AstroWonder v1.0 Multilingual | 67 MB
Astro Wonder is specially designed for professional astrologers who are looking for accuracy of calculation and wide range of charts/analysis tool available on hand,Astro Wonder is loaded with many features not found in any other Astrology Software.
Some of them are listed below.
* Support for casting charts from 4000 BC to 4000 AD.
* Birth time can be entered up-to milliseconds, very helpful while casting horary charts.
* Birth time can be entered as Ghati/Vighati
* Contains more than 2.6 lakh cities database
* Complete database of war time/day light saving times.
* Support to calculate planetary positions using apparent or actual positions.
* More than 250 different charts for vedic/Prashara system.
* More than 30 different charts for Krishna Murthi Padhati.
* Support for cuspal Theory
* Calculation up-to Sub-Sub-Sub level
* Support for Sub Level horary (249)
* Support for Sub-Sub Level horary (2193)
* Support for Sub-Sub-Sub Level horary (19689)
* Progression
* Movement Charts
* Complete integration of KP system with Vedic Astrology for Research purpose.
* Sarvato Bhadra Chart.
* Shodash Varga
* Natal to Transit Planetary Comparison.
* Support for Geographical/Geocentric Positions.
* support for Topocentric positions.
* support for Equatorial positions.
* Calculation accuracy up-to milliseconds.
* Support for various types of anayamsas.
* Support for adding comments to chart.
* Advanced screen layout designer.
* Advanced print layout designer.
* Support for various types of house systems.
* And many more.....
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