- The American Council of Vedic Astrology Educational organization dedicated to promoting the art and science of Vedic Astrology - Jyotish - founded in November 1993. Information and upcoming events.
- American Institute of Vedic Studies Paid correspondence courses in Vedic astrology with Dr. David Frawley.
- Amrita - The Nectar of Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology software for Windows (there's a demo-version) and paid consultations.
- Astro Predictions Astrology, numerology and horoscope readings from India.
- Astro Remedies Offers services based upon Vedic astrology; including consultations, horoscope readings, monthly predictions, remedies for astrological problems, gems, birth stones, and Yantra.
- Astro-Kundali Combined Hindu Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrology software (for Windows 95/98). Personal astrological charts, consultation and advice.
- Astrologers on Net Indian Astrology - Site with astrologers on net.
- Astrologic Indian astrology - includes astrology basics.
- Astrological Gems by Jay Boyle Co. High quality natural Jyotish gemstones to vedic astrologers and their clients.
- Astrological Reports Sample astrological chart.
- Astrological Society of India Offers paid services in Indian horoscopes, numerology, marriage compatibility, annual forecast and choosing gems.
- Astrology and Horoscope Portal - Vedic Astrology Vedic horoscopes and astrological resources.
- The Astrology of India - Dirah Academy Paid courses on Vedic Astrology; lessons on Ayurveda and astrology, and Yoga and astrology; paid booklet with Nakshatras; astrological software `Haydn's Jyotish`, bookstore, links.
- Astrology Services by Dr. Sudhanshu Online Vedic KP system astrology from India - includes horoscopes and software.
- AstrologyMantra Vedic Astrology for health, wealth, happiness through horoscopes.
- Astropoint Vedic astrology consultants from India - includes consultation, horoscope analysis services, computerized horoscopes, charts and compatibility.
- AstroPalmistry Uses Vedic Astrology and Hindu Palmistry for events in life with actual dates of occurrence.
- AstroVedaVision Provides personal consultations, Vedic horoscopes and astrological reports.
- Ayurveda Vedic healing and the astrology of India. Discussion of dosha types.
- Bhaarat J. Maniar - Vaastu Astrology Vaastu astrology based solutions to problems for business and commercial complexes.
- Bhartiya Astrology Astrology of Bharat (of India) - to solve a problem with help of Jyotish.
- British Association for Vedic Astrology Provides a European forum for Vedic astrology including monthly meetings and international conferences.
- Crystal Pages Jyotish information and research, vedic astrology, readings, training, research, horoscopes and mentorship.
- Dhilips Institute of Professional Astrology Offers horoscope, daily luck profile, daily predictions, numerology, astrology tips, and vedic astrology.
- Dirah Academy International Information about the astrology of India, the Hindu Lunar Zodiac, yogas and astrology, ayurveda and astrology.
- Eastern Astrology by Kriyananda A discussion of the differences between Eastern astrology and Western astrology.
- Elite Astro Offers Ast-Koot Gun Milan for marriage - marriage compatibility based on moon sign and moon nakshatra.
- God Promise Vedic astrology and rudraksha - provides horoscope services, predictions and gem stone information.
- GoYogi Directory - Vedic Astrology A directory on Vedic Astrology sites.
- Harish P. Goswami - Jyotish Guru Offers Kundli 2000, a Jyotish software package [Windows], as well as a charting service.
- Hindu Astrology - All Indian Astrological Services Introducton in Hindu Astrology (Jyotish). Services of world-renowned astrologers. Paid personalized predictions and free predictions, based on Janma-Rashi (Moon sign).
- Hindu Astrology - Mr. Amann Gulati Paid online individual readings, horoscope, interpretations and answers to questions based on time of birth.
- Indian Astrological Consultation Astrological center from Jaipur India, providing astrological services.
- The Indian Astrology Offers annual and multi-annual horoscopes, as well as horoscopes for children and gem selection.
- Indian Astrology 2000 Astrological consultation, forecast, horoscope matching, astrology compatibility.
- Influence of Vedic Astrology No one can challenge the planets. Learn to move with them for peace and prosperity. About Arnav medhi, Lunar charts, Sade-sathi, Saturn cycle, Manglik dosha (ill effect of mars), salvation.
- Institute of Vedic Astrology Vedic Astrology Magazine, books and software, links.
- Jai Maharaj Some information on Vedic Astrology.
- Jyotish - The Science of Light Vedic Astrology information and consultation service.
- Jyotish Home Astrological services by Jyotishacharya Yogesh Narain Singh, an astrologer from India.
- Jyotish Readings Vedic Astrology readings - Excellent free reading, detailed paid reading.
- Jyotisha - Vedic Astrology What is Jyotisha. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Navagraha Stothram.
- Keven's Astrology Page This site is owned by one of Australia's leading Vedic Astrologers, Keven Barrett, and includes a newsletter on-line.
- Lessons in Indian Astrology Overview of Indian astrology as taught by Shri Lacchaman.
- Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya Programmes Maharishi Vedic Astrology - Maharishi Jyotish - A science and technology to know past, present, and future.
- Paid Consultation on Vedic Astrology Offers charting services in Vedic Astrology (includes comprehensive reading, forecasts and match-making).
- Panchangam An Indian calendar - includes phases of the Moon, the positions of stars and planets, and identifies auspicious times and days for various activities.
- Pardeshi.com India's source for bollywood, Indian lifestyle, culture, fashion, astrology and much more
- Predictive Sciences Paid predictions.
- Sai Sree Vedic Astrology Center Prepares and analyzes horoscopes using Vedic methods.
- Sanjay Rath homepage Great Jyotish guru Sanjay Rath homepage - Predictions, articles, books, links, etc.
- Sheela Gandhi - Astrologer, Palmist and Numerologist Sheela Gandhi is a Vedic Astrologer. Her paid readings are uncanny and accuracy is amazing. She is a Psychic, Tarot Palmist and a Numerologist. She can help you overcome problems.
- Shri Jagannath Vedic Center The center for Vedic astrology and spirituality, provides Joytish news and discussion forum, articles and etc. Joytish gurus are very experienced and wise.
- Express Star Teller This monthly Vedic astrology magazine offers personalized Vedic astrology readings, including remedies for personal, marital, health and other problems, yearly horoscopes and articles on Vedic astrology.
- The Times of Astrology Indian bilingual monthly magazine on Jyotir-Veda and Astrology. The publisher is Nishkaampeeth Prakashan.
- Vedic Astrologer from India Offering consultancy for jyotish astrology, vedic vastu, vedic astrology, predictions, horoscopes, kundli.
- Vedic Astrologer Robert Koch Vedic astrology is based on an ancient hindu system and differs in many ways from Western astrology.
- Vedic Astrologer Shyamasundara Dasa Offers consultations in vedic astrology, educational articles and training in vedic astrology.
- Vedic Astrology - Prof. Mrs. Archana Agewan An example Vedic chart interpreted by Professor Archana Agewan.
- Vedic Astrology 2000 Information about the application of classic Vedic Astrology.
- Vedic Astrology by Chakrapani Ullal About Vedic Astrology and the world renowned teacher and advisor. Paid services available and travel schedule.
- Vedic Astrology Consultations Offers various readings of personal Vedic Astrology (Jyotish).
- Vedic Astrology from New Dynamic Inc. Vedic astrology, Vastu, Gemstone, Financial advice based on Muhurta configuration, Compatibility evaluation - Road to solution and reaching your goal.
- Vedic Astrology Forum Discussion group on Jyotish - Vedic Astrology - of Sri Jagannath Vedic Center.
- Vedic Astrology Horoscopes from India Paid Vedic Astrology horoscopes by Jyotish astrologers living in India.
- Vedic Calendar A calendar concerning Vedic Astrology of important Vedic celebrations, festivals, anniversaries, etc.
- Vedic Predictive Astrology by Doug Riemer from Sedona, Arizona Offers readings, astrocartography, and Vedic Astrology services by Doug Riemer, Certified Vedic Astrologer, from Sedona Arizona. Readings with Vedic remedies and astrocartography, lectures and classes are among the services available.
- Vedic Shaktis Astrology Information on Vedic Astrology with examples.
- VedicStore.com Jyotish - Vedic astrological profiles and projections.
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