Planets in signs and houses

Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects, Vedic Solution of Bad Planet Effects


According to the Vedic Astrology all planets have equal importance in our life and they have different types of influence. Incorrect placement of planets in our horoscope can cause diseases or other negative effects in life. The influence of bad planet is nothing else than a weak moment in your life. But bad effects of planets can be reduced although not fully reversed by using astrological remedies. These remedies include recitation/chanting of esoteric words.
Every human has to undergo the influence of nine planets in his life time. Some of the planets change the life for good but some (inauspicious planets) can bring disaster situations in the life. But Astrological remedies for bad planetary effects/influences are the best solution to get rid of from such type of inauspicious planets.  A well known Astrological remedies expert – Astrologer Zabaj can assist you in providing vedic remedies so that you can prevent yourself from such type of dangerous situation that will occurs because of bad planet effects.
Vedic remedies are generally divided into three parts: Tantra, Mantra and Yantra and these remedies help you to remove your problems that you are facing because of bad planets influences.
These are the as various vedic solution of problems caused by bad planet effects:
Bad position of sun in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Body parts become stiff and the person feels difficulty in the movement, mouth is always full with sliva etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Before going outside, eat some sweets and drink some water, donation of jiggery, copper and wheat, immerse the copper coin in the flowing water of a pond and read the sacred Purana – Harivanshpuran.

Bad position of Moon in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Water resources in the house have one or the other problem, well or pond in house if any becomes dry.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Immersed silver in the flowing water, pot full of milk or water should be kept near the bed while sleeping and in the next day morning through this into the roots of kikar tree.
Bad position of Mars in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Joint pain problem, deficiency of blood, argument atmosphere, if you have child then he/she may suffer due to some diseases.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Feed the dogs, donate sweet made of sesame and jiggery, red massor dal in the temple, recite Hanuman chalisa everyday etc.
Because of this planet’s bad effect, you can feel weakness.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Wear emerald ring in the little finger, immersed copper coin with a hole in the center in the flowing water, feed cows with green fodder etc.

Bad position of Jupiter in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Complete baldness, problems in education etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Bad position of Venus in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Skin disease, weakness etc
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Donate fodder for the cows, wear diamond ring in the next to little finger etc.
Bad position of Saturn in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :

Hairloss in the eyelids  & eyebrows, unexpected damage in house etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Donate iron & mustard oil, feed crows & fishes, Puja of Lord Shiva, Maa Kali or Goddess Durga etc.

Bad position of Rahu in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Its bad effects can take many tensions in your life.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Immersed coconut in water, Puja of maa Sarswati etc.
Bad position of Ketu in your horoscope may lead to several problems such as :
Children remain sick, joint pain and injuries etc.
Astrological Remedies for Bad Planetary Effects:
Feed the dogs; donate black blankets to the nearby person.
If you also facing such type of problems because of these stars then you can take the help of Astrologer . Zabaj who can suggest the relevant vedic astrological remedies as per your stars in the horoscope and provide vedic astrology yantra and gems duly purified with the auspicious mantras

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