Sreenivas, we are still in the Jaws of the Scorpio Solar eclipse this week, working towards the balance that will hopefully come on the Lunar eclipse in Taurus on December 10, 2011. Rahu has been munching on our deepest emotional fears and vulnerabilities since May 2011, and now HE IS KING for another week.
The Lunar eclipse will arrive in hopes of restoring stability (Taurus) to the emotional challenges and courage (Scorpio) we are developing now.
But our relationships may be really taking a beating, so now is a good time to have a look into your relationship nature and trigger points.
Eclipses show the moments when body (Earth), mind (Moon) and spirit (Sun) all line up in 3Dimensional space. In these moments, amazing potential and insights become available to us. But the mind must be quiet, (headless) otherwise we may just spin out into fantasy and stress.
In the myth of the eclipse, the demon has his head chopped off after drinking the immortal nectar and feeling the real power. So we sense the possibility of drinking from the waters of truth and power now, but it may just be a worldly power fantasy, not a truthful one.
We must lose our head to purity and truth, not to a lustful, worldly possibility. If we can manage to stay pure in thought and practice this week, amazing insights will be possible on the Lunar eclipse day and beyond.
The real answer to all of our problems
Love of Guru is the answer
Unlike other paths of growth, where discipline marks our progress through incremental steps, Smaranam (remembrance) is the quickest and most complete form of worship and connection to truth - because it is connected to love.
There are no incremental steps with love - no discipline or work required. Love connects you immediately with the beloved, in totality. This is why the love of a Guru is the supreme path in spiritual growth, because at any moment you can connect fully to the truth - just through remembrance of the divine form.
When there is love, there is remembrance. So, make sure the things you love and are constantly remembering are worthy of your divine nature, because they are also your teacher and your truth in any moment.
Sreenivas Desabhatla
CMD Sree Astro Point of India
Centre for Research in Vedic Astrology
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