Scientifically , good hair growth is determined by three factors, the skin, the hair follicles and the proteins that sustains the hair growth.Astrologically these three are controlled by the benefic planets such as by the benefic planets such as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. It must be recalled here that Varahamihira considers the signs of benefic planets as helping in hair growth and the signs of malefic planets having a role in hair loss. However he considers two benefic signs as susceptible for hair-loss. They are Taurus and Sagittarius.

According to Brihad Jataka (23-15), if birth falls in malevolent signs or in Sagittarius or Taurus and is aspected by evil planets, the person will be bald headed. The lagna falling in the signs of malefics such as Mars, Sun and Saturn must be devoid of evil afflictions for lasting hair growth on the head. Among the other signs, Taurus and Sagittarius ruled by Venus and Jupiter respectively must also be devoid of malefic afflictions to avoid baldness.The reason can be rationalized on the basis of Baadhak lords for respective signs. The Malefic signs run the element of risk in upsetting the appearance due to the malefic lords. Aries signifying the head is associated with the fiery planet Mars. Sun is the natural significator for hair growth. But both sun and Mars are bilious planets.Excessive bile nature is one of the main causes for hair loss. So the three signs Aries,Scorpio and Leo come under the scanner.
The other two signs of malefic lordship are Capricorn and Aquarius. The lord Saturn is associated with early aging. Premature graying and early thinning of hair are the legacy of Saturn.
Saturn’s importance can not be undermined because it becomes the governing planet of the fetus in its
6th month of growth. Hairs start appearing in the 6th month of the fetal baby. Perhaps a research on the transiting Saturn in the 6th month of the fetus with the natal lagna (once the baby is born) might give an early idea about the appearance connected with hair growth.
In the 5th(preceding) month, the fetus gets good growth of the skin which is governed bythe planet moon. This shows how the skin and hair develop in stages one after theother and how astrology has related well the respective planets to detect the kind of appearance one gets. Moon, particularly the Navamsa moon tells about the skin color and appearance supplemented by the hair growth on body and the head.
Among the signs of benefic lords, Gemini and Virgo are the favorable ones for beautiful appearance of hair. The lord is Mercury who is associated with earthy nature (prithvitattwa). According to classical texts, birth in earthy nature ensures good and healthygrowth of hair and nails. Mercury is the planet of prithvi tattwa which is also associated with skin. The Baadhak lord for both the Mercurian signs is a natural benefic namely Jupiter. Jupiter which aids in growth and is responsible for good assimilation of protein products (protein is essential for hair growth) can not upset the Mercurian contribution to hair growth.
As for Cancer, Moon is the influencing agent for hair growth. The hair-curt is recommended only in connection with the this (moon’s movement around the earth) and therefore moon can not upset its native. Moreover the Baadhak lord for Cancer is Venus which is a first rate beauty conscious planet.
This leaves out the signs of Venus and Jupiter.
For Taurus, the 9th lord Saturn becomes the Baadhak making the sign vulnerable. For Libra the significator for hair (Sun) himself is the Baadhak. Unless Sun occupies adversarial locations, the Librans need not worry.
For Sagittarius and Pisces, Mercury becomes the Baadhak. But Varahamihira has sound edcaution only for Sagittarius and not for Pisces. It may be because; Sagittarius is associated with good appearance of hair whereas Pisces is not. Since Mercury’s impact is dependant on whom he is associated with, one can not give a clean chit to it that it would not upset the Sagittarians.This is the basic nature of signs in influencing hair-loss.
Lagna is the primary determinant for the appearance including the nature of hair growth.Both the luminaries add luster to the appearance. Both of them are connected with hair growth. In the following positions they adversely affect hair growth.
- Sun in the lagna or in Navamsa lagna
- Sun in the 7th from the lagna / Navamsa lagna .
- Moon in Aries or Leo in rasi or Navamsa makes the thinning of hair.
- Moon in Taurus gives short hair.
- Weaker sun and / or moon in the lagna of Drekkana and Trimsamsa also add to the hairy woes.
The following lagna position in Rasi and the corresponding Navamsa shows tendency to lose hair or thinning down of hair.
Lagna In Rashi Lagna In Navamsa
Aries Gemini
Cancer Capricorn
Leo Leo
Scorpio Sagittarius
Capricorn Cancer
The following lagna – Navamsa positions are helpful for good appearance of hair.
Lagna In Rashi Lagna In Navamsa
Taurus Gemini
Taurus Cancer
Taurus Leo
Gemini Capricorn
Cancer Cancer
Leo Cancer
Scorpio Virgo
Sagittarius Aries
Sagittarius Cancer
Generally Navamsa lagna and Navamsa moon determine the appearance of a person. If the Navamsa lagna falls on the houses of benefics without afflicted by malefics, the person will have good growth of beautiful looking hair. The following are withreference to only Navamsa lagna as given in “Brahma Rishi Vaakyam".
If the Navamsa lagna falls in the sign of Sun (Leo),no need to worry about balding.The person will have thick and curly hair growth. The American President Barack Obama has Navamsa lagna in Leo, but has sun in the 7th in D-1. The sun is strongand auspicious in the other divisional charts (D-3 and D-30). So we have to do acombined reading. Sun in the 7thwill certainly give a receding hairline but its strength in other charts with Leo as Navamsa lagna will not give him undue baldness. The hair thickness had come down early in his life. The spoilsport is Saturn which is in its own sign in both D-1 and D-9. It is posited in lagna in the rasi. So he must have started graying early. People and the media are thinking that it started only after he assumed office.
If the Navamsa lagna falls in the sign of Moon (Cancer),there must be worry about hair on the head. There will be more hair on the body but thin hair on the head! Early balding comes with lagna in Cancer in D-9 and D-3 and D-30 (unless the rasi lagna falls in the above mentioned signs that are favorable for growth of hair.)
If the Navamsa lagna falls in the sign of Mars (Aries and Scorpio), there is a strong chance of balding.This is a major pointer to baldness as per texts. There is no differentiation between these signs as being fiery or watery. That it is lorded by Mars is the sufficient cause for the hair loss. A famous bald person in this category is Mahathma Gandhi. His Navamsa falls in Scorpio.
If the Navamsa lagna falls in the sign of Mercury (Gemini and Virgo),the person will have beautiful hair.
If the Navamsa lagna falls in the sign of Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces),once again the same feature as above. Usually the Navamsa lagna in the houses of benefics ensure beautiful and good growth of hair.If the D-9 lagna falls in the sign of Venus (Taurus and Libra), same as above.
If the D-9 lagna falls in the sign of Saturn ( Capricorn and Aquarius),dull and thin hair would grow. Early graying is also seen.
Though astrological remedies for baldness are not found in classical texts, we can draw a clue for the remedy from the root cause assigned to this problem. The Sun is the major contributor to hair-loss. As such there are Ayurvedic solutions based on Sun’s planetaryattributes. The planetary essence of pitta must be neutralized by lime products. If the prospect of losing hair is identified early in life from the horoscope, one can take proper medication and substitutes from Ayurveda to avoid hair-loss. Astrologically speaking,appeasement of Sun by way of worship of Sun God and recital of slokas such as AdityaHrudhayam can be done from an younger age.
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