Bhrigu Sutras
Part Significations of Planets and Houses
Zodiac and the twelve signs. Astrological nature, influence, Characteristics,
functions of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Their signs of exaltation and debilitation; their own signs; their friends, enemies
and neutrals.
Part II
Chapter 1
The significations of the twelve houses of the horoscope. The twelve houses
termed as:- Tanu, 'Dhana, Sahaja, Sukha, Suta, Ripu, Jaya, Ayu, Dharma, Karma,
Labha and Vyaya according to their significance. Part Bhrigu Sutram
Chapter II
Effects of Sun in the twelve houses. Dispositions when Sun in spite of being a
malefic gives very beneficial results and gives rise to Raja yoga. Difference of
effects when Sun is in own sign, sign of exaltation, enemy sign etc.
Chapter III
Effects of Moon in the twelve houses. Difference in effects of Moon when posited
in a house in different signs; difference of effects of a waning and waxing Moon;
dispositions when Moon produces Rajayoga, difference in effects when Moon is in
own sign, sign of exaltation, sign of debilitation etc.
Chapter IV
Effects of Mars in the twelve houses. How a great malefic like Mars becomes a
yogakaraka. Difference in effects of Mars in different houses when in own sign,
sign of exaltation, sign of debilitation etc. Dispositions when Mars produces
Ruchaka yoga, Dhana yoga and Raja yoga and their results. Special yogas for
Chapter V
Effects of Mercury in the twelve houses. When a benefic Mercury can become a
malefic. Difference in effects of Mercury in different houses when in own sign, sign
of exaltation, debilitation etc. Dispositions when Mercury produces, Bhadra yoga,
Amia yoga, Dhana yoga and Raj yoga and their results.
Chapter VI
Effects of Jupiter in the twelve houses. Difference in effects of Jupiter in own sign,
sign of exaltation, sign of debilitation etc. Dispositions when Jupiter produces
Hamsa yoga, Amia yoga, Dhana yoga^Raja yoga and their results. When lords of
6th, 8th and 12th houses become yoga karaka planets. Jupiter good even when is
lord of the 3rd and 12th houses.
Chapter VII
Effects of Venus in the twelve houses. Difference in effects of Venus is in own
sign, sign of exaltation, sign of debilitation etc. Dispositions when Venus produces
Malavya yoga, Amia yoga, Dhana yoga and Raj yoga and their results. Venus gives
yoga effects when posited in the 6th and 12th houses.
Chapter VIII
Effects of Saturn in the twelve houses. When a great malefic like Saturn gives very
beneficial results and functions as yoga karaka planet. Saturn gives long life when
posited in the 8th house. Effects of Saturn in own sign, sign of exaltation, sign of
debilitation etc. Dispositions when Saturn produces Sasa yoga, Dhana yoga and
Rajyoga and their results.
Chapter IX
Effects of Rahu and Ketu in the twelve houses. Controversy about the roles of
Rahu and Ketu in a horoscope and different views in that regard.
Laghu Parasari
This is the first primer on Astrology that a student of this science is supposed to
learn if he wants to master the Parasara system of Astrology. PARASARA, the
father of Hindu Astrology, wrote the voluminous treatise 'Parasara Hora Sastra'
wherein he expounded his systems of Astrology. Laghu Parasari contains all the
fundamental principles of Astrology on which the Parasara system is based. The
book is known at least by three different names:
1. Laghu Parasari 2. Uddudayapradipa 3. Jataka Chandrika, and is a very popular
one studied in all parts of India. The importance and greatness of the work can be
judged from the fact that Mantreswara, the author of Phaladeepika, quotes about
ten verses from this book.
Though it serves as a first book it is by no means a simple ordinary book. Mere
translations of the slokas will not be enough to bring but the vast meaning each
sloka contains. This is why it has a large number of commentaries, as well as old,
written by eminent scholars from time to time.
Among these, Chandrika, Bhairavi and Prakasa (by Pt. Vetala Sastri) are well
known and highly instructive. The book contains about 78 slokas in Anushtup
metre and can be roughly divided into five chapters:
1. Nomenclature TOT 2. Combinations for Longevity- arpri^n4. Dashaphala and
5. Miscellaneous . It can be boldly asserted that a careful study of the book will
give great insight into the subject of Astrology and skill in prediction. The slokas
are lucid and enchanting to read. The book is as charming as Moonlight for the
study of Astrology. It is undoubtedly one of the best, briefest and lucid book on
the subject of Astrology and there is no book which can rival this primer.
PART - 1
Information about Planets and Houses
The Zodiac, Signs and Planets
The work "Bhrigu Sutram" deals with the effects of various planets in the twelve
houses of the horoscope. Before taking up the main work, it will be useful for the
readers to have some idea of the Zodiac, the twelve parts of the Zodiac viz., the
signs and the qualities characteristics and significations of the planets as well as the
significations of the twelve houses. In this chapter we propose to give information
about the Zodiac, signs and the planets. The significations of the twelve houses will
be given in the next chapter.
The Zodiac
The Zodiac is a circle of space surrounding the Earth. It may be imagined as a belt
in the heavens about 15 degrees wide in which the planets travel. It is the Sun's
apparent path that is called the ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve
parts, each part containing thirty degrees of space called the signs of the Zodiac.
Thus a sign is one twelfth division of the zodiacal circle and is denned as containing
30 degrees of celestial longitude : 12 signs each measuring 30 degrees constitute the
circle of the Zodiac or 360 degrees. In this circle the planets travel each in its own
orbit, one outlying beyond the other. The twelve signs of fhe Zodiac are Aries
(Mesha), Taurus (Vrishabh), Gemini (Mithuna), Cancer (Kataka), Leo (Simha),
Virgo (Kanya), Libra (Thula), Scorpio (Vrischika), Sagittarius (Dhanu), Capricorn
(Makara), Aquarius (Kumbha), and Pisces (Meena). It is these twelve signs
through which the planets travel or transit from west to east, going through one
sign after another in their order from Aries to Pisces. Each sign possesses a specific
influence. The planets also as they travel around the Zodiac exert an influence
according to their separate nature and position in the Zodiac.
Although according to modem Astrology there are twelve planets viz., Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto,
Hindu Astrology recognises only the first nine. Each sign of the Zodiac is owned
by a planet who is termed as its 'ruler'. Sun and Moon rule one sign each viz., Leo
and Cancer respectively. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn rule two signs
each. There is controversy about Rahu and Kethu ruling some signs but the fact is
that they being shadow planets do not own any signs but cast their influence
according to signs in which they are placed, or lords of those signs, or according to
planets influencing them by aspect or association. Mars rules Aries and Scorpio,
Mercury Gemini and Virgo, Jupiter Sagittarius and Pisces, Venus Taurus and
Libra and Saturn Capricorn and Aquarius.
1 Sun-The Father and Life Giver
Sun is the king of the solar kingdom. He is also called the 'Father of Stars'. Sun is
about 93 million miles away from the Earth. He is the largest amongst the planets.
His diameter is about 110 times that of Earth and Sun is nearly 27,19,000 miles in
Being the centre of all life force and energy and the giver of Prana, Sun is
worshipped as Sun God. He is said to represent the creator, the Brahma, with his
four faces to have a survey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the
four elements namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Westerners call the Sun, Apollo.
The Sun takes exactly one year to go round the ecliptic. It has only the direct
motion. It is never goes retrograde. According to Hindu Astrology Sun is the soul
of Kalpurusha (The Moon is his mind, Mercury his speech, Mars his strength,
Jupiter his knowledge and happiness, Venus his desire or lust, Saturn his misery).
For all living beings Sun represents the positive and primal front whereas the
Moon represents the negative influence. Sun is constructive and creative, Moon is
preserving and formative. Sun is the father, Moon is the mother. The Sun and
Moon are considered sovereigns. Jupiter and Venus are ministers. Mercury is the
young prince. Mars is the commander-in-chief and Saturn is the servant. Sun is the
king and the Moon is the queen. Sun and Moon are also considered luminaries.
People with Sun as the ruling planet will have honey coloured eyes. The face will
be large and round. The stature will be average. The hair and the colour of the
body will have a light shade.
Sun rules the direction East and "Grishma" Rithu (Summer season). In the birth
chart Sun represents the father of the native. In the woman's chart Sun indicates
her husband (There is another school of thought that Jupiter represents the
husband in a female's chart). In service Sun shows the administrative head or
Government. The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality. He governs
the breath of life. He rules our consciousness and denotes the individuality. He
gives the force and self will and makes one determined and decisive. The Sun in
nature is hot, dry, masculine and life giving. He possesses the power of absorption
of the nature and influence of any planet within an orb of 8 ½ degrees of his
conjunction. Sun represents health, the vital principle, general prosperity and high
office, positions of rank and title, government affairs and officials, new
undertakings, publicity, popularity, superior or proud and haughty persons. Sun
governs the sides, upper portion of the back, heart, right eye of the male and left
eye of the female. His day is Sunday, metal gold and colour orange. If he is not
hampered by unfavourable disposition or malefic aspects or association and is
dignified by position in the horoscope, Sun bestows a nature which is ambitious,
proud, magnanimous, frank, generous, humane, firm and honourable. Men ruled
by the Sun aspire to positions of rulership and by their earnest nature inspire
others with a respect for their abilities, so they usually attain positions of trust,
responsibility and honour where they are perfectly at home and capable of
practical execution to a very satisfactory degree.
If the Sun at birth is unfavourably placed and is otherwise undignified, the native is
inclined to be too forceful, lordly, domineering, positively arrogant and
extravagant, inclining also to sickness of a feverish inflammatory native, eye
affliction and heart disorders as well as loss of position, credit or esteem due to
impulsiveness of these natives.
The Sun's gems are diamond and ruby. Sun owns Leo. He is exalted in Aries and
debilitated in Libra. 10 degrees of Aries is highest exaltation point and 10 degrees
of Libra is his lowest debilitation point. Initial 20 degrees portion of Leo is his
Mulatrikona and the remaining 10 degrees is Swakshetra. The Sun's friends are
Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are his enemies. Mercury is neutral to
2 Moon-the Mother and Mind.
Moon is the planet nearest to the Earth. It is the only planet in the solar system
which revolves round the Earth. The Sun is the generator of power whereas Moon
is conductor of power lent by the Sun. Moon shines only by the reflected light of
the Sun. The distance between the Earth and Moon is approximately 2,38,000
miles. The Sun gives the spirit and life to all planets and Moon rules the lives of the
beings on Earth. Sun represents individuality whereas Moon shows one's
personality. Moon also represents mother if a person is born at night Moon is
feminine. Hence the person under the rulership of Moon becomes timid,
vacillating receptive and convertible. Moon governs the impregnation, conception,
birth of child, the animal instinct the union and the embryo. It also rules the infant
stage of a person and it has powerful influence on their lives. Afflicted Moon at the
time of birth causes ailments frequently and does not allow to have proper growth.
Natives ruled by Moon generally have white complexion and charming eyes. They
are plump and of short stature. They walk with a rolling gait. Moon's influence is
said to be cold, moist, phlegmatic and feminine. She is fruitful and convertible in
nature according to her position in the chart and her aspects and location in the
zodiac (by sign) at that time. Her proximity to the Earth and rapidity of motion
render her a powerful significator in all branches of 15 astrology. She makes a
complete transit of the zodiac (i.e. all the signs) every 27 days, 7 hours and 43
minutes. She rules liquids, fresh water, milk, public commodities like groceries,
fish, drinks etc., also sailing, brewing, nursing and females generally. Moon
influences the growth of all plant life. She governs the brain, breasts, left eye of the
male and right eye of the female. Her day is Monday, metal silver, colour white;
gem pearl and other white stones. People ruled by Moon are usually sensitive,
emotional and domesticated, possessing a love for home and kindred. They have a
good memory. Having a fertile imagination and being also very conscientious, they
meet with many ups and downs in life. They are quite receptive and mediumistic
and frequently possess musical talent They like water and natural beauty. If the
Moon is not favourably disposed, the natives may be either too easy going and
given to self gratification and over indulgence in eating, drinking or pleasure, or
are too changeable, negative and uncertain. Person ruled by Moon do well as
nurses, cooks, confectioners, grocers, gardeners, matrons, dealers in liquids,
stewards, clerks, companions and in other occupations of a common, public or
fluctuating nature. Waxing Moon is considered a benefic and waning Moon a
malefic. Moon owns Cancer. She is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio.
Her highest exaltation point is 3 degrees of Taurus and the lowest debilitation
point is 3 degrees of Scorpio. The first 3 degrees of Taurus constitute Moon's
exaltation portion and the remaining 27 degrees portion is her Mooltrikona. The
whole of Cancer is her swakshetra.
3 Mars-The Brother and Courage
Mars is one of the outer planets. It is nearer to the Earth than any of the other
outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn etc. Mars is smaller than Earth and its diameter is
around 4,200 miles. According to mythological beliefs Mars is said to be the deity
of Buddhists and the God of Romans. He is the God of war and also of hunting.
Mars (or Aries in Greek, Artos in Egyptian, Angarka, Magnala, Kuja is Sanskrit)
is said to be the son of Jupiter. According to Hindu beliefs Mars is said to be the
son of the Earth and is called Bhumi-putra. He is the God of dispute, destruction
and war. Mars is a dry, fiery planet, masculine by nature. Mars has much to do with
one's ambition and desires. Mars symbolises the senses and rules the animal
instinct in man. Generally Mars is treated as a malefic planet. If Mars is not
afflicted, he gives self confidence, endurance, impulse for all ventures and heroic
deeds, strength, courage, combativeness, sharp wit, faculty to argue, go ahead spirit
etc. Mars bestows the nature with quick mental activity and extraordinary
muscular strength, great organising ability, power for practical execution,
independent spirit, force of character, strong determination, ambition to come out
successful in the material field in spite of any opposition, and above all, leadership
in all pursuits. If Mars is weak and afflicted in a horoscope, the native will be rash,
will lose temper quickly, will be foolhardy and also quarrelsome. He will use brute
force to settle his affairs and may become a drug addict. He may turn out to be the
worst type of sexualist and satisfy his sexual urges in novel ways.
People born with Mars as their ruling planet will have white complexion with a
shade of red. The native will be tall and muscular. Their eyes will be round. Their
waists will be narrow. Mars is the chief governor for brothers and landed property.
His colour is red-gems, coral, ruby, and all red stones- day Tuesday. Mars governs
the sex organs, bladder, muscular system, head, face, left ear and sense of taste;
also cuts, bums, scolds, etc. He rules copper, gold, iron and steel, surgery,
chemistry, military matters and wars, policemen, surgeons, dentists, butchers, those
of quick temper and reddish complexion. Being averse to dictatorship, persons
influenced by Mars usually find the best outlet for their special ability when in
business for themselves or in positions when they can direct the work of others.
Being quite inventive and mechanical, they become good designers, builders and
managers and usually make their way to the front in whatever they undertake.
Mars owns Aries and Scorpio. He is exalted in Capricorn, the highest exaltation
point being 28 degrees of4hat sign. He is debilitated in Cancer, the lowest
debilitation point being 28 degrees of that sign. The first 12 degrees portion of
Aries is his Mooltrikona and the rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Scorpio is
also his Swakshetra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are friends of Mars. Mercury is his
enemy. Venus and Saturn are neutral to him.
4 Mercury-The Messenger of Gods
Amongst all the planets Mercury is nearest to Sun. It revolves round the Sun in 88
days. Its diameter is nearly 3,200 miles. Mythologically Mercury was known as
Thoth, Hermes and "The Messenger of Gods". It was usually portrayed as a youth,
flying with wings at his heels, bearing a cadaceus made of olive wood about which
were twined serpents, the rod being surmounted with a pair of wings. This symbol
represents the essential qualities of the planet, duality, speed and wisdom.
According to Hindu mythology Mercury is said to be the son of Moon. Mercurial
people generally have a youthful appearance.
The influence of the planet Mercury is neutral, dualistic, cold, moist, sexless and
convertible. He gives favourable results when he is in good association and
receives benefic aspects. Mercury can rarely be seen with naked eye as he is never
more man 28 degrees from the Sun. When he is within 8 ½ degrees of the Sun, he is
treated as combust or burnt up and loses great deal of its ability. His influence is
best when leaving the Sun. Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is
susceptible to cultivation through study, precept, observation and imitation.
Mercury influences the nervous system, solar plexus, bowels, arms, mouth, tongue,
sense of sight, perception, understanding, interpretation and expression. He deals
with travelling, teaching, clerkship, speaking, writing, printing, publishing,
literature, stationery, secretaries, book-keeping, correspondence, mailing etc. His
day is Wednesday and his metal is liquid metal or quick silver. His colour is green
and his gem is Emerald. If Mercury is well placed in the horoscope, the natives
make good linguists, orators, writers, reporters, teachers, secretaries, accountants,
etc., being fully capable of maintaining any position where adaptability, dexterity,
perception, skill, quick wit, imagination and good memory are required. They
usually conduct their work in an orderly, methodical, systematic and handy
manner being adept at simplifying arrangements. Mercury shows the type of
mentality one is endowed with, as he governs the reaction to one's sense and
impressions. Being an intellectual planet, the Mercurian is highly intelligent,
ingenious and analytical. He will grasp the subjects very quickly. He gives the
native retentive power and reproductive ability. A well placed and well aspected
Mercury represents a subtle political brain and intellect, a logician with learning
and discretion. A person influenced by Mercury will have curiosity to master
occult sciences also. He will be versatile, good in mathematical calculations,
engineering, accounts etc. If Mercury is afflicted, the native will be clever, cunning
and mischievous, he will turn out to be a great gambler, the worst liar, a conceited
showy person, he will pretend as though he knows everything while actually he is
devoid of real learning. The affliction of Mercury will also cause excess nervous
activity both of body and mind. There is also consequent effect on the health
detrimental to the operation of bowels and other organs under the dominion of
this planet. Mercury is the chief governor for education and uncle. Mercury owns
Gemini and Virgo. He is exalted in Virgo, the highest exaltation point being 15
degrees of Virgo. He is debilitated in Pisces, the lowest debilitation point being 15
degrees of Pisces. The first 15 degrees of Virgo is the exaltation portion of Virgo,
16 to 20 degrees portion is his Mooltrikona and the rest is Swakshetra. The whole
of Gemini is also his Swakshetra. Sun and Venus are friends of Mercury, Moon is
his enemy and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to him.
5 Jupiter-The Great Fortune
Jupiter the mighty planet is called a giant of the solar system. It has a diameter of
88,000 miles. Jupiter takes a little less than twelve years to go once round the Sun.
Mythologically, Jupiter is the preceptor of Gods. Old Greeks considered Jupiter as
the father of Gods-Zeus. Egyptians call Mm Ammon. Jupiter is said to possess and
offer 'Sathwaguna'. Our fortunes are governed by Jupiter who is the chief
governor for money. Jupiter is termed as 'Greater Fortune' and is said to be hot
moist, sanguine, temperate, social, expansive, masculine and moderate. He governs
the blood, liver, veins, arteries and thighs. He rules higher education and signifies
judges, councillors, bankers, brokers, theologians, philanthropists, also science,
law, reason and comparison. He rules financial dealings, speculation, shipping
business and foreign affairs. His day is Thursday, metal gold, colour yellow and
gems yellow sapphire and Topaz. Typical Jupiterians are usually termed jovial
owing to the fact that Jupiter gives such characteristics as socialiblity, hope,
benevolence veneration, compassion, justice, honesty, spirituality, also well
developed faculties of proportion, calculation and location. The Jupiterian is
usually quick to hit the mark as his symbol is the Archer. In the business world,
natives ruled by Jupiter become interested in large popular enterprises and deal
much in matters related to lawyers, judges, bankers, brokers and physicians.
Science and medicine, insurance and commercial travelling often engage their
attention, also affairs of philanthropic, charitable and religious or benevolent
import. Jupiter is called the 'Greater Fortune' because, unless he is ill placed in the
horoscope, he bestows a considerable amount of what appears to be good luck
upon natives who are suited for positions of dignity, trust or power in business and
social circles. Having a logical, broad mind, considerable self possession, self
confidence and determination, they usually inspire confidence and attain
responsible positions. Jupiter is fiery, noble, benevolent, fruitful, jovial, optimistic,
positive, and dignified planet. He is the greatest benefic. However, much other
planets may be ill posited and threaten difficulties to a person, if Jupiter is strong
and well placed in a chart, he will enjoy the providential help at least at the last
moment to tide over the difficulties and get rid of evil. Jupiter also indicates how
far one will respect the elders, preceptors and religious scriptures. Jupiter makes
one law abiding, true, honest, sincere and dutiful. If Jupiter is afflicted in the
horoscope, the native will be an extremist and unconventional. He will be
extravagant and lavish. The other evil effects would be over optimism, false hopes,
carelessness, debts, disputes, failure in speculation, gambling, worry through
children, false prestige, loss of reputation, mis-judgment and miscalculation, etc.
Jupiterians are well built and may have a huge belly. They will have good growth
in youth, have muscular body and become so stout as to command respect from
others. Jupiter is also considered as significator for children (Santan Karaka).
Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. He is exalted in Cancer, the highest exaltation
point being 5 degrees of Cancer. He is debilitated in Capricorn, the lowest
debilitation being 5 degrees of Capricorn. First 5 degrees portion of Sagittarius is
his Multrikona and the rest is hi'-' Swakshetra-The whole of Pisces is also his
Swakshetra. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are friends of Jupiter. Mercury and
Venus are his enemies Saturn is neutral to him.
6 Venus-The Lover
Venus is much closer to the Sun than the Earth. The size of Venus is similar to that
of the Earth. Venus has a diameter of 7,600 miles. Venus can never be more than
48 degrees away from the Sun. Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system.
Mythologically, Venus is considered to be the Goddess of love, marriage, beauty
and comforts. It is called Maha Lakshmi, wife of Lord Vishnu. Venus is also called
one eyed. Creeks call Venus the Aphrodite. Venus is called Kama, for one's
passion depends on its strength. Venus produces people of average height, of
plump body, and with a round and pimpled face, kind and pleasing eyes, pleasant
voice, sweet smile and curly hair. Venus is termed as a feminine planet. Venus
rules the sense of touch and to a great extent the disposition. Venus inclines to all
that pertains to the higher attributes of the mind, music, poetry, painting, singing,
drama, opera, acting and all refined amusements and adornments. The influence of
Venus is expressed as generous, kind, good humoured and loving. Venus is
considered benefic, warm, moist and fruitful. Venus governs the throat, kidneys,
veins and ovaries. His day is Friday, metal silver, colour white and gem diamond.
Men and women ruled by Venus are noticeably kind and social. When well placed
Venus endows the native with a pleasant and handsome countenance, symmetrical
form and graceful manners. Venus inclines to harmony and as this planet rules the
sense of touch, he favours art, music and decoration. By their pleasing personality
the subjects of Venus are natural peacemakers; their refined nature softens the
ruffed feelings of friends and convert anger to pleasure. As Venus is the promoter
of pleasure, these people are splendid entertainers and excellent hosts.
When afflicted, Venus produces unsatisfactory domestic conditions, anxiety in
love, difficulty with friends of through finances. Venus rules the skin, throat, veins,
ovaries and internal generative organs and these are adversely affected by over
indulgence in amusements, eating and drinking. Venus is called Kalathra Karaka,
that is the chief governor for marriage. Venus also indicates the partner in
business. Venus is the chief planet connected with vehicles (Vahana). For those
born during day time Venus is the significator for mother. Venus owns Taurus and
Libra. Venus is exalted in Pisces, the highest exaltation point being 27 degrees of
Pisces. Venus is debilitated in Virgo, the lowest debilitation point being 27 degrees
of Virgo. First 20 degrees portion of Libra is his Mutrikona and he rest is his
Swakshetra. The whole of Taurus is also his Swakshetra. Mercury and Saturn are'
friends of Venus. The Sun and the Moon are his enemies. Mars and Jupiter are
neutral to him.
7 Saturn-The God Yama
Saturn is called 'Sanaischara' as it moves along the Zodiac leisurely and more
slowly than other planets. He is the outermost planet amongst the planets
recognised by Hindu Astrology. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and his diameter is
around 75,000 miles. Saturn takes 291/2 years to go round the Sun. Hence on an
average Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years. Saturn is called 'Yama' as he
is the chief governor for longevity. Saturn is said to be 'lame' and the son of The
Sun. Saturn is sometimes symbolised as Father Time. According to Western belief
in olden days Sater or Satan was the name given to Saturn and he signified devil,
darkness, secrecy, loss and misfortune. His nature is cold, dry, phlegmatic,
melancholic, earthy and masculine. When Saturn is well placed or well aspected,
the person is grave, profound, prudent, cautious and of excellent organising and
executive ability. If Saturn is afflicted, the native is apt to be bigoted acquisitive
irritable, discontented and complaining. Saturn governs the teeth, bones spleen,
knees, right ear and sense of hearing. He rules brick laying, pottery, masonry,
plumbing and other laborious and uncongenial employment. He denotes aged
persons, thin, nervous, dark, reclusive-also farmers, miners, coal and junk dealers,
property owners etc. He rules land, property, mines, lead and dealings in real
estate. Day Saturday, metals iron and steel, colour dark blue or black, gem blue
sapphire or other blue and black coloured stones. The influence of Saturn is
commonly called evil and in this respect he is much maligned, but in reality there is
no evil since all things work together for good ultimately. Saturn acts as a deterrent
and because he brings denial and necessity into some lives, he has been considered
as an oppressor, a Satan "He that filleth with pride will suffer a fall"; for Saturn
will bring the native to his knees, humble him, and by means of restrictions,
limitation and adversities, will cause the individual to ponder, study and seek to
find the source of woe that in future may be overcome. Thus while Saturn is a
destroyer (of false ideals), he is also a redeemer, in that he brings to mind a state of
introspection and stimulates effort towards perfection and victory. Saturnians are
extremely sensitive but they hide their feelings and emotions under a mask of
reserve. If frequently censured, they withdraw from association and their progress
and development are much delayed. Saturn is considered to be favourable for
people born in the signs owned by Venus whereas Saturn is evil to those born in
the signs governed by Mercury. He is also beneficial when he is in his own sign, or
when he occupies the signs of Jupiter or when he is exalted. Saturn when benefic
makes a person true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful and chaste. He aids
concentration, meditation prayers, etc. Saturn is the chief governor for longevity
(He is called Ayush Karaka). If he occupies the house of longevity, namely, the 8th
house in a horoscope, the native gets a long span of life. Saturn owns Capricorn
and Aquarius. He is exalted in Libra, the highest exaltation point being 20 degrees
of Libra. He is debilitated in Aries, the lowest debilitation point being 20 degrees
of Aries. For Saturn the first 20 degrees portion of Aquarius is his Multrikona and
the rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Capricorn is also his swakshetra. Mercury
and Venus are friends of Saturn. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are his enemies.
Jupiter is neutral to him.
8 Rahu and Ketu-the Shadowy Planets
Rahu and Ketu are called shadowy planets by our ancients. They are not
substantial heavenly bodies with an observable body shape or mass like the Sun,
Moon and other planets. Hindu mythology has in its characteristic way symbolised
these two parts of a single body. According to a Puranic story after churning of the
ocean (Samudra Manthan) came out a divine elephant, a horse, a physician, the
Goddess of wealth and Amrita or immortality. About the distribution of Amrita
there was a serious dispute amongst the Devas and Asuras. The Supreme Lord
(Lord Vishnu) assuming the shape of an alluring Mohini, took charge of
distributing the Amrita with the consent of both Devas and Asuras. She so
distributed the Amrita that all of it was consumed by Devas but one among the
Asuras had stealthily joined the ranks of Devas and got a share of Amrit but was
discovered and exposed by the Sun and the Moon. The Supreme Lord cut the
Asura in two pieces but as he had taken Amrita both the severed parts remained
alive though separated. The head got the name of 'Rahu' and the body and tail
'ketu'. This made Rahu and Ketu eternal enemies of the Sun and the Moon.
Periodically they succeed in swallowing the Sun and the Moon (This is during
eclipses) but they escape as they are immortal. The fact that has since been
universally accepted is that Rahu Ketu are celestial points on the Zodiac with
regulated movement and orbit and they have a distinct and predictable influence
in horoscopes. The motion of these points which is always retrograde, can be
calculated as accurately as the position of the Sun or the Moon, through owing to
their being without substance, this cannot be verified by visual observation.
Westerners have named Rahu and Ketu as Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail
respectively. Caput and Cauda are the other names given to them by Westerners.
To understand how these imaginary points are accurately located and their
movements are calculated we have to consider the apparent paths in the heavens
of the two planets the Sun and the Moon, that is, the paths along which the Sun
and the Moon appear to an observer on earth, to rotate. The Sun appears to move
along an ellipse of which Earth is a focus. The plane of this ellipse is inclined to the
terrestrial Equator at an angle of 23 degrees. The Moon, as the satellite of the
Earth moves round it and its path is also elliptical with the Earth as a focus, and
plane of this orbit is inclined to the Equator at an angle of 28 degrees, so that the
planes of the orbits of the Sun and the Moon appear to the observer on Earth to be
inclined to each other at an'angle of 5 degrees. The two points at which the orbit of
the Moon cuts the orbit of the Sun are called nodes, and they are exactly 180
degrees apart. The point of intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from
South to North, is said to be ascending node and named Rahu, and the point of
intersection formed when the Moon's motion is from north to south is called the
descending node or Ketu. It has been observed that the nodes have a retrograde
movement in the Zodiac at the rate of 19 degrees 20 minutes per year. Rahu and
Ketu are said to stay in a sign for about 18 months. Rahu and Ketu indicate one
born in a low caste; one who may have intrigue with girls; is one whose thoughts
and actions will be evil. One will resort to outcastes and low born as well as in bred
people. There is quite a controversy amongst the ancients about the signs owned
by Rahu and ketu and signs in which they are exalted and debilitated. For
example, according to Uttara Kalamrita an ancient classic on Hindu Predictive
Astrology Rahu is exalted in Taurus and debilitated in Scorpio, vice versa of Ketu.
This work also assigns the sign Aquarius as owned by Rahu and Scorpio as owned
by Ketu. Mooltrikona of Rahu has been fixed as Gemini and Mooltrikona of Ketu
has been given as Virgo. Sanketnidhi another recognised work allots Gemini as the
exaltation sign of Rahu, Virgo as his own sign and Sagittarius as the exaltation sign
of Ketu and Pisces as its own Sign. It is also believed that Rahu acts like Saturn
and Ketu acts like Mars. The Gem of Rahu is "Gomed" and that of Ketu Cat's
Eye. For further information about Rahu and Ketu please see Part II Chapter
Chapter II
Significations of the Twelve Houses of the Horoscope
First House (or Lagna-Ascendant)
Physical stature, colour, form and shape, constitution, health, vitality and vigour,
natural dispositions and tendencies, personality and struggle for life, honour,
dignity, prosperity, general well being, head, upper part of the face, virtues,
longevity, start in life and an idea about the general structure of life.
Second House
Money matters, fortune, profit, gain or loss, one's power and resources, worldly
attainments and possession of extrinsic value, jewellery, precious stones, bonds,
securities and shares, speech, vision, right eye, memory, imagination, nails, tongue,
nose, teeth, chin, family members. This is also a house of death or maraka sthana.
Many a learned are of the opinion that education is also a signification of this
house etc.
Third House
Mental inclination, ability, memory, intellect, inclination to study, courage,
firmness, valour, prowess, heroism, younger brothers or sisters, cousins,
neighbours, short travels, communications such as railways, wireless, posts and
telegraphs, correspondence, writings, change of residence, signing contracts or
agreements, rumours, carrying tales, hands, throat, shoulder blade, collarbone,
arms nervous system.
Fourth House
Mother, one's home (native place), residence, domestic environments, grave,
private affairs etc., secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farms, orchards, mines,
buildings, ancestral property, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, water,
milk, rivers, lakes etc.
Fifth House
Progeny (children), inclinations, pleasure, artistic talent, recreation, amusement,
sports, romance, competitive activities like cards, crosswords, lottery, gambling or
betting, love affairs, ambassadors, good or bad morals, mantra-tantra, religions
mindedness, high learning and wisdom, intelligence, enormous riches, spiritual
practice etc.
Sixth House
Sickness, diseases, nursing, food, service, employees, subordinates or servants,
debts, cattle, tenants, enemies, maternal uncle, miserliness, intense anguish,
litigation etc.
Seventh House
House of union or earthly ties, legal bondage, partner in life (wife or husband),
partner in business, conjugal life, influence in foreign countries and reputation
achieved there, sexual life, marital relations, danger to life, marakasthana (house
of death).
Eighth House
Longevity or span of life, also called house of death (because end of longevity is
death); inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension and gratuity, accidents,
death by drowning, fire or suicide; misery, misfortune, sorrow, strife, worries,
disgrace, delay, dejection, disappointment, defeat, loss and obstruction, theft,
robbery, chronic diseases.
Ninth House
Faith, wisdom and divine worship; fortune or luck (bhagya), philosophy, religious
and philosophical beliefs, meditation, intuition and forethought, places of worship,
sacrifices and charity, father, preceptor (Guru), teaching, Dhanna, grandchildren,
dreams and visions, knees; communication with spirits, long journeys, voyage, air
travel, higher education, foreign travel.
Tenth House
Thighs, honour, dignity, public esteem, name and fame, power prestige, credit (for
good work and conduct), success and status, rank and renown, respect and
reputation, ambition and authority, worldly activities, responsibilities, permanency
(in service), promotion, advancement, appointment, profession, last rites to one's
parents, religious functions. Government, high position such as President, Prime
Minister or Minister, pilgrimage to holy places, honour from Government.
Eleventh House
Friends, society, community, favourites, ambitions, wishes, desires and their
fulfilment, gains of wealth, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, profits,
prosperity, elder brothers and sisters, recovery from illness, dawn of fortune,
Twelfth House
Loss and impediments, restraint and limitation, waste and extravagance, expenses,
drudgery and deception, investments, donations, charities, separation from family,
going to far away places, sorrow and sin, misery and misfortune, poverty,
imprisonment, secret enemies, confinement in hospital, association, fraud, scandal,
disgrace, secret sorrows, success through occult affairs, the feet, the left eye, the
left ear, comforts of bed, debts, life in a foreign place and Moksha (final salvation).
Note:-For fuller details of the Characteristics of the nine planets and the twelve
houses, readers are requested to refer to Kalidas's famous work 'Uttara Kalamrit'
which is available both in English and Hindi wilh Ranjan Publications.
Effects of the 8 Planets in the Twelve Houses
Now with this chapter we give effects of various planets in the twelve houses of a
horoscope. We make a start with the effects of the Sun in the First House or the
Ascendant and the remaining houses. '
The Sun in the First House or Ascendant
Sutras 1-21-If the Sun is posited in the First House or Ascendant, the native will
enjoy good health. He will be of bilious constitution and will suffer from diseases
of the eye. He will be wise and of good conduct. He will have acidic stomach and
will be bereft of knowledge and sense. He will be highly intelligent, will speak less,
and will wander away from his native place. He will be happy. If the Sun is in Aries
(that is in his sign of exaltation), the native will get name and fame. If such Sun is
aspected by benefics, the native will become highly learned. If the Sun is in
debilitation (that is, in the sign Libra), the native will be dignified. He will,
however, be devoid of learning, and power and be blind. These ill effects will not
be felt, if the Sun is aspected by benefics (Jupiter or Venus). If the Sun be in Leo,
or Leo Navamsha, the native will acquire lordship over some territory. If the Sun
be in Cancer, the native will be knowledgeable. He will, however, suffer from boils
in the body. If the Sun be in Capricorn, the native will suffer from heart disease. If
the Sun be in Pisces, the native will be subservient to women. If the Sun be in
Virgo, the native will be father of daughters only. He will lose his wife and will be
ungrateful. The native will enjoy good health if the Sun be in his own sign Leo, but
if the Sun is in association with malefics or be in his enemy's sign or sign of
debilitation, the native will suffer from fever in his third year. Such unfavourable
effects will not be felt if the Sun is aspected by benefics.
Comments-The Sun has been considered as a malefic planet in Hindu Astrology
and as a benefic by Westerners. We feel that a planet who is source of light and life
to the universe and who represents the creator Brahma, should not be termed as a
malefic planet although there is no doubt that he is a hot and cruel planet.
According to this work the Sun in the ascendant gives good health to the native
and he is of good conduct. This is because the Sun is a planet signifying vitality and
"Sattva guna". He suffers from bilious diseases because the Sun is bilious in
temperament. He suffers from eye diseases and is bereft of children and
knowledge. This can happen when the Sun is afflicted. The Sun being a hot planet
and a significator of light and vision can therefore affect those parts of the body
which give light and vision, namely, eyes. It is not clear how the Sun who is not a
significator of children can deprive the native of progeny unless he is the lord of
the 5th house (house of children) and is afflicted by association or aspect. It is said
that with the Sun in the ascendant, the native will be bereft of knowledge but he
will be highly intelligent. These two statements are contradictory. We believe that
the Sun unless is dignified will bestow the native knowledge and learning.
Very favourable results have been attributed to the Sun if he is in Aries, that is, his
sign of exaltation. This is so because with Aries "as Ascendant the Sun will be lord
of 5th house (a trinal and very beneficial house). Moreover the state of exaltation
will provide further dignity to an already beneficial trinal lord. He becomes
learned because the 5th house signifies intellectual capacity and when lord of such
a house is well placed in his sign of exaltation, the native will become highly
learned. He also gets name and fame because 5th house is 9th to 9th house which
signifies high learning, bhagya and prosperity. For the Sun in Libra (that is, in his
sign of debilitation) unfavourable results like being devoid of learning have been
indicated. But it is not clear how the author has taken the view that the native will
be dignified when the Sun is debilitated in the Ascendant. With Leo as ascendant,
the placement of the Sun there is an ideal position for him and naturally very
favourable results will follow.
The Sun in Cancer as ascendant is said to cause boils in the body. The ascendant
represents body of the native and Cancer being a watery sign, the hot effect of the
Sun is likely to bring about such troubles. In Pisces the Sun makes the native-
subservient to women. The only reason for this can be the placement of the Sun in
a female and dual sign in which he perhaps loses his domineering faculty.
When the Sun is in Virgo in the ascendant the native will have only daughters and
will lose his wife. When Virgo is ascendant, the Sun will be lord of 12th house, that
is, the house sixth to 7th (house of wife). The aspect of the unfavourable 12th lord
on the 7th house is likely to cause the loss of wife. Virgo being a female sign when
containing the Sun is likely to give only daughters. It is also believed that Virgo
natives generally get more daughters than sons. For the interest of readers we give
below in brief the views given in respect of the Sun's position in the ascendant, by
other recognised classical texts:-
Brihat Jatak-If the Sun occupies the 1st house at a person's birth he will be valiant,
obstinate, will have defective eyes and be cruel hearted. But if Aries be the
ascendant, the person will earn himself but will suffer from eye disease. If the Sun
be in Leo, the person concerned will be night blind. If Libra be the ascendant, the
native will be blind and poor as well. If the ascendant be Cancer with the Sun in it,
the person concerned will have inflamed eyes.
Saravali states the Sun be in the ascendant the native will be lazy, of quick temper,
proud, cruel, valiant and unforgiving. He will have cataract in his eyes if the Sun be
in Cancer. He will have defective eye sight, if Sun be in Aries in the ascendant. The
Sun in Leo will make the native night blind. If the Sun be in Libra, the native will
be poor and issueless.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native who has the Sun in the ascendant has a good
nose and body and a high forehead. He is troubled on account of his wife, children
and family. He suffers from bilious diseases. He is always travelling. His wealth is
not constant. He has ups and downs in this respect.
Note-It will be seen that there is consensus that the Sun in the ascendant adversely
affects the eyes. Normally the Sun who is himself the source of light cannot take
light out of the eyes. This adverse result described above seems to be due to the
fact that while in the ascendant the Sun will be posted in a house of loss and
expenditure, that is 12th to the second house which is inter alia significator of eye
sight and vision.
The Sun in the Second House
Sutras 22-32-If the Sun is in the second house, the native will suffer from diseases
of the mouth. In his 25th year he will incur wrath of Government and as a
consequence will suffer loss of wealth. This will not happen if the Sun is in Aries
(that is, exalted) or in Leo (own sign). If Sun is associated with a malefic, the
native will get diseases of the eye, he will have little knowledge of ancient
scriptures (Shastras) and will remain in ill health. If the Sun is aspected by benefics
the native will be protected from the above evil effects and will become wealthy. If
the Sun is with Mercury the native will stammer in speech. If the lord of the second
house is posited in his sign of exaltation, the native will talk succinctly and clearly,
will have knowledge of ancient scriptures, will be learned, will enjoy good eye
sight. This disposition will cause Rajayoga as a result of which native will acquire
name, fame and wealth.
Comments-Second house is significator of mouth. Here affliction of the Sun
therefore causes diseases of the mouth. The second house is also significator of
wealth. The Sun represents Govt. Therefore affliction of the house of wealth by
the Sun causes loss of wealth by the wrath of Govt. The author says that this event
takes place in the 25th year. This can be verified only by practical experience.
However, there is no such effect if the Sun and the second house are aspected by
benefics (like Jupiter and Venus).
In the second house the Sun with malefics is said to cause eye diseases. This is
quite understandable as the second house is a significator of eye sight and vision.
As the second house will be badly afflicted by the Sun and other malefics, the
eyesight will be adversely affected. This disposition will also cause ill health as the
Sun signifies vitality and his affliction will weaken vitality and consequently the
native will suffer from ill health. It is said that these evil effects will not arise if the
Sun (in association with malefics) is aspected by benefics. Our view is that the evil
affects will not be entirely wiped off by the aspect of benefics but the diseases^ will
respond to curative treatment. He is also likely to acquire wealth if the benefic
influence is more dominant than the malefic influence. It is said that if the Sun is
with Mercury, the native will stammer in his speech. Generally Mercury who is
significator of speech, is combust on account of nearness to the Sun. If Mercury is
corn-bust the speaking faculty will be adversely affected. This will not happen if
mercury is not combust. Very favourable results have been indicated in the matter
of speech, name, fame and wealth if the lord of the second house is in his sign of
exaltation. These results will certainly be experienced by the native if the lord of
the second house in his position of exaltation is placed in houses other than 3,6,8,
The view of the other important classical tests in regard to effects of the Sun in the
second house are given below:-
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be immensely rich but will be deprived of
his wealth by a king and will suffer diseases in the face.
Phaldeepika-The person concerned will be devoid of 36 learning, modesty and
wealth. He will have defect in his speech.
Saravali-The native will possess cattle and servants. He will suffer from disease of
the mouth. He will be bereft of fame and comforts. He will acquire wealth from
the king or the thieves by questionable means.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be learned. He will possess cows, horses
and elephants. He will incur expenditure on good causes. He will quarrel with
members of his family on account of his wife. All his efforts to acquire wealth will
go in vain.
Note-It will be seen that in essence the effects given by the authors are the same as
given by Bhrigu Sutras-In fact the views of the latter are more logical and
The Sun in the Third House
Sutras 33-42-If the Sun is in the third house, the native will be brotherless (no
younger brothers) and his elder brothers will not survive. In the 4th, 5th 8th and
the 12th years he will suffer from bodily troubles. If the Sun is associated with a
malefic, the Native will do cruel deeds. He will have two mothers and will be
valourous because when the Sun alone will deny younger brothers vide Sutra 33,
how can he with association of a malefic give two brothers). He will be a brave
fighter. He will have a good reputation and will enjoy his wealth. If the Sun is
associated with a benefic, the brothers will become prosperous. If the lord of the
third house is strong, the brother will be long lived. If the Sun is associated with a
malefic and is also aspected by a malefic the family will be destroyed . If the Sun is
aspected by a benefic (and has no malefic influence) there will be growth of family
and the native will be wealthy, will enjoy good life and will be happy.
Comments-It is an accepted principle of Hindu Astrology that malefics in upchaya
houses, namely 3,6 10 and 11 give beneficial results. But according to the learned
author while the Sun will make the native valourous and wealthy, he will destroy
brothers particularly when he is in association with a malefic when he will also
destroy the family. The third house being second to the second house (house of
family) becomes a marakasthana for the family and malefic influence on the third
house will cause destruction of the family. It is said that if the Sun is in association
with a malefic, the native will have two mothers. The third house being 12th to the
4fh house, it will be the house of loss for the 4th house (house of mother). Hence it
is likely that the native's mother will die and his father after remarriage will
provide him with another mother. Benefic influences on the Sun, the third house
and the lord of the third house will not only enhance prosperity of the family and
brothers who will also be long lived, but such a disposition will also make the
native wealthy and happy. If the Sun is associated with benefics, the ninth house
(house of bhagya) will be benefically affected by beneficial aspects from the third
house. If the Sun is aspected by benefics, this aspect will come mostly from the
ninth house. Thus the ninth will give favourable results enabling the native to get
name, fame and wealth. The Sun being a planet of vitality will add to the
signification of valour and make the native valourous and courageous but being a
cruel planet, the Sun will make the native indulge in cruelty.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will possess a goodintellect and great strength.
Phaldeepika-The native will be mil of strength, valourous, wealthy and generous
but he will be inimical towards his relations.
Mansagari-The native will have no brothers. He will do good to his friends and will
have wife and children. He will be wealthy, patient, of forgiving nature and will be
liked by women.
Saravali-The native will be valourous, full of strength, respected, good looking,
learned and conqueror of enemies.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be full of valour. He suffers on account of
his real brothers. He goes on pilgrimages and always conquers his enemies in the
battle field. He is provided with comforts by the king.
Note-If will be seen that except in some respects, the effects of the Sun in the third
house given in the above works tally with those given by Bhrigu Sutras. However,
Bhrigu Sutras has emphasised the necessity of benefic influence on the Sun and the
third house which is logically maintainable.
The Sun in Fourth House
Sutras 43-50-If the Sun is in the fourth house, the native will have defective limbs,
he will be proud, will be opposed to the public and will be hot constitutionally. In
the 32nd year of his life he will get congenial environments. He will then become
respected and successful, will be learned, attain a high position and will become
valorous. He will not, however, be well off financially. If the lord of 4th house is
strong (by being exalted) or is in his own sign and is posited in a quadrant
(Kendra) or trine (trikona house namely 1,5 or 9), he will acquire high class
conveyances. If the lord of the 4th is associated with or aspected by a malefic or is
placed in a bad house (3, 6,8 or 12), the native will have to do with a low type of
conveyance. He will have no land of his own and will live in other people's houses.
Comments--It is said that the native will have defective limbs if the Sun is in the
fourth. This is a very general statement Our view is that because of malefic
influence of the Sun only that part of the body can become defective which is
governed by the fourth house. The statement that the native will do well in the
32nd year of his life and will attain high position etc. can be verified by practical
experience. We have found it correct in only one case so far. It is not clear how
after getting a favourable turn in his life and attaining a high position, the native
will not be well off financially. Perhaps the Sun will not allow him to accumulate
wealth, Bhrigu Sutras-has given great importance to the position of the lord of the
4th house in delineating its effects. This is a very logical and weighty principle. No
house can prosper unless its lord is well placed. The fourth house signifies native's
own land, own house and his native place. In spite of the Sun being in the fourth
house, if the lord of the 4th house is strong and well placed, the native will enjoy
the comforts of his own land, house and native place. If the lord of the 4th is ill
placed or is otherwise under malefic influence, the native will be deprived of these
comforts. It is evident that the Sun alone is not good for the signification of the 4th
house. It is surprising that Bhrigu Sutras makes no mention of the mother of which
the 4th house is a strong significator. Our view is that the mother will suffer by the
presence of the Sun in the 4fh house unless the Sun is in his own sign or has
benefic influence on him or the lord of the 4th and the Moon are well placed. The
Sun will also adversely affect the domestic happiness of the native.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will have no happiness and will be troubled in
Phaldeepika-The native will be unhappy, without friends and relations and any
land or house. He will also lose his paternal property.
Mansagari-The native will be very sociable, soft hearted, expert in vocal and
instrumental music, conqueror, will enjoy company of his wife and wealth and will
be liked by the king.
Saravali-The native will be unhappy, without wealth and conveyances, paternal
house. He will squander away what he has and will be in the service of a wicked
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always remain away from his native place.
He will be defeated by his enemy and will have no peace of mind.
Note-It will be seen that all the works mentioned above speak of adverse results
on account of the presence of the Sun in the •fourth house. Their conclusions are
logical and relevant to the significations of the fourth house. They do not
contradict the views given by Bhrigu Sutras but supplement them. Only
Manasagari has given beneficial results with which we respectfully express our
dissent. In our practical experience, we have seen Sun in 4th house (without any
benefic influence) playing havoc with the lives of people. One Makar Lagna
(Capricorn Ascendant) native had Sun in Aries (exalted) in the 4fh house. She had
at one time been a leading actress in the Indian films. We have no words to
describe the wretched life she was leading in her mid-forties when she met us. Not
bad off financially (as her horoscope was otherwise good), she had a very
disturbing domestic life and had absolutely no peace of mind. Her husband and
children had all joined against her to make her life miserable.
The Sun in the Fifth House
Sutras 51-58-If the Sun is in the fifth house, the native will be poor, of bulky body
and in his seventh year his father will face death, serious illness or misfortune. The
native will be wise and brilliant but will have few children. If the lord of the 5th is
well placed and strong there will be no death of sons. If the Sun is associated with
Rahu or Ketu, there will be loss of children due to curse of the Serpent God. If the
Sun is in conjunction with Mars, there will be loss of children due to enemy but
there will be no such loss if the combination of the Sun and Rahu or the Sun and
Ketu or the Sun and Mars is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus). When the
Sun is in the fifth house the native will become a devotee of the Sun God. If the
Sun is strong the children will be prosperous.
Comments-The 5th is 9th to 9th house and is therefore treated as a house of
fortune (Bhagya) also. The author's view seems to be that the Sun as a malefic
afflicts the 5th house and therefore the native remains devoid of wealth. While we
agree with this view, we also hold the view that the native will have good fortune if
the Sun becomes a functional benefic on account of lordship of an auspicious
house. The Sun is a functional benefic, (a) For Taurus Ascendant when as lord of
the 4th in 5th , (6) Leo Ascendant when as lord of the Ascendant, he will be in the
5th, (c) for Libra Ascendant when he will be lord of 11 th in the 5th , (d) for Scorpio
Ascendant when as lord of the 10th he will be in the 5th and (e) for Sagittarius
Ascendant when as lord of the 9th he will be in the 5th in Aries, his sign of
exaltation. In these cases the Sun in 5th will make the native wealthy, learned,
respected and very intelligent. There is no doubt that affliction of the Sun by
Rahu, Ketu or Mars in the 5th house will cause loss of children unless there is a
powerful influence of a benefic on the 5th house. The adverse results may also not
occur if the lord of the 5th and Jupiter (significator of children) are well placed and
have benefic influence on them. It is said that if the Sun is strong in the fifth, the
sons will be prosperous. This will happen only when the Sun is in his own sign Leo
or when the Sun is in Aries his sign of exaltation. When the Sun is posited in these
signs, the native will not only be well off himself, he will be blessed with healthy
and prosperous children who will be a source of happiness to him.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be childless and with out wealth.
Phaldeepika-The native will be bereft of happiness, wealth and children. He will
also be short lived. He will be intelligent and wise and will be fond of wandering in
Saravali-The native will be unhappy, poor, without children, agriculturist, resident
of mountainous regions, wise, without bodily strength and short lived.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will lose his eldest son. He will be very
intelligent and will influence others by his superior knowledge. He will accumulate
wealth. He will die on account of some stomach ailment.
Note-It will be seen that the views expressed in the above recognised works tally in
essence with those expressed in Bhrigu Sutras. As we have already stated in our
detailed comments above, the adverse results such as loss of children etc. with the
Sun in the 5th will be experienced with ascendants other than Aries, Taurus, Leo,
Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Of course adverse results may be expected in the
case of all the ascendants when the Sun, the fifth house, lord of the 5th and Jupiter
are under malefic influence. The accumulation of wealth as mentioned in
Chamatkar Chintamani will happen only when the Sun in the 5th is a functional
benefic. This work also says that native will. die from a stomach ailment. The
reasoning behind this statement is that the 5th house represents amongst other
things the stomach also. The affliction of the 5th house by the Sun will cause
stomach ailments.
The Sun in the Sixth House
Sutras 59-68-If the Sun is in the sixth house, the native will belong to lower caste.
He will have many enemies but will be very well off financially. In his twentieth
year the native will suffer from eye diseases, but if the Sun is aspected by a benefic,
he will not suffer from eye afflictions. The native will wander in jungles and will
take great interest in chanting* mantras. He will have good reputation but he will
have mental worries and will be constitutionally hot. If the lord of the sixth is
associated with a benefic, the native will enjoy good health. He will have many
relations and many enemies. If the lord of the sixth is weak, there will be
destruction of enemies. The father will also possess a weak constitution.
Comments-The Sun is a royal planet and belongs to high caste but when he is
placed in the sixth which is a bad house (Dusthana), the native will belong to a
backward caste. The sixth house is significator of diseases and enemies. Ill
placement of the Sun will cause eye diseases (the Sun being significator of vision)
and growth of enemies. Sixth is also an upachaya house where malefics bring
name, fame and wealth to the native. The Sun in sixth will give this good benefit to
the native. The Sun is ar significator of mountains and jungles. Ill placement of the
Sun will make the native wander in jungles, but as satva guna planet, the Sun will
make the native take interest in chanting mantras to protect himself from
difficulties. The native will have mental worries because of enemies and ill health.
It is stated in Sutras 65-66 that if the lord of the sixth is in conjunction with a
benefic the results will be (a) the native will enjoy good health (6) there will be an
increase of enemies. To us these two effects appear to be contradictory.
As the sixth house signifies enemies and diseases, a benefic influence on the lord of
the sixth should decrease the ill effect of both diseases and enemies.
According to Sutras 67-68 there will be destruction of enemies if the lord of the
sixth is weak. We entirely agree with this principle. The logic behind this principle
seems to be that if the lord of the sixth is strong, the evil signification of the sixth
house will gain strength and there will be great harm and trouble from the
enemies. If the lord is weak, the significations will become weak and there will be
destruction of enemies or there may be no enemies. A lord of an evil house
becomes more harmful if it becomes strong and it becomes a benefic when it is
weak. We would like to mention here that if the Sun is placed in his own sign Leo
in the sixth house, only good results should be expected. Of course in such a
situation there should not be any malefic influence on the Sun.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person born will be powerful but will be over powered by his
Phaldeepika-The native will be glorious like a king. He will be famous, wealthy,
endowed with good qualities and a conqueror.
Saravali-The native will be very passionate, will suffer from acidic troubles, will be
powerful, wealthy, a king or like a king.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be destroyer of enemies. His wealth will be
spent on the king (Government, or on friends. He will be troubled by maternal
relations and animals and tribals.
Note-All are agreed that the Sun in the sixth house gives the native, wealth, good
reputation and high position but bad health and enemies. The above views maybe
taken into account along with the views expressed by Bhrigu. Sutras which appear
to be more logical and based on well established astrological principles.
The Sun in the Seventh House
Sutras 69-74-If the Sun is in the seventh house the marriage of the native will take
place late (that is, long after the marriageable age). He will not respect the
opposite sex. He will indulge in sexual relations with women other than his wife.
He will have more than one wife. In his 25th year he will travel to a place far away
from his native land. He will be witty and fond of non-vegetarian food. He will not
have fair dealings with his wife. He will be of unstable mind. If the Sun is posited in
his own sign Leo, the native will live with only one wife. If the Sun is associated
with an enemy or debilitated planet, or if he is associated with or aspected by a
malefic, the native will have a number of wives (or will have sexual contacts with
many women.)
Comments-It is clear from what is stated above that the placement of the Sun in
the 7th house is not at all favourable for marital relations except when he is in own
sign Leo. The marriage of the native will be delayed probably because of his
incapability to settle down with one woman. Further being a malefic planet he will
spoil the normal significations of the 7th house. The Sun is a hot planet. He also
signifies vitality and virility. The native will therefore be abnormally passionate
and will run after more than one woman to satisfy his carnal desires. This vice will
be further accentuated when there are malefic influences on the Sun as described
in Sutras 73 and 74. Sutra 70 says that the native will go away to a far off place if
the Sun is in the seventh in his horoscope. We remember of one case about the
correctness of this statement which was reported in one of the issues of Prof B.V.
Raman's Astrological magazine. We would advise the readers to verify this by
practical experience.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned should suffer humiliation at the hands of
Phaldeepika-Some part of the body of the native will be afflicted. The native will
act against the interests of the Govt. He will wander aimlessly and get humiliated.
The native will be devoid of happiness from wife.
Saravali-The native will be without lustre on his face, he will get humiliated in
public, he will suffer from diseases and will do deeds which may lead him into
prison. He will be immoral and will have no respect for women.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The wife of the native will suffer. The body of the native
will be afflicted. He will always be worrying. He will suffer loss in business.
Because of his jealous nature he will never get proper sleep.
Note-It is clear from the above views that if the Sun is in the 7th house, the native
will be immoral in all sorts of ways. Because of his immoral nature, he will get
involved in affairs which will lead to his humiliation by women. For the same
reason his marital life will not be happy. He will not be patriotic and will act
against the king or Government. For this reason he may have to wander here and
there. As far as the immorality of the native is concerned the views expressed in
Bhrigu Sutras are supported by the authorities mentioned above.
The Sun in the Eighth House
Sutras 75-82-If the Sun is in the eighth house the native will get few children. He
will suffer from eye diseases. In the 10th year he will suffer from a head injury but
he will not get this if the Sun is aspected by a benefic. The native will have meagre
wealth and the domestic cattle, cow, buffaloes belonging to the native will get
destroyed. He will suffer from chronic ailments of the body but he will be famous.
If the*lord of eighth is associated with strong planets, the native will become
owner of the land of his choice. If the Sun is exalted (in Aries) or in his own sign
(Leo), the native will be long lived.
Comments-The native will suffer from eye diseases as the Sun in the eighth house
afflicts by powerful aspect the 2nd house which is a significator of eye sight and
right eye. His suffering from head injury in the 10th year is a matter for verification
by practical experience, but accidents is one of the significations of the eighth
house and the head injury might be caused by some sort of accident. He will have
meagre wealth because of the affliction by aspect of the 2nd house which is the
house of wealth (Dhana Bhava). It is difficult to explain how cattle of the native
will be destroyed by the presence of the Sun in the eighth house and it is again a
matter for verification by practical experience. The eighth house signifies chronic
diseases, so the native will suffer from such diseases on account of the malefic
influence of the Sun in this house. The Sun is a planet of longevity and his being
strong by being in exaltation or by his being in his own sign will enhance the span
of life of the native. The native getting land of his own choice if the Sun is
associated with strong planets, is not clear to us. The eighth house has nothing to
do with lands. In fact if the Sun as lord of the 4th is in the 8th, the native is likely to
lose the lands or the house he possesses. However, a benefic and strong Sun may
bring land to the natives by inheritance.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will have a limited number of issues and will have
defective eye sight.
Phaldeepika-There will be loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye
Saravali-The native will suffer from eye troubles, will be devoid of happiness and
wealth, will be short lived and unhappy because of separation from near and dear
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be ready to do any work entrusted
to him. He will always be in difficulty. He will have close relations with foreign
women. He will be a drug addict. His money will be stolen by thieves. He will
suffer from diseases of the secret organs.
Note-Except the views of Chamatkar Chintamani. the views of the other
authorities mentioned above tally with the conclusions of Bhrigu Sutras. The views
of Chamatkar Chintamani are also relevant to the significations of the eighth
The Sun in the Ninth House
Sutras 83-87-If the Sun is in the 9th, native will be a devotee of the Sun and other
Gods. He will be religious-minded but not much fortunate and will be inimical to
father. If the Sun is exalted or is in his own sign the results will be very favourable
namely, the native will be blessed with wife and children. The native's father will
be long lived. He will also be very wealthy, will take interest in religious rites and
meditation and will be devoted to the preceptor and God. If the Sun is posited in
his sign of debilitation (Libra), enemy or malefic sign or if he is aspected by a
malefic, there will be loss of father (this means that this disposition will adversely
affect the longevity of the father). If the Sun is aspected by or associated with a
benefic, the father will be long lived.
Comments-The ninth house being house of Dharma, the presence of a Sattva guna
planet like the Sun makes the native religious minded and a devotee of God, but
its other significations suffer on account of the Sun being a malefic planet. He will
become less fortunate and the native will have inimical relations with his, father
(ninth house is a significator for father). Being 5th to 5th the ninth is also house of
children. It is also house of prosperity and Bhagya. If the Sun is exalted (in this
situation the ascendant will be Leo, and Sun as lord of ascendant will be exalted in
the ninth house, an excellent disposition), or in his own sign Leo (this position of
lord of the ninth being in the ninth will generate a powerful Raja Yoga), all the
good results of the ninth house will be magnified. The native will be blessed with
wife and children, he will be very fortunate-and prosperous, he will have great
faith in religion, he will pay respect to the preceptor and God and his father will be
well off and long lived. Malefic influence on the Sun (and consequently also on the
ninth house) will not only adversely affect the longevity of the father but also other
significations of this house. Benefic influence will cancel the malefic results.
Other Views-
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be endowed with children, wealth and
Phaldeepika-The father of the native will not be happy and be shortlived. The
native will get happiness from children and relations, and will pay respect to
Brahmins (religious leaders) and God.
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, blessed with children, devotee of Brahmins
and God and inimical towards mother.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be an evil person, he will always be
mentally worried, he will perform religious rites unwillingly and will suffer from
the hands of his real brothers.
Note-The views of the above authorities are self explanatory. It is not clear how
Saravali refers to mother when the Sun and ninth house have nothing to do with
her. We would prefer to give more weight to the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras
in which a very clear distinction has been in effects as a result of benefic and
malefic, weak and strong disposition of the Sun and also of the benefic and malefic
influences on the Sun and the ninth house. Evidently, Brihat Jatak and Saravali
have given the effects of a favourably disposed Sun and Phaldeepika and
Chamatkar Chintamani have given effects of the Sun according to his normal
significations (that is as a malefic but sattva guna planet).
The Sun in the Tenth House
Sutras 88-95-If the Sun is in the tenth house, the native will make distinctive
achievements in the educational sphere by his 18th year, and will become famous
and quite capable of learning well. If three planets aspect the Sun, the native will
be liked by -the king (Government), he will do pious deeds, will be very brave and
valorous and earn good reputation. If the Sun is exalted (that is, he is in Aries) or
is in his own sign Leo, the native will become powerful and famous on account of
his good qualities and achievements. He will construct reservoirs and temples and
places for housing cows and Brahmins. If the Sun is in the sign of a malefic, or is
aspected by or associated with a malefic, there will be obstructions in his
professional career. He will indulge in evil deeds, will be of undesirable conduct,
immoral and sinful.
Comments-The Sun is considered powerful in the 10th house as he gets directional
strength in this house. If not afflicted by malefic influence, the Sun will give all the
favourable results mentioned above. When the Sun is exalted in the 10th, the
ascendant will be Cancer and the Sun as exalted .lord of the 2nd house (house of
wealth) will be in 10th. This will give rise to an excellent Dhanayoga which will
make the native very wealthy and prosperous and a man of high status as will be
seen from the following horoscope of the late Pandit Moti Lal Nehru. If the Sun is
in his own sign Leo the lord of 10th will be in 10th giving rise to a powerful
Rajayoga and no achievement will be too high for him. The tenth house is also
house of Karma. It is therefore but natural that benefic influences on the Sun and
the tenth house and its dignity will make the native do pious deeds, and malefic
influence will turn him immoral and make him indulge in evil and sinful deeds.
As far as the effects of the aspect of the three planets on the Sun as mentioned in
Sutra 89, we see no logic behind the conclusion arrived at. We leave it to the
readers to verify this from their practical experience.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort'of
conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation.
Saravali-The native will be blessed with children and will be wise and wealthy. He
will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will achieve success in his profession,
will remain unconquered and will be noble and will attain high status.
Chamatkar Chintamard-The native win achieve success in his work like a king. He
will cause pain to his mother (as Sun as a malefic aspects the fourth house which is
significator for mother) and will get separated from his relations. He will always be
mentally worried.
Note-Readers will not fail to realise that good effects given by Brihat Jatak,
Phaldeepika and Chamatkar Chintamani are of the Sun in the tenth house when
he is dignified and has benefic influences. Very clear distinction has been made of
the effects of such influences in the conclusions given in Bhrigu Sutras.
The Sun in the Eleventh House
Sutras 96-102-If the Sun is in the eleventh house the native will have substantial
income from agricultural operations. In his 25th year he will acquire conveyances.
By the use of his wealth and diplomatic talk, he will be able to acquire more
wealth. He will suffer from a serious kind of fever and will have cordial relations
with his employees. If the Sun is with a malefic he will incur lot of expenditure and
will be without any conveyance. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted, he will
have immense wealth. If the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the 4th house,
he will have sources of income at many places and will acquire conveyances and
will be very fortunate.
Comments- 11th is an upachaya house and is very auspicious and beneficial for
almost all planets unless they are lords of bad houses or there is malefic influence
on them. The Sun in the 11th according to Sutra 96 gives substantial income from
agricultural operations. The native also acquires conveyances and is able to gain
wealth by talking in a diplomatic manner according to Sutra 97. Diplomacy is
acquired by the native as the Sun aspects the 5th house which signifies diplomacy.
If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted the acquisition of wealth will be more
accentuated but if the Sun is associated with a malefic there will be loss of wealth
probably on account of native becoming extravagant. He will also not possess any
conveyance. The conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 4th has been stated to be.
very beneficial to the native. Although it is not mentioned in the above Sutras,
conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 2nd, 1st or 9th would also be very beneficial
particularly when the Sun be in his own sign.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The Sun in the 11th house will make the person born wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, long lived and happy. He will have
command over many persons, that is, he will be of high status.
Saravali-The native will accumulate wealth, will be powerful, will hate others, will
be without servants, will stick to his words and will be successful in his ventures.
Chamatkar Chifitamani-The native will acquire wealth from the king
(Government) and possess many kinds of wealth. He will destroy his enemies by
his valour but will be unhappy in the matter of children.
Note-The eleventh house is a house of gains and all the authorities mentioned
above agree with Bhirgu Sutras that the placement of the Sun in this house is
beneficial for acquisition of wealth.
The Sun in the Twelfth House
Sutras 103-110-If the Sun is in the 12th house, the native will suffer from
appendicitis in the 36th year of his life. He will waste his money on undesirable
purposes, he will be sinful and will incur loss of wealth. He will be accused of
killing a cow and will live away from his native land. If the Sun is associated with
strong and auspicious planet or planets the native will enjoy blessings of God. He
will also enjoy bed comforts (sexual pleasures). If the Sun is in conjunction with
malefics the native will incur wasteful expenditure and will be deprived of bed
comforts. If the Sun is associated with the lord of the sixth house the native will
suffer from leprosy but he will recover from this disease if a benefic aspects the
Sun. The presence of the Sun in the 12th also will make the native sinful and there
will be aggravation of the diseases he suffers from.
Comments-The 12th is a house of loss in all respects. It. Is also a dusthana. The
important significations of this house may be seen in Part I-Chapter II. When the
12th house is occupied by a malefic planet, the significations of the house play their
full role. The Sun in the 12th will give only unfavourable results described above.
The results will not be so unfavourable if there is a benefic planet in the 12th but
whether the planet is a benefic or a malefic, the significations of the house he owns
will also suffer badly. If, however, The Sun be in his own sign Leo in the 12th, the
results will be good and beneficial to the native. This disposition will give rise to
'Vipreet Rajayoga'.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will suffer degradation.
Phaldeepika-The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye
troubles. He will be without wealth and childless.
Saravali-The native will have a lean body. He will be one eyed, sinful, childless,
inimical to his father, powerless and mean.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will suffer from eye troubles. He will be
victorious in the battlefield. He will live at only one place to earn his livelihood. He
will gain wealth during journeys.
Note-All the authorities except Chamatkar Chintamani agree with the views of
Bhrigu Sutras that inauspicious results follow from the placement of the Sun in
12th house according to significations of this house. They have not given the
effects of the benefic influences on the Sun, as described in Bhrigu Sutras.
Effects of the Moon in Twelve Houses
The Moon in the first House of Ascendant
Sutras 1-8-If the Moon is in the first house (ascendant), the native will be very
handsome looking but unsteady mentally. He will suffer from bodily troubles and
will be happy at watery places. He will perform many travels in his 15th year. If the
Moon in the Ascendant is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, the native will be well
versed in shastras (Hindu religious scriptures), wealthy, happy and soft spoken. He
will have soft skin and strong build but he will not be intelligent. If the Moon is
aspected by benefics, the native will be powerful, wise, intelligent, healthy, clever
conversationalist and wealthy. If the lord of the ascendant is weak, the native will
suffer from ill health. If he is aspected by a benefic the health will be good.
Comments-Moon symbolises beauty. Her placement in the ascendant makes the
native very handsome in appearance. Moon is always waning and waxing and
represents mind (manaska- raka). The mind of the native will therefore be
unsteady. Moon is a watery planet. The native will therefore like watery places.
When the Moon is in Aries in the ascendant, she will be lord of the 4th in the 1st.
When she is in Taurus she will be exalted as lord of the 3rd in the 1st. When the
Moon is in Cancer she will be in her own sign, in the Ascendant. The effects of
these dispositions given are that the native will be versed in shastras, wealthy,
happy, a king. He will be soft spoken, will be of strong body but not intelligent. We
agree with the author in as far as position of Moon with Aries and Cancer as
ascendants but we are not sure that the same will be the case with Taurus as
ascendant. The View of Bhavartha Ratnakar in this respect is as under: That is, the
Moon in Taurus as ascendant is not particularly good for giving wealth. We also
feel that the Moon should be waxing (or full Moon) to give the good results in full.
We also feel that Moon in Scorpio, Libra and Pisces in the Ascendant will also be
good because she will be in the ascendant as lord of the 9th, the 10th and the 5th
respectively. The reason for the native not being intelligent may be due to the
instability of native's mind. If the Moon is aspected by a benefic the native will be
powerful, intelligent, wealthy etc. Very good results will accrue when Jupiter is in
seventh to Moon (this disposition will give rise to Gajkesari yoga-a very beneficial
yoga conferring wealth, name and fame upon the native). For a planet to give good
results it is very necessary for the lord of the sign in which it is posited, to be strong
and well placed. It is for this reason it is said that if the lord of the ascendant is
weak the native will suffer from ill health. He will be quite healthy if the lord of
the ascendant gets benefic aspect.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be mute, insane, stupid, blind, base or
mean, deaf or servile (this does not apply to birth with Moon in Aries, Taurus or
Cancer). If the Moon should occupy her own house identical with the Ascendant,
the person will be rich. If Aries takes the place of Cancer, the person concerned
will have many children. If Taurus be the ascendant, the person will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-If the Moon of the bright half of the lunar month (Sukla Paksha) is in
the ascendant, the native will be fearless, of strong body, wealthy and long lived.
Quite opposite will be the results if the Moon is of dark half of the lunar month.
Saravali-If the Moon is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer in the ascendant or if the full
Moon is posited in other ascendants, the native will head in handsomeness,
generosity, good qualities, wealth and enjoyment.
A waning Moon in the ascendant will make the native mean, deaf, mute and
Chamatkar Chintamani-If the Moon be in Aries, Taurus and Cancer in the
ascendant, the person concerned will be rich, lustrous and will enjoy all kinds of
comforts. If Moon be in Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio Capricorn, Aquarius
and Pisces in the ascendant, the native will be poor, weak bodied, stupid and deaf.
Note-The ill effects of the Moon given by Brikat Jatak apply to a weak or waning
Moon. In Aries, Taurus and Cancer the Moon has been held very beneficial. The
effects given by Saravali are quite logical. As regards the views of Chamatkar
Chintamani, we feel that Moon in Pisces, Scorpio and Libra in the ascendant will
also give good results as such a Moon will be in the ascendant as lord of the 5th,
the 9th and the 10th respectively.
The Moon in the Second House
Sutras 9-14-The native will be handsome in appearance, full of glory, wealthy and
easily satisfied. In his 18th year he will get the appointment as his commander-in-
chief by the king (this can also mean that he gets a distinguished professional
achievement by the favour of the king in his 18th year). If the Moon is associated
with a malefic, the native will be uneducated. If the Moon is in conjunction with
benefic or benefics, the native will be highly educated and wealthy. If only .full
Moon is in the second house, the native will be very wealthy and highly educated.
Comments-The second house amongst other things is also significator efface. The
Moon in the first as well as in the second house gives the native a handsome
appearance. It is stated that if the Moon is in the second, the native is appointed
commander-in-chief in the 18th year of his life. This is difficult to swallow. It is
hardly likely that any person at the tender age of 18 can be capable of and
qualified to hold such a high and responsible post. This may have been possible in
the times of the author but it is quite impracticable now-a-days. All that we should
infer from this statement is that a benefic Moon in the second (preferably in Aries,
Taurus or Cancer) will help the native to achieve in his young age a distinct
professional achievement by the favour of the King and Government. The second
house is house of wealth (Dhanabhava). According to author of Bhrigu Sutras
educational achievements also fall within the sphere of the second house. That is
why it is stated that if Moon is under malefic influence, the native will be
uneducated. If the Moon in the second house is under benefic influence, or if there
is a full Moon alone in the second house, the native will be highly educated and
wealthy. In this connection it should be noted that full Moon is rated as a first class
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will have a large-family.
Phaldeepika-If the Moon is in the second the native will be soft spoken and will
enjoy all material comforts, but there will be something wrong with his speech.
Saravali-Native will get all comforts of life and happiness, will have friends and will
be wealthy. If there is full Moon in the second house the native will be very rich
but will not be much talkative.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will gain wealth and enjoy all comforts of the
body (that is, he will be very healthy). He will enjoy women and will be
affectionate towards members of his family. He will be very handsome.
Note-All are agreed that the Moon in the second house will give very beneficial
results according to the significations of this house, assuming however, that there is
no malefic influence on such Moon. It should also be assumed that the lord of the
second is well placed in the horoscope. Here we also take the liberty of mentioning
that Moon in the second house will not give good results if she is lord of 6th, 8th
and 12th. This will happen when Aquarius, Sagittarius and Leo are the ascendants
The Moon in the Third House
Sutras 15-18-If the Moon is in the third house the native will have average number
of sisters. He will suffer from rheumatic troubles, his agricultural output will be
negligible and he will be unfortunate. In his 24th year he will get punishment from
Government as a result of which he will have to suffer loss of wealth. He will lose
his cattle wealth. He will be a backbiter but intelligent and will have good number
of brothers.
Comments-According to the learned author of Bhrigu Sutras, the placement of the
Moon in the third house is not favourable in the matter of finance. We, however,
think that things will change for the better if the Moon is in Taurus (when she will
be exalted as the lord of the 5th) or in Cancer when she will be in his own house
and aspect the ninth house i.e., house of bhagya and prosperity. The signification-
brothers and sisters are not damaged by the presence of the Moon in the third
house. Having negligible agricultural production, payment of penalties to
Government and loss of cattle wealth are all results of being unfortunate.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be cruel.
Phaldeepika-The native will be happy on account of his brothers. He will be
intoxicated with power and will be courageous, but miser.
Saravali-The native will look. after his brothers well, he will be healthy and strong
and also courageous. He will be educated and will accumulate clothes and grains.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The person concerned will acquire wealth through his
valour (that is by army service). He will be a powerful saint even after having
sexual contacts with many women. He will earn fame on account of his religious
accomplishments. He will enjoy happiness from the side of his brothers.
Note-Except for the views of the Brihat Jatak, the other authorities mentioned
above have not found the positing of the Moon in the third house so unfavourable.
We are of the view that things would definitely be brighter for the native if the
Moon in third house were in Aries, Taurus or Cancer or even Capricorn. In the
last position the Moon would be aspecting his own house, vu. the ninth house
(which will be in Cancer), thereby improving the significations of the house of
bhagya. A full Moon in the third will also prove beneficial.
The Moon in the Fourth House
Sutras 19-24-The native will be crowned as a king (that is he will attain a very high
status in Government), he will own many horses (now-a-days he will own many
conveyances) and he will enjoy agricultural and financial prosperity but his mother
will be sickly. The native will have milk to drink in abundant quantities but he will
be brought up on breast milk of women other than his mother. He will get plentiful
good food to eat and be happy but he will be fond of women other than his wife. If
the Moon is strong by being full or in his own sign Cancer, the mother will be long
lived. She will be short lived if the Moon is weak (that is, waning). The waning
Moon will also deprive him of the comforts of conveyances but he will enjoy these
comforts if the Moon is strong. If the lord of the 4th is exalted, the native will have
the good fortune of owning many kinds of conveyances.
Comments-The effects of the Moon in the fourth house as given above are
relevant to the significations of this house. 'The fourth house signifies amongst
other things, mother, milk, agricultural land, conveyances etc.
The Moon will cause the native to achieve king like status because from the 4th
house, she will be aspecting the 10 th house but for this purpose it seems to be
essential for the Moon to be very strong and beneficial. This can be possible when
the Moon is full or is in Cancer or lord of the 5th (Pisces Ascendant), 9th (Scorpio
Ascendant) or 10th (Libra Ascendant). Other good results ascribed to the Moon
will accrue if the Moon is disposed as mentioned above. The mother will be sickly
or the native will be brought up on the breast milk of women other than the
mother, if the Moon is malefic on account of her nearness to the Sun and the lord
of the 4th is under evil influence.
Other views
Brihat Jatak-The person will be happy.
Phaldeepika-If the Moon is in the fourth house, the native will be happy, fond of
luxuries and women and of sacrificing spirit. He will have good friends, good
reputation and will enjoy the comfort of conveyances.
Saravali-The Native will be well provided with friends and relations, grains, house,
conveyances and will be very happy. He will conduct business across the rivers or
Chamatkar Chintamani-The person concerned will occupy a position of high status
with the king (Government). He will lead a happy married life and will be blessed
with children. The native will not get much happiness in his childhood.
Note-In essence all the above authorities agree with the conclusions mentioned in
Bhrigu Sutras.
The Moon in he Fifth House
Sutras 25-32-If the Moon is in the fifth house the native will be successful in
pleasing deities (by his devoted worship). The wife of the native will be good
looking but quick tempered and will have an ugly birth mark in between her
breasts. The native will acquire cattle wealth, will have two wives, will have
abundant supply of milk, will be of 'satwik' nature and a hard worker. He will be
worried and will beget a number of daughters and only one son. He will be a
worshipper of female deities. If the Moon is aspected by or associated with a
benefic or benefics the native will do good to others. This will not happen if the
Moon has malefic influence by association or aspect. If the Moon is strong by
being a full Moon, the native will take interest in feeding others, he will be
powerful and will be full of glory by the blessings of many learned people. He will
do pious deeds, will be very fortunate and prosperous, learned and a Rajyogi (one
who while being in a high and prosperous situation enjoys worldly things but
remains saintly and possesses a sense of detachment and renunciation. For
example, because of such qualities King Janak was knoan as Rajarishi or Rajyogi).
Comments-'Mantra Siddhi' is one of the important significations of the 5th house.
A beneficial Moon in the 5th enables the native to get the blessings and pleasure of
the female deities by sincere and devoted worship. Being ninth to the ninth house
the 5th house is also a house of Dharma and Bhagya. This house also signifies
riches etc. Therefore with the beneficial influence of the Moon, the native will
become very prosperous in all respects and will be able to keep two wives. The
wife will be beautiful because the Moon is a planet who symbolises beauty. It
would, however, be relevant to ascribe such an effect to the Moon in 7th house
which signifies wife. We can ascribe beauty to the wife in the fifth house also in
case the Moon as lord of the 7th is strongly placed in the 5th. Such a disposition
could be possible in a horoscope with Capricorn as ascendant where lord of the 7th
Moon will be in the 5th in Taurus, her sign of exaltation. It is not clear how the
Moon will make the wife quick tempered and she will have an ugly birth mark in
between the breasts. The 5th house is not a significator for wife and breasts. The
fifth house is also a significator for religious mindedness, spiritual practice and
prayers by incantations. Benefic influence of the Moon can therefore make the
native a Rajyogi. Moon is a female and fruitful planet. Her presence in 5th house
(house of children i.e. Suta Bhava), naturally gives more female issues than male
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will have children.
Phaldeepika-The native wiUJoe highly intellectual and will have good sons. He
will become a minister of the king.
Saravali-The native will be timid, educated and will acquire and accumulate
clothes and grains. He will have friends and children and will be wise and full of
Chamatkqr Chintamani-The native will enjoy happiness in the matter of children.
He will acquire agricultural wealth and lands. He will be of pious mind and he will
acquire wealth by doing banking and other business.
Note-The views of the Brihat Jatak, Phaldeepika and Saravali are quite relevant to
the significations of the 5th house. The views of Chamatkar Chintamani are
relevant in respect of children and acquisition of wealth only.
The Moon in the Sixth House
Sutras 33-40-If the Moon is in the sixth, the native will be poor and of diseased
body. In his 36th year native will develop illicit relations with a widow. If the Moon
is associated with a malefic the native will indulge in sinful deeds. If the Moon is in
conjunction with Rahu or Ketu the native will be bereft of wealth, he will have
dangerous enemies, will be quarrelsome, without brothers and will suffer from
stomach ailments. If this disposition watery places like ponds, wells, may prove
dangerous for his life. If the Moon is in conjunction with a malefic the native will
suffer from ill health. If the Moon is waning, it will give totally malefic results. If
the Moon is in conjunction with a benefic the native will have strong constitution
and will be free from diseases.
Comments-The Moon if posited in the sixth will lose all her good significations and
the evil effects will be aggravated if the Moon comes under malefic influences. The
native will indulge in sinful and immoral deeds because the 'sattvic' qualities of the
planet will be destroyed by malefic influences. The Moon is a watery planet,
therefore under malefic influences watery places will become a source of danger
for the native. If the Moon in the sixth is under benefic influences the native will
enjoy good health.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will have many enemies, will have a delicate
constitution and a dyspeptic appetite. His sexual passion will also be weak. He will
be harsh in temperament and indolent in his work.
Phaldeepika-The native will be short lived and stupid. He will suffer from stomach
ailments and will be defeated and humiliated by enemies.
Saravali-The native will suffer from stomach ailments. If the Moon is weak
(waning), the native will be short lived.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be opposed to king (Government) and will
acquire fame by his own glorious deeds. He will conquer his enemies. He will not
be devoted to his mother.
Note-Except for Chamatkar Chintamani all the above authorities seem to be in
agreement with Bhrigu Sutras about the evil effects of the Moon when posited in
the sixth house. The effects mentioned by Chamatkar Chintamani may be realised
if the Moon is under substantial benefic influence and is exalted or in her own sign
Cancer. The Moon in the Seventh House Sutras 41-46-If the Moon is in the
seventh house the native will be soft spoken and will get a wife in his 32nd year.
He will have some defect in his eyes and vttll be fond of women. He will have to
undergo surgery caused by contacts with women. He will get favours from the king
(Government). If the lord of the seventh is powerful he will have two wives. If the
Moon is weak (waning), there will be loss of wife. If the Moon is full, or powerful
or in his own sign, there will be only one wife and all comforts and luxuries will be
available to him.
Comments-Our views are that a benefic Moon will give good effects in the seventh
house. The marriage will be delayed onl y if there is some malefic influence on her.
Also the other ill effects ascribed to the Moon will be felt if there is evil influence
on the Moon. Moon being a royal planet, she enables the native to get fame from
the Government. If the lord of the seventh is powerful the native will have the
privilege and means to enjoy the company of two wives. A malefic Moon will cause
loss of wife. If the Moon is full, exalted or in his own sign he will be a devoted
husband and will therefore like to keep only one wife. Such Moon will also provide
him with all comforts and luxuries.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be envious and will be exceedingly over
head and ears in love.
Phaldeepika-The native and his wife will both be very good looking and will love
each other.
Sarauali-The native will be good-looking, well behaved, happy and passionate. If
the Moon be weak (waning), the native will be poor and will suffer from ill health.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get all happiness from his wife. He will
enjoy gains in inland trade and business. He will like sweet dishes. He will be very
greedy. He will be so weak that he will get defeat from his enemies.
Note-The essence of the views expressed above seems to be that a benefic Moon
will give good results and a malefic Moon will give bad results in regard to the
significations of the seventh house. The view of Chamatkar Chintamani that Moon
in the seventh will make the native greedy is not clear to us. The views given by
Bhrigu Sutras are more detailed and to the point.
The Moon in the Eighth House
Of comfort from conveyances. Watery places like ponds, tanks, wells etc. will be
sources of danger to his life. He will be separated from his relations on account of
his wife. If the Moon is in her Own sign or exalted, the native will be long-lived.
He will have medium span of life if the Moon is waning.
Comments-The 8th is one of the most inauspicious houses of the horoscope and a
planet loses all its good significations when posited in this house. 8th house is 12th
(house of loss) to the 9th house which signifies fortune and prosperity. The Moon
in this house will therefore spoil the comforts to the native and he may have
therefore amongst other adversities also be deprived of the comfort of
conveyances. The 8th house is a powerful significator for accidents. The Moon
being a watery planet will produce danger to life from drowning. As regards the
statement that the presence of the Moon in 8th house will separate the native from
his relations on account of his wife we are unable to find any astrological reason
for it, but as the statement comes from a distinguished authority, the readers may
verify it from their practical experience. If the Moon is exalted or is in her own
house the native will be long lived. This is because the 8th house being house of
longevity a strong Moon (she will be lord of 8th in 8th if she is in her own sign), will
give a long life to the native. Life will be shortened if the Moon is weak and
quantum of shortening life will be in proportion to the weakness of the Moon. We
are also of the view that in determining longevity the strength and disposition of
the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the 8th house should also be kept in view.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will have a fickle mind and suffer from diseases.
Phaldeepika-The native will suffer from diseases and will be shortlived.
Saravali-The native will be intelligent, full of glory and lean and thin on account of
diseases he will suffer from. If there is waning Moon in the 8th the native will be
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be surrounded by physicians (this
means he will always be sickly). He will suffer from horrible afflictions, will always
be in fear from enemies and will have to face many adversities.
Note-Except Saravali, all the authorities mentioned above have attributed evil
effects to the Moon in the 8th house. The good effects described by Saravali may
be realised if the Moon be in his own sign or when the Moon is aspected by a
benefic like Jupiter.
The Moon in the Ninth House
Sutras 47-53-V the Moon is in the ninth house, the native will be highly learned
and charitable. He will construct ponds, tanks for the good of others and shelters
for cows. He will also be fortunate in the matter of children who will be
prosperous. If the Moon is full, the native himself will be very fortunate and his
father will be long-lived. If Moon is in conjunction with a malefic or in the house of
a malefic, the native will be unfortunate and will suffer loss of his parents early in
his life.
Comments-The ninth is house of dharma, bhagya, prosperity and also of children.
Unless the Moon is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic or is in the house
of a malefic, she improves the good significations of this house. The native will
become highly learned and charitable and will have prosperous children. If the
Moon is full he will become very prosperous and his father will be long-lived.
When there is any kind of evil influence on the Moon, the significations of the
house will suffer. The native will be unfortunate and will get unhappiness on
account of the loss of his parents early in his life. If the Moon is in his own sign in
the ninth, the lord of ninth will be in the ninth giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga
conferring great name, fame and prosperity to the native. If the Moon is in Taurus
(then the ascendant will be Virgo) she will be exalted in the ninth as lord of the
eleventh house (house of gains) and this disposition will be highly beneficial to the
native in every respect.
Other Views
Brihat Jatdk-The person concerned will possess sons, friends relations and wealth.
Phaldeepika-The native will perform pious deeds and will have sons (children).
Saravali-The native will be a devotee of Gods and obedient to his parents. He will
be happy and intelligent and will be blessed with children. He will also be
attractive for members of the opposite sex.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be respected by all, even Brahmins. He
will become fortunate from his young age and will be courageous.
Note-It is seen that all the authorities mentioned above have taken the view that
the Moon in the ninth house will give beneficial results but none of them has
covered the significations of ninth so completely as Bhrigu Sutras has done.
The Moon in the Tenth House
Sutras 54-60-If the Moon is in the tenth house the native will achieve high
academic attainments. He will be brilliant, will do pious deeds, will be famous and
kind hearted. If the lord of the tenth is powerfully disposed, the native will be
highly virtuous. If the Moon is in cojnunction with or aspected by a malefic, the
native will have illicit relations with a widow in his 27th year and will earn
bitterness of the people on that account. He will indulge in sinful deeds and will
have to face obstacles in all spheres of his life.
Comments-The tenth house is house of karma, profession, honours etc. If there is
no evil influence on the Moon, and the lord of the house is well disposed she will
give beneficial results in respect of all the significations of this house. The native
will do good deeds and be highly intelligent and kind hearted. As the Moon will
aspect the 4th house, the native will achieve high academic attainments. With evil
influences on the Moon, the significations of the tenth house will be spoiled and
the native will indulge in sinful deeds of all kinds and his life will be full of
obstructions. If the Moon is in her sign Cancer (the ascendant will then be Libra),
the Lord of the tenth will be in the tenth house, giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga
conferring great name, fame and honour upon the native.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will complete to perfection anything he undertakes and
will be endowed with virtue, wealth, intellect and valour.
Phaldeepika-The native will be conqueror, and he will get success very early in any
venture he undertakes. He will do virtuous deeds. Saravali-The native will be
happy, devoted to his work which he will perform successfully, wealthy, pious,
valorous and charitable.
Note-All the authorities are in agreement that the Moon in the tenth house will
give very beneficial results in respect of the significations of this house. But it
should not be forgotten (as stated in Bhrigu Sutras) that for beneficial results to
accrue there should not be any evil influence on the Moon and the lord of the
tenth house should be well disposed in the horoscope.
The Moon in the Eleventh House
Sutras 61-69-If the Moon is in the eleventh house, the native will be highly learned,
will have sons and will be helpful to others. At the age of 50 he will be father of
many sons. He will also possess praiseworthy qualities. If the lord of the eleventh
house is weak, the native will lie put to lot of expenditure. If the lord of the
eleventh is strong (and well disposed) the native will have gains of wealth. The
presence of the Moon in the eleventh will enable native to acquire wealth without
much effort. If the Moon is in conjunction with Venus the native will be owner of
conveyances pulled by men. He will be highly educated, will own lands, will be
fortunate and protector of others.
Comments-The essence of the above Sutras is that unless the lord of eleventh is
weak, the placement of the Moon in the eleventh gives very auspicious results in
matters of acquisition of wealth, land etc. and also children (we would add that for
good results there should also be no evil influence on such Moon). The Late Shri
N.N. Krishna Rao of Bombay who had to his credit the translation into English of
many classical texts of Hindu Astrology including Brihat Parashara Hora and
Saravali has in his English translation of Bhrigu Sutras translated this Sutra to
mean 'will beget children early in life'. We respectfully beg to disagree with both
these beamed writers. Sutra 61 has already mentioned that if the Moon is in the
eleventh, the native will have sons. Therefore there is no question of getting a son
only at the age of 50. We have taken the view that this Sutra intends to convey that
when the native is 50 years old he will be father of many sons. As regards Sutra 67
which goes to say that if Moon is with Venus in the eleventh house the native will
own conveyances pulled by men. This could apply to olden times when
conveyances pulled or carried by men were treated as luxuries. This combination
should be interpreted to mean that the native will own good type of conveyances.
Venus is the significator of conveyances, hence the association of Venus with
Moon in the eleventh will give this favourable result.
The results of the Moon in the eleventh will be still better if the Moon be in
Cancer. Then the lord of 11th will be in 11th . If the Moon be in Taurus (Cancer
Ascendant), the exalted lord of Ascendant will be in the 11th forming a powerful
Dhanayoga which will immensely benefit the native financially and in many other
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will become famous and will acquire wealth
and the like.
Phaldeepika-The native will be a great thinker, long lived, wealthy and will be
blessed with sons. He will also have servants.
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, will have many sons, long lived, will be a good
friend and will have servants. He will be a great thinker, full of glory, valorous and
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get honours, authority and good dresses
from the king. He will be very wealthy and will have beautiful damsels to enjoy.
He will often be unsuccessful in his efforts and he will beget daughters only.
Note-All the authorities mentioned above have spoken well of the Moon in the
eleventh. Their views are substantially in line with those expressed in Bhrigu
Sutras. Chamatkar Chintamani has sounded two discordant notes-(1) The native
will often be unsuccessful in his efforts. This will happen when Moon has evil
influence on her of an obstructionist like Saturn. (2) The native will have only
daughters. This may happen when Moon is in a female sign (even sign).
The Moon in the Twelfth House
Sutras 70-71-If the Moon is in the twelfth house, the native will be deprived of
good food, will incur wasteful expenditure, will be of angry nature, will earn
money by questionable means (like gambling, racing, trading in women etc), will
suffer from diseases as a result of contacts with women (like venereal diseases) and
will have no grains. If the Moon is associated with a benefic, the native will be
learned kind-hearted, will have good friends and will go to heaven after death. If
the Moon is associated with a malefic, the native will go to hell.
Comments-The twelfth house is an-inauspicious house and it is termed as the
house of loss. Therefore Moon will lose all its good significations there and will be
overcome by the evil significations of that house resulting in a miserable and
immoral life for the native. The twelfth house being- twelfth to the first house
(which signifies birth), represents the end of life. If there is evil influence on the
Moon and the twelfth house the native will go to hell after death. Beneficial
influence will take him to heaven. Most of the ill effects of the Moon in the twelfth
house will be warded off if she is in her own sign Cancer without any malefic
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be wickedly disposed and defective in
some limb.
Phaldeepika-The native will be lazy, humiliated, unhappy and will not be liked by
Sarauali-The native will be mean, envious, lazy, troubled and humiliated and will
suffer from eye troubles.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be troubled by enemies, eye
troubles and other afflictions. His money will be spent on good causes. He will be
dissatisfied with his uncles and mother. His efforts will prove abortive.
Note-All the above authorities have described the evil effects of Moon in the
twelfth house in their own way and in essence substantially agree with the views
expressed by Bhrigu Sutras. Chamatkar Chintamani has inter alia said that the
Moon in the twelfth will make-the native spend money on good cause. This will
happen when there is benefic influence on the Moon and the twelfth house.
Effects of Mars in the Twelve Houses
Mars in the First House (Ascendant)
Sutras 1-9-If Mars is in the Ascendant the native will have wound marks in the
body or marks left behind by boils. The native will have a stout body, will have
stealing habit, a big navel and reddish hands. He will be cruel, strong, stupid, of
angry temperament, extraordinarily valourous, wealthy, unstable and he will suffer
from peculiar diseases, sufferer of mental troubles. He will also be of wicked
disposition. If Mars is in his own signs (Aries or Scorpio) or is exalted.(is in
Capricorn), the native will be healthy and of strong constitution, and will get
honours from Government enhancing his reputation. He will also be long lived. If
Mars is in conjunction with a malefic or enemy planet, the native will be short
lived, will have few children, will have an ugly appearance and will suffer from
diseases and pains on account of rheumatism. If Mars is exalted in the Ascendant,
the native will be wealthy and will be fond of sight seeing. If Mars is associated
with or aspected by malefic or is in enemy sign, the native will suffer from eye
Comments-Mars is a hot, dry cruel and malefic planet. Mars makes the native
quarrelsome and of aggressive nature. It is on this account that the native will have
wound marks on the body when Mars is in the ascendant. His aggressive nature
makes him powerful but stupid. When he loses his temper he forgets what is right
and what is wrong. If Mars is in either of his two signs or is exalted he becomes a
functional benefic in the horoscope and will give the native good health, strong
body, honours from Government, good reputation, wealth and high education.
When Mars is in one of his two signs or is exalted while being posited in the
ascendant, Ruchaka yoga (one of the Panchamahapurusha yoga) is formed, the
effect of which has been given as under by Prof. B.V. Raman in his book Three
Hundred Important Combinations':-"The person born in Ruchaka will have a
strong physique, he will be famous, well versed in folk lore, king or an equal to
king, conforming to traditions and customs. He will have a ruddy complexion,
attractive body, charitable disposition, long lived and leader of an army." If there
is evil influence on Mars, the native will suffer from eye diseases and rheumatic
troubles. As Mars will lose much of his vitality, the native will have few children.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will have an injured limb.
Phaldeepika-The native will be very cruel and courageous. He will be short lived
and will get injuries in his body.
Saravali-The native will be cruel, courageous, stupid, short lived, proudy,
valourous, handsome and of unstable mind.
Chamatkar Chintamani-Lathi (objects made of iron and fire) will be source of
danger to the life of the native. He will remain worried and will suffer from the loss
of his wife, children etc. However courageous he may be, he will have to face evil
consequences from his actions.
Note-All the above authorities have described the effects of a malefic Mars in the
ascendant. They have not given the good effects of Mars when he becomes a
functional benefic by being in his own sign or in exaltation or by becoming lord of
auspicious houses (For Cancer and Leo ascendants, he is lord of 5th and 10th
houses, and 4th and 9th houses respectively and is considered as yoga karaka par
excellence. For Sagittarius ascendant being lord of the auspicious 5th house (and
twelfth) and for Pisces ascendant being lord of the 2nd and the 9th, Mars in the
ascendant will be beneficial to a great extent).
Mars in the Second House
Sutras 10-15-If Mars is in the second, the native will have no education but he will
gain wealth. If the Mars is with the lord of the sixth house, the native will suffer
from eye troubles such as cataract, defective eyesight, blindness etc., but this may
not happen or the native may recover from eye troubles if the above combination
is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus). If Mars is in one of his two signs,
namely Aries or Scorpio or if he is exalted (is in Capricorn) the native will be well
educated and will have good eyesight. If Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, is in
the house of a malefic or is aspected by a malefic, the native will suffer from eye
Comments-The above Sutras have expressed the view that if Mars is alone in the
second house without any benefic or malefic influence, the native will be
uneducated but will have gains of wealth. If, however. Mars is with lord of sixth
without any benefic influence, the native will suffer from eye troubles. If Mars is in
his own house or is exalted the native will be well educated. It is not clear why this
disposition will also not give good wealth which is one of the important
significations of the second house. If Mars is in Aries, the ascendant will be Pisces
and Mars as lord of the second and ninth houses will give rise to a powerful Dhana
Yoga giving the native abundant wealth, name and fame and also higher learning.
If Mars is in Scorpio, Libra will be the ascendant and Mars as lord of the second
and seventh houses will be in the second. This disposition will enable to have
abundant gains of wealth through his wife. If Mars is exalted (that is, he is in
Capricorn), Sagittarius will be the ascendant and lord of the 5th will be exalted in
the second. This again will be a powerful Dhanayoga making the native very rich
and highly intelligent. He will also be blessed with children.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will eat bad food.
Phaldeepika-The native will have an ugly face, his speech will not be perfect, he
will be uneducated and will serve undesirable persons.
Saravali-The native will be poor, he will eat bad food, will have an afflicted face,
will move in the society of mean people and will be stupid.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be miser and will defeat his enemies.
Note-The above authorities have given the effects of a malefic Mars. Mars is
capable of giving auspicious results also as we have already explained in our
comments on Sutras 10-15. Auspicious results will be experienced when the
ascendants are' Aries, Scorpio Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo and Pisces.
Mars in the Third House
Sutras 16-25-If Mars is in the third house, the native will have no younger brothers
or sisters and the native's wife will be of questionable character but this will not
happen if Mars is aspected by a benefic. He will also have financial gains. If Mars is
associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native will have association with prostitutes. He
will have inimical relations with his brothers and will face difficulties on that
account. His wife will have a well- shaped female organ. He will have few brothers
and sisters. If Mars is associated with or aspected by malefics, the native will suffer
from loss of brothers (and sisters). If Mars is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or
is in his sign of exaltation (Capricorn), the brothers will be long-lived and the
native will be patient and brave. He will prove very valourous in the battle-field. If
Mars occupies a friendly house, the native will be courageous.
Comments-All the effects given above are appropriate and in accordance with the
significations of the third house except those given in Sutras 16 and 20. According
to Sutra 16, Mars in the third will make the wife of the native adulteress. The third
house has nothing to do with wife and wife's character. This effect could be
ascribed to Mars in the third house only if he were to be in conjunction with the
lord of the seventh house or with Venus (who is a significator of wife, marital life
and love affairs).
In Sutra 20 it is stated among other things that the wife of the native will have a
well-shaped female organ. Our humble view is that this matter has nothing to do
with the third house.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-Effects same as for the Sun in the third house. (See Part II, Chapter
Phaldeepika-The native will be full of good qualities, wealthy, happy and
valourous and he cannot be suppressed by any body. But the native will not be
happy on account of his brothers (this can mean that he may have no brothers or
the relations between him and his brothers may be inimical).
Saravali-The native will be valourous, unconquerable, without brothers, equipped
with good qualities, healthy and famous.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be valourous, wealthy (Wealth earned by
valourous deeds) unhappy on account of brothers and relations.
Note-The third house is an 'upachaya' house where malefics are said to give
benefic results in accordance with the significations of the house. All the above
authorities seem to have based their views on this principle. Mars is a significator
of brothers. He is also a karaka for the third house. Mars in third is said to give ill
effects in regard to brothers. This is perhaps due to 'Karako Bhava Nashaya'
theory propagated by some of our ancients. But we strongly hold the view that the
line taken by Bhrigu Sutras that all good effects in respect of brothers will be
realised if Mars is in his own or in his sign of exaltation, or is under benefic
influences, is very relevant, logical and correct inspite of the 'Karako Bhava
Nashaya' theory.
Mars in the Fourth House
Sutras 26-33-If Mars is in the fourth house, there will be adversities in the family of
the native causing domestic disturbances. The father may die in the eighth year of
the native's and the mother of the native will always be in bad health. The native
will enjoy good health but will have no land of his own, he will be poor and live in
a dilapidated house. He will have inimical relations wi th his near relatives, will live
away from his native place and will be without proper clothes. If Mars is associated
with Mercury (his enemy), the native may not have a house of his own but may
have to live in somebody else's house. If Mars is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio)
or in his sign of exaltation (Capricorn) and is in conjunction with a benefic or is in
a friendly sign, the native will own conveyances, lands and his mother will be long-
lived. If Mars is in his sign of debilitation (Cancer) and is associated with a malefic
or malefics or the lord of the 8th house, the native will suffer the loss of his mother
early in his life.
Comments-Mars is one of the worst malefics. His placement in the 4th house will
destroy all the good significations of the house. If he is associated with a malefic,
he will cause more havoc. The domestic life of the native will be badly affected, he
will have no house, no land, will be poor and his mother will suffer from ill health
and may die early if Mars is in his sign of debilitation and associated with malefics.
If Mars is in his own sign or is exalted very good results have been predicted. He
will own conveyances, lands and houses and his mother will be long-lived. When
Mars'is in Aries he will be in the fourth house as lord of fourth and eleventh in
fourth the ascendant being Capricorn. If Mars is in Scorpio, the ascendant will be
Leo (for which Mars is a yoga karaka planet), he will be in the fourth as lord of the
fourth and the ninth houses. If Mars is in Capricorn (exalted) the ascendant will be
Libra and Mars will be in the fourth as lord of the 2nd and the 7th houses. All these
dispositions will generate powerful Dhana Yogas. If Mars is in Aries, Scorpio or
Capricorn, in the fourth house (a kendra or quadrant), Ruchaka yoga will also be
formed, the effects of which have already been described.
It has been stated that if Mars is in the fourth, father will die early in the life of the
native. The reason for this can be that Mars in the fourth house will aspect the 10th
house which is a maraksthana for the native's father (being 2nd to the ninth
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The same effects as given for the Sun in fourth house (please see part
II chapter I).
Phaldeepika-The native will be without mother (that is he will lose his mother in
his early life), will be without friends, happiness, conveyances and lands.
Saravali-The native will have no house, grains, proper clothes, relations,
conveyances will have no happiness and will have to live in a house not his own.
Chamatkar Chintamani-Inspite of the other planets being favourable in the
horoscope, if Mars is in the fourth, the native will be deprived of happiness from
father, mother, wife and children (in other words his domestic life will be
unhappy). But the native gets land and clothes by the favour of the king
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Mars in the fourth will give
only evil effects in respect of the significations of that house. But as pointed out in
Sutras 28,30 and 32 of Bhrigu Sutras Mars can give very benefic results also if he is
posited in his own or in his sign of exaltation or when there is benefic influence on
Mars. The above authorities have not taken this aspect into account. The
beneficial result of getting lands and clothes by the favour of the king, mentioned
by Chamatkar Chintamani can be realised only when there is some kind of benefic
influence on Mars in the fourth house or when Mars is dignified.
We are also of the view that the disposition of the lord of the fourth should also be
taken into account in reaching final conclusions.
Mars in the Fifth House
Sutras 34-45-If Mars is in the fifth house the native will be poor, will have few or
no children, will be immoral and in the bad books of the Government. He will
suffer from cuts or wounds in his sixth year. He will be a liar but very shrewd. If
Mars is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or in his own sign of exaltation, the
native will have a good number of children and will feed others. He will hold
Governmental positions of high status but will have troubles from enemies. If Mars
is in conjunction with a malefic or is in the house of a malefic there will be loss of
children. He will suffer from mental disorders and other such diseases. If he is
associated with the lord of the 8th house, he will be sinful but brave. He may have
no children of his own and may have to adopt one.
Comments-Fifth house is inter alia a significator of children, intellect, morals,
Bhagya and prosperity (being ninth to ninth house). All these significations will be
destroyed if malefic Mars. is posited in the fifth house and all the evil effects
described in the above Sutras will be realised by the native. Very beneficial results
have been predicted if Mars is in his own sign Aries or Scorpio or in Capricorn his
sign of exaltation. When Mars is in Aries, the ascendant will be Sagittarius and
Mars will be in the fifth as lord of the fifth and twelfth. Being in the fifth in his own
sign the evil effects of the lord-ship of the 12th will not be felt and only good
results will follow. If Mars is in Scorpio, the ascendant will be Cancer for which
Mars is a yoga karaka planet, and Mars will be in the fifth as lord of the fifth and
the 10th. By being in this position he will substantially improve the significations of
both the houses. He will be blessed with a good number of children and attain a
high position in Government. He will also be very intelligent. While in Aries or
Scorpio, Mars will aspect the 11 th house (house of gains) and the native will amass
wealth. We do not agree that Mars in his sign of exaltation will be good for the
native because he will be in the fifth as lord of two bad houses, the 3rd and 8th (the
ascendant being Virgo). However, in the case of Gemini and Capricorn
ascendants, Mars will be lord of the 11th and will aspect his own house from the
fifth. This situation will be good for finances. In the case of Pisces ascendant Mars
Will be lord of the 2nd and 9th houses and will also be quite beneficial for finances.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-Same effects as for the Sun in the fifth house (see part II, chapter I)
Phaldeepika-The native will be without children, will not be intelligent, and will be
a backbiter.
Saravali-The native will be without children, wealth and happiness. He will be of
unstable mind, a backbiter, wicked, worried and mean.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will suffer from hyperacidity and will be
sinfully inclined. The native's wife will suffer from abortions.
Note-There is a consensus amongst all the above authorities that Mars destroys all
the good significations of the fifth house, but Mars in the fifth is not always bad. As
mentioned in Sutras-39 and 40 of Bhrigu Sutras, if Mars is in his own sign he does
immense good to the native. Our comment s on these Sutras will also show that
Mars is capable of giving good effects also in the fifth house.
Mars in the Sixth House
Sutras 46-53-If Mars is in the sixth house, the native will be famous, he will be
successful in his undertakings, will defeat his enemies, will be blessed with
children, will have marriage and acquire conveyances (horses and camels) in his
27th year and his enemies will cease to exist. If Mars is associated with or aspected
by a malefic, the above results will be realised in their entirety but the native will
suffer from rheumatism, pains etc. If Mars is posited in any of the signs owned by
Mercury (Gemini or Virgo), the native will suffer from Leprosy. He will, however,
recover from this disease if he is aspected by a benefic.
Comments-The sixth house is an upachaya house. It is believed that malefics in
upachaya houses give beneficial results. This seems to be based on the logic that
malefics destroy the significations of the house they occupy. Mars occupying the
sixth house destroys the evil significations of the sixth house and thus gives good
results such as name and fame, success in undertakings, humiliation of enemies
and the results are realised in full if Mars is associated with or aspected by a
malefic. This view that Mars a malefic will give good results is supported by Jataka
Desmarga which says-
This means that malefics are strong in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses (Upachaya
houses) and benefics endowed with strength in the Kendra and Trikona positions
with respect to any Bhava prove friendly and auspicious to the Bhava and promote
the advancement of the same. In Sutra 48 it is stated that if Mars is in the sixth the
native will have marriage and acquire conveyances in his 27th year. We do not
understand on what basis this prediction has been made because sixth house has
nothing to do with marriage. On the other hand being 12th to 7th (house of
marriage) a malefic planet in this house will prove injurious to marital
relationships. The sixth house signifies diseases also. If Mars in the sixth is
supposed to give good results, he should have freed the native from diseases also.
But according to Sutras 51 and 52 Mars in the sixth house while eradicating
enemies, will make the native suffer from various kinds of diseases. Whether
logically relevant or not it is found in practice that Mars or any other malefic
planet in the sixth gives rise to various kinds of diseases. We give below a
horoscope to illustrate this point.
In this horoscope Mars and Rahu are in the sixth to the ascendant. The native has
suffered from ill health throughout his life and has been suffering from many
diseases. He is also troubled by enemies. The sixth house while being an Upachaya
house is also a Dusthana (evil house) along with the 8th and 12th houses. Bhrigu
Sutras have apparently not taken this into account. The views of Jataka Desmarga
and Phaldeepika in this respect are given below:-Jataka Desmarga- (Chapter X-
Sloka 34)
This means that the 6th, 8th and 12th houses in any nativity have been declared by
the sages as evil houses. Even those houses whose lords are conjoined with or
aspected by the planets owning those houses, the planets occupying these houses
themselves are productive of evil results to the native. All these three prove
ineffective, cause losses and become crippled. Of these the 8th is the most
(Chapter X-Sloka 36)
This means that when the lord and karaka of any bhava are both strong and
occupy good houses they produce full and enjoyable effects to the person
concerned. Should these occupy the 12th, 6th or 8th house and be weak, the bhava
becomes futile to the native. Where there is the question of his enjoying the fruits
of the said bhava ? Phaldeepika- (Chapter XV-Sloka 5)
This means that if the lord of a house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house from the
ascendant, it adversely affects the significations of that house. If the lord of the 6th,
8th or 12th is posited in any house it spoils the significations of that house. Such
adverse effects will not be felt if the house concerned is aspected by benefic or
In view of the principles enunciated above, if Mars being lord of the houses 2nd,
4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and llth, is posited in the 6th, the significations of those
houses will be adversely affected. These principles wi ll apply not only to Mars but
to all planets.
We have given our comments on this subject in so much detail as very important
principles of predictive astrology are involved. These principles are to be kept in
view while examining the effects of other planets also when they are posited in the
6th, 8th or 12th house.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-Same effects as given for the Sun (See Part II, Chapter I)
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, famous, conqueror of enemies, glorious
like a king but very passionate.
Saravali-The native will be very passionate. He will suffer from hyperacidity and
will be handsome with a stout, body, powerful and a leader amongst his relations.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will humiliate even the most powerful enemy.
He will be very intelligent but he will suffer unhappiness on account of his
maternal uncle. He will earn a lot and will spend it all.
Note-In essence all the above authorities except Brihat Jatak are in agreement that
Mars in the sixth gives good effects. According to Brihat Jatak the person
concerned will be powerful but will be over powered by his enemies. The views
expressed by Bhrigu Sutras with which the majority of the above authorities
substantially agree are more logical and to the point except some on which w
have already given our comments.
Mars in the Seventh House
Sutras 54-65-If the Mars is in the seventh the native will suffer on account of being
of ill health. If Mars is in the house of a malefic, or is associated with a malefic or
even if he is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio), the native will lose his wife. If Mars
is associated with a benefic, the wife will die in the life time of the native and the
latter will go away from his native land. If Mars is in his sign of exaltation, or in the
sign of a friend or in his own sign or is associated with a benefic or in the sign of a
malefic, the native suffers loss of wife. If this does not happen then the native will
secretly develop sexual intimacy with women of loose character and indulge in
sexual perversions like kissing the secret parts. He will also have unnatural
intercourse with quadrupeds and will be fond of drinking liquor. If Mars is
aspected by Saturn the native will touch with his mouth the secret organs of others.
If Mars is associated with Ketu, the native will not mind having sexual intercourse
with a woman in menses. If Mars is associated with an inimical planet the native
will suffer loss of many wives (one after another). He will be without potency and
will be full of vanity. It will not be so if Mars is aspected by a benefic.
Comments-The text of the above Sutras is so confusing that it is difficult to
comment upon them. Mars if alone in the seventh is capable of causing loss of wife.
It can also be believed that Mars under evil influence, of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu can
lead the native to indulge in sexual perversions but it is difficult to believe that
when Mars is in his own sign (Aries or Scorpio) or when he is aspected by a
benefic or when he is in his sign of exaltation (Capricorn) there can be loss of wife
or native can indulge in sexual perversions described in the above Sutras. Mars in
the seventh house will be in Kendra to the Ascendant. If he is in his own sign or in
his sign of exaltation, Ruchaka yoga will be formed, the good effects of which have
already been described at the beginning of this chapter.
The late Shri N. Krishna Rao who has to his credit translation of several
astrological classical texts including 'Brihat Parashara Hora' and 'Saravali' has
translated the above Sutras as under (a) If Mars is in 7th of the Asdt. which
happens to be a malefic sign and/or conj. malefic (even if the 7th happens to be
Aries/ Scorpio. (6) If conj. or aspected by benefic. (c) If conj, benefic and at the
same time standing in exaltation/own house/friendly house malefic aspect. (d) If
connected with Saturn (e) If conj. D. Tail (Ketu) If in this yoga, there is also
another malefic in Loss of wife The above malefic effect will not occur but there
will be foreign travel. Loss of wife; Failing that would be developing intimacy with
a woman other than wife; various sexual perversions. Sexual perversions Contacts
with women in menses. Loss of more than one wife in the same
yoga there is a benefic aspect. (f) If Mars is conj. Or aspected by his enemy. (g) If
Mars is conj. His enemy or a debilitated planet. (h) If conj. Rahu The native will
commit adultery. Loss of wife.Intimacy with maid servant. (It will be seen that
there is no mention of a debilitated planet or Rahu in the text of the above Sutras.
We have checked carefully that Mr. Rao used the same Sanskrit Text otBhrigu
Sutras which is with us. It seems he has made some additions and omissions in view
of the original Sanskrit text being confusing).
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned should suffer humiliation at the hands of
Phaldeepika-The native will involve himself in undesirable things, will be sickly
and will suffer from loss of wife.
Saravali-The native will suffer loss of wife, will be sickly, immoral, unhappy, sinful
troubled and poor.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be engaged in business in a foreign land or
in a place away from his native place. He will always be troubled by enemies and
diseases. The native's wife will be short lived.
Note-All the above authorities have ascribed evil effects to Mars in the seventh
house. We are of the view that there will be no evil effects if Mars be in his sign or
in his sign of exaltation. There will be mitigation of evil effects to a great extent if
the seventh house and Mars are aspected by Jupiter.
Mars in the Eighth House
Sutras 66-71-If Mars is in the eighth house, the native will suffer from eye diseases,
he will not be long lived. Father will die early in the native's life and he (native)
will suffer from urinary diseases. He will have few children and suffer from
rheumatism, shooting pains etc, but will have a happy married life. If Mars is in
conjunction with a benefic, the native will enjoy good health and will be longlived.
If Mars is in the house of a malefic or is associated with a malefic, the native will
suffer from rheumatism, consumption or from urinary troubles. The span of life
will be medium. If the lord of the eighth is powerful, the native will have full
Comments-From the eighth house Mars will aspect the second house which inter
alia signifies eyesight. The malefic influence of Mars will make the native suffer
from eye troubles. The presence of malefic Mars will adversely affect the longevity
of the native particularly when he is associated with a malefic. Eighth house is/12th
to the ninth house which amongst other things is a significator for father. The
presence of Mars in the 12th to ninth will make the father short-lived. The eighth
house also represents secret parts. Mars in this house will cause damage to the
family. He will therefore have few children. Eighth house is significator of chronic
diseases. The native will therefore suffer from diseases like consumption,
rheumatism which are chronic in nature. These troubles will be aggravated if Mars
is associated with a malefic. Eighth house is house of longevity. Benefic influence
on the eighth house will extend the span of life and free the native from diseases,
malefic influence will give the reverse result. If the lord of eighth is powerful the
native will enjoy full longevity. Same will be the effect if Mars is in his own sign.
Eighth house is the worst Dusthana (evil house). If Mars is lord of a good house in
the horoscope, by being in the eighth house, the significations of these houses will
be destroyed. This has already been discussed in detail while dealing with the
position of Mars in the sixth house.
Other Views-
Brihat Jatak-The native will have a limited number of issues and will have
defective eyesight.
Phaldeepika-The native will have an afflicted body, he will be poor and shortlived
and people will speak ill of him.
Saravali-The native will be sickly, short lived and ugly. He will indulge in
undesirable activities and will be sorrowful.
Chamatkar Chintamani-If Mars is in the 8th, even other good planets in the
horoscope cannot remove the adversities of the native. Even his friends will turn
into enemies. He will face obstacles in whatever efforts he makes for his
Note-All the above authorities agree that Mars in the 8 house gives only evil
results. The effects given by Bhrigu Sutras are more detailed than given by the
above authorities and effect of benefic influence has also been mentioned by
Bhrigu Sutras.
Mars in the Ninth House
Sutras 72-74-If Mars is in the ninth house the native will suffer the loss of father in
his early life. He will be unfortunate (no prosperity). If Mars be exalted (in
Capricorn) or be in his sign (Aries or Scorpio) the native will have illicit relations
with the wife of his preceptor.
Comments-Ninth house inter alia signifies father. The malefic Mars in ninth will
take the life of the father of the native early in the latter's life. It is also said that
Mars in the ninth will make the native unfortunate. Mars is a powerful malefic and
is capable of this effect but this will not happen in the following circumstances:-
(1) When Aries or Scorpio is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the
(2) When Sagittarius is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the fifth
(3) When Cancer is ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the 5th and 10th
(4) When Leo is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the 4th and 9th
(5) When Pisces is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as the lord of 2nd and 9th
The dispositions mentioned at (3), (4) and (5)will give rise to a powerful Rajayoga
giving name, fame and wealth to the native.
We are also doubtful if a powerful and benefic Mars (that is when he is exalted or
in his own sign) will tempt the native to have illicit relations with his preceptor's
wife. This may happen only when such Mars is associated with or aspected by
Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will commit sinful actions Phaldeepika-People
will be jealous of the native even if he is a king's favourite. The native will not
enjoy happiness from the side of his father (this may mean early death of the
father) and he will cause sorrow and pain to others.
Saravali-The native will be mean, violent, irreligious, sinful but he will get favours
from the king (Government).
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be wealthy and fortunate. He will have a
cruel mind. His efforts will not prove successful.
Note-All the above authorities except Chmatkar Chintamani have attributed evil
effects to Mars in the ninth house. The beneficial results mentioned by Chamatkar
Chintamani should be realised in the circumstances mentioned in our comments
Mars in the Tenth House
Sutras 75-85-If Mars is in the tenth house, the native will be acclaimed by the
people. If the lord of the tenth is strong the brothers will be long-lived. The native
will be particularly fortunate and prosperous, he will take interest in meditation,
and will be devoted to his preceptor. If Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, there
will be obstructions in the professional career. If he js associated with a benefic or
is in the house of a benefic, the native will be successful in his undertaking. He will
be famous and respected and will commence earning from his 18th year. He will
have a stout body and will be well off in every respect but he may have mentality
of a thief. If Mars is associated with a malefic or is in the house of a malefic, the
native's life will be full of obstructions and he will indulge in sinful deeds. If Mars
is associated with lord of the 9th or 10th, the native will be installed as a king or
heir apparent. If Mars is associated with Jupiter the native will possess elephants
(conveyances) and will be full of glory. He will also possess lands.
Comments-Almost all the Sutras are logical and to the point and self-explanatory.
Mars will give good effects in the 10th as he gets directional strength in that house.
Ill effects are realised only when Mars is associated with or aspected by a malefic
or is lord of an evil house. If Mars is in his sign (Aries or Scorpio) he will be in the
10th as lord of the 10th, giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga. The same will happen
if Mars is in Taurus (Leo Ascendant) or in Sagittarius (Pisces Ascendant), because
then he will be in the 10th as lord of the 9th. If Mars is in the 10th, he will be in
kendra to the ascendant. If he is in own sign or in his sign of exaltation, Ruchaka
yoga will also be formed, the effects of which have already been described at the
beginning of this chapter.
It is stated in Sutra 76 that if the lord of 10th is strong the brothers will be
longlived. Although the tenth house has nothing to do with brothers, Mars is
significator (karaka) of brothers, and it is on this basis that the above result has
been predicted.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The person will be cruel, charitable, like a king, valourous and will be
admired by all.
Saravali-The native will be very efficient in his work, valourous, unconquerable,
employee of a highly placed man, blessed with children and full of glory.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have auspicious celebrations in his house.
He will be respected by people. Even if he belongs to modest family he will rise
very high on account of his brilliant intellect. He will be like a lion (that is, very
Note-All the above authorities agree that Mars in the tenth gives beneficial results,
but if the results are to be of high order, Mars should get benefic influence and be
in dignity, and the lord of the 10th should be well placed as indicated in Bhrigu
Mars in the Eleventh House
Sutras 86-89-The native besides enjoying prosperity on account of his dexterity in
his affairs, will be involved in manifold activities. If Mars is associated with the lord
of the llth, the native will be a king. If Mars is associated with two benefics, the
native rules over a big kingdom and his brother will be prosperous.
Comments-The eleventh house, is an upachaya house where malefics give good
results. The conclusions mentioned are very logical and to the point. Mars will also
give very good results if he is in llth house in his own sign. Still better results will be
realised if Mars is in his sign of exaltation (Capricorn). In this disposition Pisces
will be the ascendant and Mars will be in the llth as lord of the 2nd and 9th, giving
rise to a very powerful Dhanayoga.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person born will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The person concerned will be wealthy, happy, valourous and will be
Saravali-The native will be full of good qualities, happy, valourous and wealthy.
He will also be blessed with children.
Chamatkar Chintamani--Mars in the llth is bad for enemies and children. Even if a
person is unfortunate, he will consider himself as fortunate. He will earn wealth by
selling cows, horses, elephants and chariots. He will be very miser and his wealth
will be destroyed.
Note-Except Chamatkar Chintamani all the above authorities agree with Bhrigu
Sutras that Mars gives good results in the llth in regard to finance. The views of
Chamatkar Chintamani are not based on logic. We disagree with Saravali that
Mars is good in the llth for birth of children. Our view is that the aspect of Mars
who is a malefic, on the 5th house will cause loss of children.
Mars in the Twelfth House
Sutras 90-91-The native will suffer from want of finance. He will suffer from
rheumatic and bilious diseases. If Mars is associated with a malefic the native will
have false vanity.
Comments-The 12th house is a house of loss and Mars there will give only bad
results as described above. He may give some good results if he is in his own sign.
Being in the 12th he will also destory the good significations of the house he owns.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person will suffer degradation.
Phaldeepika-The native will be a backbiter, cruel, without wife and mean. He will
also suffer from eye troubles.
Saravali-The native will suffer from eye troubles, he will be sinful, mean, killer of
his wife, backbiter and cruel, and will be liable to get imprisonment.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be irreligious and a liar. He will have fear
from thieves.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Mars gives only bad results
when he is in the 12th house.
Effects of Mercury in the Twelve Houses
Sutras 1-17-If Mercury is in the first house (ascendant), the native will be educated,
will have early marriage and will be a devout listener of the recitation of religious
scriptures. He will like to travel to many places.. He will be inclined towards
Mantras and Tantras and will have the power to free people from the influence of
evil spirits. He will be soft spoken, learned, of a forgiveable nature and kind
hearted. He will go on pilgrimages in his 27th year and will have enormous gains of
wealth and will attain distinction in academic pursuits. If Mercury is in conjunction
with or in the house of a malefic, the native will suffer from diseases (possibly skin
diseases), bilious troubles and jaundice. If Mercury is associated with or in the
house of a benefic, the native will maintain good health. His body will glitter like
gold on account of good health, he will take interest in the study of astrology. He
will have a defective limb, will be antagonistic towards gentlemen and will suffer
from eye diseases. In his 17th year he will have inimical relations with his brothers
and will be deceitful. If Mercury is in his sign of exaltation (Virgo) or in his own
sign (Gemini or Virgo), he will have happiness from the side of his brothers. He
will go to heaven after his death. If Mercury is associated with or aspected by a
malefic or in his sign of debilitation (Pisces), the native will go to hell after his
death. He will be deprived of the comforts of bed (sexual pleasures) and will be a
devotee of evil Gods. If Mercury is in conjunction with malefic like Saturn, the
native will suffer the loss of sight in his left eye. If Mercury is in conjunction with
the lord of the sixth or a debilitated planet, there will be no eye trouble but he will
be sinful and incur expenditure on undeserving persons. If Mercury is associated
with a benefic, he will definitely have wealth and a good stock of grains and will be
religious minded. He will be well versed in the use of arms and in arithmetic, will
be happy and gain proficiency in logic and will have a stout body.
Comments-Mercury is a significator of education, learning, intellect, logic,
astrology, arithmetic etc. The ascendant amongst other things represents the body
of the native. Mercury is a benefic planet unless he is associated with or aspected
by a malefic or he is combust on account of nearness to the Sun. Most of the
effects described in the above Sutras are logical, relevant to the significations of
Mercury and the first house but there are some effects which we find difficult to
accept. Our comments about them are given below:-
(1) It is stated in Sutras 5-8 that if Mercury is associated with a benefic or is in the
house of a benefic, along with some of beneficial results in regard to health,
learning astrology, a number of effects like having a defective limb, being
antagonistic to gentlemen, having eye troubles, being inimical towards brothers
and deceitful, will also accrue. Our view is that the above evil effects should not
accrue when the Mercury and the first house are under benefic influence. Actually
the position should be quite opposite to what has been stated above.
(2) In Sutra 13 it is stated that if Mercury in the first house is in conjunction with
Saturn or other malefics, the native's left eye will be damaged but this will not
happen if Mercury is associated with the lord of the sixth or a debilitated planet. In
a horoscope the sixth house is considered as an evil house (Dusthana) and lord of
such a house cannot be treated better than a malefic (in this connection please see
our comments against Sutras 46-53 in part II chapter III and views ofJataka
Desamarga given there). Similarly a debilitated planet loses the power of doing
any good. How can the association with Mercury of such planets ward off the evil
effects of association of malefics like Saturn with Mercury? If Mercury is in his
own sign or in his sign of exaltation in the first house (which is also Lagna Kendra),
Bhadra yoga (a Panch maha-purusha yoga) is formed, the effects of which are as
"The person born in Bhadra yoga will be strong, will have a lion-like face, well
developed chest, well proportioned limbs, he will be taciturn, will help relatives
and will live up to a good old age." The following horoscope of the late Dr. S.
Radha Krishnan, former President of India is a good illustration of Bhadra yoga.
Saravali-The native will have a beautiful body, will be wise and will have
knowledge of his country, arts, poetry and arithmetic. He will be sweet and tactful
conversationalist and will be long-lived.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be a learned man. Phaldeepika-The
person concerned will be well versed in shastras. He will be a sweet and tactful
talker and will be long-lived. Chamatkar Chintamani-Mercury in the first house
destroys the Arishta (evil effect on longevity) caused by other planets in the
horoscope the native will be very intelligent and will earn his living by writing.
Such natives will also be good physicians.
Note-All the above authorities agree that Mercury in the first house gives benefic
results. But it should be kept in view that Mercury is a convertible planet and
becomes a malefic if he is associated with or aspected by a malefic. Then he will
give evil results.
Mercury in the Second House
Sutras 18-24-If Mercury is in the second house, the native will have a good number
of children, he will be talkative, well versed in shastras, determined, contented,
wealthy and full of good qualities. He will attain distinction in academic pursuits in
his 15th year and will have enormous financial gains.
If Mercury is associated with a malefic, or is in the house of a malefic or- is in his
sign of debilitation (Pisces), the native will remain uneducated. He will also suffer
from windy troubles. If Mercury is associated with or aspected by a benefic, the
native will be wealthy and educated. If Mercury is associated with or aspected by
Jupiter the native will be very proficient in mathematics and will be an authority
on this subject.
Comments-All the effects given are logical and relevant to the significations of
Mercury and the second house. The second house is house of family. By the
benefic influence of Mercury the native will have a good number of children and
the family will be enlarged. It is, however, doubtful that the native can achieve
distinction in academic pursuits and acquire enormous wealth at the early age of 15
(Sutra 18) unless he is an exceptionally .gifted person. Mercury will give very
beneficial results in the case of Taurus and Leo ascendants. For Taurus ascendant
Mercury will be in his own sign in the second as the lord of the 2nd and 5th houses.
For the Leo ascendant he will be in his own sign in the second as lord of the 2nd
and llth houses. Good result will also be experienced in the case of Gemini, Virgo,
Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants. For the Gemini ascendant Mercury will be in the
2nd as lord of the ascendant and 4th. For Virgo ascendant Mercury will be in the
2nd as lord of the ascendant and the 10th. For Sagittarius ascendant Mercury will
be in 2nd as lord of the 7fh and 10th. For Pisces ascendant Mercury will be in the
2nd as lord of the 4th and 7th. These dispositions give rise to powerful Dhana
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be rich.
Phaldeepika-The native will acquire wealth by his intelligence. He will become a
poet. He will be soft spoken and will get sweetish food to eat.
Saravali-The native will earn his livelihood by his intelligence. He will be fond of
good food and drinks. He will be soft spoken' and of high moral.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be wise and intelligent and will acquire
name and fame. He will be a good orator and very generous. He will also be fond
of luxurious living.
Note-There is a consensus among all the above authorities that Mercury when
posited in the second house gives benefic results.
Mercury in the Third House
Sutras 25-31-if Mercury is in the third house the native will have a good number of
brothers and will be very happy. In 15th year he will get a son and will become
owner of lands. Mercury in the third house will enable the native to acquire
wealth. He will be of high morals and full of good qualities. If the lord of the third
is strong the native will be long-lived and tolerant. If the lord of the third is weak,
the brothers will have to face sufferings and the native will be timid. If the lord of
the third is strong the brothers will be long-lived.
Comments-The third house signifies brothers. Benefic influence of Mercury gives
the native a number of brothers. If the lord of third is strong the brothers of the
native will be long-lived. From the third Mercury aspects the ninth house which
signifies Shagya, prosperity morality and also children- Thus the native will be of
high morals, prosperous and will get children early in his life. The third house
being 8th to-8th house is also the house of longevity. When Mercury is in the third
and the lord of third is strong the native will get a long span of life.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be a consummate rogue. Phaldeepika-The
native will be courageous but of medium longevity. He will have good brothers
and sisters. He will have to work very hard to earn his livelihood.
Saravali-The native will be hard working, without friends, clever and blessed with
brothers and sisters, and will have unstable mind.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have contacts with businessmen and will
himself adopt business as his profession. He will have good nature and will remain
detached from worldly affairs. His younger brothers and sisters will be dependent
on him.
Note-The effects given by Brihat Jatak appear to be of Mercury associated with a
malefic. Saravali says that the native will be of unstable mind. This will also
happen where Mercury is under malefic influence. The effects given by Chamatkar
Chintamani do not appear to be logical except in regard to brothers and sisters.
Mercury is not a planet of satwik nature but of Rajasik nature and he will make
the native to give up worldly attachments. The effects given by Brighu Sutras are
more logical, detailed and relevant to the significations of the third house.
Mercury in the Fourth House
Sutras 32-37-If Mercury is in the fourth house, the native will have very active
hands, he will be patient, will have broad eyes and happiness from parents. He will
be learned and happy. In his 16th year he will acquire wealth by questionable
means and acquire many kind of conveyances. If the lord of the 4th house is strong
he will have palanquin as his conveyance. If Mercury is associated with Rahu, Ketu
or Saturn the native will be deprived of the comforts of conveyances. He will have
no land, will have bitterness with his relations and will be deceitful.
Comments-Very beneficial results have been ascribed to Mercury in the fourth
house when he is alone or when the lord of the 4th is strong. Evil effects have been
indicated when Mercury is associated with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu. In Sutra 32, does
he mean to say that the native will be clever in handicrafts ? In the same Sutra it is
said that the native will have broad eyes. Neither Mercury nor the fourth house
have anything to do with eyes. This statement therefore seems to be irrelevant. We
also feel that in Sutra 34 the meaning of the Sutra will then be that in his 16th year
he will get wealth as a gift. In the fourth house Mercury will be in a Kendra to the
ascendant. His disposition therefore in his own sign or in his sign .of exaltation
(Gemini and Virgo) will give rise, to Bhadra yoga the effects of which have already
been indicated earlier in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be learned.
Phaldeepika-The native will be learned, a flatterer, wealthy, will own lands and
have good friends. He will also be happy.
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, will have good relations, will own conveyances
and good clothes. He will also be learned. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will
be wise. He will have enjoyments with his friends. He will be Chief Accountant of
the Government Secretariat. He will be deprived of ancestral property.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Mercury in the fourth house
gives beneficial results in accordance with the significations of that house.
Chamatkar Chintamani, however, says that Mercury in the fourth will deprive the
native of his ancestral property. This is likely to happen if the lord of the fourth
house is placed in 6th, 8th or the 12th house or Mercury is in the 4th as lord of
these evil houses. Mercury in the Fifth Houses Sutras 38-40-If Mercury is in the
fifth house, the native's maternal uncle will suffer from a serious trouble of the
throat. He will enjoy happiness from mother, will have difficulty in having
children, will be highly intelligent, soft spoken and wise. If the lord of 5th is
associated with malefics or is weak, there will be loss of children. Having no
children he will obtain a son by adoption. He will be sinful and will have belief in
Comments-It is not clear to us how Mercury in the fifth house will make the
maternal uncle of the native suffer from a throat disease. This house has nothing to
do with maternal uncle. The native will have difficulty in begetting children
because Mercury is a sexless planet (eunuch) but the native will certainly have
children if the lord of the 5th and Jupiter (significator for children-Santan Karaka)
are strong and well placed. This is implied from Sutra 39 that there will be loss of
children if the lord of the 5th is with malefics or is otherwise weak. We are also of
the view that Mercury will give much more beneficial results if he is in his own sign
or in his sign of exaltation.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be a minister.
Phaldeepika-The native will enjoy happiness and glory on account of his brilliant
intellect. The native will have many children and he will be learned in mantra
Saravali-The native will be learned in mantra shastra and hypnotism. He will have
a good number of children, will be well educated, will hold a position of authority
and will be happy.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get children late in his life. He will be
selfish and a clever hypnotist.
Note-Almost all the authorities are in agreement that Mercury in fifth will give
beneficial results in the 5th in accordance with the significations of this house.
Phaldeepika and Saravali are of the view that with Mercury in the 5th, the native
will have many children whereas Bhrigu Sutras holds that the native will have
difficulty in begetting children. We reiterate our view ,that the native will be
blessed with children if the lord of the 5th and Jupiter are well placed in the
Mercury in the Sixth House
Sutras 41-47-If Mercury is in the sixth house the native will be respected by the
king. There will, however, be obstacles in achieving success in educational pursuits.
The native will be showy and proud and very proficient in creating controversies.
In his 30th year he will be accorded great favour by the king (Government). The
native will write letters, books etc. If Mercury is in the sign of Mars (Aries or
Scorpio), the native will suffer from leprosy of the blue colour or other similar
diseases of the skin. If Mercury in the 6th is associated with Saturn and Rahu or
Saturn and Ketu, the native will suffer from diseases like rheumatism, shooting
pains etc. He will have quarrels with enemies belonging to his community. If lord
of the 6th is strong the people of the community will prove stronger. If the lord of
the 6th is weak, the people of the community will get annihilated.
Comments-It will be seen from the above that Mercury in the 6th house gives
mixed results but the evil effects predominate. While the native will get favour
from Government, he will be showy and proud, quarrelsome and will not achieve
success in the educational sphere. He will suffer from diseases and enemies if
Mercury is under evil influence.
Other Views
Brihat Jafaft-The native will be without enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will be lazy and will have harsh speech. He will humiliate
his enemies but will be fond of creating controversies.
Saravali-The native will be victorious in the battlefield and will be free from
diseases. He will be lazy, without anger, harsh in speech and he will get humiliated.
Chamatkar Chintamani-He will have inimical relations with other people. He will
earn wealth with his own efforts.
Note-According to above authorities, Mercury gives both favourable and
unfavourable results when he is in the sixth house. They are however, agreed that
the native is either without enemies or he annihilates them.
Mercury in the Seventh House
Sutras 48-56-If Mercury is in the seventh house, the native will enjoy happiness
from mother and will also enjoy comforts of horses etc. He will be religiously
inclined and will be broadminded. He will possess wide spread reputation and will
be respected by Government. If Mercury in 7th is associated with benefics he will
own a palanquin (conveyances) and will get a good wife but he will eat non-
vegetarian food. If the lord of the 7th is strong the native will have only one wife. If
the lord of 7th is weak or is situated in a malefic house or in conjunction with
malefics like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, there will be loss of wife. In a female
horoscope the above disposition will cause loss of husband and the native herself
will suffer from leprosy and will be ugly in appearance.
Comments-Seventh house by itself is not a significator of mother and conveyances,
but being 4th to 4th house, such matters can also be considered from the 7th house
according to 'Bhavat Bhavam' theory. The above Sutras are all logical and relevant
to the significations of the 7th house and there is not much to comment upon.
Mercury in the 7th will be in kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own
sign or in his sign of exaltation (Gemini and Virgo), will give rise to Bhadra yoga
the effects of which have already been described earlier in this chapter. If Jupiter
or Venus are associated with Mercury in the 6th, 7th or 8th houses or if they are
spread out in these three houses without any malefic association, a very beneficial
yoga known as Lagnadhi yoga is formed, the effects of which are as under :-
"The person born under the Lagnadhi yoga will become a minister, a commander
or a ruler (of a District or Province). He will have many wives, will be well-
behaved, long-lived, virtuous and without foes."
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will possess a knowledge of law and rules of
the country.
Phaldeepika-The native w be wise, well dressed and full of glory. He will be
married to a wealthy wife.
Saravali-The wife of the native will be intelligent, beautiful, quarrelsome and
wealthy. The native himself will be a respected person.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will give happiness to his wife but will not be
very virile. He will be handsome and wealthy.
Note-All the above authorities have ascribed good effects to Mercury in the 7th
house but it is surprising that effects given by Brihat Jatak have no relevance to the
significations of the 7th house.
Mercury in the Eighth House
Sutras 57-63-If Mercury is in the 8th house, the native will get a good span of life
and will be owner of a large area of land. He will have seven children. In his 25th
year he will receive respect and honour in many ways and will get wide spread
fame and reputation. If the lord of the 8th is strong or if the lord of the 8th is in his
sign of exaltation (Virgo) and associated with benefic the native will be assured of
full span -of life. If the lord of the 8th is in his sign of debilitation (Pisces) and is
associated with malefics, the native will have a short life.
Comments-The above Sutras speak very well of Mercury in 8th house. The native
will get lands and good reputation and also longevity. The Sutras do not mention
of wealth. In our view Mercury-will aspect the 2nd house (Dhana Bhava) from the
8th and therefore the native should be wealthy also. According to Sutra 58 the
native will have seven children. At the time of giving effects of Mercury in 5th
house (house of children Suta Bhava), it was said in Sutra 38 that Mercury in 5th
would create obstacles in getting the native children. It, there fore becomes
difficult to believe that the same Mercury in the 8th house (an evil house) will give
the native seven children particularly when this house has got nothing to do with
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be widely known for his qualities.
Phaldeepika-The native will be a person who will have authority to award
punishment (judge, magistrate etc). He will have wide spread reputation and will
be long-lived. He will be a supporter of his family and will be full of good qualities.
Saravali-The native will be famous, full of glory, powerful, longlived and supporter
of his family. He will be like a king or a judge.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will live for one hundred years. He will enjoy
good reputation not only in his own country but in foreign countries also. He will
acquire wealth by favour of the king or by doing business. He will enjoy the
company of women.
Note-All the authorities are in full agreement with Bhrigu Sutras that the-position
of Mercury should be considered as very favourable in the 8th house but as
pointed out by Bhrigu Sutras the disposition of the lord of the 8th should also be
kept in view. It should also be remembered that as mentioned in chapter three
(while dealing with the position of Mars in the sixth house) that if Mercury is in 8th
house (a dusthana) as lord of an auspicious house, he will adversely affect the
significations of that house but as lord of 2nd in the 8th he will not prove harmful
because then he will be aspecting his own house from the 8th house.
Mercury in the Ninth House
Sutras 64-66-If Mercury is in the 9th house the native will have many children. He
will be learned in Vedas and Shastras, fond of music, very patient, religious
minded, full of glory, wealthy and fortunate and his father will be long-lived. He
will be well cultured and will take interest in meditation.
Comments-The above Sutras have clearly established that the placement of
Mercury in the ninth is very beneficial to the native and will give long life to his
father. The views expressed are logical and relevant to the significations of the 9th
house. For Taurus ascendant Mercury will be in the 9th as lord of the 2nd and 5th.
For Gemini ascendant Mercury will be in the 9th as lord of ascendant and the 4th.
For Leo ascendant, he will be in the 9th as the lord of the 2nd and llth. For Virgo
ascendant he will be in the 9th as lord of ascendant and 10th. For Libra ascendant
he will be in 9th as lord of 9th. For Sagittarius ascendant he will be in the 9th as
lord of the 7th and 10th. For Pisces ascendant he will be in the 9th as lord of the
4th and 7th. These are powerful Dhana yogas. If Mercury is in his own sign
(Gemini or Virgo) a very powerful Raja yoga will be formed giving name, fame
and wealth to the native. The following horoscope of Mr. Paul Reynaud, former
Prime Minister of France is an example of such Raja yoga.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be endowed with children, wealth and
Phaldeepika-The native will be very learned, religious minded wealthy and of good
Saravali-The native will be very wealthy, very learned, of good conduct, orator,
proficient in his work and religious minded.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be religious minded and very wise. He will
perform religious rites, bathe in the Ganges, bring good reputation to his family
and will destroy those who indulge in sinful deeds.
Note-All the above authorities agree with the Bhrigu Sutras about the beneficial
effects of Mercury in the 9th house.
Mercury in the Tenth House
Sutras 67-70-If Mercury is in the tenth house the native will be successful by
performing virtuous deeds. He will be patient, will have wide spread reputation
and will be a great thinker. In his 28th year he will suffer from eye troubles. If
Mercury is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation or is in conjunction with
Jupiter, the native will perform many kinds of religious rites. If Mercury is in the
house of his enemy, or is associated with a malefic, the native will be stupid, will
indulge in sinful deeds and will be of bad conduct.
Comments-The above Sutras have ascribed beneficial results to Mercury in the
tenth house unless he is under malefic influence. However, the statement in Sutra
68, that the native will suffer from eye troubles in his 28th year does not appear
logical and relevant to the significations of Mercury and the tenth house. If
Mercury is in the 10th house in his own sign Gemini he will be there as lord of the
ascendant and the tenth in the 10th house. If he is in his own sign Virgo (this is also
his sign of exaltation) he will be there as lord of seventh and tenth in .the tenth
house. These are very favourable dispositions. Lord of 10th in the 10th or lord of
9th in 10th (Capricorn ascendant) also forms a powerful Raja yoga which is
capable of giving the native great name, fame and popularity.
The following horoscope of late Shri Deen Dayal Upadhyaya a former very
popular Jansangh leader illustrates the above point of view- Mercury in the tenth
in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, being in Kendra to the ascendant, will
also give rise to Bhadra yoga, the effects of which have already been described
earlier in this chapter.
If Mercury as a benefic occupies the tenth house from the ascendant Amia yoga is
also formed, the results of which have been given as under:-
"The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless
and he will lead a prosperous life."
For Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants, Mercury in the tenth as lord
of the ascendant and 4th, as lord of the ascendant and the 10th, as lord of 7th and
the 10th, as lord of the 4th and 7th respectively will give rise to powerful Dhan
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The native will be learned, powerful, intelligent, happy, will perform
virtuous deeds and will be successful in his life.
Saravali-The native will be highly intelligent, will perform virtuous deeds, will be
successful in his life, will be educated, tolerant and powerful. He will be decorated
with many honours.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get paternal property. He will be respected
everywhere. He will have the authority of a king. He will speak less and do more.
Note-All the above are agreed that the position of a benefic Mercury in the 10th
would be one of the most favourable dispositions in a horoscope.
Mercury in the Eleventh House
Sutras 71-75-If Mercury is in the eleventh house, the native will perform many
auspicious ceremonies. He will acquire wealthy through many sources. After the
age of 21 he will be blessed with children and will be wealthy and kind-hearted. If
Mercury is in the house of a malefic or is associated with malefics, the native will
suffer loss of wealth on account of sinful deeds. If Mercury is in his own sign or in
his sign of exaltation, the native will become wealthy by performing virtuous
Comments-The above Sutras have attributed very benefic results to Mercury in the
eleventh house if he is not under any malefic influence. For Leo Ascendant if
Mercury is in the 11th house he will be there as lord of the 2nd and 11th houses in
the 11th. This will be a very good disposition for making the native very wealthy.
For Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces ascendants also Mercury in
the 11th will be very beneficial.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-Mercury in the 11th house will make the person born wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be long-lived, true to his words, possessor of
enormous wealth and happy. He will enjoy happiness and comforts from his
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, learned, happy, fond of things of luxury and
famous, and will have obedient servants.
Chamatkar Chintamani-There will be no gain of wealth unless Mercury is in the
eleventh house.
Note-All the above authorities and Bhrigu Sutras are in full agreement that
eleventh house is a very auspicious and favourable house for Mercury.
Mercury in the Twelfth House
Sutras 76-81-The native will be learned. He will be fond of distributing things to
others. If Mercury is associated with malefics, the native will have an unstable
mind and he will have bitterness towards the king. If Mercury is associated with
benefics, the native will incur expenditure on religious charities and will have
meagre education.
Comments-The twelfth is a house of loss or expenditure (Vyaya Bhava). The only
good that the benefic Mercury does is to make the native spend money on
religious charities and distribute articles of necessity to the needy.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will suffer degradation.
Phaldeepika-The person will be poor, lazy, cruel and without any education. He
will also suffer humiliation.
Saravali-The person will be true to his words, lazy, humiliated, orator, poor and
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will entertain Brahmins and create fear in the
mind of enemies.
Note-Adverse results have been attributed to Mercury in the 12th house by the
above authorities.
5 Effects of Jupiter in the Twelve Houses
Jupiter in the First House
Sutras 1-6-If Jupiter is in his own sign (Sagittarius or Pisces) in the first house
(ascendant) the native will be a. good speaker and well-versed in Shastras. He will
have full knowledge of three Vedas good number of children and will be happy,
long lived and learned. If Jupiter is in his sign of exaltation (Cancer) all the above
results will be fully realised and in his 16th year the native will enjoy the effects of
Maharaja yoga so caused by Jupiter. If Jupiter is in the house of his enemy, or in
the house of a malefic, or is associated with a malefic or in his sign of debilitation
(Capricorn) the native will indulge in sinful deeds, he will have an unstable mind
and a medium span of life. He will be childless, ungrateful, full of false vanity, will
forsake his near relations and well wishers, like travels, will be inimical towards
others and be miserable.
Comments-Jupiter is the greatest benefic amongst all the planets. The first house
in the horoscope is the most ideal position for Jupiter. He gets directional strength
in this house and casts benefic aspects on the 5th house (signifying children,
intellect etc), the 7th house (signifying wife, marriage, married life etc.) and the 9th
house (signifying religious mindedness, bhagya, prosperity, father etc). If Jupiter is
in the first house in a horoscope, it indicates that the native is blessed with the
grace of God. According to Jatak Desamarga, when Jupiter possessed of exceeding
strength with clear bright rays, occupies the lagna, the child born should be
declared to be free from all afflictions. This means that Jupiter posited in a kendra
position to the Moon wards off all evils (that would otherwise befall on a child)
caused by all the planets, just as a lion, though single, is able to kill thousands of
elephants. Jataka Parijata says in this respect:-
This means that if a powerful Jupiter in his full rays is posited in a kendra
(1,4,7,10), he alone wards off all aristhas just as a sincere prayer to God Mahadev
destroys all sins of the devotee.
Thus all the good results described in Sutras 1-4 will definitely be realised if Jupiter
is not in any way afflicted. If afflicted the native will have to face effects in Sutras 5
and 6.
If Jupiter is in Sagittarius in the ascendant, he will be there as lord of the 4th and
the ascendant. If Jupiter is in Pisces, he will be there as lord of the ascendant and
the 10th house. If Jupiter is in Cancer (his sign of exaltation), the ascendant will be
Cancer and he will be there as lord of the ninth. These are very beneficial
dispositions for any horoscope. The disposition of Jupiter in Sagittarius, Pisces or
Cancer in the ascendant (Lagna-Kendra) also gives rise to Hamsa yoga (a Panch
Mahapurusha Yoga), the effects of which have been given as under:
"The native's legs will have the markings of a conch, lotus, fish and ankusa. He will
possess a handsome body; he will be liked by others; he will be righteous in
disposition and pure in mind." The following horoscope of President Sanjeeva
Reddy is a good example of Hamsa yoga-
The following horoscope of the late Sir Mirza Ismail Prime Minister of former
Mysore state is another example of Hamsa yoga-
Other Views
Brikat Jatak-The person concerned will be learned.
Phaldeepika-The native will have a dignified appearance, will perform righteous
deeds, will be long-lived and fearless. He will have happiness from children.
Saravali-The native will possess a beautiful body, will be long-lived, learned and
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be respected for his good qualities. He will
spend money on pilgrimages.
Note-All the above authorities have attributed benefic results to Jupiter in the first
house .but not in so logical a manner as given by Bhrigu Sutras.
Jupiter in the Second House
Sutras 7-12-If Jupiter is in the second house the native will be rich and intelligent.
What he foretells will come true. In his 16th year he will enjoy financial gains and
agricultural prosperity. He will also be very powerful. If Jupiter is in his own sign
(Sagittarius or Pisces) or in his sign of exaltation, the native will be very
prosperous and wealthy. If Jupiter is associates with a malefic there will be
obstacles in educational pursuits and the native will be a thief, liar and will have
vulgar speech. If Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and associated with a malefic,
the native will be a drunkard and immoral. He will be a destroyer of his family and
will have relations with other people's wives. He will also be childless.
Comments-The second house is native's Dhana bhava. Jupiter in the second will
give the native financial prosperity early in his life. According to the author second
house also deals with education and Jupiter associated with malefics will cause
obstacles in the educational sphere. The second house also signifies speech and
family. Jupiter associated with malefics will .make the native immoral in every
respect. Jupiter is a significator for children. If he is afflicted or is in his sign of
debilitation, there will be no issues. If Jupiter is in Sagittarius the ascendant will be
Scorpio and Jupiter will be ii"the 2nd house as lord of the 2nd and 5th houses. If
Jupiter is in Pisces, the ascendant will be Aquarius and Jupiter will be in the 2nd as
lord of the 2nd and 11th houses. If Jupiter is in Cancer (his sign of exaltation), the
ascendant will be Gemini and he will be in the 2nd as lord of the 7th and 10th
houses. These dispositions give rise to powerful Dhana yogas. For Virgo ascendant
also Jupiter will be very beneficial in the 2nd house.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be eloquent and sweet tongued.
Phaldeepika-The native will be intelligent, handsome and eloquent. He will get
good food to eat. Jupiter in the second will improve all the good significations of
this house.
Saravali-The native will be rich, fond of luxuries, eloquent handsome, sweet
tongued and charitable.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be fond of poetry. He will be well versed in
administrative affairs. He will suffer on account of lack of food. He will be very
talkative. He will earn wealth with difficulty and inspite of all his efforts he will be
unable to accumulate any wealth.
Note-Brihat Jatak does not mention anything about wealth.
Chamatkar'Chintamani has expressed the view that the native who has Jupiter in
the 2nd can never be wealthy. Perhaps the author has 'Karko Bhava Nashaya'
theory in view. Phaldeepika and Saravali are in agreement with the views of
Bhrigu Sutras which we think are very logical and relevant to the significations of
Jupiter and the 2nd house. We have found them correct in practical experience.
The following horoscope of the late President Abraham Lincoln of U.S.A. is an
example of what Jupiter in his own sign gives to the native-
It will be seen that in the above horoscope Jupiter in his own sign Pisces and
Venus in his sign of exaltation, are the only two planets in the second house who
were responsible for the elevation of the native to such a high position. Jupiter in
the Third House Sutras 13-18-If Jupiter is in third house, the native will be very
miser and there will be a good number of brothers. The native will be very clever
and determined. He will forsake his relations and will have travels in his 38th year.
If the lord of the 3rd is strong the brothers will be longlived. If the lord of the 3rd is
associated with a malefic there will be loss of brothers and the native will be
impatient by nature, an idiot and poor.
Comments-The effects given above are quite logical and relevant to the
significations of the 3rd house. Jupiter as a natural benefic gives good results
unless he is afflicted. Jupiter from the 3rd aspects the seventh, ninth and eleventh
houses, thus giving a happy married life to the native and also financial gains.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be stingy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be sinful, will have a malicious nature, and will be
miser and humiliated, but his brother will achieve a high position.
Saravali-The native will be humiliated in public, miser, youngest amongst his
brothers, dominated by his wife and sinful.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will get happiness from his brothers but he will
be ungrateful and will not be friend of any body. Although'he will be fortunate he
will not be able to earn as much wealth as he aspires to get.
Note-Almost all are agreed that the native will be miser with Jupiter in the third.
We are, however, unable to agree to other evil effects attributed to Jupiter in the
3rd by Phaldeepika and Saravali. These can be realised when Jupiter is afflicted.
Jupiter in the Fourth House
Sutras 19-23-If Jupiter is in the 4th house, the native will be happy, wise, of good
conduct and highly intelligent. He will also be a land-lord and will have abundance
of milk. If the lord. of the 4th house is strong 01. is associated with Venus or Moon
or is in benefic vargas the native will have conveyances pulled by human beings.
He will 9wn many lands, horses and a spacious house. If Jupiter is aspected by or
associated with a malefic, the native will be without any land or conveyance, he
will have to live in other people's houses and will suffer loss of mother and have
bitterness with relations.
Comments-The effects given in the above Sutras are very logical and relevant to
the significations of the 4th house. Jupiter will give still better results if he is in his
own sign (Sagittarius or Pisces) or in his sign of exaltation (Cancer). When he is in
Sagittarius, the ascendant will be Virgo and Jupiter will be in 4th as lord of 4th and
7th. If Jupiter is in Pisces, the ascendant will be Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in 4th as
lord of ascendant and the 4th. If Jupiter is in Cancer, the ascendant will be Aries,
he will be lord of the 9th exalted in the 4th. The association of Jupiter with Moon
in the 4th, will give rise to a very beneficial yoga known as Gajakesari yoga the
effects of which have been given as under :-
"Many relations, polite and generous, builder of villages and towns or magistrate
over them, will have a lasting reputation even long after death." Jupiter in the 4th
will be in kendra to ascendant. His disposition in Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer will
give rise to Hamsa yoga, the effects of which have already been given earlier in this
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy.
Phaldeepika-The native will enjoy happiness from mother, friends, children, wife
and agriculture.
Saravali-The native will enjoy happiness in regard to members of his family, house,
clothes, conveyances; luxuries and wealth. He will humiliate his enemies.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will own horses and will take part in religious
ceremonies. His enemies will act like his servants. Still he will not remain
Note-The views expressed above will show that Jupiter has been considered to
give quite favourable results when situated in the fourth house but none of the
above authorities has examined this disposition as appropriately as done by Bhigru
Sutras whose conclusions we commend to the readers.
Jupiter in the Fifth House
Sutras 24-31-If Jupiter is in the fifth house, the native will be highly intelligent, will
have broad eyes, will be a good conversationalist, full of glory, will feed others,
love family and in his 18th year become commander of the army by the favour of
the king. He will also have a good number of children who will be prosperous. If
the lord of the 5th is strong and at the same time in the house of a malefic or his
enemy or he is in his sign of debilitation, there will be loss of children or the native
will have only one issue. He will be rich but will suffer loss of wealth on account of
penalties imposed by the king (Government). If Jupiter is associated with Rahu or
Ketu, the native will suffer loss of his children on account of the wrath of Serpent
God but this will not happen if Jupiter is aspected by a benefic.
Comments-Effects given in Sutras 25 and 26 are logical and relevant to the
significations of Jupiter and the fifth house. It is said that in his 18th year, the
native will obtain the position of a commander in the army by the favour of the
king. This may be taken to mean that the native will be appointed to a respectable
governmental post early in his life.
Sutras 26-29 are confusing. It is difficult to believe that the lord of the 5th will be
strong and be at the same time in the house of malefic or in the house of his enemy
or be in his sign of debilitation. There seems to be some error in printing of the
original text. Shri N. N. Krishna Rao has also translated these Sutras according to
the above text. His translation is as under:-
If dispositor happens to be strong, there will be loss of children; but will have
minimum one son; and at the same time if it is situated in a malefic, enemy or
debilitation sign, there will be expenses or account of king or govt. We interpret
the above Sutras as follows: If the lord of the 5th is strong the native will be
wealthy. If the lord of 5th is weak by being in a malefic or enemy's house or in his
sign of debilitation, the native will suffer loss of children or will have only one son
and will be put to loss of wealth on account of penalties imposed by Government.
Bad effects will not be there if there is aspect of a benefic on Jupiter. If Jupiter is in
his own sign Sagittarious the ascendant will be Leo and he will be lord of 5th in 5th
(there will be very little evil effect of his being lord of 8th also). If Jupiter is in
Pisces, the ascendant will be Scorpio and he will be in the 5th as lord of 2nd and
5th. If Jupiter is in Cancer (his sign of exaltation), the ascendant will be Pisces, and
he will be in 5th as exalted lord of the ascendant and the 10th. These are very
powerful and beneficial dispositions and will greatly improve the good effects of
Jupiter in the fifth house.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be intelligent.
Phaldeepika-The native will be intelligent and a minister 120 of the king but will
be unhappy on account of want of children.
Saravali-The native will be happy, will have a good number of children, will be
learned, tolerant, and permanently wealthy.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be fond of luxuries. He will be a good
orator and a writer with good imagination. He will sometimes acquire wealth
through his children.
Note-Saravali agrees substantially with Bhrigu Sutras. Brihat Jatak makes no
mention of the children which is the most important signification of Jupiter and the
fifth house. Phaldeepika says that the native will suffer on account of the want of
children. It seems to favour the 'Karko Bhava Nashyas' theory. We would
commend to the reader the effects given by Bhrigu Sutras which have been
supported by Saravali. We give below a horoscope which shows how Jupiter in the
5th has given the native four children in spite of malefic associations-
Sutras 32-34-The native will destroy his enemies, there will be growth of the
members of his family (some have interpreted this to mean increase of nephews
and in-laws), he will have grand-children and marks of wounds on the body. If
Jupiter is in conjunction with a benefic the native will be free from diseases. If he is
associated with a malefic or is in the house of malefic, the native will suffer form
rheumatism or diseases due to cold. If Jupiter is in the sign of Saturn (Capricorn or
Aquarius) in association with Rahu or Ketu the native will suffer from diseases of
the worst type.
Comments-According to above Sutras Jupiter as a natural benefic will give good
effects in regard to the significations of the sixth house unless he is afflicted. This
sixth house is not a significator of children or grand children. It is, therefore, not
understood how the effect will be realised if Jupiter is in the sixth house. The sixth
house is an evil house (dusthana) and if Jupiter is there as a lord of an auspicious
house, the significations of that house will be adversely affected.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be without enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will destroy his enemies, he will be lazy, he will get
humiliated, will take interest in recitation of mantras and will be clever.
Saravali-The native will win over his enemies, will be famous but humiliated, lazy,
will gain name and fame through his wife and will suffer from diseases like
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will destroy his enemies, get happiness 'from
his wife but not from his maternal uncle. He will always be sickly. His mother will
also remain sickly.
Note-The above authorities have given both favourable and unfavourable results
of Jupiter in the sixth house without taking into account the malefic or benefic
associations. In this respect the views expressed by Bhrigu Sutras are more logical
and reasonable except those on which we have already given our comments.
Jupiter in the Seventh H ouse
Sutras 35-37-If Jupiter is in the seventh house, the native will be highly educated
and a]§o worried. He will have lot of financial gains and his wife will be learned,
chaste and devoted to her husband. If the lord of the 7th is weak or is associated
with Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars or is aspected by any of these malefics, the native
will have illicit relations with women other than his wife. If Jupiter is associated
with benefics, is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation,the native will have and
be attached to one wife only and he will gain wealth through his wife. He will be
happy and earn great respect in his 34th year.
Comments-Jupiter is a natural benefic and according to above Sutras he gives very
beneficial results in the matter of education, finances and marital relations. The
native becomes immoral if the lord of the seventh is weak and associated with or
aspected by malefics. The same results may be expected if Jupiter- is associated
with or aspected by any of the malefics mentioned in Sutra 36. Still better results
will be realised if Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation. Here a doubt
may arise whether Jupiter in his sign of exaltation can be capable of giving good
results because in such a position with Capricorn as the ascendant, he will be lord
of two bad houses, the 3rd and the 12th houses. This doubt has been cleared by
Kalidasa's Uttara Kalamrita in the following sloka:-
(Extract-from sloka 9-Khand IV)
This means that Jupiter when he owns the 3rd and 12th houses in a nativity will be
productive of good to the person concerned. The same applies when he holds the
ownership of the 8th house or when he occupies the 8th house. When Jupiter is in
own sign Sagittarius in the 7th, the ascendant will be Gemini and he will be in the
7th, as lord of the 7th and 10 houses. When Jupiter is in Pisces, the ascendant will
be Virgo and he will be in the 7,th, as lord of the 4th and 7th houses. These
dispositions give rise to powerful Dhana yogas. When in the 7th house, Jupiter will
be in Kendra to the ascendant, his disposition in Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer, will
also give rise to Hamsa yoga, the effects of which have already been described
earlier in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be excelling his father (in his qualities).
Phaldeepika-The native will get a good wife, will be blessed with children and will
be more generous than his father.
Saravali-The native will be handsome, will get a beautiful wife and will be superior
to his father in good qualities. He will be an orator, poet, head of the village and
famous for his learning.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be highly intelligent. He will not care very
much for women (perhaps those other than his wife because of his chaste nature).
He will be powerful and very handsome.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Jupiter in 7th house gives
very good results in accordance with his significations and those of the 7th house.
Jupiter in the Eighth House
Sutras 38-43-If Jupiter is in the 8th house, the native will be shortlived, and indulge
in undesirable activities. If Jupiter is associated with a malefic, the native will be
sinful. If the lord of 8th is associated with a benefic and is posited in the 8th the
native will be long lived. If the lord of 8th is weak, he will be short lived. If the lord
of 8th is associated with a malefic the native will have illicit relations with widows
after his 17th year. If Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation the native
will be long lived, free from diseases a saintly person, learned and well Versed in
vedas and Shastras.
Comments-It will be noted that Jupiter in his ordinary position is not considered to
give good results in the 8th house. If associated with a malefic Jupiter and lord of
the 8th give still worse results in regard to longevity and morals of the native. It is
only when he is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, Jupiter gives beneficial
results in the 8th house. We thought that Jupiter being a benefic and Dhana-
Karaka will give wealth to the native as he would aspect the second house (Dhana
bhava) from the eighth house, but the author of the above Sutras does not seem to
think so. But this should certainly happen if the 2nd house falls in Sagittarius or
Pisces because then Jupiter would be making the Dhana bhava very powerful by
aspecting it.
We have expressed this view on the strength of the following sloka of Jatak
(Sloka 32-chapter I)
This means that whichever bhava is aspected or occupied by its lord or by any of
the benefics, the prosperity of that bhava is assured. The 8th house is an evil house
(dusthana). If Jupiter as a lord of auspicious houses is in the 8th, the significations
of these houses will be adversely affected.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be base.
Phaldeepika-The native will be poor and will earn his livelihood by serving others.
He will be long lived but indulge in sinful deeds. Saravali-The native will be long
lived but will live in humiliation by serving others. He will have illicit relations with
dirty women (or women of low status)
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will not live in his paternal house for a long
time. He will not be in good health. He will go to heaven after his death.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that to be in the 8th house is not a
beneficial position for Jupiter. This tallies with the views expressed by Bhrigu
Sutras which has, however, made an exception when Jupiter is in his own sign or in
his sign of exaltation and when Jupiter or the lord of the 8th is strong and
associated with benefics. While Bhrigu Sutras is of the view that Jupiter in the 8th
will make the native short-lived, Phaldeepika and Saravali are of the opposite
view. We feel that a benefic like Jupiter if not afflicted should certainly help to
enhance the longevity of the native.
Jupiter in the Ninth House
Sutras 44-45-The native will perform religious and charitable deeds, will take
interest in meditation and will be pious and wealthy. He will perform religious
ceremonies in his 35th year. His father will be long lived, he will be righteous and
will receive respect and honour in many ways. He will give protection to many.
Comments-The above Sutras are very logical and to the point Beneficial results
have been attributed to Jupiter in the ninth house because as a natural benefic he
improves all the good significations of this auspicious house. Still better results
would be experienced if Jupiter is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation. If
Jupiter is in one of his own signs, by being lord of 9th in the 9th, he will give rise to
a powerful Rajayoga giving name, fame and wealth to the native. If Jupiter is in his
sign of exaltation (Cancer), the ascendant will be Scorpio and Jupiter will be in the
ninth house as lord of 2nd and 5th, giving rise to an extremely powerful yoga for
prosperity and fame.
The following horoscope of Sheikh Mujibur Rehman the late President of
Bangladesh is an example of this yoga-
He met a tragic end on account of other evil factors in the horoscope the study of
which is beyond the scope of this small book.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be devout and philosophical.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, blessed with children, famous, anxious to
perform religious rites and a minister of the king.
Saravali-The native will worship family gods, will be learned, handsome, a minister
of the king or commander of the army and a recognised leader.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will own a palatial mansion. He will be a
favourite of the king and devotee of Brahmins. He will be loved by his near
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Jupiter is very favourable to
the native when he is situated in the ninth house.
Jupiter in the Tenth House
Sutras 46-49-The native will be religious minded and will perform righteous deeds,
study Geeta, will be very able, will have widespread reputation and will be
respected by the masses. If the lord of the 10th is strong, the native will perform
high class religious sacrifices. If the lord of the 10th is associated with a malefic or is
in the house of a malefic, there will be obstacles in his professional career and the
native will indulge in evil deeds and will suffer financially.
Comments-According to above Sutras the placement of Jupiter is very beneficial
for the improvement of the significations of the 10th house. If Jupiter is in the 10th
house in his sign Sagittarius, Pisces will be the ascendant and Jupiter will be in the
10th as lord of the ascendant and the 10th house. If Jupiter is in Pisces, Gemini will
be the ascendant and Jupiter will be in the 10th as lord of the 7th and 10th houses.
For Virgo Ascendant Jupiter will be in the 10th as lord of the 4th and the 7th
houses. For Sagittarius ascendant Jupiter will be in 10th as lord of the ascendant
and the 4th houses. These dispositions give rise to powerful Dhana yogas. Jupiter
will be a good wealth giver even when he is in Cancer (his sign of exaltation) in the
10th in spite of being lord of 3rd and 6th houses, the ascendant being Libra. This
view gets support from the following sloka of Bhavartha Ratnakar:
This means that Saturn is a yoga karaka planet for the Libra ascendant. Jupiter
inspite of being lord of the 3rd and the 6th for this ascendant gives yoga effects.
The disposition of Jupiter in the tenth house in his signs Sagittarius and Pisces
gives rise to a powerful Rajayoga.
The following horoscope of former President Bhutto of Pakistan illustrates this
point of view-
In the 10th house Jupiter will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his
own sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Hamsa yoga, the effects of
which have already been described earlier in this chapter. Being a natural benefic,
the placement of Jupiter will also give rise to Amia yoga, the effects of which have
already been 'indicated while dealing with effects of Mercury in the 10th house
(Part II Chapter Four).
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be very rich and a favourite of the king
(Government). He will be of praiseworthy conduct and will enjoy great respect
and reputation.
Saravali-The native will be successful in his efforts, respected and proficient in
every way. He will be happy, wealthy respected and will enjoy confidence of the
public and comforts of conveyances.
Chamatkar Chintamani-A. flag will fly on the top of the house of the native (sign
of being head of a State). His house will be decorated with pictures. He will excel
his forefathers in his reputation. He will not be happy in regard to his children.
Note-Except one evil effect about children indicated by Chamatkar Chintamani all
the above authorities agree with Bhrigu Sutras about the very beneficial effects
produced by Jupiter when posited in the tenth house.
Jupiter in the Eleventh House
Sutras 50-53-If Jupiter is in the eleventh house, the native will be learned, wealthy
and will have lot of financial gains. In his 32nd year he will possess horses to ride on
(this means he will acquire conveyances) and will have widespread reputation. If
he is associated with benefics and malefics he will possess elephants and will have
pronounced good luck. If Jupiter is associated with Moon, the native will have
effortless financial gains.
Comments-Jupiter will be of immense good to the native according to above
Sutras if he is in the eleventh. In Sutra 52 it is stated that if Jupiter is associated
with benefics and malefics, the native will acquire elephants (conveyances) and
enjoy increased prosperity. Jupiter is the greatest benefic amongst the planets.
Another benefic in conjunction with him will therefore become a formidable
beneficial combination. The learned author seems to be of the view that one or
two malefics in conjunction with such a strong benefic combination cannot
noticeably alter the benefic results. Further llth is an upachaya house in which
even malefics produce good results. When Jupiter is in Sagittarius, Aquarius will
be the ascendant and he will be in the llth as lord of 2nd and llth. When he is in
Cancer, (his sign of exaltation) Virgo will be the ascendant and he will be in the
llth exalted as lord of the 4th and 7th houses. These are very powerful Dhana
The following horoscope of Dr. C.D. Deshmukh former Governor of Reserve
Bank and Union Finance Minister illustrates the above statement.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be prosperous.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, fearless and long lived. He will have few
children but many conveyances.
Saravali-The native will enjoy enormous financial gains, comforts of conveyances
and servants. He will be noble but will have few children and not much of
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will possess articles of, gold and silver. He will
be intelligent and will maintain his father. He will get five children. He will spend
money not on luxuries but for the good of others.
Note-Jupiter has been held as a very beneficial planet in the eleventh by all the
above authorities. The views of Phaldeepika and Saravali that the native will have
few children are not maintainable as from the eleventh Jupiter will throw a benefic
aspect on the 5th house (house of progeny) and should therefore bless the native
to have a good number of children.
Jupiter in Twelfth House
Sutras 54-58-The native will be poor, he will be interested in studies, will have few
children, will be proficient in mathematics but will be of loose character. If Jupiter
is associated with a benefic or is in his own sign or sign of exaltation, the native will
go to heaven after his death. If Jupiter is associated with a malefic the native will
go to hell after his death. He will spend money on religious causes and will have
sexual contacts with Brahmin and pregnant women.
Comments-The twelfth house is an evil house and Jupiter though a satwick planet
loses all his good significations and qualities when he is posited in that house. By
being in the 12th house, the significations of the good houses owned by Jupiter are
also adversely affected. The 6th and 8th and 12th houses have been called evil
houses but if the lord of these houses are posited in any of these houses, Vipareeta
Raja yoga is caused conferring name, fame and wealth on the native. The view is
supported by the following Sloka of Uttarakalamrit:-
This means that if any one of the following three yogas, namely (a) lord of the 8th
occupying the 12th or 6th; (b) lord of 6th being placed in the 8th or 12th; (c) lord of
12th being posited in the 8th or the 6th; (d) the said three lords being connected in
any way, by mutual interchange of places, mutual aspect or conjunction, and are at
the same time Tree from such relation with other planets, the person born will
become an emperor over other kings and blessed with fame and wealth. We are of
the view that on the analogy of the above principles the lord of the 12th in the
12th, the lord of the 8th in the 8th, and lord of the 6th in the 6th, should also give
the same results. If Jupiter fulfils any of the conditions mentioned above, he can be
very beneficial even in the 12th, 8th or 6th houses.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be a villain.
Phaldeepika-The native will be disliked by other people. The native will also be
vulgar in his speech. He will be childless, will indulge in sinful deeds, will be lazy
and one who serves others. Saravali-The native will be lazy, without good speech
and unfortunate and will have a feeling of bitterness towards others. Chamatkar
Chintamani-The native in spite of spending on good causes will not get any praise.
He will be stupid and will incur loss of wealth. "
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement with Bhrigu Sutras that Jupiter
gives only inauspicious results if situated in the 12th house. They have, however,
expressed their views in their own way.
6 Effects of Venus in the Twelve Houses
Venus in the First House
Sutras 1-13-If Venus is in the first house (ascendant) the native will be proficient in
mathematics and lor.glived. He will be loved by his wife, fond of ornaments, good
dresses and beauty. He will be liked by women, will be wealthy and learned. If
Venus is in conjunction with a benefic, the native will have a lustrous body shining
like gold and will own many ornaments. If Venus is associated with of aspected by
a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation (Virgo), the native will be a thief and a
cheat and will suffer from rheumatic and phlegmatic diseases. If the lord of the
first is associated with Rahu the native will suffer from hydrocele. If Venus is in
the ascendant and the fourth house is occupied by a benefic, the native will own
elephants (conveyances) and enjoy high prosperity. If Venus is in his own sign
(Taurus or Libra) the native will enjoy Maharaja yoga (great name, fame and
wealth). If Venus is lord of the 8th, 6th or or is weak, the native will
have two wives, his fortune will be fluctuating and he will be hard hearted.
Comments-The effects given in the above Sutras are logical and relevant to the
significations of Venus and the first house. In Sutra llth it is inter alia stated that if
Venus is lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will suffer from evil effects
mentioned therein. While such effects may be realised if Venus is in the ascendant
as lord of the 12th house, it will not be so if he is lord of the 8th or 6th. When he
will be lord of the 8th or 6th house he will be in the first house, in his own sign
Libra or Taurus and the effects of his being in his own sign will prevail over the
effects of the 8th or 6th house as already accepted by the learned author in Sutra
10th where it is said that if Venus is in his own sign (Taurus or Libra) the native
will enjoy Maharaja yoga. For Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus is
a yoga karaka planet, being lord of 2nd and 9th houses, lord of 5th and 10th-
houses, and lord of 4th and 9th houses, respectively. Such Venus in the ascendant
will prove immensely beneficial to the native and bring him, name, fame, wealth,
conveyances and all worldly comforts. If Venus in the ascendant (Lagna Kendra) is
in his sign (Taurus or Libra) or in his sign of exaltation, Malavya yoga (a Panch
Mahapurusha yoga) will be formed, the effects of which have been given as under:-
"The person will have a well developed physique, will be strong minded, wealthy,
happy with children and wife, will command vehicles, endowed with clean sense
organs and be renowned and learned."
The following horoscope of Stalin is illustrative of Malavya yoga:-
In this horoscope Ruchaka Yoga is also present (the effects of which have been
described in Part II-Chapter III) on account of Mars being in his own sign in
Kendra to the ascendant.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be skilled in amorous sports (love affairs)
and will be happy.
Phaldeepika-The native will have an attractive body, charming eyes and will be
happy and long lived.
Saravali-The native will be handsome in every respect, happy and long-lived. He
will be liked by women.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have an attractive body and will like the
company of noble persons. He will be suitable for the company of beautiful
women. He will perform pious deeds and will enjoy high class comforts.
Note-All the above authorities agree that Venus would be good in the first house
but Bhrigu Sutras arriving at the same conclusion have dealt with the effects in
more detail and much more appropriately after keeping the significations of Venus
and the first house in view.
Venus in the Second House
Sutras 14-19-The native will be wealthy, will have a family, will get good food to
eat, will have attractive eyes and will be of humble nature, kind hearted and
helpful to others. He will get a beautiful wife in his 32nd year. If the lord of the
second is weak or in the 6th, 8th or 12 th house, the native will suffer from eye
troubles. If Venus is associated with Moon (while the lord of the 2nd is in 6th, 8th
or 12th), the native will suffer from night blindness, without any family and
sufferer of eye troubles and will squander away his wealth.
Comments-We have no comments on the effects given in the above Sutras which
are logical and relevant to the significations of the second house. The effects given
in Sutra 19 are worth verifying by practical experience. Venus will give still better
results if he is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, in the second house.
When Venus is in Taurus, the ascendant will be Aries and he will be in the 2nd, as
lord of 7th and 2nd houses. If he is in Libra, the ascendant will be Virgo and he will
be in the 2nd as lord of 9th and the 2nd houses. When Venus is in Pisces (sign of
exaltation), the ascendant will be Aquarius and he will be in the 2nd exalted as
lord of the 4th and 9th houses. These are all very powerful Dhana yogas.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be eloquent or sweet tongued.
Phaldeepika-The native will acquire wealth from many sources and will be a poet.
Saravali-The native will be very wealthy, humble in his speech and will enjoy good
food and drinks, will be full of glory and will enjoy high class luxuries (including
company of women).
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be sweet tongued and intelligent. He will
have good appearance and decent dresses. He will be fond of beautiful women.
Note-There is a consensus amongst all the above authorities that Venus is very
beneficial in the second house but the situations in which Venus could give evil
effects as mentioned in Bhrigu Sutras should be kept in view.
Venus in the Third House
Sutras 20-22-If Venus is in the third house, the native will be very miser, he will be
tolerant, there will be a good number of brothers and the native will have success
by his determined efforts. Later on, the number of brothers will decrease. In
successive order the native's brothers will have less and less of financial gains by
their efforts. If the lord of the third house is strong, is in his own or in his sign of
exaltation, there will be increase in the number of brothers. If the lord of the third
house is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or he is associated with malefics there will be
loss of brothers.
Comments-In Sutra 20 it is stated that there will be growth in the number of
brothers and also that is decrease in the number of brothers or deprivation of
brothers. This statement is not clear because Venus as a benefic should cause only
increase and not decrease of brothers. Further Venus being feminine should give
more sisters than brothers. The learned author has not talked of sisters while
giving the effects of third house.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be stingy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be miser, not liked by people, without happiness and
wealth and also without wife.
Saravali-The native will be miser, happy and wealthy wife will dominate over the
native, he will not be courageous and will be unfortunate.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will not like women. He will not lose his
brothers and sisters. He will have children but will not be happy in regard to them.
He will not be courageous.
Note-All the above authorities have given different effects of Venus in the third
house. Saravali says that the native will be happy and will be wealthy but he will be
unfortunate. If we closely examine these views we will come to the conclusion that
Venus has not been considered good in the third house. We, however, think that if
Virgo or Aquarius is the ascendant, Venus will be lord of the 9th house. Venus in
the third house will aspect the 9th house (his own house) and will improve the
significations of that house, making the native prosperous.
Venus in the Fourth House
Sutras 23-28-If Venus is in the fourth house, the native will be handsome,
intelligent, will have happiness from brothers, will be happy and of forgivable
nature. In his 30th year he will possess conveyances pulled by horses. He will also
have abundance of milk. If the lord of the fourth house is strong the native will
possess horses, palanquins and gold etc. If the lord of the fourth house, is
associated with a malefic, is in the house of a malefic or his enemy or is debilitated
or is otherwise weak, the native will be without lands or conveyances. His mother
will be in distress and he will have illicit relations with women other than his wife.
Comments-According to above Sutras the placement of Venus in the fourth will be
beneficial to the native in regard to the significations of the fourth house and more
so if the lord of the fourth is well placed. Sutra 23 talks of happiness from brothers
if Venus is in the fourth. This is not relevant to the significations of Venus or the
fourth house. It will be noted that no mention has been made in the above Sutras
of the effects of Venus when he is in own sign or his sign of exaltation. In the
fourth house Venus will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own
sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Malavya yoga the effects of which
have already been described earlier in this chapter. It is not clear how a benefic
like Venus in the 4th can give distress to mother. The placement of Venus for
Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants will prove very beneficial as Venus will
be in
the fourth as lord of the 2nd and 9th, the 5th and 10th and the 4th and 9th
respectively. These dispositions will give rise to powerful Dhana yogas.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy.
Phaldeepika-The native will possess a good conveyance, good house, ornaments,
dresses and articles of perfumery.
Saravali-The native will have happiness from relations and friends, will possess
conveyance and house and will be handsome and generous.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be superior to others. He will get many
gifts from his followers. He will look after his mother from his early life.
Note-All the above authorities have attributed good effects to Venus in the fourth
house but in their own way. But none of them has attempted to cover all the
significations of the fourth house.
Venus in the Fifth House
Sutras 29-33-The native will be full of wisdom and will be a minister or commander
of the army. He will have the good luck of seeing his grand mother alive, will have
a young wife and also children. He will be respected and honoured by
Government, will be a clever minister and his wife will be full of happiness. If
Venus is associated with a malefic or is in the house of a malefic or in his sign of
debilitation, the native will be dull headed and will remain in want of children. If
Venus is associat ed with a benefic or is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation
the native will be very wise, will be versed in worldly affairs and will have children
and conveyances.
Comments-According to above Sutras, Venus will give very beneficial effects if in
the 5th house in accordance with the significations of that house. For Virgo,
Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus will prove still more beneficial as
Venus is a yogakarka for these ascendants and fifth is a very auspicious house for
any planet to be placed in. Our view is that Venus being a female planet will give
more daughters than sons.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be intelligent.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy and honoured like a king. He will have
happiness from children and will be very intelligent.
Saravali-The native will be happy, will have children and friends. He will be fond
of enjoyments and very wealthy. He will be a minister or a judge.
" Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have children but will not get happiness
from them. He will not be courageous but will get success in his undertakings by
hard work. He will be educated but will be incapable of being a poet.
Note-All the above authorities except Chamatkar Chintamani are agreed that
Venus in the fifth gives good results. Brihat Jatak as usual does not cover all the
significations of the house and it is difficult to understand the logic behind the
views of Chamatkar Chintamani.
Venus in he Sixth House
Sutras 34-36-If Venus is in the sixth house, the native will have good number of
relations, there will be destruction of enemies and the native will have children and
grand children. He will incur wasteful expenditure, will be deceitful and will suffer
from diseases. If the lord of the sixth house is strong there will be increase in the
number of relations and enemies. If the lord of the sixth is associated with a
malefic or is in his sign of debilitation or is associated with Moon, there will be loss
of relations and destruction of enemies.
Comments-We have been greatly impressed by the views of the Bhrigu Sutras and
the principles contained in it but some of the Sutras are very confusing. This may
be due to the fact that some incompetent people who could not perhaps trace
some parts of the original script have filled in those portions with text of their own
without going into the relevancy or logic of what they were writing. It is stated in
Sutra 34 that if Venus is in the sixth house the native amongst other things will
have children and grand children. Neither the sixth house nor the Venus is a
significator for children and grand children. According to Sutra 36 which is very
logical if the lord of the sixth is strong, there will be increase in the number of
enemies. If he is weak there will be destruction of enem ies. The logic behind this is
that if the sixth house gets strength, there will be more enemies and diseases and if
the sixth house is weak there will be no diseases and no enemies.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be without enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will be without enemies but he will be poor and unhappy.
He will have contacts with several women.
Saravali-The native will have bitterness towards his wife. He will have many
enemies, will be in distress and of mean mentality.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have dangerous enemies. He will incur lot
of expenditure. He will be unsuccessful in all his efforts. He will be deprived of
happiness from father, preceptor etc.
Note-Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika agree with the views expressed by Bhrigu
Sutras in regard to enemies but Saravali and Chamatkar Chintamani are opposed
to them. The views of Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika should be considered more
Venus in the Seventh House
Sutras 37-44-If Venus is in the seventh house, the native will be fond of kissing on
the mouth and will be highly sexed. He will be wealthy and will take interest in
women other than his wife. He will possess conveyances, will be efficient in his
work, will play foul with women and will have a family consisting of brothers and
wife etc. If Venus is associated with a malefic or is in the house of a malefic or in
his sign of debilitation (Virgo) there will be loss of his wife but he will marry again.
If there are many malefics with Venus, the native will have to marry many times
on account of successive loss of his wives. In this situation the native will have no
children. If Venus is associated with a benefic or in his own or in his sign of
exaltation (Pisces) the native will become very wealthy on account of gift of wealth
by his in-laws. He will be very influential with the help of his wife and will be
surrounded by women.
Comments-Venus is a planet of emotion, passion and love. These are the
significations of the 7th house also. When Venus is in the 7th, the native becomes
highly sexed and has therefore many love affairs. Venus aspects the ascendant
from the 7th house. The native therefore will become very attractive for women.
He will also be wealthy and will possess all comforts of life including conveyances.
If Venus is afflicted he has to suffer loss of his wife and may have to marry more
than once. A dignified Venus brings wealth for the native from his wife's parents.
He becomes a favourite of women and is always surrounded by them. We,
however, feel that if Venus is aspected by or associated with Jupiter both the
native and his wife will be very chaste and will enjoy a very happy married life. In
the seventh house Venus will be in Kendra to the ascendant. The disposition of
Venus in his sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Malavya yoga, the
effects of which have already been described earlier in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will promote quarrels and will be fond of
sexual union.
Phaldeepika-The native will have a good wife but he may have to suffer the loss of
his wife. The native will be wealthy and will fall for unchaste women.
Saravali-The native will be handsome, and will enjoy a happy married life. He will
be wealthy, fortunate and a friend of everybody.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be very attractive. His wife will give birth
to jewel of a son. He will be fond of enjoying life in every possible manner.
Note-In essence all the above authorities agree with Bhrigu Sutras about the effect
of Venus in the seventh house. Saravali however does not consider that the native
will have contact with many women, but Bhrigu Sutras have dealt with the matter
in more detail taking into account the different dispositions of Venus in the
seventh house.
Venus in the Eighth House
Sutras 45-48-The native will be happy. His mother will suffer from a throat trouble
in his fourth year. He will have less than medium span of life and will be sickly. He
will have a devoted wife but he will be discontented. If Venus is in the house of a
benefic, (or associated with a benefic) the native will enjoy full span of life. If
Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a malefic, the native will be short lived.
Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments. There is,
however, a contradiction-the native will be happy and discontented. Both these
cannot go together. As the 8th house is an evil house, the disposition of Venus
there will adversely affect the significations of the good house Venus owns.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be base.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, long-lived and owner of lands.
Saravali-The native will be long lived and equipped with all kinds of comforts, very
wealthy, like a king and happy.
Chamatkar Chintamani-He will enjoy comforts of all kinds of conveyances like
horses, elephants etc. He will be long-lived but he will be harsh in speech. He will
always remain in debt.
Note-Phaldeepika and Saravali have spoken very highly of the disposition of
Venus in the 8th house. We are inclined to agree with their views. 8th house is
house of longevity and Venus as a benefic should improve its-signification. Venus
is a great benefic (only 2nd to Jupiter) and will aspect the second house (Dhana
bhciva) and will therefore make the dative wealthy. As regard longevity we feel
that the views of these authorities should prevail over those of Bhrigu Sutras. Even
Chamatkar Chintamani is of the view that Venus in the 8th will make the native
long lived.
Venus in the Ninth House
Sutras 49-58-If Venus is in the ninth house, the native will be religious minded, will
devote himself to meditation and will perform religious rites, he will have very
auspicious signs in his foot (like lotus, ankush, conch, etc), will enjoy all kinds of
comforts and will be blessed with children. The father of the native will be long
lived. If Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a malefic there may be loss of
father early in native's life. Again if Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a
malefic, or is in the house of a malefic or is in his sign of debilitation, there will be
loss of wealth and the native will have illicit relations with the preceptor's wife. If
Venus is associated with (or aspected by) a benefic (or is in his own sign or in his
sign of exaltation), the native will enjoy high prosperity as a result of Maharaja
yoga. If Venus is associated with the lord of the 4th or 7th house, the native will be
exceedingly fortunate and enjoy the comforts of all kinds of conveyances, dresses
and ornaments.
Comments-The ninth house is the most auspicious house in a nativity. When a
great benefic is posited there, all the good significations of the house will become
fruitful. The results will become more beneficial when Venus is associated with or
aspected by benefics and is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation. When Venus
is in his own sign Taurus, the ascendant will be Virgo and Venus will be in the 9th
as lord of the 2nd and when Venus is in his own sign Libra, the ascendant will be
Aquarius, and Venus will be in the ninth as lord of the 4th and 9th houses. These
are very powerful Dhana yogas.
The following horoscope of the late Jamshedji Tata illustrates the above point of
Further the disposition of Venus in his own sign in the ninth (lord of ninth in the
ninth) will give rise to a distinguished Raja yoga making the native very wealthy,
highly respected and famous.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be devout and philosophical.
Phaldeepika-The native will get rise in life by the favour of the king
(Government). He will enjoy happiness in respect of wife, children and friends.
Saravali-The native will have a stout constitution. He will acquire great wealth, will
be generous and will be happy in respect of wife and friends. He will devote
himself to the service of his guests, preceptor and gods.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be a prosperous moneylender and religious
minded. He will have happiness in respect of his brothers (as Venus aspects the
third house). He will live a very comfortable and happy life.
Note-All the above authorities are agreed that Venus proves very auspicious and
beneficial when posited in the ninth house.
Venus in the Tenth House
Sutras 59-61-If Venus is in the tenth house, the native will be full of glory. If Venus
is associated with (or aspected by) a malefic, the native will have difficulties and
obstacles in his undertakings. If Venus is associated with Mercury, Jupiter and
Moon, the effects will be as under:- (a) The native will enjoy the comfort of many
conveyances. (b) He will perform religious ceremonies of many kinds. (c) He will
enjoy world wide reputation. (d) He will enjoy many Raja yogas (that is, he will be
wealthy, honoured and famous). (e) He will be very fortunate and talkative.
Comments-According to above Sutras, Venus gives very beneficial results in the
tenth in respect of the significations of this house unless afflicted. The results will
be far more beneficial when Venus gets associated with three benefics-Jupiter,
Mercury and Moon. All the effects given are logical and relevant to the
significations of the tenth house. For the Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius
ascendants, Venus will be in the 10th, as lord of the 2nd and 9th, the 5th and 10th
the 4th and 9th respectively. For the Cancer ascendant, Venus will be in the 10th as
lord of 4th and llth. These dispositions give rise to very powerful Dhana yogas.
When Venus is posited in the 10th in his own sign (lord of 10th in 10th), a
distinguished Raja yoga is formed which will confer great wealth, name and fame
upon the native. Venus in the tenth is in Kendra to the ascendant. The disposition
of Venus there in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Malavya
yoga, the effects of which have already been described earlier in this chapter.
The following horoscope of the late President Zakir Husain is an illustration of this
Here Venus is in the tenth in his sign of exaltation. Venus a benefic being in the
10th to the ascendant also gives rise to the Amala yoga, the effects of which have
been given as under:
"The person will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless
and he will lead a prosperous life".
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will perform virtuous deeds, he will have happiness from
friends. He will be respected and will attain a high status and get name and fame.
Saravali-The native will achieve by his efforts happiness, name, fame, honours and
good reputation.
Chamatkar Chintamani-the native will earn wealth by doing religious work.
Note-All the above authorities agree that for Venus to be in the tenth is an ideal
disposition in a horoscope.
Chamatkar Chintamani has taken a very narrow view of the effects of Venus in the
Venus in the Eleventh House
Sutras 62-64-If Venus is in the eleventh house, the native will be learned, very
wealthy, owner of lands and kind hearted. If Venus is associated with (or aspected
by) a benefic the native will enjoy the comforts of many conveyances. If Venus is
in conjunction with a malefic, the gain of wealth will be through questionable
means. If Venus is associated with a benefic the financial gains will be through
rightful means. If Venus is in his sign of debilitation or is associated with a malefic
or the lord of 8th, 6th or 12th there will be no financial gains.
Comments-The effects given in the above Sutras are very logical and relevant to
the significations of the eleventh house. For Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius and
Cancer ascendants, Venus will be in the eleventh, as lord of the 2nd and 9th, the 5th
and 10th, the 4th and 9th and the 4th and llth respectively. These dispositions give
rise to powerful Dhana yogas. Another very gainful position for Venus in the
eleventh will be in her sign of exaltation. Then Venus will be exalted in the llth as
lord of the ascendant (Taurus ascendant).
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be prosperous.
Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, will have contacts with women other than
his wife and will enjoy all comforts of life. Saravali-The native will be happy and
will enjoy large financial gains.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be handsome, well behaved, reputed, lover
of truth, full of good qualities, fortunate, wealthy and king or like a king.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement with Bhrigu Sutras that Venus in
the llth makes the native wealthy and happy.
Venus in the Twelfth House
Sutras 65-68-If Venus is in the twelfth house, the native will face exterme poverty.
If Venus is associated with a malefic the native will be inclined towards sexual
indulgences. If Venus is associated with a benefic the native will be very wealthy,
will have all comforts of bed (sexual pleasures) and will go to heaven after death.
He will go to hell if Venus is associated with a malefic.
Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be rich.
Phaldeepika-The native will be rich and will have sexual enjoyments with many
Saravali-The native will be lazy and happy. He will have a plump body. He will be
mean, clever in sexual matters and dominated by women.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be rich. He will destroy his fame and good
qualities and will be inimical towards his friends and others.
Note-Except Saravali all the above authorities have expressed the view that Venus
in the twelfth house will make the native rich. According to Bhrigu Sutras the
native will face extreme poverty but will be very rich if Venus is associated with a
benefic. We in this matter support the view of Brihat Jatak, Phaldeepika and
Chamatkar Chintamani. The following Shloka from Bhavartha Ratnakar also gives
support to the stand taken by us:-
This means that Venus in the sixth gives the same yoga effect (wealth) which he
gives by being posited in the twelfth house.
7 Effects of Saturn in the Twelve Houses
Saturn in the First House
Sutras 1-7-If Saturn is in the first house (ascendant), the native will suffer from
rheumatic and bilious diseases. If Saturn is in his sign of exaltation (Libra), the
native will have lordship over a village or town and will have financial and
agricultural prosperity. If Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn or Aquarius, the
father of the native will be rich. If Saturn is in the ascendant in the sign of the lord
of the 4th or 10th the native will be very fortunate and will enjoy the effects of
Maharaja yoga (name, fame and wealth). If Saturn in the ascendant is aspected by
Moon, the native will earn his livelihood by begging. This will not happen if Saturn
is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus) also.
Comments-Very good effects have been ascribed- to Saturn when he is exalted, or
in his own sign or is in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the 4th and 10th
houses. When Saturn is exalted, the ascendant will be Libra (for which he is a
yoga-karaka planet) and he will be in the ascendant as the lord of the 4th and 5th.
In this position he will naturally give very beneficial results. It is stated that when
Saturn is in his own sign Capricorn or Aquarius, the father of the native will be
rich. Neither Saturn nor the first house have any thing to do with father but this
result can accrue when Taurus or Gemini is the ascendant when Saturn would be
in the ascendant as lord of the 9th house (significator for father). We are of the
view that if Saturn is in the ascendant, the native himself will enjoy good prosperity
and will be lognlived. Saturn in Capricorn will be better than Saturn in Aquarius,
because in the former case he will be lord of the ascendant and the 2nd house and
in the latter case he will be lord of the ascendant as well as the 12th house (an evil
house). It is stated that Saturn in the ascendant in the sign of the lord of the 4th or
the 10th will make the native very fortunate and cause Maharaja yoga. Saturn will
be in the ascendant as lord of the 4th where the ascendant is Sagittarius. Saturn
will be in the ascendant as lord of the 10th when the ascendant is Pisces. The view
seems to be that Saturn will be very beneficial if he is in the ascendant in Libra or
in either of the two signs of Jupiter. This view has been supported by the following
Sloka of Uttarakalamrita:
This means that if there be any malefics posited in their highest exaltation coupled
with their duty as Marakas, one need not describe the amount of evil caused by
them. Saturn brings about a good amount of wealth and prosperity when he is
posited in the Ascendant identical with Pisces, Libra or Sagittarius. If under the
above conditions, the 7th kendra be not occupied or aspected by Jupiter or
Mercury, the native will become a king. Still death should be predicted in the Dasa
and Bhukti of the lord of the 7th house. The following Sloka from Man Sagri is
also on the same The disposition of Saturn in the ascendant (Lagna kendra) in his
own sign of exaltation will give rise to Sasa yoga (Panchmaha Purusha yoga), the
results of which have been given as under:-
"One born in this yoga will command good servants. His character will be
questionable. He will be head of a village or .a town or even a king. He will covet
other's riches and will be wicked in disposition."
The following horoscope of the late Mr. Krushchev former Prime Minister of
U.S.S.R. is an example of Sasa yoga.
Ruchaka yoga is also present in this horoscope on account of Mars being exalted in
the 4th house.
Other Views
BrihatJatak-The person concerned will be poor, sickly, love stricken, very unclean,
suffering from diseases during his childhood and indistinct in his speech. (The
above effects are only when Saturn occupies the Lagna identical with a sign other
than Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra). If any one of the signs
Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra be the ascendant and Saturn
should occupy it, the person concerned will be equal to a king, the headman of a
village, mayor of a city, a great scholar and will be handsome.
Phaldeepika-If Saturn is in the ascendant in his sign of exaltation or in his own
sign, the native will be like a king or head of a village or a town. If Saturn is in any
other sign, the native will be unhappy in his childhood and later will be poor and
Saravali-Same effects as given by Phaldeepika.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will own large properties and will be
prosperous but greedy, sorrowful and narrow minded. He will humiliate his
Note-We commend the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras which should be
supplemented by those expressed in Brihat Jatak and Phaldeepika.
Saturn in the Second House
Sutras 8-9-The native will remain in want of money (financial stringency) and will
have two wives (this means that his first wife will die and he will marry again). If
Saturn is associated with a malefic the native will play foul with women and will be
in charge of a Matha (a religious institution). He will possess no lands and will
suffer from eye troubles.
Comments.-The important significations of the second house are finance, family,
eyesight etc. These will be adversely affected by placement of the malefic Saturn in
the second house as pointed out in the above Sutras. W e, however, feel that in the
case of the following dispositions the native will be well off financially:-
(1)When the Ascendant is Aries and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the -10th and
llth houses. (2) When the Ascendant is Taurus and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of
the 9th and 10th houses. (3) When the Ascendant is Virgo and Saturn is exalted in
the second as lord of the 5th house (He will also be lord of the 6th and there may
be some blemish on that account). (4) When the ascendant is Libra and the Saturn
is in the 2nd as lord of the 4th and 5th houses. (5) When Scorpio is the ascendant
and Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of the 4th house. (There will be some blemish on
account of Saturn being the lord of 3rd house also). (6) When the ascendant is
Sagittarius and Saturn will be in the 2nd house in his own sign. (7) When the
ascendant is Capricorn and Saturn will be in the second house as lord of the
ascendant and the second houses (He will be in his own sign Aquarius).
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be immensely rich but will be deprived of
his wealth by a king and will suffer diseases in the face.
Phaldeepika-The native will be ugly in appearance. He will adopt questionable
means for earning his livelihood and will be poor. Later in his life he will go away
from his native place and will acquire wealth, conveyance and other objects of
Saravali-The native will have an afflicted face. Later in life he will leave his native
place and acquire wealth, conveyances and other objects of comfort.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be harsh in speech and will acquire wealth
etc., when he separates from his family and goes away from his native place.
Note-We are of the view that the views expressed by Bhrigu Sutras are quite
logical. The effects given by Phaldeepika, Saravali and Chamatkar Chintamani in
regard to financial prosperity will be realised, when Saturn is in the 2nd as lord of a
good house as explained in our comments on Sutras 8-9.
Saturn in the Third House
Sutras 10-13-If Saturn is in the third house there will be loss of brothers (or there
may be no younger brothers). The native will earn his livelihood by undesirable
trades. If Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, the native will have a
good number of brothers. If Saturn is associated with a malefic the native will be
inimical towards his brothers (if there are any).
Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory, quite logical and relevant to the
significations of the third house. It may, however, be mentioned that as a malefic in
an upachaya house Saturn will make the native courageous and wealthy.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will possess a good intellect and great strength.
Phaldeepika-The native will be intelligent, generous and will enjoy the comforts of
married life, but he will be lazy and unhappy.
Saravali-The native will be a man with family, courageous, charitable and
intelligent but he will be mean.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be unhappy on account of his brothers. He
will be ambitious and a good orator. He will face many obstacles in his life.
Saturn in the Fourth House
Sutras 14-21-If Saturn is in the fourth house, there will be loss of mother. After the
death of his mother, the native will get a step mother, but all these evil effects will
not happen if Saturn is in his own house or exalted in the fourth house and the
native will own horses and prestigious conveyances like palanquins. If Saturn in
the fourth happens to be lord of the ascendant, the mother will be long-lived and
the native will enjoy all kinds of comforts and be happy. If Saturn is associated
with the lord of the 8th house, there will be loss of mother and happiness.
Comments-Saturn being a malefic is not conducive to happiness of the native and
the welfare of his mother but these will be ensured if Saturn is in his own sign or in
his sign of exaltation in the fourth house. In the latter situation not only the
mother of the native will get a long span of life but the native will also have
substantial financial resources to enjoy all comforts of life and to possess luxurious
conveyances (Palanquins were considered to be prestigious conveyances in old
times-in the present times with such disposition the native will possess costly motor
cars). The lord of the 6th, 8th or the 12th if associated with a planet will spoil not
only the significations of that planet but also the significations of the house where
the two planets are posited. If lord of 8th is associated with Saturn in the fourth
house, two evil planets will join together to adversely affect the significations of
the fourth house as described in Sutras 20 and 21.155
In the case of Aries, Taurus and Libra ascendants when Saturn will be a functional
benefic being lord of the 10 th and 11 th , the 9th and 10th, and the 4th and 5th houses
respectively, the disposition of Saturn in the 4th will give rise to powerful Dhana
Yogas. Saturn in the fourth house will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His
disposition in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, will give rise to Sasa Yoga
the beneficial effects of which have already been described earlier in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will have no happiness and will be troubled in
Phaldeepika-The native will be without house, conveyance, mother and happiness.
He will also be sickly in his childhood.
Saravali-Same as Phaldeepika.
Note-All the above authorities are agreed that Saturn as a malefic will prove very
evil in the fourth house. As to when Saturn will do good has already been
explained in our comments above.
Saturn in the Fifth House
Sutras 22-26-If Saturn is in the fifth house, the native will be childless and very
poor. He will be engaged in inferior trades and will adopt a daughter. If Saturn is
in his own sign the native will have daughters. If Saturn is aspected by Jupiter the
native will have two wives of whom one will be issueless and the second one will
give birth to daughters. If Saturn is strong the native will have affairs with many
Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments. In case
of Aries, Taurus and Libra ascendants, disposition of Saturn in the 5th as lord of
the 10th and 11th , the 9th and 10th and the 4th and 5th respectively will give rise to
powerful Dhana Yogas.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be childless and without wealth.
Phaldeepika-The native will be evil minded and devoid of learning, children,
wealth and happiness. He will move about aimlessly.
Saravali-The native will be without happiness, children, friends and intelligence.
He will be heartless and always poor.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be childless and of unstable mind and
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement that Saturn in the 5th gives
malefic results in regard to the significations of the house. As to when benefic
results may be expected, has been explained in our comments given above.
Saturn in the Sixth House
Sutras 27-31-If Saturn is in the sixth house, the native will have little learning and
there will be destruction of enemies. The native will have fall financial and
agricultural prosperity. If Saturn is associated with Mars, the native will travel far
and wide and will enjoy Raja Yoga of a moderate order. If Saturn is in the 6th as
lord of the 8th house, the native will suffer from Arishta (reduction in longevity)
and rheumatic troubles and shooting pains. He will also have marks of injuries in
the body.
Comments-The sixth is an upachaya house. Saturn in this house will give benefic
results in regard to finances but will cause sufferings from diseases.
The sixth house is an evil house. If Saturn being lord of an auspicious house is in
the 6th, the significations of that house will be adversely affected. However, if
Saturn is in 6th as lord of the 6th. 8th, or the 12th house, extremely favourable
results will be realised. In this connection please see our comments about the
effects of Jupiter in the 12th house in part II-Chapter Five.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be powerful but will be overpowered by
his enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will eat a lot, will be wealthy and proud.
Saravali-The native will eat a lot and will be pssionate, handsome, courageous, evil
minded and conqueror of his enemies.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will vanquish his enemies, will own cattle like
cows and buffaloes and will suffer loss of his uncle.
Note-The views of all the above authorities are the same. Saturn in the Seventh
Sutras 32-36-The native will have a lean bodied wife, he will be afflicted in his
body and will indulge in prostitution. He will also be very sorrowful. If Saturn is in
his own sign or in his sign of exaltation the native will have intimacy with many
women. The effect will be the same if Saturn is in conjunction with Ketu. If Saturn
is associated with Mars the native will kiss somebody's male organ with his mouth.
If Saturn is associated with Venus, the native will kiss the female secret parts with
his, mouth and will have intimacy with women other than his wife.
Comments-The essence of the above Sutras is that Saturn in the seventh house
whether he is alone or is in association with Ketu, Mars or Venus, will cause
indulgence in sexual perversions. These will further increase when Saturn is in his
own sign, or in his sign of exaltation. Our view is that the native will not be so
perverse when Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation but there is no
doubt that the native will be of questionable character. In case of Aries, Taurus
and Libra ascendants, the disposition of Saturn in the 7th as lord of the 10th -and
11th the 9th and 10th, the 4th and 5th will give rise to powerful Dhana yogas.
In the 7th Saturn will be in Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own
sign or in his sign of exaltation will give rise to Sasa yoga the effects of which have
already been described earlier in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned should suffer humiliation at the hands of
Phaldeepika-The native will have intimacy with women of questionable character.
He will be poor and unhappy and will travel aimlessly.
Saravali-The native will be sickly and will suffer loss of wife. He will be poor, ugly,
sinful and of loose character.
Chamatkar-Chintamani-The native will have good friends, stable wealth and a
stable minded wife. Husband and wife will both be sickly.
Note-All the above authorities except Chamatkar Chintamani agree that Saturn in
the 7th will make the native indulge in sexual excesses and he will be of loose
Saturn in the Eighth House
Sutras 37-40-The native will have a life span of 75 years. He will be poor, will have
intimacy with low caste women and will earn his livelihood by serving others. If
Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, the native will have a still
longer span of life. If the lord of the-8th house is in the house of his enemy or in his
sign of debilitation, the native will be short lived and he will earn his livelihood
with difficulty and may have to go without food.
Comments-All malefics in the 8th house shorten the longevity of the native but
Saturn in this house is believed to give good longevity. Except for longevity Saturn
in the 8th house gives only evil effects as described in the above Sutras. The native
will face poverty as Saturn will afflict the second house by aspecting it. As regards
effects on longevity it will be relevant to quote the following sloka from Bhavartha
This means that Saturn in the 8th house gives long life. If the lord of the 8th is with
Ketu in the ascendant, the native will be short lived.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The native will have a limited number of issues and will have
defective eye sight.
Phaldeepika-The native will be unclean, will suffer from piles, will be poor, cruel
minded and will remain in want of food.
Saravali-The native will suffer from diseases of the anus and will be short lived and
incapable of succeeding in any venture. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will
suffer loss of wealth, will be without friends, sickly and evil minded.
Note-All the above authorities are agreed that Saturn in the 8th will give evil
effects generally.
Saturn in the Ninth House
Sutras 41-43-If Saturn is in the ninth house the native will be sinful but still he will
get the dilapidated buildings of religious institutions repaired and in his 39th year
will have bathing ghats, shelters for cows etc. built. If Saturn is in his own sign or in
his sign of exaltation, the native's father will be long-lived. If Saturn is weak or is
associated with a malefic the native's father will be short-lived.
Comments-For Taurus and Gemini ascendants the ninth house will fall in
Capricorn and Aquarius respectively. Saturn in the ninth will then be in his own
sign and lord of ninth will be in ninth giving rise to a powerful Raja yoga. For
Libra Ascendant Saturn will be in the ninth as lord of the 4th and 5th houses and
for Capricorn ascendant he will be there as lord of ascendant and the 2nd house.
For Aquarius ascendant, Saturn will be exalted in the ninth house as lord of the
ascendant. These dispositions will give very favourable results.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be endowed with children, wealth and
Phaldeepika-The native will be unfortunate, poor, childless, fatherless, and
irreligious. He will also be evil minded.
Saravali-The native will have meagre wealth and will be irreligious, childless,
unhappy and one who causes troubles to others.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be cruel minded. He will have faith in
Yoga Shastra and renunciation.
Note-Except Brihat Jatak all the above authorities have described the position of
Saturn in the ninth as evil. In our view the good results attributed to Saturn by
Brihat Jatak will accrue only if Saturn is posited in the ninth as lord of an
auspicious house as mentioned in our comments on Sutras 41-43.
Saturn in the Tenth House
Sutras 44-45-If Saturn is in the tenth house the native will bathe in the Ganges in
his 25th year. He will be stingy and of bilious constitution. If Saturn is associated
with a malefic the native will face obstacles in his professional career. He will be
successful in his undertakings if Saturn is associated with a benefic.
Comments-The learned author does not consider Saturn in the 10th as favourable
in the matter of finances as well as professional career. The on]y good he will do is
to give the native a bath in the Ganges. We fare, however, of the view that Saturn
will give extremely favourable results in the following circumstances (1) When
Aries and Taurus are the ascendants Saturn will be in his own sign in the tenth as
lord of the 10th and 11th and 9th and 10th respectively. With lord of the 9th in the
10th and lord of 10th in 10th, a very powerful Rajayoga will be formed conferring
upon the native name, fame, wealth and honours of a high order. For Libra
Ascendant, Saturn will be in the 10th as lord of the 4th and 5th, giving rise to a
powerful Dhana yoga. (3) For Capricorn ascendant, Saturn will be in the tenth as
exalted lord of the ascendant and the 2nd, which is as powerful a disposition as a
Raja yoga. (4) For Aquarius ascendant, Saturn will be in the 10th as lord of the
ascendant, again a favourable disposition. In the tenth house, Saturn will be in
Kendra to the ascendant. His disposition in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation
will give rise to Sasa yoga, the effects of which have already been described earlier
in this chapter.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The native will be a king or minister of a king, and will be extremely
wealthy, famous and courageous and will take interest in agriculture.
Saravali-The native will be wealthy, learned, minister or a Judge or head of a
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will lose both his parents in his childhood. He
will indulge in sinful deeds. He will humiliate his enemies. His means of livelihood
will be poor.
Note-The good results from Saturn will accrue only if Saturn is in the 10th as a
functional benefic as mentioned in our comments above.
Saturn in the Eleventh House
Sutras 46-48-If Saturn is in the eleventh house, the native will be very wealthy but
there will be obstacles in his way. He will also be owner of landed property and a
favourite of Government. If Saturn is in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation the
native will be learned and enjoy Mahabhagya Yoga (causing prosperity of a very
high order) and comforts of all kinds of conveyances.
Comments-All planets whether benefic or malefic prosper in the eleventh house
unless they are lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses. Eleventh is an upachaya house
and here malefics will fare better than benefics. It is on this account that very
beneficial results have been attributed to Saturn in that house.
Very powerful Dhana yogas will result with Saturn in the eleventh in the following
(1) When Aries is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 10th
and 11th,
(2) When Taurus is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 9th
and 10th,
(3) When Libra is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the 4th and
(4) When Sagittarius is the ascendant and Saturn is exalted in the 11th as lord of the
(5) When Capricorn is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the
ascendant and the 2nd and
(6) When Aquarius is the ascendant and Saturn is in the eleventh as lord of the
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will be wealthy.
Phaldeepika-The native will be courageous, healthy, wealthy, longlived and will
own immovable property. Saravali-Same as Phaldeepika.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be wealthy and courageous.
Note-All the above authorities are in agreement with Bhrigu Sutras that Saturn
gives very auspicious results in the eleventh house.
Saturn in the Twelfth House
Sutras 49-53-If Saturn is in the twelfth house, the native will be sinful and will have
affliction in some part of his body. If Saturn is associated with a malefic the native
will have defective eye sight. If he is associated with a benefic the native will be
happy, will have good eye sight and will go to heaven after death. If he is
associated with a malefic the native will go to hell, will incur wasteful expenditure
and will be poor.
Comments-The above Sutras are self explanatory and need no comments. The
12th is an evil house and if Saturn is there as lord of an auspicious house, the good
significations of that house will be adversely affected. However, very beneficial
results will accrue if Saturn is in 12th as the lord of 12th, 6th or 8th house as
explained in detail in our comments on the effects of Jupiter in the twelfth house in
part II Chapter V.
Other Views
Brihat Jatak-The person concerned will suffer degradation.Phaldeepika-The
native will be shameless, poor, childless and stupid and some part of the body of
the native will be deformed.Saravali-The native will be sinful, gossiper, hard
hearted, mischievous and humiliated and will incur wasteful expenditure.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be shameless and will have small eyes. He
will be happy in foreign travels. If Saturn is in 12th as lord of the ascendant, the
native will destroy his enemies.
Note-All the above authorities are agreed that Saturn in the twelfth house does
not give any beneficial results.
8 Effects of Rahu and Ketu in the Twelve Houses
Note-The learned author has given the same effects of both Rahu and Ketu in the
various houses. He has presumably taken the view as Rahu and Ketu are always in
seventh to each other, both exert the same influence in a house in which any one of
them is posited. The other authorities have, however, given separate effects for
Rahu and Ketu in the various houses.
Rahu and Ketu in the First House
Sutras 1-4-If Rahu or Ketu is in the first house the native's wife will give birth to a
still born child. If Rahu or Ketu is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, the native will be
kind hearted and fond of enjoyments. If Rahu or Ketu is aspected by a malefic
there will be marks on the face (probably of small pox).
Other Views
Brihat Jatak and Saravali have not dealt with the effects of Rahu and Ketu in the
various houses.
Phaldeepika: Rahu-The native will be short lived but wealthy and powerful but he
will suffer from disease in the upper part of his body.
Ketu-The native will be ungrateful unhappy, backbiter, and moving in the society
of undesirable persons. He will have an afflicted body and will be deprived of his
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native will destroy the power of his enemies.
He will remain under the influence of others. He will remain detached in spite of
having many wives.
Ketu-The native will prove troublesome to the members of his family. He will
suffer from windy troubles.
Rahu or Ketu in the Second House
Sutras 5-6-If Rahu or Ketu is in the second house, the native will be poor, will
suffer from diseases of the body and loss of children, and will be of dark.
complexion. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a malefic the native will have a
mark on the lips.
Other Views
Phaladeepika: Rahu-The native will say words which convey double meaning. He
will suffer from diseases of the mouth. He will be of angry temperament but rich
on account of favour from the king.
Ketu-The native will be devoid of wealth and education. He will indulge in vulgar
speech, have defective eye sight and will depend on others for food.
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native will face destruction of his family. He
will be fearless but a liar. He will destroy his enemies to save his wealth.
Ketu-The native will suffer from diseases of the mouth. He will have bitterness
with the king (Government). He will suffer loss of wealth and will have troubles
from the members of his family. If Ketu is in Aries, Gemini or Virgo, the native
will enjoy all comforts.
Rahu or Ketu in the Third House
Sutras 7-8-If Rahu or Ketu is in the third the native will have abundance of oil
seeds of the type of mustard, til, sesamum etc. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a
benefic, there will be a mark on the neck.
Other Views
Phaladeepika: Rahu-The native will be respected and will have inimical relations
with his brothers. He will be wealthy, long lived and determined.
Ketu-The native will be wealthy, powerful, long lived and reputed. He will enjoy
company of his wife and will have abundant agricultural products. He will suffer
loss of brothers.
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native will be very courageous. Ketu-The
enemies will be vanquished. There will be controversies. Great prosperity will be
enjoyed. There will be no friends.
Rahu or Ketu in the Fourth House
Sutras 9-10-The native will own many kinds of ornaments, will have two wives and
will serve others. If Rahu or Ketu is. associated with a malefic, the native's mother
will be in distress but this will not happen if there is association with a benefic.
Other Views
Phaldeepika: Rahu-The native will be stupid, troublesome, short lived and seldom
Ketu-The native will live in the house of others. He will suffer loss of his mother,
land, happiness and grain fields. He may have to go away from his native place:
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The mother of the native will be sickly. Rahu in
Aries, Cancer or Virgo, gives beneficial results. The native will then become a
Ketu-The native will be devoid of happiness from mother and friends. He will not
stay in his own house for long. His paternal property will be destroyed.
Rahu or Ketu in the Fifth House
Sutras 11-13-The native will have no children or suffer loss of children due to
wrath of the Serpent God. He will have children after conducting Pooja of Naga
Pratima. The native will suffer from windy diseases and indulge in sinful deeds. He
will suffer from wrath of the king and will live in undesirable places.
Other Views
Phaladeepika: Rahu-The native will be childless, hard hearted and will suffer from
stomach ailments.
Ketu-The native will suffer from loss of children. He will be of evil nature and
unwise. He may also suffer from 'Pishacha Badha'.
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native will get a son. He will always be worried
on account -of his wife. He will suffer from stomach ailments.
Ketu-The native will suffer from stomach ailments. He will not get many children.
In spite of being courageous he will remain dependent on others.
Rahu or Ketu in the Sixth House
Sutras 14-16-The native will be tolerant and very happy. If Moon is associated with
Rahu or Ketu, the native will have sexual contact with ladies of king's family. He
will be poor and a thief.
Other Views
Phaldeepika: Rahu-The native will be wealthy and long lived. He will suffer from
diseases of the anus. He will also suffer from enemies and from the evil effect of
malefic planets.
Ketu-The native will be generous, full of good qualities, determined, famous and a
person in authority.
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native's enemies will be destroyed. He will be
powerful, virile and wealthy.
Ketu-The native will suffer loss of reputation on account of his maternal uncle. He
will own cattle like cows etc. He will be healthy but narrow minded.
Rahu or Ketu in the Seventh House
Sutras 17-21-The native will have two wives. The first wife will die and the second
will suffer from tumour. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a malefic the native will
suffer from a disease called 'Ganda mala'. This will not happen if they are
associated with a benefic. The native will generally have two wives but there will
be only one wife if Rahu or Ketu is in conjunction with a benefic.
Other Views
Phaldeepika: Rahu-The native will be of independent nature and will incur loss of
wealth on account of his association with women. He will be a widower and will
suffer from loss of virility.
Ketu-The native will suffer from humiliation. He will indulge in affairs with
unchaste women and will be separated from his own wife. He will suffer from
intestinal disorders.
Chamatkar Chintamani Rahu-The native will suffer loss of wife.
Ketu-He will suffer loss of wealth and there will be danger to his life from watery
places. His wife and children will be sickly. If Ketu is in Scorpio, the native will
always be happy.
Rahu or Ketu in the Eighth House
Sutras 22-23-If Rahu or Ketu is in the eighth house, the native will be very sickly
and the life span of the native will be of 32 years. It will be of 45 years if Rahu or
Ketu is associated with a benefic. It will be of 60 years if the lord of the eighth
house is strong or is in his sign of exaltation.
Other Views
Phaldeepika: Rahu-The native will be in distress, will suffer from rheumatic
troubles, will have few children, will be short lived and will indulge in evil deeds.
Ketu-The native will be separated from his near and dear ,ones, will be
quarrelsome and short lived. He will get injured from weapons and will face
obstacles in all his undertakings.
Chamatkar Chintamani: Rahu-The native will suffer from windy troubles. He will
be deprived of paternal property and will be declared as an outcaste by his
relations. He will be respected by the king and learned men but members of his
family will have little regard for him.
Ketu-The native will suffer from piles and will have danger to life from falling
down from a horse. He will be short of funds but there will be accumulation of
wealth if Ketu is in Scorpio, Virgo or Aries.
Rahu or Ketu in the Ninth House
Sutra 24-If Rahu or Ketu is in the ninth house, the native will be childless, will
have intimacy with low-born women, will depend on others for his livelihood and
will be irreligious.
Other Views
Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will speak with bitterness and will not perform any
charitable deeds but will be a leader of village or town.Ketu-The native will be
sinfully disposed, will perform un-pious deeds, will be fatherless, unfortunate and
Chamatkar Chintamani Rahu-The native will be full of good qualities, fond of
pilgrimages and kind hearted.
Ketu-The native will be anxious to get children and will earn wealth with the help
of non-Hindus.
Rahu or Ketu in the Tenth House
Sutras 25-28-The native will have sexual contacts with widows and will live in
slums. He will live in good places if Rahu or Ketu is associated with a benefic. The
native will also be interested in poetry.
Other Views.
Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will have few children, will not perform good deeds
but will be fearless and famous.
Ketu-The native will indulge in sinful deeds but he will be famous for his courage.
Chamatkar Chintamani Rahu-The native will waste money on drinking and do
cruel deeds. He will prefer the company of non-Hindus and enjoy beautiful
Ketu-The native will be unfortunate and will live in distress. He will have no
happiness from father. He will destroy his enemies if Ketu is in Aries, Virgo or
Rahu or Ketu in the Eleventh House
Sutras 29-30-The native will be blessed with children and be wealthy.
Other Views
Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will be wealthy and long lived but will have few
children. He will suffer from ear troubles.
Ketu-The native will accumulate wealth and will enjoy all kinds of comforts. He
will get success in all his undertakings.
Chamatkar Chintamani-Rahu-The native will acquire wealth through non-Hindus.
He will have happiness from children.
Ketu-The native will have all kinds of gains. He will be fortunate, learned and well
dressed. His issues will be unfortunate.
Rahu or Ketu in the Twelfth House
Sutras 31-32-The native will have few children and suffer from eye troubles. He
will go to hell after death.
Phaldeepika Rahu-The native will incur lot of wasteful expenditure and indulge in
sinful deeds.
Ketu-The native will commit sins secretly and incur expenditure for evil purposes.
He will also suffer from eye troubles.
Chamatkar Chintamani- Rahu-The native will be poor and will be unsuccessful in
all his undertakings. He will have friendship with evil minded persons.
Ketu-The native will be like a king. He will incur expenditure on charities. His
enemies will be vanquished and he will suffer from eye troubles.
Comments-We would recommend to the readers to also study the effects of Rahu
and Ketu in favourable and unfavourable positions, which are given in sufficient
detail in Kalidas's famous classic 'Uttara Kalamrita. In view of the controversy
about the role of Rahu and Ketu who are only shadowy planets there is a strong
school of thought that they should not be considered as owners of any signs.
According to this view Rahu and Ketu act as agents to the planets to which they
are conjoined. If they are not conjoined with any planet, they give the results of the
planet who aspects them. Only when they are neither conjoined with, nor aspected
by any planet, they represent the lord of the house in which they are posited.
Uttarakalamrita gives following further information about Rahu and Ketu:-
(1) Rahu and Ketu - if endowed with strength, produce effects similar to the planet
owning an inauspicious house and in whose house they are posited or with whom
they are conjoined. The lords ofKendra and Kona houses, if not conjoined with the
two nodes, produces beneficial results. The effects will be contrary, if they be other
node these two nodes in spite of their malefic nature becoming benefic by virtue of
their position in certain houses or association with certain planets.
(2) If one of the two nodes and the lord of a Trikona be posited in the 9th or 10th,
or if one of them be in the 9th or the other in the 10th or vice versa, the yoga will
cause prosperity to the native. Even a conjunction of either of these with the lord
of a trikona will prove beneficial. In the above circumstances the paras of these
two nodes as well as these of the planets conjoined with them will prove happy. If
there be a planet who is inauspicious associated by a sum of Sambhandha
(relationship) with either of the nodes, then the Bhukti of the yogakarka planet
will prove adverse. (3) The two planet.- Rahu and Ketu become auspicious when
they occupy a Trikona or Kendra position or when they are associated with the
lord of that particular kendra or kona house in which they are posited. They also
prove beneficial when they conjoin with the lords of any Kendra or Kona house. If
the lord of the 9th were to own the 8th or 12th as well, or if the lord of 9th and the
10th in the above circumstances were to conjoin with the lords of the 9th or the
12th, then the auspiciousness of the Yoga is lost.
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