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1) One should not practice too many mantras together.

The key is to uphold one mantra persistently. Nowadays people have a tendency to chant too many different mantras. Some feel that they have to learn all mantras, and they chant every single one they come across. However, when they chant mantras, they just pay lip service to them and are unable to really hear the sounds at the same time and let the sounds impress into their hearts. Such chanting is just like a shepherd singing folk songs or a singer singing popular songs; it does not generate any spiritual powers. There are eighty-four thousand kinds of mantras, and it is not easy to learn every single one of them and still be able to merge ones heart with each anthem. Therefore, if one chants just one particular mantra and practices it over time, gradually this mantra will become one's heart mantra, and whenever one chants it wholeheartedly, it will generate a power that travels throughout the whole Universe. Mantra chanting is a doorway into the mastery of one's heart, and through it one can arrive at the realms of the Buddhas and Immortals.

2) Do not make any mistakes in chanting the mantras.

Often times there are people who incorrectly pronounce one of the syllables of the mantra. A deformed mantra chanted over a long period of time will naturally give rise to a deformed psychic phenomenon. that there is infinite power in chanting a particular mantra. When one makes a mistake with one syllable, the mantra's power is lessened. Therefore, it is extremely important that no mistake is made in chanting the mantras.

3) There is this quotation in a Sutra, "The mind should be kept independent of any thoughts that arise within it." This state of mind, or consciousness, is the key to unlocking the supreme doorway of mantra chanting. In other words, the vibration frequency of the mantra becomes the identity of one's consciousness. There is no difference between the two. The vibration of one's consciousness is the same as the vibration of the mantra. When one is chanting the mantra, sending out the vibration frequency of the mantra, one always enters into a condition of one-pointedness, or Vajra Samadhi, and attains the Vajra Indestructible Body. This is true at all times, wherever one goes. What a miraculous achievement!

In my opinion, mantra chanting is one of the means of cultivating stability in meditation. It is also a rapid shortcut to achieving realization. People who desire to activate their psychic energy can make great progress with the help of divine mantras. By chanting audibly the syllables of mantra and impressing the mantra on the mind, one can transform from an ordinary person to a psychically awakened person.

One who chants has to follow all rituals carefully without overlooking any details that might give the opposing forces a chance. Thus, a he must chant incessantly without interruption, to the level of proficiency wherein visualization, sound, and seed syllables all merge together. Also, the practitioner should remain mindful during chanting and refrain from unnecessary conversation, as interrupted chanting will result in failure. On the other hand, if one does not follow the proper codes or remain pure, one will not realize the positive effect and might even incur troubles."

"To chant a divine mantra, one should refrain from meat, alcohol, the five food stimulants, improper sexual activity, and the partaking of food and drink in unclean households." When one abides by these five codes, one will be empowered by the divine mantra and derive great benefits which include the uprooting of poisons and the eradication of illnesses and evil spirits.

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