If there is a ever a question whether Palmistry is a science the competent palmist will always find the test of matrimony as the best ground on which he can meet all challenges and scrutinies most satisfactory and effectively. The rules of applied palmistry can stand all analysis, and the universal applicability of its laws can be established effectively while predicting marriage compatibility. |
Marriage is perhaps the most important social institution and yet it is one of the greatest of social problems. According to Havelock Ellis. marriage is not only a contract in the true sense, but in the only sense in which it is a contract, it is a contract of an exceedingly bad kind. Most important factors constituting the sound foundation of a happy married life are: |
(1). Right choice of partner ; | (2). A good psychological attitude on the part of the partners, both to the world in general, and towards each other; & | (3). A vigorous and harmonious sex life. | |
A marriage is as successful as the couple are adjusted to each other. Compatibility in marriage is the most important common factor for happiness. It has become a fashionable belief among the educated people that sex education makes for sexual compatibility in marriage. But many highly educated persons like doctors, biologists, and nurses have sexual difficulties despite their knowledge, and many uneducated labourers have quite satisfactory sex life despite their ignorance. If there is a basic psychological conflict between the two partners, sex education can not be of much help. Sex is undoubtly the foundation of love, but sex alone can never sustain love. Loving is a ceative act and left entirely to chance, It cannot sufficiently grow. |
In examining marriage compatibility from hand-reading start with the skin texture. The surface examination of the skin texture is made by the holding the hand palm downwards and feeling the back of the hand by thumb. The skin texture may either be soft, or normal, or coarse. The soft texture indicates developed aesthetic sense, and the coarse skin betrays the lack of it. It must be remembered that soft skin is no guarantee for high morals and the coarse skin, by no means an indication of low morals. |
The next important point to note is the thickness of the hand and its consistency. The thickness of the hand indicates the strength of emotional factors ; the feeling capacity is judged from this thickness. Generally speaking, a man with thick hands has better chances of making marriages successful than a man with thin hands. The man with thin hand may lack the warmth of heart, his relational tendencies accentuate beyond limits, and he will be cold and excessively calculative even in matters of love. But a woman with thick hands may ba a difficult proposition in the case of a great number of males. She may subordinate her reasons to her emotions and the man may find it difficult to cope with her emotional demands. |
Thickness or thinness of hand is rather very closely connected with its consistency. Consistency is judged by the holding the hand tightly by both the hands and pressing the palm by the thumbs at various palces in order to judge the resistance of the hand muscles. The consistency of the hand may broadly be divided into three types : hard, elastic and soft. |
Consistency is hard when the hand muscles do not yield to thumb pressure and to be cmoposed of hard massive substance . This type of consistency always betrays a hard, unbending, premitive type of emotional quality. Elastic consistency is that in which the muscles when pressed offer somewhat less resistance. When this type of consistency is found, it should be treated as a good indication in any hand. When the hand muscles offer little or almost no resistance, the consistency is known to be soft. The flabby consistency, in which the substance of the muscles can be squeezed, is the extreme variety of soft consistency. This type of consistency betrays indolence and accentuated sensuousness. |
Thumb formation tells us quite a bit about the quality of love one is likely to possess. Remembering that absolute monogamy or polugamy is not to be found in human beings, much useful knowledge about this aspect can be obtained from the thumb. The strong thumb means strong sentimental attributes. Sentimental attributes should not be confused with emotional attributes. A person with a strong sentimental attribute is one whose love is composed of a number of strong emotive motives directed and concentrated towards one individual. This person will love a woman not merely for sex attraction, but his love will be composed of a number of diverse factors. His sexual and other emotional impules will be oriented towards the objects of his love. With a weak thumb, the position will be otherwise. |
A well shaped thumb speaks of polish and decency in love making. With a coarse thumb, the motive will be sex in its instinctive, coarse form. |
If this thumb is supple, that is, if it is a flexible over the joint, it indicates shifting sentiments. Such persons are generous in love and give more for small returns in love. They are splendid lovers--, so long they love. The trouble with them is that they find it difficult to keep their sentiments fixed on one subject for a long period. |
Stiff thumb promises better stability and constancy in love and sentiments. A heavy nail phalange makes the person rather a bully particularly on occasions of emotional upsets. If the second phalange is waisted, it betokens tactful foresight which shapes behaviour in a well-defined pettern. |
Should the person with a supple thumb be avoided in matrimony? Not at all. Thumb formation certainly indicates monogamic and polygamic aptitutes in persons, but while drawing conclusions one must remember that both these conditions differ not in kind but in degree. I submit that the approach to monogamous or polygamous dispositions as good or evil is not correct. They are two different ways of emotional expression. Barring the pronounced cases, which can easily be detected from the hand traits in general and from the thumb formation in particular, monogamy and polygamy depend much on the circumstances and environments. |
We must be able to appreciate the complex traits of personality and should be able to detect the relative distinctions. A man of shifting sentiments may or may not be mech sensual, but the difference in his psychological composition from the former type lies in the fact that his sentiments and love for a woman tend to shift rather quickly and easily. A person with a strong well shaped stiff thumb may have a number of sexual affairs depending on the nature and circumstances of his life, but he will never give others the same or simlar position in his heart which he gives to his beloved. On the other hand, supple thumb denotes the love for variety and also an easy genorous disposition which is ever prepared to give and take confidence quite easily. Such a type of person should be allow to develop new interests. If his desire for variety is thus fed, he will remain faithful; and he will be better person to live with in daily routine than the one with a strong, stiff thumb. |
The shape and build of the fingers is also important. If the fingers are slender and flexible over the joints, it is a very positive indication of lack of restrictive control over the instinctive desires. In a woman's hand, such fingers with a weak supple thumb bespeak of a nervy person predisposed to polygamy. If the Head and Life are also widely seperated at the begining, the useful inhibitive female tendencies are also lacking. Add to this, a jutting little finger, we have a picture of a woman of promiscuous disposition resenting any restricitive control whatsoever. |
The Girdle of Venus indicates sensitivity in the emotional plane. The bumps on the finger tips also indicate sensitivity on the intellectual plane which may sometime find expression in festidiousness. If the hand is filled with numerous thin lines going on all directions, it indicates nervous sesitivity. The Via Lasciva betrays marked love for excitement. If the main lines of the hand are thin and well traced, it is an indication of moment refinement. |
If the heart line is widely curved, it indicates masculine directional trends emotions. If the heart line is straight, it shows feminine directional expressions of emotions. The term masculine signifies a direct, physical approach. The straight type of heart line shows passiveness in approach and fastidiousness. Mental stimulation is a prerequisite to physical stimulation. This does not mean that the person with a curve type of heart line has no aesthetic discrimination, that physical stimulation is all that he or she cares for, and that the person will recieve mental satisfaction from anyone who is capable of giving physical stimulation. Nothing of this sort is implied. The curving of heart line has nothing to do with morality, and character. |
The formation of the heart line should be judged in relation to the head line. If the head line is long and curves down deep into the Mount of Luna. It indicates a basic feminine, abstract and romantic mind. If this type of heart line associated with a straight type of heart line, physical approach without mental preparation will be very much repugnant to such persons. It will be difficult to bring this person down to facts life from the romantic ideas of love and sex. |
If the Head line is straight, not very long and Heart line is curved, the person seldom loses sight of practical matters in romance. If the Head line is rather short and straight, you can be sure that the person's concept of beauty and appreciation of the beautiful is very much limited to the physical attributes. Such a man will insist that his wife must be beautiful first and everything afterwards. This is just a general deduction. It persupposes some desire for beautiful things, and a strong, masculine sexual urge. These are easily discernible from hand traits. If the hand is coarse and betrays lack of any aesthetic appreciation, the person will not care for a beautiful wife, but will insist that his wife should be quite useful in material life. Such persons will not hesitate to use their wives to achieve things in the material field. |
Some of the answers to the general matrimonial problems will be found in the sex factor. Sex is the foundation of marriage. It is very necessary that the sexual demands of the partners do not vary too much. Sexual demands of men and women can never be alike. At best thet can be complimentary. |
If the hands of a man are pronouncedly thick, the Mount of Venus is well developed. the lifeline traces a wide curve round the Mount of Venus, we can immediately visualise that the sexual urges if the man must be vigorous and his demands for sexual satisfaction squarely met by his partner before she can expect to receive adjustments on his part. The mode and manner of the sexual satisfaction varies from time to time, because he can not be reconciled if his partner insists on conventional time and postures. |
But the sexual desires of woman are strongly inhibited by social mores. Young women rarely consider sex outside a romantic framework. Very few normal women can derive pleasure from sex act if no feeling of love is associated with it. Often the man with thick hands will think of sex without associating it with any feelings of love. |
If the hands of women proposed to be married to the above type of a man, are rather thin, the mounts are flat, the lifeline in both the hands is narrowly traced thereby confining the Mount of Venus to a rather narrow space, we have a woman whose feelings and demands for sexual satisfaction are not the prime factors in her psychological make-up. She can neither be quickly stimulated for the act, nor can she regard sexual satisfaction as a measure of her mental satisfaction. With this type of woman, sexual compatibility is definitely a result and not the cause of emotional compatibility. |
But the man whose sexual demands are strong will assert them in no uncertain manner. Sexual compatibility will be the cause and not the effect of the emotional compatibility if his case. He will take her attitute for coldness in love and a predisposition to frigidity. |
Suppose the skin texture of the hands of the man is rather coarse and that of the woman, soft. The passions of this man will sleak more direct channels of expression, where as the woman will be refined and insist on a more harmonious and aesthetic atmosphere before she can prepare herself to surrender. His approach will be crude and she will feel disgusted at the scant respect shown to her delicacy of mind. |
If the skin texture of the hand is soft, it will modify his vigorous sexual demands to a great extent, and sublimate it, and he will be much more considerate for the feelings of his woman. |
These rules of hand reading can be very usefully applied to predict marriage compatibility. Anyone can successfully make use of these rules, but following facts must be kept in view :
(1). Marriage compatibility based on sexual and emotional compatibility is primarily a psychological subject. Never can be successful in predicting these matters without being familiar with the psychological principles involved. A fair knowledge of psychological from standard textbooks is an absolute necessity : | (2). One must appreciate that between any two extreme indications of a particular hand trait, numerous variations in degree are found, and hence our conclusions must be arrived at judiciously in keeping with the degree of variation. For instance, a hand may be very thin, but the degrees of actual variation from person to person may extend over a wide range, none of which being exactly alike. | (3). Psychological traits are never judged facultywise. For the purpose of academic explanation and study, these traits are individualised, classified and explained in particularised contexts. Actually, all these traits act, interact, and modify one another in such a way that you may recognise any particular trait in any person in its classical and typical form. Ability, and competence to synthesise properly various indications of predispositions and to make a correst assessment of the personality as a whole thereform, must be acquired through patience, understanding, experience, study, and practice, before anyone attempts seroiusly to predict marriage compatibility by judging personality compatibility.
wrt aryabhatt | |
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