In the Chart of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna Kanya Lagna rises. Mercury- Venus are in Virgo and hence Bhadra yoga in ascendant that conferred on him philosophical and spiritual intelligence; generous and virtuous nature as well as highest post in government. He was blessed with high IQ, EQ and SQ , name, fame and prosperity.
The natives with Saraswati yoga are highly intelligent. They get several opportunities to lift themselves to peak. They are scholars in their subjects and strong in narration. This yoga is formed when the Mercury, Jupiter and Venus occupy either in a cardinal house or angle or in 2nd house. The Jupiter must not be in any inimical sign.
The Birth Chart of Pt. Motilal Nehru father of Jawaharlal Nehru , illustrates the Saraswati yoga as it shows the occupancy of Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in cardinal houses and Budh-Aditya yoga in 10th house. Jupiter being in Cancer ascendant in exalted state is very powerful. He was a very intelligent advocate and due to his good analysis, narrative and understanding power he earned a lot of name, fame and prosperity.
In Parvat yoga observe where the ascendant lord is posited, the lord of that sign be posited in either own or exaltation sign identical with kendra or trikona. Such natives are full of courage, endurance, enthusiasm and intelligence.
Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable-fiery and mutable-watery signs respectively affecting our cerebrospinal region and hence influence super conscious mind. Both these signs and their lord Jupiter make the God-spot very active and sensitive so that the brain becomes very swift to grasp the matter of religion and philosophy. Therefore, these signs and their lord Jupiter govern introspectional, emotional, philosophical and spiritual intelligence. It is observed that world’s great philosophers and spiritual scholars were born with strong Jupiter posited in sign either own or exaltation. In the Horoscope of Sreenivas Desabhatla Saggitarius rises with its Lord Jupiter is placed in the Fifth house of intelligence with exalted Sun. Mercury attained Neechabhanga Rajayoga in the Chart. His dispositor is in the fifth. When Jupiter influences Mercury, the native gets astrological intelligence.
Sagittarius born personalities of high repute are Swami Vivekananda, President Dr. Abdul Kalam, Prime-Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, Dr. Amartya Sen and founder of Reliance group Dhiru Bhai Ambani. All are very intelligent in their respective fields and earned good name, fame and prosperity.
When Jupiter influences Mercury, the native gets astrological intelligence. Similarly, if Jupiter and Saturn both influence Sun, Moon and Mercury, the native gets mythological and religious intelligence.
Rabindra Nath Tagore was born in Pisces ascendant. His chart shows Budha-Aditya, Parvat, Parijat, Saraswati and some other yogas. The ascendant lord Jupiter is in Cancer (sign of exaltation) strengthening the ascendant by its aspect. The chart is further strengthened by exalted Sun conjoined with Mercury and Venus, that rendered him a man of great artistic, poetic, political, philosophical and writing intelligence in addition to generous, ingenious, virtuous and versatile nature. He achieved the peak of reputation spread all over the world as he was awarded with Noble Prize on November 13, 1913 for his book Geetanjali.
Moon is an emotional, impulsive and imaginative planet. It represents compassionate and sympathetic wave of the brain, ie, psychology of the native. It endures some erudite combinations such as Mahabhagya and Kesari yogas. Mahabhagya yoga of a male native is formed when Ascendant, Sun and Moon are posited in odd signs while in case of females it is formed when Ascendant, Sun and Moon are posited in even signs. The Kesari yoga is formed when Moon is in cardinal position to the Jupiter. These yogas are benedictive to the native for high intelligence and high position. Such natives get name, fame, popularity and prosperity in their life. The above combinations are present in the writer of this Article.
Sreenivas Desabhatla
Astro Guru
Sree Astro Point of India
Center for Research in Vedic Astrology
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