Planets in signs and houses DREAMS

The scientific discipline of the study of Dreams and their meanings is often called Oneirology. When analysts try to predict the future through their interpretation of dreams then this is termed Oneiromancy. When people have dreams and remember those dreams it can sometimes be very disturbing for them while at other times it may be a happy or positive experience. The biggest question people often ask when they remember their dreams is what the dreams actually meant or are they are a sign for the future. Many dreams are often seen as a sign for the future.

Some have felt that when we dream during our sleep it is a response to neural processes. Most animals will dream, but some will never dream. But all humans dream. During a persons average life span they will have a total of around six years of dreams. During the ancient times it was thought by people that their dreams were the messages of Gods. During times of war, many Leaders would take their dream-oracles into battle from where they could receive some guidance.

There is a lot of talk about how important time is during a dream. Some people have felt that the dream time may be the same as real time, though other people feel this is not correct. It is thought that on average people will spend on average two hours in dreams each night. But at this stage we have still not worked out where in the brain a dream starts from. Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud feel that dreams are an interaction between the unconscious and the conscious.

Some people have another theory that we are always in a state of dreaming in one form or another. What happens is that when people are awake and remember a dream they think that now they are awake the dream has finished. But the theory is that in effect the dream has not stopped but is continuing but just in a different way. So in effect we are always in a state of dreaming. When we are having dreams, it displays the feelings, thoughts and the images that are part of being asleep, especially when they are associated with Rapid eye movement sleep.

Stages of sleep in Dream Interpretation:
When the body feels that it is in need of sleep, neurons near the eyes start sending signals that travel right throughout the body. A hormone is secreted from the glands that will help the body induce sleep and neurons send signals to the spinal cord which has the effect of relaxing the body.

Dreams and memory in Dream Interpretation:
Some people feel that your dreams are ever-present excitations of long-term memory. It is felt that often when we have dreams that seem many times to be strange in nature which may be the result of long term memory.

Functions of dreams in Dream Interpretation:
During the night there may be many external stimuli bombarding the senses, but the mind interprets the stimulus and makes it a part of a dream in order to ensure continued sleep. The mind will, however, awaken an individual if they are in danger or if trained to respond to certain sounds, such as a baby crying. Dreams may also allow the repressed parts of the mind to be satisfied through fantasy while keeping the conscious mind from thoughts that would suddenly cause one to awaken from shock. It was Freud who had the theory that a persons bad dreams may be a way to teach the brain how to deal with difficult emotions. Dreams also let the mind express things that would normally be suppressed in the waking world, thus keeping itself in harmony. Dreams may also offer a view at how future events might proceed; this is similar to running future events through the mind, for instance: a work presentation, a job interview, or a first date. It was Jung who felt dreams may in some way compensate for attitudes that people held during waking consciousness. Ferenczi wrote that a dream is a form of communication when the person is not speaking what they think or feel. There have also been analogies made with the cleaning-up operations of computers when they are off-line. Dreams may remove parasitic nodes and other "junk" from the mind during sleep. Dreams may also create new ideas through the generation of random thought mutations. Some of these may be rejected by the mind as useless, while others may be seen as valuable and retained. Blechner calls this the theory of "Oneiric Darwinism." Dreams may also regulate mood.

Dream content in Dream Interpretation:
It was during the period of the 1940s up to 1985 that Calvin S. Hall complied a report of over 50,000 dreams during research at the Western Reserve University. This research was eventually published. In this publication they outlined a coding system to study dream reports. What was discovered was that basically people had the same dreams.

Emotions in Dream Interpretation:
The most common emotion experienced in dreams is anxiety. Negative emotions are more common than positive feelings. The U.S. ranks the highest amongst industrialized nations for aggression in dreams with 50 percent of U.S. males reporting aggression in dreams, compared to 32 percent for Dutch men.

Gender differences in Dream Interpretation:
It is believed that in men's dreams an average of 70 percent of the characters are other men, while a female's dreams contain an equal number of men and women. Men generally had more aggressive feelings in their dreams than women, and children's dreams did not have very much aggression until they reached teen age. These findings parallel much of the current research on gender and gender role comparisons in aggressive behavior. Rather than showing a complementary or compensatory aggressive style, this study supports the view that there is a continuity between our conscious and unconscious styles and personalities.

Recurring dreams in Dream Interpretation:
During a dream the person will only dream the content mostly only one time, but people experience over and over again during during times they are asleep. Up to 70% of females and 65% of males report recurrent dreams.

Common themes in Dream Interpretation:
Content-analysis studies have identified common reported themes in dreams. These include: situations relating to school, being chased, running slowly/in place, sexual experiences, falling, arriving too late, a person now alive being dead, teeth falling out, flying, embarrassing moments, failing an examination, or a car accident. Twelve percent of people dream only in black and white.

Disease-associated differences in Dream Interpretation:
There is evidence that certain diseases (normally only neurological diseases) can impact dreams. For instance, people with synesthesia have never reported black-and-white dreaming, and often have a difficult time imagining the idea of dreaming in black and white only.

Dream interpretation Theory:
Both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung identified dreams as an interaction between the unconscious and the conscious. They also assert together that the unconscious is the dominant force of the dream, and in dreams it conveys its own mental activity to the perceptive faculty. While Freud felt that there was an active censorship against the unconscious even during sleep, Jung argued that the dream's bizarre quality is an efficient language, comparable to poetry and uniquely capable of revealing the underlying meaning. Fritz Perls presented his theory of dreams as part of the holistic nature of Gestalt therapy. Dreams are seen as projections of parts of the self that have been ignored, rejected, or suppressed. Jung argued that one could consider every person in the dream to represent an aspect of the dreamer, which he called the subjective approach to dreams. Perls expanded this point of view to say that even inanimate objects in the dream may represent aspects of the dreamer. The dreamer may therefore be asked to imagine being an object in the dream and to describe it, in order to bring into awareness the characteristics of the object that correspond with the dreamer's personality.

Lucid dreaming in Dream Interpretation:
Lucid dreaming is the conscious perception of one's state while dreaming. In this state a person usually has control over characters and the environment of the dream as well as the dreamer's own actions within the dream. The occurrence of lucid dreaming has been scientifically verified.

Dreams of absent-minded transgression in Dream Interpretation:
Dreams of absent-minded transgression (DAMT) are dreams wherein the dreamer absentmindedly performs an action that he or she has been trying to stop (one classic example is of a quitting smoker having dreams of lighting a cigarette). Subjects who have had DAMT have reported waking with intense feelings of guilt. One study found a positive association between successfully stopping the behavior.

Dream argument in Dream Interpretation:
Dreams can link to actual sensations, such as the incorporation of environmental sounds into dreams, or dreaming of urination while wetting the bed. Some philosophers have extended this idea to a skeptical hypothesis about ontology. The first recorded mention of the idea was by Zhuangzi, and was also discussed in Hinduism; Buddhism makes extensive use of the argument in its writings. It was formally introduced to western philosophy by Descartes in the 17th century in his Meditations on First Philosophy.

Recalling dreams in Dream Interpretation:
The recall of dreams is extremely unreliable, though it is a skill that can be trained. Dreams that are difficult to recall may be characterized by relatively little affect, and factors such as salience, arousal, and interference play a role in dream recall. A dream journal can be used to assist dream recall, for psychotherapy or entertainment purposes.

Déjà vu in Dream Interpretation:
The theory of déjà vu dealing with dreams indicates that the feeling of having previously seen or experienced something could be attributed to having dreamt about a similar situation or place, and forgetting about it until one seems to be mysteriously reminded of the situation or place while awake.

Dream incorporation in Dream Interpretation:
In one use of the term, "dream incorporation" is a phenomenon whereby an external stimulus, usually an auditory one, becomes a part of a dream, eventually then awakening the dreamer. There is a famous painting by Salvador Dalí that depicts this concept, titled "Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening" (1944). The term "dream incorporation" is also used in research examining the degree to which preceding daytime events become elements of dreams. Recent studies suggest that events in the day immediately preceding, and those about a week before, have the most influence

A daydream is a visionary fantasy experienced while awake, especially one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes, or ambitions. There are so many different types of daydreaming that there is still no consensus definition amongst psychologists. While daydreams may include fantasies about future scenarios or plans, reminiscences about past experiences, or vivid dream-like images, they are often connected with some type of emotion. Daydreaming may take the form of a train of thought, leading the daydreamer away from being aware of his or her immediate surroundings, and concentrating more and more on these new directions of thought. To an observer, they may appear to be affecting a blank stare into the distance, and only a sudden stimulus will startle the daydreamer out of their reverie. While daydreaming has long been derided as a lazy, non-productive pastime, daydreaming can be constructive in some contexts. There are numerous examples of people in creative or artistic careers, such as composers, novelists, and filmmakers, developing new ideas through daydreaming. Similarly, research scientists, mathematicians, and physicists have developed new ideas by daydreaming about their subject areas. Daydreaming was long held in disrepute in society and was associated with laziness. In the late 1800s, Toni Nelson argued that some daydreams with grandiose fantasies are self-gratifying attempts at "wish fulfillment". In the 1950s, some educational psychologists warned parents not to let their children daydream, for fear that the children may be sucked into "neurosis and even psychosis."

A lucid dream is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams are known to be extremely real and vivid. A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established. Scientists such as Allan Hobson, with his neurophysiological approach to dream research, have helped to push the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm. Many people report having experienced a lucid dream during their lives, often in childhood. Children seem to have lucid dreams more easily than adults. Although lucid dreaming is a conditioned skill, achieving lucid dreams on a regular basis can be difficult and is uncommon, even with training. Over time, several techniques have been developed to achieve a lucid dreaming state intentionally.

Dream recall in Dream Interpretation:
The term refers to the ability of some people to remember their dreams. People who have a high level of dream recall often are on a path for lucid dreaming. The more a person may recall their dreams the higher level of awareness they have. The best way to remember your dreams is to write them down straight away. People forget most dreams fast, so make sure to write them down. Write the dream down as if it is happening now. When you wake from a dream it is suggested to lie in bed first and recall the dream before you write it down.

Wake-back-to-bed (WBTB) The wake-back-to-bed technique is often the easiest way to encourage a lucid dream. The method involves going to sleep tired and waking up five hours later. Then, focusing all thoughts on lucid dreaming, staying awake for an hour and going back to sleep while practicing the MILD method. A 60% success rate has been shown in research using this technique. This is because the REM cycles get longer as the night goes on, and this technique takes advantage of the best REM cycle of the night. Because this REM cycle is longer and deeper, gaining lucidity during this time may result in a lengthier lucid dream.

Cycle adjustment technique (CAT) The cycle adjustment technique, developed by Daniel Love, is an effective way to induce lucid dreaming. It involves adjusting one's sleep cycle to encourage awareness during the latter part of the sleep. First, the person wakes up 90 minutes before normal wake time until their sleep cycle begins to adjust. After this, the normal wake times and early wake times alternate. On the days with the normal wake times, the body is ready to wake up, and this increases alertness, making lucidity more likely. Wake-initiation of lucid dreams (WILD) The wake-initiated lucid dream "occurs when the sleeper enters REM sleep with unbroken self-awareness directly from the waking state". There are many techniques aimed at entering a WILD. The key to these techniques is recognizing the hypnagogic stage, which is within the border of being awake and being asleep. If a person is successful in staying aware while this stage occurs, he or she will eventually enter the dream state while being fully aware that it is a dream. There are key times at which this state is best entered; while success at night after being awake for a long time is very difficult, it is relatively easy after being awake for 15 or so minutes and in the afternoon during a nap. Techniques for inducing WILDs abound. Dreamers may count, envision themselves climbing or descending stairs, chant to themselves, explore elaborate, passive sexual fantasies, control their breathing, counting their breaths to keep their thoughts from drifting, concentrate on relaxing their body from their toes to their head, allow images to flow through their "mind's eye" and envision themselves jumping into the image, to maintain concentration and keep their mind awake, while still being calm enough to let their body sleep. During the actual transition into the dream state, one is likely to experience sleep paralysis, including rapid vibrations, a sequence of loud sounds and a feeling of twirling into another state of body awareness, "to drift off into another dimension". Also there is frequently a sensation of falling rapidly or dropping through the bed as one enters the dream state. After the transition there may be the sensation of entering a dark black room from which one can induce any dream scenario of one's choosing, simply by concentrating on it. The key to success is not to panic, especially during the transition, which can be quite sudden.

Induction devices in Dream Interpretation:
A person may be able to unduce a lucid dream by using an outside device. What happens is that the person will wear a device when sleeping which detects the Rem phase and then it will release a stimuli so that it becomes part of the dream.

Reality testing in Dream Interpretation:
This is one method that a person may use to test if they are really dreaming or not. One such test includes lookinf at a clock or a watch. Does the change of time of seconds on the watch reflect real life time movement. Another is to try switching a light switch on and off as this almost never happens in a dream.

False awakenings in Dream Interpretation:
This occurs when the person has a dream where they are suddenly awakened. However the person is not awake but still asleep. They feel they are still in the same room they fell asleep in, but there are some very minor differences. In some cases the person may even attempt to leave the room. This type of dreaming is often associated with bed wetting as the person thinks they they have went to the bath room when they are in fact still in bed asleep.

Dream Lore
The Babylonians divided dreams into two categories. They believed good dreams were sent by the Gods. Bad dreams were sent by Demons. Their Goddess of dreams was Mamu.
The Assyrians believed in dreams as omens. For example, if a person flied in their dreams it indicated all would be lost.
The Egyptians believed that the Gods showed themselves in dreams. The Egyptians believed dreams were based on real things. The recording of dreams in Egypt may be traced back to 2000 B.C. were the Egyptians wrote these dreams on paprus. They believed there were three main types of dreams. Those that happened as a result of ritual. Dreams that contained warnings. Dreams were the Gods were demanding some type of action.
When a person was sick a Priest would interpret the dream and then give advice on healing. They believed dreams were sent by the Gods. The Gods also sent prophecies to those who slept at shrines. The Greeks thought that the people in their dreams lived near the underworld.
The Romans had strong views on dreams. They believed dreams were messages from the Gods. Emperor Augustus ruled that anyone who had a dream about the state must proclaim it in the market place.
Hebrews believed their dreams were the voice of only one God. However bad dreams were the work of Demons. The Hebrews incubated dreams in order to receive divine revelation.
The time when a prophetic dream occurred indicated when the event will take place.
The Emperors palace contained a dream hall with an incubation bed. Japanese Emperors also incubated their dreams at a Shinto Temple at Usa on the southern island of Kyusha. North American Indians
Many Indian tribes believed that dreams revealed the hidden wishes of the soul.

Sigmund Freud On Dreams
Viennese Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud first developed the theory about the role of the unconscious on the individual. Freud believed the dream worked on two levels. A straightforward level showed events in dreams as remembered. However in the latent level objects and actions in the dreams symbolize sexual and aggressive feelings and ideas that are repressed. So in dreams it protects the sleeper from the effects of a realization of these wishes. The dream taps into the desire for wish fulfilment when the controlling ego is relaxed during sleep. Freud wrote "All dreams are in a sense dreams of convenience, they help to prolong sleep instead of waking up. Dreams are the guardians of sleep and not its disturbers.

Carl Jung On Dreams
Carl Jung believed a dreams content uses symbolic language. He proposed that a dream expresses collective racial unconscious memories and instincts shared by all people. These are basic ideas that are themselves symbols. These include the hero, monster, mother, father, mandala, sacrifice and the mask. Dreams also indicate the way to self actualization. Jungian therapy in fact deals extensively with dreams and fantasies.

Fritz Pearls On Dreams
Fritz Pearls is the founder of Gestalt therapy. Pearls believed that characters and objects in our dreams are in fact projections of ourselves. They are in fact parts of our personality that we do not accept or acknowledge as well as our view of others. Pearls proposed that since we are the creators of our dreams then everything in our dreams must be aspects of our inner selves.

Alfred Adler On Dreams
Alfred Adler promoted the theory that the desire for power is what drives each person. Adler believed dreams were a way of addressing our insecurities. As a child you start with a sense of inferiority. But adults tend to move forward towards goals of success and superiority. Adler`s theory was that dreams reflected these ambitions. Alfred believed that dreams were an important vehicle in mastering control over our waking lives.

Dream Temples
The ancient Greeks sought dream oracles within sacred dream temples. One of the renowned dream temples was the Temple of Amphiaraus at Oropos. People would go to the temple and "purify oneself" first by making an offering to the Gods. A ram was the sacrificed, its fleece removed and then used as a sleeping mat inside the temple. Another famous temple was the Temple of Pasiphae. The magistrates of the city used the temple to receive answers to difficult questions. Sleeping within religious temples continued down through history. Another famous dream shrine was located in Lough Derg in Donegal, Ireland. It was a cave known as St. Patricks Purgatory. People would entomb themselves in tiny cells for up to nine days waiting for a vision of what was waiting for them in hell.

Dreaming True
It is the ability to have control and consciousness in the dream state. It is possible for one to keep conscious control of one self up to the moment of falling asleep. Practise holding a definite scene in your mind and then at the last moment before you fall asleep, transfer yourself into the scene. Done right there will be no break in consciousness and you will step into the dream consciously. This is what is called Dreaming True. After this you will remember all that happened in the dream in detail.

Dream Distortion
The world of dreams has no boundary. Time is of no meaning in a dream. Events that are separated by years can be brought together in the same moment. You may be transferred into the past or the future. Space can be distorted in dreams. You can be on Earth or on Mars. Your office can be transported to your bedroom. Dreams are often accompanied by emotions which may be exaggerated. Dreams are not constrained by the bounds of the physical world in which we live.

Dream Clairvoyance
Generally clairvoyant dreams are of two kinds : Warning dreams or Anxiety dreams.
Warning Dreams
In warning dreams it often looks into the future and often predicts some sort of danger. Only in rare instances does the dreamer appear in these dreams. One of the most amazing cases of this is US President Abraham Lincoln who dreamt of the assassination of a President only a few days before his own assassination in 1865. It must be remembered that dreams of death usually mean the end of a situation. Other people have dreamed and documented in advance natural disasters such as earthquakes. It is important to remember that to qualify for this sort of ability the dream must be of an event that the dreamer could not have acquired through normal dreams.
Anxiety Dreams
Often the mind will unconsciously absorb information that is released in dreams. In some cases these dreams may indicate health problems. It seems the body is trying to provoke some action for treatment.

Creative Dreams
Throughout time many famous artists, poets, musicians, scientists and writers among many have acknowledged their dreams as a source of ideas and creations. The famous 18th century composer Giuseppe Tartini was only able to complete one of his masterpieces after remembering one trill from a dream. Renowned writer Charles Dickins gained the inspiration for many of his characters and plots from his dreams. Author Robert Louis Stevenson great novel The Strange Case of Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde came from one of his inspirational dreams. Inventor Thomas Edison came up with some of his best inventions from his dreams. The 19th century Chemist Kekule dreamed of a serpent eating its tale which inspired him to find the molecular arrangement of the benzene molecule.

Repetitive Dreams
Some recurring dreams continue for months or even years. There may be many themes to these sorts of dreams from anxiety, escaping or a job that never get finished. These type of dreams are difficult to analyze. The recurring dream tends to reveal you real nature. Recurring dreams are usually an attempt to recognize hidden problems. They may also hint at a solution. Often the setting goes all the way back to childhood or events that happened many years earlier. Psychoanalysts believe that recurring dreams of being unable to complete a task may be as a result of rigid toilet training. However in most recurring dreams the original cause had not been dealt with but had been grafted onto another. If the dreams are intensely frightening it may be due to anxieties from childhood.

Compensatory Dreams
Psychoanalyst Carl Jung believed that dreams had a compensating function that provided a psychic balance for the personality. For example very timid people may dream of executing great violence. Thus by doing so in a way giving them balance. Some compensatory dreams are contrary. Often people overwhelmed by grief may have dreams that are funny in nature. On the other hand during times of great triumph people may have dreams of great sadness. This seems to give them balance. Compensatory dreams often have content that will surprise the dreamer. These sort of dreams help counterbalance failings and needs. 
 Memory And Dreams
The images you see as you nod off provide tantalizing clues about the relationship between dreams and memory, according to a report in the journal Science. Researchers at Harvard Medical School said they were surprised to find that people with amnesia could dream about an event that happened to them even though they had no waking memory of it. The discovery suggests that different types of memories are processed in different parts of the brain, said Dr. Robert Stickgold, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard and lead author of the study. Stickgold and his research team had 27 people, including five amnesiacs play the computer game Tetris for seven hours spread out over three days, and then report their dreams during the first hour of sleep on each of those nights. Like two-thirds of healthy participants, three of the five amnesiacs described dreams similar to the game even though they could neither recall playing it.

Neurology of Dream Interpretation:
As of writing there is still no common ground regarding the definition of dreams. Dreams are connected with Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Participant-remembered dreams during non-REM sleep are normally more mundane in comparison. At this point in time, it is still not known just exactly where in the brain that dreams may begin. It may be that more then one area of the brain is involved in dreams.
Dream Symbols
Abducting Someone : you have an inner desire for power.
Being Abducted : fearful of conflict.
Sometimes indicates fear of having no family or real friends.
Abroad : inner desire to escape.
Abusing Someone : financial improvement.
Speaking Foreign Accent : travel.
Accident At Sea : fear of relationship break-up.
Car Accident : be careful when driving.
Plane Accident : financial concerns.
Playing Accordion : indicates new love.
Headache : keep plans secret.
Being Admired : may indicate illness.
Admiring Others : good fortune coming.
Adopting : built up love that needs releasing.
Being Adopted : instability within family.
Fun Adventure : forthcoming good news.
Aliens : anxiety over safety.
Being Ambushed : problems at work.
Amusement Park : forthcoming good news.
Ancestors : a plea for help.
Angels : may indicate concern over your morals.
Apes : worried others are taking advantage of you.
Cats : depends on your attitude to cats what this means.
Horses : may have many meanings including sexual.
Applause : seeking recognition.
Army : facing many difficulties in life.
Artist : need recognition.
Ashes : fear of death.
Avalanche : warning dream.
Award : good luck.
Crying baby : may indicate poor health.
Happy Baby : security.
Happy Bachelor : man misses being single.
Baker : forthcoming success.
Baldness : fear of financial loss.
Bank : fearful of confrontation.
Bankruptcy : depression.
Taking Bath : feelings of guilt.
Being Beaten : family problems.
Beggar : if you help, good luck, if you don't, big trouble.
Caged Birds : fear of being trapped in a relationship.
Flock Of Birds : need to escape.
Owl : need advice.
Birthday : very good luck.
Blood : fear loss of strength.
Bomb : fear of a current situation.
Book : happiness.
Borrowing : concerned about your finances.
Crossing A Bridge : major transition in life.
Filling A Bucket : sexual dream.
Buried Alive : you are making a big mistake.
Driving A Bus : heading towards your goal.
Lit Candle : spiritual growth.
Unlit Candle : fear of rejection.
Living In Castle : feeling safe from enemies.
Cave : may represent the unconscious mind.
Locked In Cell : feeling restricted in life.
Cemetery : fear of death.
Held In Chains : heavy burden.
Being Chased : you are trying to escape a difficult situation in your own life.
Playing With Children : inner desire for a family life.
Chimney : fear of sterility.
Cleaning : feelings of guilt.
Buying New Clothes : desire to change your image.
Storm Clouds : deep depression.
Stuck In Coffin : in real life trapped in a situation.
Someone Else In Coffin : feelings of guilt.
Cooking : transforming inner conflict.
Corridor : trying to escape.
Crawling : childhood regression.
Committing Crime : strong emotions, may be warning, disapproval of inner desires.
Being At Crossroad : decision to make.
Closed Curtains : someone or something preventing you from seeing the light.
Cut : loss of friend of money.
Dancing : sexual desires.
Daybreak : finding way out of your problems.
Deaf : frustrated ambitions.
Lost In Desert : lack of direction in real life.
Detective : seeking solution to problem in real life.
Diamonds : good luck.
Being Disciplined : represents superego or voice of conscience showing disapproval over past behaviour.
Disguise : something to hide.
Divorce : may be reminder of how happily married you are.
Driving : desire to control life.
Drowning : life is becoming overwhelming.
Dungeon : wanting to escape a current situation.
Earrings : pay attention to rumours.
Earthquake : difficulties ahead.
Eating : symbol of comfort.
Election : anxious about your own popularity.
Elopement : wanting to change a current situation.
Engagement : may be wish fulfilment.
Examination : you are under pressure.
Your Own Execution : may be feeling depressed.
Expedition : struggle ahead that brings rewards.
In a Fashion Show : too over concerned with looks.
Dreams Of Father : may symbolize authority or power.
Fatigue : subconscious warning to relax.
Fence : need more privacy.
Film Star : seeking greater attention.
House On Fire : anger towards someone.
Fire Engine : escape from a situation.
Flying Flag : achieving success.
Floating With Current : future success.
Flying : the most common of all dreams, many possibility`s, may have sexual significance.
FOG : warning to examine carefully any contracts or partnerships.
Hiding In Forest : guilty secret.
Lost In Forest : failure to find your true path in life.
Fountain : happiness.
Committing Fraud : a warning to you.
Frostbite : people are acting cold towards you.
Rotten Fruit : may indicate health problems.
Antiques : desire to climb social ladder.

Discovery of REM:
It was Eugene Aserinsky who discovered REM sleep in 1953. He observed that the eyes fluttered during sleep beneath their closed eyelids. He went on to record brain waves during these periods. In 1953 Aserinsky and his advisor published the study in Science. J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarly put forward a new theory in 1976 about dreams. It was this theory that challenged previous theories and views on dreams. Their research put forward that it may be that signals interpreted as dreams may start within the brain stem during REM sleep.

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