Most people have two major transverse lines in the upper half of the palm. In Palmistry and Hand Analysis these are called the Heart Line and the Head Line.
The purest form of simian line is where only one line cuts across the hand and there is no indication of it containing more than one line. However, there are many variations between the two examples above. Some of these possible variations are shown below along with the rules for hand analysis.
The name "simian" was adopted many years ago and comes from the fact that some monkeys have only one crease in their palm.
Approximately 4% of Caucasians have this line on at least one hand. Approximately 13% of all Asians have it on at least one hand. It is even rarer to have this line on both hands.
The Simian Line and Medical Interest
A computer search of the medical literature reveals numerous attempts to link dermatoglyphics (skin markings) to medical disorders. At least fourteen chromosomal abnormalities are listed in the medical literature that have a high correlation (up to 84%) with the occurrence of a Simian Line. Down Syndrome is one of these diseases due to a chromosome abnormality. Does that mean that every person with a Simian Line is likely to have something medically wrong with them? No! There are many people with Simian Lines that do not have more than the average medical problems.
[NOTE: An informal and unscientific survey on this web site for people with one or more simian lines indicates that the majority of the surveyors do not have more than the normal physical problems. You can see the results for all the questions in graphic form here.]
Palm readers and Hand Analysts have observed over the years some common traits in people with Simian Lines on one or both hands. [This pertains to those people who have no apparent medical problems.] People with Simian Lines generally live their life differently than most other people who do not have Simian Lines. Not necessarily living better nor worse. Just living more intensely with an undercurrent of uneasiness. It is interesting that a number of well known people with a Simian Line have made a positive contribution to history. They include British Prime Minister Tony Blair (both hands), former Russian President Nikita Kruchev, writers John Steinbeck and Henry Miller, to name some well documented cases.
My Personal Observations on the Simian Line
I have been doing Past Life Regressions since 1975 and when I did a hypnotic Past Life Regression with two individuals who had simian lines, we discovered an interesting connection to past lives concerning their simian lines. I have documented some of my more interesting findings in the second edition of my ebook, "Secrets of Hand Analysis".
Here are 80 pictures of various type simian lines, if you are interested in comparing your hands.
Many thanks to the volunteers who graciously sent their hand images. No analysis is made or intended. The pictures are there just to show the different types of simian lines in case you are wondering if you have a real simian line.
Palmistry as 7000 year old Vedic Indian origins. A Irish con man by the name of William John Warner ( Cheiro ) came to India and stayed in the outhouse of my colleague's grandfather , a Saraswat Brahmin for two years and learnt the art. He then went back and made a fortune in the West.
His poor understanding of the science which he projected in his books has literally sunk this Vedic science involving the morphogenetic consciousness field.
His poor understanding of the science which he projected in his books has literally sunk this Vedic science involving the morphogenetic consciousness field.
The father of medicine Charaka , used palmistry for diagnosis. The palm lines are rivers of energy, moving through various glands and areas of consciousness. Each main line has an elementary quality, which reflects a particular form of energetic current within a person.
There are very few competent palmists nowdays--most of them are pretenders and charlatans. Morphogenetic fields help to differentiate cells and form biological systems. Every line of the palm is etched by this field while the baby is in the mother's womb based on past karma and karmic inheritance .
Morphogenetic fields are not material, but are more like biological blueprints giving birth to various forms. They carry encoded organizational information. A visible attribute of consciousness is an energetic field that governs the shaping of organisms. Morphogenesis is a scientific term to explain this very shaping of tissues, organs, and entire organisms.
All life forms are connected by "morphic fields" or strong intertwined energetic connections. Forces of attraction cause the particles to come together to form nuclei with electrons orbiting around them giving the illusion of matter. These atoms are attracted together to form molecules.
Molecules are brought together by organizing forces inherent in the particular morphogenetic field of that being or material, causing the creation of DNA, cells, tissue, organs, systems, organisms, societies and on a larger scale, planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes. All of this from the one and only quantum field of consciousness .
This intelligent field decides why a electron should remain in a particular orbit. Electrons can change position instantly without taking time. They suddenly appear in another orbit of higher or lower energy or distance from the nucleus.
Stupid Newton pushed consciousness into the realm of religion and mysticism. Scientists who wanted to factor consciousness in were chucked out of the scientific community and the peer reviewed magazines controlled by free masons made them pariahs.
With the advent of quantum science we now know what great injustice was done. The classical physics of Newton takes a material perspective in which the Universe is composed of discrete building blocks, solid and unchangeable.
Quantum physics takes a spiritual perspective in which there are no separate parts, in which everything is fluid and always changing. In the quantum world there are no causes. Matter is NOT a inert substance. It is conscious and active. Experts in organic and inorganic chemistry know what I mean..
Monkeys have only one crease in their palm, hence the term Simian line. Very few people have such a line on both hands.
If you have such a line only on one hand, you don't fall in the Simian line category.
If you have such a line only on one hand, you don't fall in the Simian line category.
Approximately 4% of Caucasians and 13% of all Asians have it on at least one hand. If the Simian Line is found on the right hand only, physical desires can get out of control. 60% of people who have simian lines on both hands have Down's syndrome.
We have a separate heart and head line on our palms. When they merge together and run as a single line , it is called a simian line.
When a person has it on both the palms and is NOT a Down Syndrome victim-- he must understand that he has a special condition where his emotional mental and emotional energies work together.
When a person has it on both the palms and is NOT a Down Syndrome victim-- he must understand that he has a special condition where his emotional mental and emotional energies work together.
Simian type is not necessarily a negative trait. But usually such people tend to be a law unto themselves.They find it hard to distinguish right from wrong.
It is usually difficult for a person with a Simian line to balance their emotions with logic.
This person is driven by instinct and belief, and may be capable of extreme reactions. Many serial killers and sociopaths have simian lines on both hands.They have great tenacity of purpose and love hard work
If the simian line is set low on the hand, is indicates strong emotional compulsions that overrides common sense . If it is set higher on the hand, the person is more able to reason with himself and can therefore behave with greater objectivity.
People with Simian Lines are filled with restless energy. There are no half measures with them and they give everything a full blooded shot with full gusto and drive.. It is a bit difficult to manipulate him as his beliefs are strong and hence he will stick to his guns.
They can be unpredictable. They find it hard to form deep relationships with others. They do not care for social niceties and popularity medals. They are loyal and expect loyalty in return. These people are survivors in the original sense.
They are intense people and totally dedicated to their purpose. Their ability to focus on a creative project is awesome. They are usually extremists with extreme tempers and always have an under current of uneasiness within them.
When it comes to passion, feelings can get out of perspective because emotional reactions can swamp and overwhelm reasoning. Such people must marry docile and understanding women. People with this line can find some aspects of relating to others problematic.
They will not easily adhere to the usual norms of society. In extreme cases, they will be completely ruled by passions and instincts and the law of the jungle will apply, hence the name given to the line. They tend to think in absolutes and to be very focused on what interests them to the exclusion of other important factors.
Simian line people find it difficult to lead a balanced life. They focus entirely on either their work or their relationship, or on something else in a lop sided manner. They hold on to old resentments and then explode in a tantrum or floods of tears.
Such people can be very obstinate. The single-mindedness such people possess can diverted to sporting activities, and in a creative field that requires little input from others. They tend to be emotionally and psychologically closed people, socially awkward, with one-track minds .
Religious fanatics and criminals also have disproportionately high numbers of simian lines, as per statistics. Their intense focus can blind them to the feelings of others.
British PM had simian lines on both his palms,no wonder Britain spend 1800 English pounds of tax payer money for his cosmetics from 1999 to 2005. Even vain women do NOT spend so much.
They often become activists and champions of lost causes. They will carry out their agenda heedless of the resistance met . When they make a change, they do it immediately and the change is usually huge, callous to human suffering. .
They have only right or wrong and nothing in between. Black and white thinking with no space for grey is dangerous for a political leader.
People with this line fight twice as hard. If these tunnel visioned perfectionists are brain washed and manipulated to positions of power by rich vested moneybag Big Brother-- only God can save this planet!
I have simian line on both of my hands... sometimes I don't get why people describe us as so evil :V
ReplyDeleteLike... When I read this I'm like: Bruh... I'm not even able to hurt someone... how could I do that?
I just want to talk to someone like me