Planets in signs and houses CHIROMANCY


One can tell a lot about a person from the examination of a persons Hand.
A person's personality is revealed in great detail! Because the persons nature and character are considered to be genetic, these inherited traits can be  reflected in finger prints and the many patterns that are found in the palm.

CHIROGNOMY:  First examins the shape of the Hand, and the fingers:


ELEMENTAL: Wide palm and short thick fingers and Thumb shows a steady, simple slow thinking non intellectual person who operate on instinct.

SQUARE: Square shaped palm and medium fingers shows a steady, calm practica nature, good business sense, who depend on outside guidence. person.

SPATULATE: Tapered palm and fingers that broaden at the tipsis found on ambitious, energetic independant people.

KNOTTY: Wide palm and protruding knuckles are philosophical,with sensitivity and intellictual strength but shy  & introverted.people.

CONIEAL: Long palm and long tapered fingers people are artistic creative, outgoing, social & impulsive.
IDEALISTIC: Unusually long thin fingers are intuitive & psychic sometimes with a loose grip on reality.

MIXED: Most Hands are mixed, you then combine the characteristics.

Simplified TYPES used by Modern Hand Readers:

          PHYSICAL: Square palm and short fingers shows a steady, practical                     industrious person, sometimes athletically outstanding

          EMOTIONAL: Long palm and short fingers is found on busy, energetic people, impulsive and responds well to challenges.

          INTELLECTUAL: Square palm and long fingers is found on sharp and srticulate,talkative, inquisitive analytical people.

          CONTEMPLATIVE: Long palm and long fingered people are sensitive and thoughtful, shy, with strong emotions.
NEXT:  Examining the fingernails, ONYCHOMANCY, from onyx, meaning nail or Claw. Modern Hand reading sometimes skips this part.
Basic Catagories:

Long:  A tranquil nature, & artistic sensibilities.
Short:  Energetic, with a tendancy to be critical.
VeryShort:  A quick temper, easily irritated.
Broad:  Emphatically opinionaated.
Tapering outward:  Impressionable, overly concerned about others opinions.
Vertical Ridges:  High strung, prone to agitation.
Horizontal Ridges:  Evidence of recent trauma.
Deeply colored:  Fairly robust and healthy.
White Spots:  Exceptionally Lucky.

FINALLY:  The actual Palmistry.the shape, mounds, and lines.
A person's personality is revealed in great detail! Most character is genetic, and these inherited traits are reflected in finger prints and the many patterns that are found in the palm.

You should read BOTH Hands.  For the Right handed person,
Begin with the Left Hand.  (for the Left Handed person, this is reversed.)

The Left Hand is the Hand "you were born with". 
It repesents your intrinsic qualities, & innate abilities.

The Right Hand is the Hand is "what you have become".
It shows the development of your qualities, direction, & what has become actualized.

THE MOUNTS & the Fingers are associated with the Planets and the Days of the Week.

Each finger is associated with a planet. At the base of each finger is the mount, a raised pad of flesh, associated with the sign of the finger.  (Mount of Jupiter). The fullness of the mount shows how strongly that particular astrological sign affects the person. Look to see where strengths lie by looking at the length of each of the 3 divisions of each finger. These divisions represent SPIRITUAL, INTELLECTUAL, and MATERIAL development. (Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, and Mercury.)
The INDEX FINGER  (Mount of Jupiter). A long index finger shows a boss, commander, a leader, someone who has pride, confidence, and much ambition. The index finger shows the degree of self-confidence, so from its size and shape can be judged things like leadership, ability or shyness, bossiness or timidity.

The MIDDLE FINGER:  (Mount of Saturn) A long middle finger indicates wisdom, independence, solitude, experience, shyness, and melancholy. The middle finger reveals the serious side of a personality. How it is developed reveals reliability, talent, responsibility or frivolity (depending upon the size).

The THIRD FINGER: (Mount of Apollo) A long third finger shows the love of beauty. The Ring finger is a symbol of creativity and artistic qualities. A strong development goes with a talent for art, music, visual art, etc.

The PINKIE FINGER: (Mount of Mercury) A long pinkie finger shows a sharp, quick, clever, shrewd mind. A person with this, is found to be friendly, good with people skills, and outgoing. The little finger represents sex and communication. All sorts of sexual and romantic qualities are shown here, as well as the ability to speak, write or express oneself.

The THUMBS:  Show will power: Powerful, domineering people have big thumbs. Soft spoken people generally have little thumbs.

FINGERTIPS: The actual shape of the is important. Squared off tips show a precise, tidy mind. People with round-tipped fingers are relaxed.

The PROPORTIONS:  Between the finger lengths and the lengths of the palm are indicative of the amount of  how much impulsiveness the person demonstrates.
          Longer fingers (as compared to the length of the palm) show carefulness.
          Short fingers belong to someone who is impulsive.

The Mount of Venus:
The thumb and the base of the thumb comprise the Mount of Venus. This Mount comments on emotional and erotic drive & shows warmth, kindness and affection which are in the persons attributes.

If the Mount is full, firm, and round: this person proves to be a great friend, great lover, and full of kindness.

If the Mount of Venus is thin, dry and leathery:this is a person who is cold and shallow. This person tolerates very little.

Often the Mount of Venus is patterned by many vertical and horizontal lines: This person hides feelings very well. On the surface everything seems fine, but underneath, there are many emotions that run deep.

The lower Mount of Mars:
Between the he thumb and the Index finger is the lower Mount of Mars above the Mount of Venus.  If normal shows preseverence,If the Mount is full, firm, and round, this person is fearless and arrogant, . If it is very flat that points to hesetancy or cowardice.

The upper Mount of Mars:
Beneath the Mount of Mercury above the Mount of the Moon; concerns moral attitude. If normal shows pragmatic well balanced character.. If the Mount is very prominant it indicates a potential for cruelty. . If it is very flat that indicates a weak resolve and people who shift for convenience.

The Mount of the Moon: 
Below the pinky finger and the upper Mount of Mars near the wrist is the Mount of the Moon.
It reflects intuition & creativity;   If normal indicates a healthy fantasy life. If the Mount is full, firm, and full it indicates difficulty seperating truth from fiction., . If it is very flat that points to lack of imagination.

The LIFE Line

The Life Line is one of the four major lines found in the hand. contrary to popular opinion it does not indicate the length of your Life.It indicates the path of your life,and the level of vitality that you put into your life.  It places the course of your life, emotions, illness, time or age frames, and personality.
If your life line is joined with the HEAD LINE, examine the length of the two lines that meet to determine the amount of time that you have been emotionally dependent upon your parents. If the lines joined are relatively short, then independence was taken on at an early age, and if the lines join for a long section, you may be still very much attached emotionally. If the two lines never are in contact at the beginning, this indicates a very independent person.

The life line begins on the side of the palm that is under the index finger. It usually has the same starting point as the head line. It makes a somewhat circular curve around the thumb. The life line is the only line one on the hand which can be divided into an approximate timeframe of years and age. Age can be determined by dividing the lifeline equally into three sections beginning at the top of the line. (where it starts with the head line). The first section (including the section which connects or doesn't connect with the Head line) represents the first 25 years of the lifetime. The second section represents approximately ages 26-50, and the third section represents ages 50 and up. A deep, clear life line running smoothly through the full length shows a rich, healthy life. Many chains, or a weak line shows probable poor health. If the line is fractured at the end in many chains in the third section, you should be warned of bad health in late years.

(A parallel to the Life line, on the side of the Mount of Venus, shows useful luck and natural vitality working for the subject. This is always a good sign. )

On most palms you will notice that there are many tiny lines which run from the line of the Head to the Life line. Each of these indicates a goal of some kind that will be attained. If you work out the above time-scale carefully, you should be able to tell, with reasonable accuracy, when a major event will happen. About two-thirds of the way down the Life line will, at times, be a triangle formed by two short, minor lines and a part of the Life line itself. If there is a triangle there, then it is said that a talent of some sort is possessed. There is some kind of an art form which the subject can gain considerable personal satisfaction. An angle or sudden change of direction in the Life line shows that there will be a change of course in the life. The approximate date can be calculated by using the same method stated above.

A branch in the life line indicates that, at the point in time where the branch occurs, the persons' life can take one of two major courses. Age calculations from above can be used at this time as well. A break in the Life line usually means that there will be problems. Check and see if the lines break in both hands. If it does break in both hands, warn the subject to take care in their lifestyle. If a new line starts out of the break, or if there is a parallel line to the Life line, then the trouble will be overcome.

The HEAD Line:

Refers to Direction, career, mind.  The line of the Head shows, by its length and depth, the intellectual capability, memory retention, and degree of analytical ability. of the subject. A long, deep and clear Head line shows a clear, strong intellect. If the Head line is relatively straight, that indicates prudence.  A line slanting  downwards indicates creative thinking.  Some readers see it as high intelligence that can be used for questionable goals. They need to maintain discipline on their mind.  But that you should be careful not to cross such person. A number of smaller lines branching off the Head Line, indicate distractions that hamper intellectual productivity.

The HEART Line

The Heart line indicates the persons emotional capabilities: capacity for love, and friendship ties. Look at the length and depth of the line to determine the strength of your emotional and intuitive capabilities. The longer the line the deeper the emotional reserves. A straight line indicates a dispassionate nature.  A strong upward  curve shows a strong erotic drive.  A deep Heart line belongs to someone who is capable of feeling both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad of life. Emotions are very important to this person, and hunches are generally very accurate. A heart line with many chains belongs to someone who has been unlucky in love. Each chain resembles an obstacle in love given to the person.  Smaller lines branching off the Heart line indicates multiple relationships:  upward branches are positive romances, with downward branches troublesome.

The FATE Line

The Fate line, also called the line of Saturn,  is sometimes confused with the Luck Line.  This line concerns the patterns of advancement in ones life. The longer and deeper the line is the greater the chances for gratification in life. 
A Fate line starts at the wrists, indicates that wealth or position in life will be inherited.  Starting low in the hand indicates an early choice of goals.  If it begins further up it suggests later decisions. For a person with a weak, or even non-existent line, denotes an independant or self defined approach. The Fate line can show insights into flaws and influences, not apparent on the surface. Smaller lines branching off the Fate line show influences from the direction they follow. A line deep and unbroken to the heart line, then breaking or disappearing shows grave dissappointment in love. A Fate line ending at the Head line, indictes that negetive thinking gets in the way of the individuals direction. Sometimes from being too cautious opportunities are lost.

The LUCK Line, also called the Line of Appolo, is not found in everyone's hand. The length and depth will show how much good fortune and luck the person has.  If the line starts low in the hand it indicates the person has always had a lucky streak.  If the line is deep, long, and strong, that person will find that they are extremely lucky.  If the line is frail or non existant his person makes their own luck. Rewards will come through hard work and dedication. Like the Fate line, branches can point to other influences.

The HEALTH Line. also called the Hepatic line, or line of Mercury is consideredan annotation to the Life line.  It goes from the base of the pinky towards the center of the lower palm. The longer the line the more robust the health of the person.  A very short line is the sign of medical problems. but the absence is also viewed as favorable, healthy, especially regarding the digestive system.

The METTLE Line, also called the Line of Mars, goes inside the lifeline towards the the lower palm.  This line designatesth individuals approach to adversity.  The longer the line the greater the persons resolve.  A short line shows bravery when it is called for.  No line indicates reliance on others.

The GIRDLE of Venus, runs from the index finger arond towards the pinky.  Thid line is like a suppliment to the Heart line.  a solid line indicates a sensuous person with vivid emotions, fragmented lines forcasts dissappointing relationships, absence, suggests control over the emotions.

The RING of Solomon, around the Index finger,Has to do with the agility to be intuned to others neds.  Absence of this line suggests a rational unsympathetic approach.  a strong line shows an intuitive understanding nature.  Even a fragmented line denotes a good listener.

The RING of Saturn , around the Third finger, Has to do with despondency, A solid line indicates a tendency towards brooding, uneven warns of despair and meloncholy inclinations.

The MARRIAGE Line(s)

The Marriage lines are found above the beginning of the Heart line. People usually have more than one line, as they mark marriages, and lines of love. Each individual line will show, by its depth and length, just how deeply someone left their mark Timing can be experienced by determining if the marriage line is closer to the heart line (early in life) or near the joint of the finger (later in life).

Other Marks: depending on the area or mound they are found different mrks show certain effects in that area.  Here are just a few.

X    Cross, Bad Luck: (except when located between the Head and Heart Line.)
l     Vertical line: talent & potential.
__ Horozontal line: diminishing returns.
/     Diagonal line; emphasizes a negetive aspect.
*    Star;  good luck & success,
  .   Dots & blotches; are obstacles,
##  Grills; problems & adjustments.
Y    Forks; split focus.
          Tridents; unanticipated good luck.
          Circles; misfortune, (except on the Mount of Opollo,
          great success is indicated.)
          Square; protection  & security.
          Triangle; good luck & success.
          Islands; stressful difficulties.

The BRACELETS; also called Rascettes,relate to the other lines in the hand, there can be p to Three.  Strongly defined bracelets indicate positive conditions.  Frayed bracelets indicate struggles to overcome obstacles.  If the upper bracelet is strongly curved it indicaarning of health.

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