Planets in signs and houses Gem Stone

Gem Stone
This is a Sanskrit verse that was written 8,000 years ago. The expanded translation states, "Whatever is inside you is outside you. Whatever is outside you is within you." This means that the air, water, fire, earth, and cosmic energy outside you is within you. No scientist, atheist, or cynic will deny that he is made out of 75% water, he needs air every second, he needs to maintain a body temperature of 98.6° Fahrenheit, and he needs food from the Earth to survive.

This food comes from the upper layer of the Earth. If we go further down into the Earth, you will find the roots which help us to survive. If we go down further into the Earth, then we discover the minerals which we need to survive. The most essential element of the above mentioned breakdown of the Earth is the concentrated form of energy or as is known by Vedic science, the essence of Earth...or gemstones.The right proportions of food, air, water, and heat give us life and energy. Similarly, the right gemstones will provide a harmonious and more improved life. You may say that you don't eat gemstones but you do eat food. Gemstones work the same way that lightening effects you, or how the Sun ray's give you Vitamin D, or how the sound of soothing music relaxes you. The aroma of onions will make you cry even though you don't touch them. Gemstone energy works on your mind. When the mind is balanced, you will make less mistakes and you will have more time, money, and energy to construct a better future.

You may still argue as to how a piece of rock will help you. Take for example a knife made out of iron. However, when the doctor uses the knife with the right knowledge, that piece of iron becomes a life saving tool. Vedic Astrological Science is based on the physics of Nature and the chemistry of the Earth. Combining the five basic elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Cosmic Energy, you conclude at Vedic astrological gemstones. The more you harmonize with these energies, the better conductivity of success will develop within you and around you. Nature provides these elements, without which you cannot exist. Therefore Nature controls your every second. Furthermore, Nature inspires the mind, which in turn influences the body to act positively or negatively according to the harmony of cosmic energy and environment. Remember, we generate the right prescription based upon your own very unique birth place, date, and time of birth.

Nature will not come knocking on your door to help you. You must take advantage of this light and put it to work for a better future.
Please Note Vedic Gemstones also known as Jyotish Gemstones, Astrological Gemstones, Healing Gemstones, Holistic Gems, Navratna, Jyotish Gems, Planetary Gems, Birthstones.
By wearing properly prescribed gemstones under proper supervision, you can benefit from the natural healing characteristics of Vedic astrological gemstones. We do not recommend these Vedic astrological gemstones to be applied in lieu of necessary medical attention. By no means is this information a self-help panacea. However, we do recommend the application of Vedic astrological gemstones in efforts to reduce discomfort in a natural and time-demanding situation. One must remember that we are not qualified medical experts.

However, we have empirical evidence that utilizes the examination of your horoscope and family background for a prescription. Our 'dosages' are monitored and are based on the size and type of gemstones.The ancient scientific scriptures consistently mention the relationship between color, planets, and gemstones. With the almost sacred color stratification, ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), we see the correlation perfectly. The cosmic rays that manifest themselves in various wavelengths (colors) have unique affects on the health of our mind and body. The purest of the ROYGBIV rays resides concentrated in precious gems, and so, the gems are of great curative value.
Elemental Composition of the Human Body
Diplomat, American Board of Pathology Posted St. Valentine's Day, 2000
What we are trying to illustrate here are the fundamentals of our human existence. If we were to mix the below mentioned amounts of elements into a doll, then would the doll come to life? Of course not! Then you must know that something else is affecting us, namely, prana (cosmic energy).

The table below gives the amount of each chemical element found in the human body, from most to least abundant. For each element, there is the amount in mass units in an average (70-kilogram) person, the volume of the element, and the length of the side of a cube that would contain that amount of the pure element. Volumes of solid and liquid elements are based on density at or near room temperature (where available). For the gaseous elements (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, chlorine, and fluorine), I chose to use the density of each in the liquid state at the respective boiling point.
Element Mass of element
in a 70-kg person
Volume of purified element Element would
comprise a cube this long on a side
oxygen 43 kg 37 L 33.5 cm
carbon 16 kg 7.08 L 19.2 cm
hydrogen 7 kg 98.6 L 46.2 cm
nitrogen 1.8 kg 2.05 L 12.7 cm
calcium 1.0 kg 645 mL 8.64 cm
phosphorus 780 g 429 mL 7.54 cm
potassium 140 g 162 mL 5.46 cm
sulfur 140 g 67.6 mL 4.07 cm
sodium 100 g 103 mL 4.69 cm
chlorine 95 g 63 mL 3.98 cm
magnesium 19 g 10.9 mL 2.22 cm
iron 4.2 g 0.53 mL 8.1 mm
fluorine 2.6 g 1.72 mL 1.20 cm
zinc 2.3 g 0.32 mL 6.9 mm
silicon 1.0 g 0.43 mL 7.5 mm
rubidium 0.68 g 0.44 mL 7.6 mm
strontium 0.32 g 0.13 mL 5.0 mm
bromine 0.26 g 64.2 µL 4.0 mm
lead 0.12 g 10.6 µL 2.2 mm
copper 72 mg 8.04 µL 2.0 mm
aluminum 60 mg 22 µL 2.8 mm
cadmium 50 mg 5.78 µL 1.8 mm
cerium 40 mg 4.85 µL 1.7 mm
barium 22 mg 6.12 µL 1.8 mm
iodine 20 mg 4.06 µL 1.6 mm
tin 20 mg 3.48 µL 1.5 mm
titanium 20 mg 4.41 µL 1.6 mm
boron 18 mg 7.69 µL 2.0 mm
nickel 15 mg 1.69 µL 1.2 mm
selenium 15 mg 3.13 µL 1.5 mm
chromium 14 mg 1.95 µL 1.3 mm
manganese 12 mg 1.61 µL 1.2 mm
arsenic 7 mg 1.21 µL 1.1 mm
lithium 7 mg 13.1 µL 2.4 mm
cesium 6 mg 3.2 µL 1.5 mm
mercury 6 mg 0.44 µL 0.8 mm
germanium 5 mg 0.94 µL 1.0 mm
molybdenum 5 mg 0.49 µL 0.8 mm
cobalt 3 mg 0.34 µL 0.7 mm
antimony 2 mg 0.30 µL 0.7 mm
silver 2 mg 0.19 µL 0.6 mm
niobium 1.5 mg 0.18 µL 0.6 mm
zirconium 1 mg 0.15 µL 0.54 mm
lanthanium 0.8 mg 0.13 µL 0.51 mm
gallium 0.7 mg 0.12 µL 0.49 mm
tellurium 0.7 mg 0.11 µL 0.48 mm
yttrium 0.6 mg 0.13 µL 0.51 mm
bismuth 0.5 mg 51 nL 0.37 mm
thallium 0.5 mg 42 nL 0.35 mm
indium 0.4 mg 55 nL 0.38 mm
gold 0.2 mg 10 nL 0.22 mm
scandium 0.2 mg 67 nL 0.41 mm
tantalum 0.2 mg 12 nL 0.23 mm
vanadium 0.11 mg 18 nL 0.26 mm
thorium 0.1 mg 8.5 nL 0.20 mm
uranium 0.1 mg 5.3 nL 0.17 mm
samarium 50 µg 6.7 nL 0.19 mm
beryllium 36 µg 20 nL 0.27 mm
tungsten 20 µg 1.0 nL 0.10 mm
Raw data from which this table was made are from Emsley, John, The Elements, 3rd ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1998. This is a great trove of information, which I highly recommend for anyone wishing to learn more about the elements.


Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust and in the body. The body's 43 kilograms of oxygen is found mostly as a component of water, which makes up 70% of total body weight. Oxygen is also an integral component of all proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), carbohydrates, and fats.

Rubidium is the most abundant element in the body (0.68 g) that has no known biological role (silicon, which is slightly more abundant, may or may not have a metabolic function).

Vanadium is the body's least abundant element (0.11 mg) that has a known biologic role, followed by cobalt (3 mg), the latter being a constituent of vitamin B12.

The last of the body's elements to be discovered was fluorine, by Moissan in 1886.


By wearing properly prescribed gemstones under proper supervision, you can benefit from the natural healing characteristics of Vedic astrological gemstones. We do not recommend these Vedic astrological gemstones to be applied in lieu of necessary medical attention. By no means is this information a self-help panacea. However, we do recommend the application of Vedic astrological gemstones in efforts to reduce discomfort in a natural and time-demanding situation. One must remember that we are not qualified medical experts.

However, we have empirical evidence that utilizes the examination of your horoscope and family background for a prescription. Our 'dosages' are monitored and are based on the size and type of gemstones.The ancient scientific scriptures consistently mention the relationship between color, planets, and gemstones. With the almost sacred color stratification, ROYGBIV (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet), we see the correlation perfectly. The cosmic rays that manifest themselves in various wavelengths (colors) have unique affects on the health of our mind and body. The purest of the ROYGBIV rays resides concentrated in precious gems, and so, the gems are of great curative value.
Cosmic ray effects on gemstones
  • Ruby

    It acts as an antenna towards red cosmic rays. The ruby is ruled by our Sun. It can help cure leprosy, ulcers, fevers, hear and bone troubles. It warns people from many dangers. It increases dignity, respect, honor, and ensures a high status in life.
  • Pearl

    It acts as an antenna towards orange cosmic rays. It is a cold gem which is ruled by the Moon. It is helpful for persons who suffer from eye troubles, tuberculosis, hysteria, constipation, and cardiac trouble. For the enhancement of mental peace and recollection of memory, pearl is a suitable gem to utilize. It increases the emotional activity of human being. It succeeds in engaging love, attracts affection and promises a conjugal bliss.
  • Coral

    It attracts yellow cosmic rays. It is hot and is ruled by Mars. It helps to cure diabetes mellitus, emphysema, impotency, jaundice and skin diseases. It protects against adverse situations. It helps the ladies get married. Yellow sapphires are good gems for women to maintain marital bliss and protect them from widowhoods. It helps maintain solid friendships and governs reasoning systems.
  • Emerald

    It attracts green cosmic rays. It is cold and is ruled by Mercury. It helps maintain friendships with your marriage partner and business partner. It also governs reasoning systems, abdomen, eyes, nose, nervous system, debility, blood pressure, and ulcer. It offers all round success and achievement in life
  • Yellow Sapphire

    It invites blue cosmic rays. It is a cold gemstone and is ruled by Jupiter. It helps to maintain sound health and success in life. It helps to cure cholera, throat troubles, abdominal complications, jaundice, hysteria, and strengthens life.
  • Diamond

    It possess indigo blue cosmic rays. It is a cold gemstones and is ruled by Venus. It empowers persons to attraction. It promotes good understanding. It cures sexual disorders, delirium, diabetes, melitus, paralysis, and syphilis. It increases intellect and ensures the luxuries of life.
  • Blue Sapphire

    It attracts violet cosmic rays. It is a cold gem and is ruled by Saturn. Blue sapphires play a positive role in curing paralysis, nervous disorders, mental maladies, weakness, kidney, and abdominal troubles. Utilization of blue sapphires improves one's life. It invites name, reputation, wealth, longevity, and stamina.
  • Gomed

    It attract ultraviolet cosmic rays and is ruled by the Dragon's head or Rahu. It is a cold gem. It helps protect against obstacles, lessens worries, tension and ill health. It increases appetite and helps women during child birth. It also aids in easing marital problems. All-round success is achieved.
  • Cat's eye

    It attracts infrared cosmic rays. It is rule by the Dragon's tail and is a hot gemstone. It helps to protect against the bites of insects and snakes. It cures persons suffering from skin trouble, cholera, and cancer. It is a ruled by a Tantric planet and can help achieve wealth and provide strength against enemies.
More color and elementary relevance

The five Mahabhutas or Great Elements-
The five great elements are Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. They are associated with cosmic colors : blue rays with ether, violet with air, red and yellow with fire, orange and indigo with water and green with earth.

The five Tanmatras-The five Tanmatras and hence their respective organs have their links with the cosmic rays :
Smell (nose) with green, touch (skin) with violet, taste (tongue) with orange, sight (eyes) with red, and sound (ears) with blue.

The Tridosba- The color associations with Tridosha are:
Blue and violet with vayu, red and yellow with pitta, and indigo and green with kapha. These three are respectively the forces of harmony, energy and inertia residing inherently in every living cell of the human as well as other bodies. Indigo and green are positive forces, red and yellow are negative, and blue and violet  are neutral.

In fact, every creation is of the ROYGBIV rays and is enveloped by them. There is not a pin point of space in the Universe which is not occupied by these powerful rays. These rays are continuously and constantly surrounding every creation every moment of time throughout its existence.

Human Earth-Sphere
Integumentary Cosmos-
Muscle/Skeleton Geo-
Circulatory Hydro-
Respiratory Atmos-
Digestive/ Reproductive Bio-
Nervous Anthropo-

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