the nature of Lagna, it is clear that Lagna is relevant to the question of determining profession. Kendras are the pillars of the horoscope. Kendras reveal what are within and they get expression and manifestation through konas. The 10th Kendra has two konas, viz., the 2nd and the 6th. Planets occupying the 2nd and the 6th will express the 10th. So the planets in the 2nd and the 6th give the clue what will be the avocation of the native. If there is no planet in the 2nd and the 6th then the lords of the two houses will mould the avocation. Thus we see all the twelve houses of the zodiac have some contribution in moulding the avocation. Mid-heaven (i.e. the 10th house) manifests, not the characteristics of one sign alone but also the modifying characteristics of the other eleven signs all tending to make the 10th what it is. There is no separation in the unity of zodiac. It is an endless circle which cannot be broken. To decide the nature of profession and livelihood, the key qualities of the planet or planets influencing the 10th will help us to arrive at a facile judgment. Besides other significations the Sun is a creator, promoter, owner, manager and physician. He also rules government, brokerage or commission. When the planet that proves to be the deciding factor as regards a person's livelihood, happens to be the Sun, the person may get rulership of a country, land, province, district, etc., royal positions and dignities, service under the Government, administrator, a minister of law and order, enforcement of commands. He may be engaged in medicine, doing mediatory work or highly authoritative jobs in Forest Department, Municipal Corporation, etc. The Moon is planet of fecundity and rules liquids, mind, mental work, unsteadiness,
movements, changes, salt, seas, etc. If the Moon is deciding the profession, then the person will have something to do with the following factors: Shell, pearls, salt, agriculture, ships, fish, hospitals, service to women (women welfare), holy shrines, maternal property, etc. He may be a sailor, mariner, navigator, fisherman, boatman, dealer in pearls or one working in pearl-fisher, midwife, nurse, etc. Mars is a planet of action and rules profession involving rudeness or cruelty, engineering works, fire, lands and daring operations. Callings involving instruments, armaments and tools used in police, military and medical departments. The persons will be connected with military preparations, doctor (surgeon), chemist, butchery metallurgy —generally all works in iron, steel or fire. Mercury is a planet of reasoning or education. Governs merchandise, and professionals like clerks, accountants, auditors, copyists, teachers, authors, translators, postmen, messengers, astronomers, mathematicians, publishers, printers etc. are due to the influence of Mercury. Jupiter is a planet of expansion. All professions which are dignified and which require a good judgment, can be attributed to him. He governs principally banks, treasuries, income-tax or revenue department, charitable or educational institutions, lawyers, editors, teachers, councilors, judges, priests, senators, bishops, ministers. Venus is a planet of pleasure. Venus governs dramatists, artists, wealth and perfumers, weavers, car-dealers, jewelers etc. Venus governs wealth and hence income- tax, wealth tax and other revenue are all governed by him, provided there is a connection with Saturn,Rahu or Ketu to indicate dealers in gold, precious stones, elephant or horses, cows, hotel-keepers, confectioners, linen drapers, scent dealers, players, maid servants, etc. Saturn is a planet of obstruction. He also governs service, misery, oil etc. The person will be engaged in a job connected with engravings on wood, stone work execution, porterage, scavengers, shoe-making, garden work, brick-masons, digging pits, oil, etc. It has been observed that he influences service under government especially or under foreign influence. He also governs jobs connected with punishment. Saturn gives one leadership in labour organisations, trade unions, service under various capacities, expert in work and extracting work from others. Rahu is a planet of eccentricity. The erratic or cruel deeds are attributed to him. But if he is well disposed occupying the houses of benefics, especially Mercury, the produces good researchers, scholars, lawyers, speculators, etc. Ketu governs secret service, cunning or tricky jobs etc. A more accurate picture of the particular avocation can be obtained by an examination of the nature of the sign in which the 10th falls. That will show the line of greatest success and natural aptitude. The fiery signs—Aries, Leo and Sagittarius—indicate employment connected with fire, iron and metals, metallurgy, extraction of ores, utilizing electric energy, industrial concerns, surgeons, military equipments etc. The earthy signs—Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn—show manual labour, digging and excavation, agricultural pursuit, food and corn dealers, dealers in the produce of the soil in various forms and kinds. The airy signs—Gemini, Libra and Aquarius show intellectual pursuits, head-work,
literary and artistic occupations. The watery signs—Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces—show occupations in which water is the motive power or chief element, dealers in soft drink, textile goods and fabrics, sailors, chemists, etc. We have four significators (Karakas) for Karmabhava: Jupiter, the Sun, Mercury and Saturn as prescribed by our ancient Acharyas. The intellectual class represented by Jupiter, the ruling class represented by the Sun, the mercantile class represented by mercury and the serving class represented by Saturn. The key qualities described above will be helpful to find whether an individual will be able to fulfill a specific assignment. Unless the particular indicator (Karaka) is strong and not rendered weak, he will not be able to do so. For example, if the 10th house has no connection with Jupiter and as also lord or if Jupiter is not strong and well placed, religious nature, etc. will be totally absent. If the Sun is weak or debilitated (without neechabhanga) one cannot have high dignity and royal position. When Mercury is weak or he has got no connection with the 10th, one cannot have business acumen and diplomatic reasoning. When Saturn is weak and unconnected with the 10th, one cannot be expert in work. A methodical scrutiny of the 10th bhava, bhava lord and karaka planet will reveal the realistic result of Karma bhava. When the 10th lord is well placed in kendra, kona, the 2nd or the 11th from Lagna as well as from Karma bhava and karaka planets are similarly placed and well dignified, the native will be established in professional career. The sign in which the 10th lord is posited is Jeeva sign and its lord is Jeeva for Karma bhava. The sign in which the 7th lord is posited is Sareera sign and its lord is Sareera for Karma bhava. If Jeeva and Sareera are found strong and both are benefics and friends and Jeeva and Sareera signs also happen to be kendra, kona, the 2nd or the 11th from Lagna, Karma bhava will flourish. Paraasara Hora stipulates that Dasamsa chart is to be examined for judging about a person's livelihood. The nature of a native's profession may be indicated with some accuracy by Ashtakavarga of Saturn, the dots of different planets falling in the 10th counted from Saturn's signs are to be noted. Dots contributed by other planets in the 10th from Saturn give a clue to the native's job. If there are more dots contributed by two or more planets, the nature of job (or jobs) may partake the characteristics of the significators.
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Planets in signs and houses Minor Horoscope
Minor Horoscope
According to Lal-Kitab, in certain conditions some horoscopes are considered as minor till 12 years of age. The fate of such horoscopes is unpredictable till 12 years. Such horoscopes carry the effect of the karmas of their previous birth. The effect of the planets in these horoscopes can be compared with the results achieved by a minor, as a minor is dependent on adults in the family & cannot achieve much on its own. Similarly the planets in Minor horoscopes cannot show their full potential even though they are well placed.
A horoscope is said to be a Minor one if 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses do not have any planet or only Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are placed there or there is only mercury placed in above mentioned houses.
According to Lal-Kitab, the native of a minor horoscope experiences the effects of each planet, every year, till 12 years of age as per the given table below. For e.g. in the 1st year, planets posited in the 7th house influence the native. In the 2nd year, planets in the 4th house play a major role on the destiny and so on. Hence, in order to counter the bad effects of these planets every year, natives must follow the remedies of the planets, which effect their life till 12 years of age"HOW TO JUDGE A HOROSCOPE FOR HEALTH, LITIGATION AFFAIRS AND FINANCIAL STABILITY"
From the sixth house we identify the aspects of litigation, diseases and debts amongst other things. Fortunate persons having "divine grace" make use of astrological advice to solve various life problems. Amongst all other problems, the problem of health is the one which affects a person both physically and mentally. The physical and mental disability or disturbance (temporarily or in a chronic way) touches each and every aspect of life to the disadvantage of the native. The medical diagnosis, preventive or actual, have become very complicated today in totally polluted environment. In contrast to the medical science, Vedic Astrology offers human beings the advantage of knowledge of diseases from which a native may suffer during the course of his/her life. Again in contrast to the medical sciences it is Vedic Astrology which not only forewarns the native for the impending diseases but also helps in avoiding the same completely or partially by adopting suitable astral remedies, food habits, etc.
How to diagnose diseases is the question which comes up next. The houses which are weak or afflicted or the planets which are weak or afflicted give diseases connected with the significations ruled by them. This is the golden principle which provides us the key to diagnosing the health problems and suggesting possible remedies. For example, if the significator of health, i.e. the lord of the ascendant and/or the lord of the sixth house and/or the Sun, is weak and at the same time the significator of health and the most effective point of the first/sixth house are afflicted by the conjunction/aspect of functional malefic planets and devoid of the aspect/conjunction of functional benefic planets, the native has weak constitution and during the period/sub-periods of the significator of health the significations of diseases are aggravated. The strength of the planets should also be seen in the relevant divisional chart with reference to the ascendant of the divisional chart. Debilitation, bad placement or affliction in the relevant divisional chart makes the planet weak regarding the significations of that divisional chart. Then the planets give us further hints. For example, weak/afflicted Mercury, being significator of health, may give suffering by way of nervous breakdown, skin infections or breathing problems, etc.
Planets in signs and houses What Are Vedic Astrology Remedies?
What Are Vedic Astrology Remedies?
Human beings in their life face a lot of pain, misery and troubles, which affect them both emotionally as well as physically. To avoid pain and to seek pleasure has been one of the major objectives of our lives. The other major objective for a select few of us is to know our true self and to know the ultimate reality and be one with it. Whether the objective is material or spiritual, as per one's destiny there could be a lot of hurdles. Vedic (Indian) astrology has not only given us tools to determine what's destiny has in store for us but also ways to avoid the hurdles in achieving our material or spiritual goals. These ways as suggested by the astrological principles are called remedies. All these remedies attempt to correct one of the two situations as depicted in your chart. They are making good planets stronger or making effect of bad planets weaker.
Why Remedies Do Not Work
All of the above are excellent questions. But there is valid theory behind the concept of remedies. Just like when a drug company introduces a new drug, it goes through clinical trials for several years before it is released for the consumption of common public, similarly these remedies are tried and tested by years of practice of our ancient seers. However just as a drug is not suitable for everyone and only a very experienced doctor can tell if a drug is right under certain conditions, similarly only a very experienced Indian astrologer can tell the right remedy for the right person valid under certain conditions. Majority of the so-called astrologers do not follow the rules correctly and hence give a bad name to these remedies
Correct Way Of Determining Remedy
A doctor needs to determine your health and other drug history before prescribing a medicine. he does that to make sure that there are no unwanted interactions with other drugs you are taking, your body will be able to take the side effects and the drug will be effective given your age, weight, blood pressure etc. An astrologer pretty much needs to do a similar analysis. e.g. Let's say that a native comes to you with a problem of not able to gain a lot wealth. Now the problem has two parts, he must be able to make a lot of money as well as he must be able to accumulate a lot of wealth by proper savings or investments. What if you suggest a remedy, which will help him, earn a lot of money by making a particular planet stronger? But what if that planet is bad for accumulating wealth? By suggesting that remedy you just made sure that he will earn a lot of money but will not be able to save or invest it properly. That person will obviously come back later on and say that the remedy never worked. The correct way of suggesting the remedy is as follows.
- First Determine the overall bad and good effects of all planets in the chart.
- Next determine the strength of all those planets.
- Next determine what is causing the trouble. A weak but good planet or a strong but malefic planet.
- If both of the above cases are present then choose the weak but the good planet for remedy.
- If weak but good panet is picked for remedy, determine if that planet is capable of producing bad effects for any house. Check the strength of that house, if the house is otherwise strong proceed, otherwise also include in your remedy the good planet for that chart to protect that house.
- If strong but malefic planet is picked up for remedy, determine if that planet (specially the houses on which that planet lords over) is good for any house. Repeat the same check as explained above to make the affected house stronger.
- Finally check the dasha scheme, check the relationship of the planet with the dasha lord and see if they are compatible. If not compatible then suggest a remedy for the dasha lord instead of the planet in question.
As you can see the results will really vary chart to chart. That's why no remedy works the same way for all the poople. Remedies do work, but determine the right remedy takes real skill and years of experience.
Planets in signs and houses
Sade Sati Reading
The transit & effects of Saturn are often treated with fear and apprehension. Saturn is one of the slowest planets in the solar system, whose effects are considered under the Vedic Astrology system.
Saturn is both a giver as well as a taker. Since its effects are very slow and powerful, people remember the sufferings more than the gains Saturn brings.
Sade - Sati is a Hindi term, which means ‘Seven & a Half’. It signifies the legendary seven & a half years of Malefic Saturn’s transit over your Moon sign. Saturn gives poor results when it is in the 12th position, on top of Moon Sign ie the 1st position and in the second position from Moon.
In the 12th position – expenses & losses rise due to excesses & over confidence of the past. Bad deeds rise too.
In the 1st Position – status & prestige could get effected. Finances & professional success would look down too. Health could suffer. Health of mother could suffer.
In the 2nd position – Finances remain sluggish, while realization about the mistakes of the past could come up. This period helps you realize the value of money & family and prepares you for the next cycle of growth.
Sade Sati, usually comes at least twice in each one’s life and even thrice for a large number of people. The first round and the third round are severe while the second round is usually benign.
Planets in signs and houses
Easy Remedies for Influencing Planets
1. Drink water in copper utensil.
2. Eat ilaichi.
3. Keep red handkerchief in pocket.
2. Eat ilaichi.
3. Keep red handkerchief in pocket.
1. Use silver utensils.
2. Wear white clothes.
3. Keep white hanky in pocket.
2. Wear white clothes.
3. Keep white hanky in pocket.
1. Use copper utensils.
2. Wear reddish clothes.
3. Keep red hanky in pocket.
4. Put tilak/tika of red chandan
2. Wear reddish clothes.
3. Keep red hanky in pocket.
4. Put tilak/tika of red chandan
1. Wear green clothes.
2. Keep green hanky in pocket.
3. Use ivory utensils.
2. Keep green hanky in pocket.
3. Use ivory utensils.
1. Wear yellow clothes.
2. Keep yellow hanky in pocket.
3. Wear garland of yellow flowers.
2. Keep yellow hanky in pocket.
3. Wear garland of yellow flowers.
1. Wear white clothes.
2. Keep white handky in pocket.
3. Wear garland of white flowers.
4. Use silver wares.
2. Keep white handky in pocket.
3. Wear garland of white flowers.
4. Use silver wares.
1. Wear black clothes.
2. Keep black hanky in pocket.
3. Give black articles in charity.
Rahu & Ketu
2. Keep black hanky in pocket.
3. Give black articles in charity.
Rahu & Ketu
1. Wear black clothes.
2. Use black blanket.
3. Keep black hanky in pocket.
4. Use black strap for wrist-watch.
5. Use surma in eyes.
2. Use black blanket.
3. Keep black hanky in pocket.
4. Use black strap for wrist-watch.
5. Use surma in eyes.
Planets in signs and houses KUNDALI MAKER AND MATCHER PRO-2009
This is an Indian astrology softwre that runs in english and hindi languages . It gives great prediction results. Devlopeded by world famous Indian Pandits and astrologers. Both systems work according to the sun and the moon.
Kundli for Windows is an astrology software with following features:-
Windows Compatibility
Good Presentation
Most Accurate Calculations
Screen Preview
Storage of horsocopes and modules for future references
South/North Indian Charting
Aynamsa N.C. Lahiri/ K.P. / B.V. Raman
Latitude and Logitude databases, Time Zones database
Company Name, Address Phone No. and Background Option
What's New in this version
More user friendly, i.e. interfere improved
Predictions Added
Basic Details
Niryana Longitudes and Lagna/Rasi/Asc Kundli, Moon/Chandra Kundli, Navamansa
Sayana Longitudes, Aspects
Bhav Chalit, Chalit, Bhav Positions
Sudarshan Chakra
Shodashvarga Table
Vimshottari Mahadasha
Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha
Yogini Mahadasha
Yogini Pratyantar
Chara Dasha Cycle 1 & 2
General Predictions
Interpretation of Aspects
One Year Varshphal

Kundli for Windows is an astrology software with following features:-
Windows Compatibility
Good Presentation
Most Accurate Calculations
Screen Preview
Storage of horsocopes and modules for future references
South/North Indian Charting
Aynamsa N.C. Lahiri/ K.P. / B.V. Raman
Latitude and Logitude databases, Time Zones database
Company Name, Address Phone No. and Background Option
What's New in this version
More user friendly, i.e. interfere improved
Predictions Added
Basic Details
Niryana Longitudes and Lagna/Rasi/Asc Kundli, Moon/Chandra Kundli, Navamansa
Sayana Longitudes, Aspects
Bhav Chalit, Chalit, Bhav Positions
Sudarshan Chakra
Shodashvarga Table
Vimshottari Mahadasha
Vimshottari Pratyantar Dasha
Yogini Mahadasha
Yogini Pratyantar
Chara Dasha Cycle 1 & 2
General Predictions
Interpretation of Aspects
One Year Varshphal
Planets in signs and houses Astro22 Professional Edition v7.05.56.
Astro22 Professional Edition v7.05.56.
Astro22 V7 is an astrology program specifically designed to produce outstanding, detailed and colorful astrological presentation charts. Together with a comprehensive range of features that should please any discerning Astrologer.
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Astro22 V7 is an astrology program specifically designed to produce outstanding, detailed and colorful astrological presentation charts. Together with a comprehensive range of features that should please any discerning Astrologer.
Of note is the animation feature that enables all graphic screens to be animated to a predefined time interval - this includes progressed wheels and triple chart display wheels.
From the casual student to the professional astrologer, all will enjoy the ease, accuracy, speed and general design of the program.
The Astro22 astrology software has a distinct look and feel quite different from any other astrological program, with a personality all of its own. If you already have an interest in the subject of astrology then once you start using our astrology program you will spend many, many happy hours in front of your computer.
The astrology software has been developed to meet the needs of all those who have an interest in the subject of astrology at whatever level.
Even those who have no technical knowledge of astrology are able to produce charts almost immediately.
Before the arrival of home computers such a task would have required months of study and more than average aptitude for mathematics...
Download: ( 9.6 MB)
Planets in signs and houses Professional Numerologist V4.2.
Now you can do in minutes what a professional numerologist takes hours to do. our complete line of numerology software makes it easy. whether you want to sell reports for profit, save time and eliminate hand calculations, or simply learn more about yourself, family and friends, we have a report or chart to fit your needs.
all report writers were designed and written by matthew oliver goodwin, author of the definitive numerology: the complete guide. robert ellsworth of four corners magazine says of our professional reports, these three reports are the creme de creme of numerology report writers. they easy to use, highly accurate and most of all,, the oldest and largest provider of astrology reports via the web, has also chosen widening horizons as the software provider for their numerology reports. click here to find out why robert ellsworth and others think so highly of our reports.
all report writers were designed and written by matthew oliver goodwin, author of the definitive numerology: the complete guide. robert ellsworth of four corners magazine says of our professional reports, these three reports are the creme de creme of numerology report writers. they easy to use, highly accurate and most of all,, the oldest and largest provider of astrology reports via the web, has also chosen widening horizons as the software provider for their numerology reports. click here to find out why robert ellsworth and others think so highly of our reports.
Planets in signs and houses Muhurta Explorer-1.2, Explore best timings by astrology
You can now select a Muhurta ( i.e. the best possible date/time for a specific purpose or to arrange a specific function etc ) FOR SURE SUCCESS! GIVE IT A TRY. YOU WONT FAIL! HERE ARE SOME OF THE MAIN CATEGORIES (many subcategories are there too): Janma Samskar(first feeding of child etc) Education Job Business Financial Buying & Selling Marriage Entering Homes Construction Journey Election Court Farming Miscellaneous Code: size-7.83 mb | |
Planets in signs and houses
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects, Vedic Solution of Bad Planet Effects
According to the Vedic Astrology all planets have equal importance in our life and they have different types of influence. Incorrect placement of planets in our horoscope can cause diseases or other negative effects in life. The influence of bad planet is nothing else than a weak moment in your life. But bad effects of planets can be reduced although not fully reversed by using astrological remedies. These remedies include recitation/chanting of esoteric words.
Every human has to undergo the influence of nine planets in his life time. Some of the planets change the life for good but some (inauspicious planets) can bring disaster situations in the life. But Astrological remedies for bad planetary effects/influences are the best solution to get rid of from such type of inauspicious planets. A well known Astrological remedies expert – Astrologer Zabaj can assist you in providing vedic remedies so that you can prevent yourself from such type of dangerous situation that will occurs because of bad planet effects.
Vedic remedies are generally divided into three parts: Tantra, Mantra and Yantra and these remedies help you to remove your problems that you are facing because of bad planets influences.
These are the as various vedic solution of problems caused by bad planet effects:
Bad position of sun in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Body parts become stiff and the person feels difficulty in the movement, mouth is always full with sliva etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Before going outside, eat some sweets and drink some water, donation of jiggery, copper and wheat, immerse the copper coin in the flowing water of a pond and read the sacred Purana – Harivanshpuran.
Bad position of Moon in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Water resources in the house have one or the other problem, well or pond in house if any becomes dry.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Immersed silver in the flowing water, pot full of milk or water should be kept near the bed while sleeping and in the next day morning through this into the roots of kikar tree.
Bad position of Mars in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Joint pain problem, deficiency of blood, argument atmosphere, if you have child then he/she may suffer due to some diseases.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Feed the dogs, donate sweet made of sesame and jiggery, red massor dal in the temple, recite Hanuman chalisa everyday etc.
Because of this planet’s bad effect, you can feel weakness.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Wear emerald ring in the little finger, immersed copper coin with a hole in the center in the flowing water, feed cows with green fodder etc.
Bad position of Jupiter in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Complete baldness, problems in education etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Bad position of Venus in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Skin disease, weakness etc
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Donate fodder for the cows, wear diamond ring in the next to little finger etc.
Bad position of Saturn in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Hairloss in the eyelids & eyebrows, unexpected damage in house etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Donate iron & mustard oil, feed crows & fishes, Puja of Lord Shiva, Maa Kali or Goddess Durga etc.
Bad position of Rahu in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Its bad effects can take many tensions in your life.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Immersed coconut in water, Puja of maa Sarswati etc.
Bad position of Ketu in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Children remain sick, joint pain and injuries etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Feed the dogs; donate black blankets to the nearby person.
If you also facing such type of problems because of these stars then you can take the help of Astrologer . Zabaj who can suggest the relevant vedic astrological remedies as per your stars in the horoscope and provide vedic astrology yantra and gems duly purified with the auspicious mantras
Planets in signs and houses My Star World v2.3.7
My Star World v2.3.7.
My Star World is an application that helps you produce your own high quality astrology reports.
Print or email as many reports as you want for yourself, your friends and family.
Accurate Personality Profiles, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Personal Horoscope Forecasts and Relationship reports you can read straight away.
Every report you produce is a unique and extraordinary document, a magical gift to be kept forever.
Here are some key features of "My Star World":
- Calculate : horoscopes for yourself, friends and family.
- Print : create printed horoscopes to give as an impressive gift.
- Save : add your favorite celebrities, friends and family to a horoscope database.
- Email : send horoscopes automatically by email to your friends and family.
- Free updates : all updates available free to registered users.
My Star World is an application that helps you produce your own high quality astrology reports.
Print or email as many reports as you want for yourself, your friends and family.
Accurate Personality Profiles, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Personal Horoscope Forecasts and Relationship reports you can read straight away.
Every report you produce is a unique and extraordinary document, a magical gift to be kept forever.
Here are some key features of "My Star World":
- Calculate : horoscopes for yourself, friends and family.
- Print : create printed horoscopes to give as an impressive gift.
- Save : add your favorite celebrities, friends and family to a horoscope database.
- Email : send horoscopes automatically by email to your friends and family.
- Free updates : all updates available free to registered users.
Planets in signs and houses tamil josiyam
This is the software of tamil josiyam.
You can have:
You can have:
Planets in signs and houses Jyotish Tools for Windows
Jyotish Tools for Windows is the worlds most popular and comprehensive astrology program for Prof. V.K. Choudhry's "Systems Approach."
Our deluxe upgrade for the popular Junior Jyotish with many of the requested you requested. These include a built-in atlas and support for the standalone* ACS Atlas if you have it installed on your computer. Support is included for the current Systems Approach rules with Systems Approach analysis including transit influences over natal planets and natal influences over transit planets, Systems Approach coded display of planetary periods. Additional features include:
* Large selectable main display.
* Scrollable dasha display with 3 selectable levels.
* Chart notes window to add and display any notes about the chart.
* Copy any window to the Clipboard for inclusion in documents or emails.
* Save any window as a picture file including GIF and JPEG formats.
* Aspects display.
* Ephemeris display copyable to other text programs.
* Graphical Ephemeris.
* Muhurta Tool.
* Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western chart displays.
* Imports QuickCharts, Junior Jyotish, Jyotish To Go and Jyotish Tools for the Pocket PC charts.
* Built-in Atlas has over 2200 cities. India atlas with over 2100 cities included.
* Lahiri, ~censored~-Bradley, K.P., Raman, Yukestwar, Tropical, and Custom ayanamsha options.
* Mean and True Node options.
* 360 and 365.25 day options.
* Contemporary dasha option for current dasha listing (useful for mundane charts).
* Export chart as text, CSV file or email chart file.
* Multiple printing options.
* Editable SA colors and Graphical Ephemeris colors.
Planets in signs and houses Vedic Astrology eBooks(Re-Post)
Horasara of Prithuyasas JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Kalyana Varmas Saravali JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Laghu Parashari Siddhanta JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Bhavartha Ratnakara JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Brhatparasarahorasastra JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Planets in signs and houses Astrology Compass 1.1
Astrology Of compass shows the secrets of your horoscope. Application knows all about you - your past, present and future. You do want to know all about your prospects in the quarry, money matters and amorous life? You do assume that you will be able to study all this? Then you include Astrology Of compass, turn it and make it possible to it to show these secrets you.
Planets in signs and houses Astrology Ebooks
The following upload includes six (6) books - five PDFs and one RTF file.
- The Real Astrology
by John Frawley
(bad scan - may need to be "flipped" in your PDF viewer)
- Liquid Light of Sex
by Barbara Hand Clow
- How to Read Your Astrological Chart
by Donna Cunningham
- Raphael's Mundane Astrology
by Raphael
- Astrology Restored
by William Ramsey
- The Astrology of Transformation
by Dane Rudhyar
Size: 27711 KB.
- The Real Astrology
by John Frawley
(bad scan - may need to be "flipped" in your PDF viewer)
- Liquid Light of Sex
by Barbara Hand Clow
- How to Read Your Astrological Chart
by Donna Cunningham
- Raphael's Mundane Astrology
by Raphael
- Astrology Restored
by William Ramsey
- The Astrology of Transformation
by Dane Rudhyar
Size: 27711 KB.
Planets in signs and houses Astrology Lessons and Courses
contains 8 astrology course PDF files and 1 blank chart wheel in PDF.
Courses include:
- Karl Welz's AstroCourse
- Astrology Webcourse
Original source unknown, but very well executed.
- Complete Course of Astrology
by George Bayer
Bayer's book includes financial astrology lessons
- Free chart wheel (print and use when erecting charts)
- Junior Astrology Course 1-26 (3 PDFs)
- Senior Astrology Course 1-12
- Senior Astrology Course Extension 1-13
Courses include:
- Karl Welz's AstroCourse
- Astrology Webcourse
Original source unknown, but very well executed.
- Complete Course of Astrology
by George Bayer
Bayer's book includes financial astrology lessons
- Free chart wheel (print and use when erecting charts)
- Junior Astrology Course 1-26 (3 PDFs)
- Senior Astrology Course 1-12
- Senior Astrology Course Extension 1-13
Planets in signs and houses Vedic Astrology E-books
Horasara of Prithuyasas JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Kalyana Varmas Saravali JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Laghu Parashari Siddhanta JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Bhavartha Ratnakara JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Brhatparasarahorasastra JYOTISH VEDIC ASTROLOGY.pdf
Planets in signs and houses TimePassages (astrology software).
TimePassages is astrology software that is powerful, fast and extremely accurate in its personality insights, serving the full spectrum of users from expert to novice. You don't have to be an expert to use it. In minutes, anyone can gain a basic knowledge of Astrology while creating full color charts with over 25 pages of precise interpretive information. It also comes with a comprehensive User's Guide that explains how to use astrology to enhance your understanding of yourself and others.
Planets in signs and houses Palmistry + Numerology + Astrology
Planets in signs and houses Mihira Horoscope Management Software
Mihira Horoscope Management Software"Mihira Horoscope Management Software | Vedic Astrology | 1.6 MB only!"
* Mihiroscope 4.0 (US$ 165)
* MihiraMatch 5.0 (US$ 165)
* Mihira Gem Finder 2.0 (US$ 23)
Mihiroscope 4.0 is an astrological software used primarily for research and commercial purposes in Astrology. It provides substantial astronomical and astrological data.It is used for erecting and reading horoscopes. Currently, the software supports three languages English, Tamil and Malayalam. ±
Mihira Match 5.0 is an Astrological Matching product. The software employs several criteria for matching horoscopes. Papasamya,Star Matching, Dasasandhi and a screening test are done to test the marriage compatibility between a pair of horoscopes. A detailed report of various Yogas that are favourable and unfavourable are also available in the marriage report. More than a hundred different yogas are comprehensively tested. The software is also very useful for a Marriage Bureau although it benefits any aspirant of Astrology. You can store a list of horoscopes, and do a point and click matching.
Gem Finder 2.0 offers a new approach to the prescription of gems for various purposes, based on the horoscope of the individual. First, it gives information about the primary lucky stone to be worn by the person. Then, it gives a list of other gems which are suitable to the person for different purposes like fortune, education, health, peace of mind etc. The software uses the horoscope to perform a mathematical computation to arrive at the weight of the gem(in carats) which is suitable for the person. This makes the product unique. Other information provided include the various combinations of gems which are not to be used together. It also gives information as to which periods are more suitable for each gem. It also provides alternatives to costly gems which serve the same purpose.
Thanks should go to Vepergen of TsRh team for providing this nice release!
Installation password: Bharat (case sensitive!).
* Mihiroscope 4.0 (US$ 165)
* MihiraMatch 5.0 (US$ 165)
* Mihira Gem Finder 2.0 (US$ 23)
Mihiroscope 4.0 is an astrological software used primarily for research and commercial purposes in Astrology. It provides substantial astronomical and astrological data.It is used for erecting and reading horoscopes. Currently, the software supports three languages English, Tamil and Malayalam. ±
Mihira Match 5.0 is an Astrological Matching product. The software employs several criteria for matching horoscopes. Papasamya,Star Matching, Dasasandhi and a screening test are done to test the marriage compatibility between a pair of horoscopes. A detailed report of various Yogas that are favourable and unfavourable are also available in the marriage report. More than a hundred different yogas are comprehensively tested. The software is also very useful for a Marriage Bureau although it benefits any aspirant of Astrology. You can store a list of horoscopes, and do a point and click matching.
Gem Finder 2.0 offers a new approach to the prescription of gems for various purposes, based on the horoscope of the individual. First, it gives information about the primary lucky stone to be worn by the person. Then, it gives a list of other gems which are suitable to the person for different purposes like fortune, education, health, peace of mind etc. The software uses the horoscope to perform a mathematical computation to arrive at the weight of the gem(in carats) which is suitable for the person. This makes the product unique. Other information provided include the various combinations of gems which are not to be used together. It also gives information as to which periods are more suitable for each gem. It also provides alternatives to costly gems which serve the same purpose.
Thanks should go to Vepergen of TsRh team for providing this nice release!
Installation password: Bharat (case sensitive!).
Planets in signs and houses HOROSOFT Professional Edition 4.0
HOROSOFT Professional Edition 4.0

HOROSOFT Professional Edition 4.0 astrology software, based on the Hindu system of Indian Vedic astrology, is specially designed for Professional astrologers, astrology bureaus and for those who wish to generate Horoscopes for business purposes. This professional astrology software is useful for astrological instutions, professional astrologers, research scholars, who have a large number of clients and work on an international platform.
Horosoft Professional Edition is an Vedic advanced astrology software which consists of various graphical worksheets, animated transit of planets, customization options and provides you with detailed calculations, minute analysis and predictions along with many other exclusive features.
This edition includes K.P.astrology, Nadi astrology, Lal Kitab astrology, Jamini, Predictive astrology Etc.
COMPLETE COLOR HOROSCOPE : You can now View / Print the entire horoscope in complete color mode. You can also change the colors according to your choice.
LIFE ANALYSIS : It calculates the rasi of all 12 houses, its ruling planet and the house lord during the birth and provides predictions by calculating its placements based on Good/Medium/Lowest results. This option provides deep predictions concerning a person's health, career, income, gains, expenditure, spouse, parents, co-born, wealth, nature, education, children and much more. This predictions has proved itself to be most accurate. (SAMPLE)
SEARCH CHARTS : Through this feature, one can select a group of charts from database, based on a condition in the birth chart. For example, one can select all charts that have the sign Aries placed in fourth house, or select all charts in which the Lord of house 6 is placed in the sign Taurus. The ability to segregate all people, who have a particular thing common in their chart, can be a great help in astrology.
ASTRO DICTIONARY : Through this feature, One can see the Definitions/Meanings of astrological words. This option is helpful for persons who are unfamiliar with astrology.
BIO RHYTHM CHART : The following option shows the rise and fall of the Health, Emotions and Finance for a month. User has to enter the NAME / DATE OF BIRTH of a person. After filling these details, the Bio-Rhythmic graph will be displayed, which can also be printed.
BIRTHDAY REMINDER : This feature helps in reminding you the birthday of the persons, whose horoscopes has been saved. The program will remind you of it on the particular day when you run the software.
YOGAS : This Edition now features more than 500 Yogas. Now one has the option to view all the yogas applicable in a horoscope, its effect on a person's life and also the cause for the formation of yoga.
KALSARPA YOGA : This Edition has now been incorporated with the option through which the user can know whether a horoscope is under the influence of KalSarpa Yog or not. Now one also has the option to view the effects of this yog on a person's life and the remedies to repel the same.
UPGRAHA : Charts of Upagraha and its details.
MULTIPLE CHARTS : A special option through which you can view Multiple charts. This comes in handy when you want 5-6 charts simultaneously on the screen, to study it.
CHAR DASHA : It provides the dates of Char dasHa on persons life.
FAST DMP PRINT : One of the most exciting feature incorporated in HOROSOFT is the facility to print a horoscope on 9Pin Dot Matrix Printer through windows and NOT THROUGH DOS . This option helps you to print horoscopes 4 Times Faster Than Any Normal Printing.
Triptaki Chakra, Seham, Harsh Bala, Vedhas
59 mb.
HOROSOFT Professional Edition 4.0 astrology software, based on the Hindu system of Indian Vedic astrology, is specially designed for Professional astrologers, astrology bureaus and for those who wish to generate Horoscopes for business purposes. This professional astrology software is useful for astrological instutions, professional astrologers, research scholars, who have a large number of clients and work on an international platform.
Horosoft Professional Edition is an Vedic advanced astrology software which consists of various graphical worksheets, animated transit of planets, customization options and provides you with detailed calculations, minute analysis and predictions along with many other exclusive features.
This edition includes K.P.astrology, Nadi astrology, Lal Kitab astrology, Jamini, Predictive astrology Etc.
COMPLETE COLOR HOROSCOPE : You can now View / Print the entire horoscope in complete color mode. You can also change the colors according to your choice.
LIFE ANALYSIS : It calculates the rasi of all 12 houses, its ruling planet and the house lord during the birth and provides predictions by calculating its placements based on Good/Medium/Lowest results. This option provides deep predictions concerning a person's health, career, income, gains, expenditure, spouse, parents, co-born, wealth, nature, education, children and much more. This predictions has proved itself to be most accurate. (SAMPLE)
SEARCH CHARTS : Through this feature, one can select a group of charts from database, based on a condition in the birth chart. For example, one can select all charts that have the sign Aries placed in fourth house, or select all charts in which the Lord of house 6 is placed in the sign Taurus. The ability to segregate all people, who have a particular thing common in their chart, can be a great help in astrology.
ASTRO DICTIONARY : Through this feature, One can see the Definitions/Meanings of astrological words. This option is helpful for persons who are unfamiliar with astrology.
BIO RHYTHM CHART : The following option shows the rise and fall of the Health, Emotions and Finance for a month. User has to enter the NAME / DATE OF BIRTH of a person. After filling these details, the Bio-Rhythmic graph will be displayed, which can also be printed.
BIRTHDAY REMINDER : This feature helps in reminding you the birthday of the persons, whose horoscopes has been saved. The program will remind you of it on the particular day when you run the software.
YOGAS : This Edition now features more than 500 Yogas. Now one has the option to view all the yogas applicable in a horoscope, its effect on a person's life and also the cause for the formation of yoga.
KALSARPA YOGA : This Edition has now been incorporated with the option through which the user can know whether a horoscope is under the influence of KalSarpa Yog or not. Now one also has the option to view the effects of this yog on a person's life and the remedies to repel the same.
UPGRAHA : Charts of Upagraha and its details.
MULTIPLE CHARTS : A special option through which you can view Multiple charts. This comes in handy when you want 5-6 charts simultaneously on the screen, to study it.
CHAR DASHA : It provides the dates of Char dasHa on persons life.
FAST DMP PRINT : One of the most exciting feature incorporated in HOROSOFT is the facility to print a horoscope on 9Pin Dot Matrix Printer through windows and NOT THROUGH DOS . This option helps you to print horoscopes 4 Times Faster Than Any Normal Printing.
Triptaki Chakra, Seham, Harsh Bala, Vedhas
59 mb.
Planets in signs and houses Astro-Logos: Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer
Astro-Logos: Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer.
By James T. Braha
* Publisher: Hermetician Press
* Number Of Pages: 270
* Publication Date: 1996-08
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0935895086
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780935895087
Product Description:
A powerful autobiography about legendary astrologer James Braha's experiences during two visits in India to learn Hindu astrology. The book is filled with fascinating astrological stories demonstrating the accuracy and potency of the 6000 year old predictive astrology of the ancient Seers. New agers and spiritual seekers find the book engrossing, accessible, and extremely informative. Whets the spiritual as well as astrological appetite is what the critics declared. The book received wonderful reviews and is a 'must-read' for those who are curious about the astrology of India.
By James T. Braha
* Publisher: Hermetician Press
* Number Of Pages: 270
* Publication Date: 1996-08
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0935895086
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780935895087
Product Description:
A powerful autobiography about legendary astrologer James Braha's experiences during two visits in India to learn Hindu astrology. The book is filled with fascinating astrological stories demonstrating the accuracy and potency of the 6000 year old predictive astrology of the ancient Seers. New agers and spiritual seekers find the book engrossing, accessible, and extremely informative. Whets the spiritual as well as astrological appetite is what the critics declared. The book received wonderful reviews and is a 'must-read' for those who are curious about the astrology of India.
Planets in signs and houses Vedic Astrology an Integrated Approach
Vedic Astrology an Integrated Approach.
* Publisher: Sagar Publications
* Number Of Pages: 437
* Publication Date: 2001
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: B000V1X3FW
* ISBN-13 / EAN:
Product Description:
With the Creator said to be one of its eighteen great preceptors, Jyotish or Vedic astrology is thought to be as old as this creation is.There are many great books on Jyotish .Thanks to the DR.B.V.RAMAN and the efforts of other Indian astrologers to follow him,today we have afair amount of Jyotish literature in this book.
From Preface:
While no particular topic has been covered in great depth, key fundamentals are covered in this book. Most fundamental concepts and computations are clearly defined with examples and their uses are briefly outlined. But I do not want to bill this as a comprehensive introduction for beginners. There are parts of this book that can be followed even by beginners, but an average beginner may find it overwhelming in many places. For most part, this book is for intermediate level students who already have a good background, but are in need of integrating and consolidating their knowledge. However, there are some points in some places that can be appreciated only by advanced scholars. So I will not make any claims on who will find this book useful. Rather than targeting readership with a specific level of knowledge, I tried to write a more or less self-sufficient book that covers a wide spectrum of topics. Beginners should read this book very carefully, and more than once, to completely understand various concepts. Though I have tried to maintain some level of clarity, I squeezed in a lot of material and beginners should patiently read, re-read and practice.
Part 1: Chart Analysis
1. Basic Concepts
2. Rasis
3. Planets
4. Upagrahas
5. Special Lagnas
6. Divisional Charts
7. Houses
8. Karakas
9. Arudha Padas
10. Aspects and Argalas
11. Yogas
12. Ashtakavarga
13, Interpreting Charts
14, Topics Related to Longevity
15. Strength of Planets and Rasis
Part 2: Dasa Analysis
16. Vimsottari Dasa
17. Ashtottari Dasa
18, Narayana Dasa
19, Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa
20, Sudasa
21. Drigdasa
22, Niryaana Shoola Dasa
23. Shoola Dasa
24. Kalachakra Dasa
Part 3: Transit Analysis
25, Transits and Natal References
26. Transits: Miscellaneous Topics
Part 4: Tajaka Analysis
27. Tajaka Chart Basics
28. Techniques of Tajaka Charts
29. Tajaka Yogas
30. Annual Dasas
31. Sudarsana Chakra Dasa
Part 5: Special Topics
32. Impact of Birthtime Error
3 3. Rational Thinking
34. Remedial Measures
35. Mundane Astrology
36. Muhurta or Electional Astrology
37. Ethical Behavior of a Jyotishi
Part 6: Real-life Examples.
archive password:
* Publisher: Sagar Publications
* Number Of Pages: 437
* Publication Date: 2001
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: B000V1X3FW
* ISBN-13 / EAN:
Product Description:
With the Creator said to be one of its eighteen great preceptors, Jyotish or Vedic astrology is thought to be as old as this creation is.There are many great books on Jyotish .Thanks to the DR.B.V.RAMAN and the efforts of other Indian astrologers to follow him,today we have afair amount of Jyotish literature in this book.
From Preface:
While no particular topic has been covered in great depth, key fundamentals are covered in this book. Most fundamental concepts and computations are clearly defined with examples and their uses are briefly outlined. But I do not want to bill this as a comprehensive introduction for beginners. There are parts of this book that can be followed even by beginners, but an average beginner may find it overwhelming in many places. For most part, this book is for intermediate level students who already have a good background, but are in need of integrating and consolidating their knowledge. However, there are some points in some places that can be appreciated only by advanced scholars. So I will not make any claims on who will find this book useful. Rather than targeting readership with a specific level of knowledge, I tried to write a more or less self-sufficient book that covers a wide spectrum of topics. Beginners should read this book very carefully, and more than once, to completely understand various concepts. Though I have tried to maintain some level of clarity, I squeezed in a lot of material and beginners should patiently read, re-read and practice.
Part 1: Chart Analysis
1. Basic Concepts
2. Rasis
3. Planets
4. Upagrahas
5. Special Lagnas
6. Divisional Charts
7. Houses
8. Karakas
9. Arudha Padas
10. Aspects and Argalas
11. Yogas
12. Ashtakavarga
13, Interpreting Charts
14, Topics Related to Longevity
15. Strength of Planets and Rasis
Part 2: Dasa Analysis
16. Vimsottari Dasa
17. Ashtottari Dasa
18, Narayana Dasa
19, Lagna Kendradi Rasi Dasa
20, Sudasa
21. Drigdasa
22, Niryaana Shoola Dasa
23. Shoola Dasa
24. Kalachakra Dasa
Part 3: Transit Analysis
25, Transits and Natal References
26. Transits: Miscellaneous Topics
Part 4: Tajaka Analysis
27. Tajaka Chart Basics
28. Techniques of Tajaka Charts
29. Tajaka Yogas
30. Annual Dasas
31. Sudarsana Chakra Dasa
Part 5: Special Topics
32. Impact of Birthtime Error
3 3. Rational Thinking
34. Remedial Measures
35. Mundane Astrology
36. Muhurta or Electional Astrology
37. Ethical Behavior of a Jyotishi
Part 6: Real-life Examples.
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Planets in signs and houses Vimsottari and Udu Dasa's: Parasara's key to prognostication.
Vimsottari and Udu Dasa's: Parasara's key to prognostication.
By Sanjay Rath
* Publisher: Sagar Publications
* Number Of Pages: 264
* Publication Date: 2002-01-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 8170820243
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9788170820246
Product Description:
This book goes into the intricacies of the vimsottari and other nakshatra based planetery dasa (udu dasa) to bring out their need and usage. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of dasa, the how and why of choosing the right dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation options in a step by step approach. Judgement of dasa includes the principles, in general used for reading the message of the charts and in timing the events that the drama of life shall show.
The Book
Although originally planned for 16 chapters, this first edition of the book is divided into 14
chapters which cover the foundation of Vedic Astrology, the paradigm of the nakshatra as well as each individual Udu dasa. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of dasa, the how and why of choosing the right dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation options in a step by step approach. Judgment of dasa includes the principles, in general used for reading the message of the charts and in timing the events that the drama of life shall show. The appendices include a discussion on the philosophy and mathematics behind the Vimsottari dasa. The order of the other dasa and their mathematics has been explained in chapters dedicated to each. Since Vimsottari is the best, care has been taken to explain the philosophy and logic in greater detail in the appendix. Another appendix gives tables for calculating the dasa balance, and major and sub-periods of each of the dasa. The appendix on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) includes some interesting questions about dasa usage, calendar etc. Readers can send their queries to this scribe and we shall attempt to address them in future editions
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Charts
1. Jyotish Foundation
1.1 Dasa: Time & state
1.2 Rasi: The Signs & houses
1.3 Tithi: Vedic date
1.4 Drishti: Sight of signs & planets
1.5 Argala: Planetary & Sign Intervention
1.6 Arudha (Pada): The image
1.7 Karaka: The significators
2. Nakshatra: The constellations
2.1 The light of the stars
2.2 Astavasava: The eight illuminators
2.3 Twenty seven constellation
2.4 Twenty eight Nakshatra
3. Dasa applicability
3.1 Parasara’s advise
3.2 Selection Methodology
3.3 Illustrations
3.4 Conclusion
4. Judgment of Results
4.1 Lordship of houses & signs
4.2 Placement
4.3 Yoga (Union/special relationship)
4.4 Sign & Nakshatra Dispositor
4.5 Planetary Status
4.6 Upagraha (Subsidiary planets)
4.7 Dasa Pravesh Chakra
4.8 Gochara (Transits)
4.9 Astakavarga
4.10 Chara Karaka
4.11 Satyacharya’s Principle
4.12 Dasa-antardasa
4.13 Esoteric tables (Chakra)
4.14 Illustration
5. Vimsottari dasa
5.1 Dasa scheme
5.2 Order of Dasa
5.3 Starting dasa
5.4 Period of Dasa
5.5 Calculation & dasa table
5.6 Ayur dasa
5.7 Case Studies
5.8 Event Analysis & Prediction
6. Vimsottari Variations
6.1 Tara Dasa
6.2 Moola Dasa
6.3 Tribhagi Vimsottari Dasa
6.4 Compressed Vimsottari Dasa
7. Ashtottari Dasa
7.1 Ashtottari Dasa scheme
7.2 Dasa Period
7.3 Calculation
7.4 Case Study
7.5 Tithi Ashtottari Dasa
7.6 Tithi Ashtottari Illustration
8. Shodasottari Dasa
8.1 Applicability condition
8.2 Dasa Scheme
8.3 Dasa Period
8.4 Dasa Calculations
8.5 Illustration
9. Dwadasottari dasa
9.1 Applicability
9.2 Dasa Scheme
9.3 Dasa Period
9.4 Dasa Calculations
9.5 Illustration
10.Panchottari dasa
10.1 Applicability
10.2 Dasa Scheme
10.3 Dasa Period
10.4 Dasa Calculations
10.5 Illustration
11.Satabdika dasa
11.1 Applicability
11.2 Dasa Scheme & Periods
11.3 Illustration
12.Chaturasiti Sama dasa
12.1 Order of dasa
12.2 Starting dasa
12.3 Dasa Period
12.4 Illustration
13.Dwisaptati Sama dasa
13.1 Dasa Scheme
13.2 Dasa Period & Calculation
13.3 Case Study
14.Shastyhayani Dasa
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Dasa Scheme & calculations
14.3 Illustration
15.Shattrimsa Sama dasa
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Order & period of the dasa
15.3 Applicability
15.4 Illustration
I. Unlocking the Vimsottari Paradigm
1.1 Basic Mathematics
1.2 Cycles of time
1.3 Basis of periods
II. Dasa Tables
2.1 Using tables
2.2 Vimsottari dasa tables
2.3 Tribhagi Vimsottari Tables
2.4 Ashtottari dasa tables
2.5 Shodasottari dasa tables
2.6 Dwisaptati dasa tables
2.7 Shattrimshat Sama dasa
III. Frequently asked Questions
IV. References
V. Index & Glossary.
By Sanjay Rath
* Publisher: Sagar Publications
* Number Of Pages: 264
* Publication Date: 2002-01-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 8170820243
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9788170820246
Product Description:
This book goes into the intricacies of the vimsottari and other nakshatra based planetery dasa (udu dasa) to bring out their need and usage. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of dasa, the how and why of choosing the right dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation options in a step by step approach. Judgement of dasa includes the principles, in general used for reading the message of the charts and in timing the events that the drama of life shall show.
The Book
Although originally planned for 16 chapters, this first edition of the book is divided into 14
chapters which cover the foundation of Vedic Astrology, the paradigm of the nakshatra as well as each individual Udu dasa. An independent chapter is devoted to the choice of dasa, the how and why of choosing the right dasa for a chart while considering the various criteria as well as variation options in a step by step approach. Judgment of dasa includes the principles, in general used for reading the message of the charts and in timing the events that the drama of life shall show. The appendices include a discussion on the philosophy and mathematics behind the Vimsottari dasa. The order of the other dasa and their mathematics has been explained in chapters dedicated to each. Since Vimsottari is the best, care has been taken to explain the philosophy and logic in greater detail in the appendix. Another appendix gives tables for calculating the dasa balance, and major and sub-periods of each of the dasa. The appendix on Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) includes some interesting questions about dasa usage, calendar etc. Readers can send their queries to this scribe and we shall attempt to address them in future editions
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Charts
1. Jyotish Foundation
1.1 Dasa: Time & state
1.2 Rasi: The Signs & houses
1.3 Tithi: Vedic date
1.4 Drishti: Sight of signs & planets
1.5 Argala: Planetary & Sign Intervention
1.6 Arudha (Pada): The image
1.7 Karaka: The significators
2. Nakshatra: The constellations
2.1 The light of the stars
2.2 Astavasava: The eight illuminators
2.3 Twenty seven constellation
2.4 Twenty eight Nakshatra
3. Dasa applicability
3.1 Parasara’s advise
3.2 Selection Methodology
3.3 Illustrations
3.4 Conclusion
4. Judgment of Results
4.1 Lordship of houses & signs
4.2 Placement
4.3 Yoga (Union/special relationship)
4.4 Sign & Nakshatra Dispositor
4.5 Planetary Status
4.6 Upagraha (Subsidiary planets)
4.7 Dasa Pravesh Chakra
4.8 Gochara (Transits)
4.9 Astakavarga
4.10 Chara Karaka
4.11 Satyacharya’s Principle
4.12 Dasa-antardasa
4.13 Esoteric tables (Chakra)
4.14 Illustration
5. Vimsottari dasa
5.1 Dasa scheme
5.2 Order of Dasa
5.3 Starting dasa
5.4 Period of Dasa
5.5 Calculation & dasa table
5.6 Ayur dasa
5.7 Case Studies
5.8 Event Analysis & Prediction
6. Vimsottari Variations
6.1 Tara Dasa
6.2 Moola Dasa
6.3 Tribhagi Vimsottari Dasa
6.4 Compressed Vimsottari Dasa
7. Ashtottari Dasa
7.1 Ashtottari Dasa scheme
7.2 Dasa Period
7.3 Calculation
7.4 Case Study
7.5 Tithi Ashtottari Dasa
7.6 Tithi Ashtottari Illustration
8. Shodasottari Dasa
8.1 Applicability condition
8.2 Dasa Scheme
8.3 Dasa Period
8.4 Dasa Calculations
8.5 Illustration
9. Dwadasottari dasa
9.1 Applicability
9.2 Dasa Scheme
9.3 Dasa Period
9.4 Dasa Calculations
9.5 Illustration
10.Panchottari dasa
10.1 Applicability
10.2 Dasa Scheme
10.3 Dasa Period
10.4 Dasa Calculations
10.5 Illustration
11.Satabdika dasa
11.1 Applicability
11.2 Dasa Scheme & Periods
11.3 Illustration
12.Chaturasiti Sama dasa
12.1 Order of dasa
12.2 Starting dasa
12.3 Dasa Period
12.4 Illustration
13.Dwisaptati Sama dasa
13.1 Dasa Scheme
13.2 Dasa Period & Calculation
13.3 Case Study
14.Shastyhayani Dasa
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Dasa Scheme & calculations
14.3 Illustration
15.Shattrimsa Sama dasa
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Order & period of the dasa
15.3 Applicability
15.4 Illustration
I. Unlocking the Vimsottari Paradigm
1.1 Basic Mathematics
1.2 Cycles of time
1.3 Basis of periods
II. Dasa Tables
2.1 Using tables
2.2 Vimsottari dasa tables
2.3 Tribhagi Vimsottari Tables
2.4 Ashtottari dasa tables
2.5 Shodasottari dasa tables
2.6 Dwisaptati dasa tables
2.7 Shattrimshat Sama dasa
III. Frequently asked Questions
IV. References
V. Index & Glossary.
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