Moon in astrology has a high importance. Moon rules over the zodiac Cancer on account of which the natives of this zodiac signs are believed to be most emotional people as Moon bestows them all the feelings and sentiments. The Moon is said to represent the feeling nature of the individual. The moon is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, memories and moods. It is also associated with the mother. Astrologers traditionally also consider the phase of the moon at the time of birth in interpreting its effects on the individual. A person born in the first phase of the moon [New] will have an underlying sense of youthful enthusiasm and optimism. They will probably get off to an early start in life prefer to take the initiative and be quite successful when young. a person born in the second quarter will be ambitious and sociable. They will have a charismatic personality that draws others to them. They prefer a career where they are out in front and have attention and status. A person born in the third quarter will be sensitive to the needs of others and expects others to be sensitive to their own needs. There is a tension and nervousness at play and the most successful time of life will be in the middle years. A person born in the fourth quarter will have an underlying feeling and will finish the projects that others start, and reorganize and sort out the problems left by others. The person can be too sensitive and become upset by the demands of others and will work best in groups and are not materialistic, but they do need job satisfaction. They may be slow to grow up, and achieve success in something unusual and completely individual.
Indian astrology features the idea of the Lunar Mansion or Nakshatra that the Moon passes through of 13 degree 20 minutes of the Zodiac. Traditionally, the nakshatra position of Moon is computed for a native's mental make-up, and calculations of planetary periods –Dasa System, which is unique to only Vedic Astrology.
Each nakshatra is further partitioned into four equal segments known as charan or pad. Nakshatras have an important place in Horoscope Matching, Mahurtha, Panchanga and Prashana among other things. It is one of the three ascendants in the birth chart or a horoscope of a person. The weak or ill-placed moon could make the mental constitution weak and cause many mental and psychological problems like depression, anxiety, mental tensions and mood disorders. A powerful moon placed in a good house could bring all the worldly pleasure like wealth, happiness, vehicles, property, high designation in profession and support of authorities. It will also fill the personal life or family life of a person with happiness.
Understanding the moon is what allows us to understand the heart of our clients, and ourselves. Even though the moon is typically said to rule “the emotions”, that is just on the surface. Unfortunately, most of us live on the surface of our mind - riding up and down on the waves of emotion rather than sinking deeper, into the heart of truth within us.
The “moon yogas” technique uses a very scientific approach, relevant for Western or Vedic astrology, which assesses planets in spatial relationship to the moon. Learning this allows us to know for certain the psychological patterning and process, as well as those things that give consistent support.
How the Moon Works
The moon is how we receive, feel and integrate life's experiences.
Planets before the moon condition us to receive.
Planet with the moon are joined our emotions in real time.
Plants after the moon help us integrate our emotions.
Besides this process, there are planets angular to the moon which offer enduring support.
Planets in the fourth house from the moon bring an introspective quality.
Planets in the seventh house from the moon show support from others, especially partners.
Planets in the 10th house from the moon show support through handling our duties and responsibilities.
The Moon will be in a trinal relationship with Jupiter bringing a deep sense of hope and purpose (Jupiter) to your mind (Moon) and life, aligned with the discipline (Mars) to implement your goals.
This Jupiter trine Moon/Mars takes place in our higher purpose and meaningful goals in life. We all want our actions to be successful in the highest sense and yield consistent fruits.
This is a very subtle, yet elegant and universal technique from the heart of Vedic astrology. It is steeped in the wisdom of yoga and universal principles of body, mind and spirit. Those concepts transcend systems, cultures and the techniques based on them.
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